Cricket 1905

A p r il 20, 1905. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 79 B E N E T F I N K 8 c c? The Great Athletic Outfiters for Colleges, Schools, Clubs, &c. COMPLETE OUTFITS and EVERY REQUISITE for CRICKET, RUNNING, TENNIS, CYCLING, and all SPORTS and GAMES. hKCtefcttl n C R ICKE T S TUM P S . Polished Ash, 26-in. .. Ditto, 28-in. ^ Brass Ferrules, 26-in. ... Ditto, 28-in. ... Boys. • 1/8. . 1/11T . 2/4 . 2/6 Men’s. Polished Ash ... ............ 2 6 Brass Ferrules (as Illustration) 3/- Ditto, Steel Shod.................... i - Solid Brass Tops.................... 8/3 Ditto, Steel Shod.................... 6/6 Ditto, Revolving Tops ... 77- Ditto, Steel Shod ........... 8/- Postage , 7d. W I C K E T - K E E P I N G G L O V E S . Men’s Chamois, Cane Protected, 2/9, 3/3 Ditto, Leather, Ventilated, 4,6, 8 3 Ditto, Leather, Rubber Faced... 8/10 Ditto, Gold Cape . ... 6/11 B o ys ’ , 3d. per pair less The “ Wisden, 10/6. Impd. “ McGregor,” 13/6. Postage Free. C R IC K E T B O O T S . The “ U nivebsal ,” White Canvas, Leather, or Red Rubber Sole ................................... The “ S pecial ,” White Mock Buck, Spiked, equal in wear and appearance to real Buck [as Illustration) .............................................. The “ MARYLEBONK,” Buck Dressed, Pyramid Spikes, real Buck Toe Cap, round or square toes .............................................. The “ L ords ,” Real Buck Skin, Guaranteed Machine Welted, equal to Hand Sewn, Pyramid Spikes........................ Postage under 10/-, 8d. pair. Men’s. 4/11 8/11 10/6 16/6 T R O U S E R S . White Flannel Shrunk (Boys’) 4/6, 8/6, 7/6 Ditto (Men’s), 4/11, 811, 7/11 Boys’ White Flannel Knickers ... 3/3, 4/3 Men’s. Best Quality Flannel, well shrunk ... 9/11 Best White Doe Cloth, guaranteed London shrunk .......... 18/6 Plain Grey or Striped Flannel ... 7/6, 10/6 White Drill 8/11, 7/6 Postage , 4d. under 10s. To Club Secretaries—W rite for PATTERN CARD OF CLUB COLOURS Free on Application. A d d r e s s - - - Dept. “M,” 107 « 108, CR ICKE T NETS . BACK NETS ONLY. With Poles, Lines, and Pegs. 18ft. by 6ft. 18ft. by 7ft. 18ft. by 8 ft. 7/11 nett 9/- nett. 9/10 nett WITH SIDE WINGS. With Poles, Lines and Pegs (as Illustration). 42ft. by 6 ft. 42 ft. by 7 ft. 42ft. by 8 ft. 17/9 nett. 19/10 nett. 21/9 nett. STEAM TARRED. 19/6 ... 21/6 23/6 Full size L.C.C. Regulation Net, 15ft. back, 15ft. wings, 15ft. roof, 8ft. high, steam tarred, ... 37/- 14ft. by 14ft. by 7ft. high ... ........................ 31/- Ditto C R ICK E T B A L L S . Duke’s S u peb ............. 8/3 Dark’s C bo w n ............. 8/- G bassh oppeb .................. 4/10 Benetfink’s Practice, 3- seam ........................3/6 Ditto, B.C.B., warranted 4/6 Ditto, Ditto, Boy’s ... 31 Wisden’s Special School Boys’ 3/10 Crown Match Ball ........................ 8/- 87/- per doz. Postagefree. CR ICKE T B A G S . Fancy C a rp et.........................................................3/9 Plain ditto, super ...................................7/10, 8/10 Ditto, ditto (as Illustration) ........................ 8/6, 10/- Ditto, ditto, with Leather Ends ditto .............12 9 All Leather .............................................. 26/6, 28/- Ditto, ditto, p riv a te ................................... 23/-, 26/- Under 10/-, Postage 7d. CR ICKET White Flannelette Ditto Flannel ... Ditto Twill Flannel White Oxford Matt Umpires Coats SH IR T S . Boys’. Men’s. 26 3/3. 4/6 611 ... 3/-. 4/- 811 ... 1/11,2/6,3/6,4/6 .. 4/11, 6/6, 8/6,10/6 Postage , 4d. CR ICKE T BAT S . Boys’ Half Cane, No. 4, 3/3; No. 5, 3/8; No. 6, 4/6 Ditto. All Cane {as Illustration ) No. 5, 8/3 ; No. 6, 6'- Ditto, “ Resilient,” Selected, No. 6, 8/3 Men’s All Cane ........................ 8/- Ditto ditto Super........................ 8/8 Ditto ditto Selected ............. 9,6 Clapahaw’s “ Resilient” ............. 18 6 Warsop’s ‘ C onquebob ,’ Improved 18,6 Wisden’s “ Crawford’s E x c e l l e b ” ... 16/9, 20/- Odd’s ‘ ‘ Flexible ” ........................ 20/- Gradidge’s Selected “ I m perial 5 D b iv e b ” ................20/- flardiner’8 “ B est ” .............................. 20/- Dark’s Cork Handled .............20/- Cobbett’s “ J u bilee ” .................. 16 3 Ayres’ “ I n te r n a tio n a l ” 13 9,16 6,21/- Single Bat sent Post Free. B A T T ING G L O V E S Men’s. White Leather, Grey Tubular Rubber or Corrugated .. ... 4/- Hair-padded Fingers, p a ir ............. 3/6,8/- Wiaden’s “ Prince,” Black Rubber Fin­ gers .. ............. “ The Oval,” Grey Rubber (as illust’n) Ditto, Red Rubber .. “ Surrey Shield,” Red Rubber............. Postage free. C R IC K E T C A P S No. 7. Flannel Illustration). Three Colour Stripes, Silk lined, 6 different designs in stock, 1/6 each, 16/6 per doz. Two Colour Stripes, ? in., any 2 colours, from 1/- each, or,10/6 per doz. Plain Colour Caps, with Three Letter Silk Monogram, 1/9 each or 18/- per doz. Postage , Id. Blazers to match No. 9/11 each. LEG G U A R D S . Boys’ White T w ill.............. Ditto Leather Ditto Super White Leather Men’s White T w ill............. Ditto Leather Ditto Super White Leather Ditto White Leather Skele­ ton ................................... Ditto ditto Featherweight Skeleton ........................ Men’s White Kid Feather­ weight Skeleton ............. All postage free. CATAL0GU1S Post Free P le a s e m e n tio n “ CRICKET.” CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C.