Cricket 1904

64 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A p r il 14, 1904. L. J. NICOLLS, Patentee and Manufacturer of The Patent Automatic Cricket Bat And Sports’ Outfitter. tl fe t" A PERFECT BAT MADE OF THE Choicest Willow . Used by Dr. W . G. Grace when making his 100th cen­ tury. “ W . G .” calls it his Record Bat and made over 2,000 runs with the one single Bat. Orders from K. S. Ranjit­ sinhji for the Patent Bat, and other First-class Cricketers at home and abroad. Price Lists on Application. F actory : Robertsbridge, SUSSEX. !! JU ST PUBL ISH ED . The most popular Cricket Annual published. CRICKET HANDBOOK FOR SEASON 1904. A n in v a lu a b le w ork o f referen ce to a ll w h o take an in te re st in C ricket. CONT »IN8 : — Lists of Records and Fixtures. Complete Record of W arner’s Tour. Facts, Figures, and Fun. Amusing Illustrations. 96 Pages—Handy Pocket Size So’d by all Newsagents. P R IC E ON E P E N N Y . Tubliihers: — J o h n Lknq & Co , Ltd., 186, Fleet S trfet, 1 ondoD. Cricket TEA& kLawn Tenni* TEAK SEAT®* and portable folding MIL! CHAIRS 8uy CASTLB’S Te»*\ gtfiftfi, which require ne*t.feeir PAINT d o ? YARHIBIL -v At wpplUd tc tbs SURREY COUNT* d® , , * \ Kenningfcon Qv&l^ AND a n d i CTRB'Si. Tennis Ground., Parks, Gardens, Parades, IHD ALL OP-N SP 6ES, For CRICKET Vo ADDRESS— H. CASTLE & SCHS, L<L, B A L T IC W H A R F S M I L L B A K K s .w MERRYWEATHERS MADE ON THE LINES OF THE HOSE USED W IT H THE IR C E LEB R A T ED FIRE BRIGADE ENGINES. A C ustomer w rites : “ Hose bought ten years ago still in use.” Samples and Price Lists sent on application. 5 5 L O N G A C RE. .LONDON . LARGEST MAKERS OF HIGH CLASS HOSE IN THE WORLD . Write for Gardeners * Catalogue, containing 1,0C0 Illustrations, Post Free, The “ AMERICAN CRICKETER.” P.O. BOX 3 1 6 , P H I L A D E L P H I A , P A ., U .S .A . W illia m N. M o rice , Editor. PUBLISHED ON THE 15th OF EACH MONTH. PR ICE , S 3 -0 0 P E R ANNUM S in g le C opies 2 5 Cents. H. GRADIDGE & SONS, Woolwich. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL ARTICLES FOR CRICKET, RACQUET, LAWN TENNIS, FOOTBALL, AND OTHER BRITISH SPORTS. PATENTEES AND SOLE MAKERS OF THE CELEBRATED i f “ IMPERIAL DRIVER’’ BATS. co seo — ' ■* Patent No. 27,536. USED BY ALL THE LEADING BATSMEN OF THE DAY. To be obtained of all First-Class Outfitters or the Makers. Only Address: FACTORY, ARTILLERY PLACE, WOOLWICH, S.E. A p p oin ted b y R o y a l W a rra n t M a n u fa ctu re rs o f H o rticu ltu ra l M a ch in ery to H is M ajesty, S in g E dw ard V II. RANSOMES’ LAWN MOWERS THE B E ST I N THE W ORLD . Possess Improvements embodied in no other Machines. H O R S E A N D P O N Y . T H E B E S T L A R G E M A C H IN E S . Made in Six Sizes, 26 to 48 inches wide. HAND-POWER MACHINES IN ALL SIZES TO SUIT EVERY REQUIREMENT. M O T O R L AW N M O W E R S IN V A R IO U S 8 IZ E S . RANSOMES, SIMS & JEFFERIES, Ltd., IPSWICH CNLARCEQ VIEW OF PATENT SPRING Printed and Published for the Proprietor by M ebbitt & H atcheb , L td ., 167, 168, and 169, Upper Thames Street, London, B.C., April 14th, 1904. PRIG LISTS