Cricket 1904

CRICKET A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J an . 28, 1904. JOHNWISDEN8CO. CRICKET BALL MAKERS, Supply all the Principal Counties and Clubs through­ out the ■world with their well-known JO H N W IS D E N ’S “ Special Crown” MatchBalls. M a rv e llou s T estim on y . The Inns of Court Hotel, 25th August, 1902, Messrs. J ohn W isdbn & Co. Dear Sirs,—I have much pleasure in stating that your “ Special Crown ” Cricket Balls were used in the fire Test Matches played between A ll England and Australia this season. At the Oval the play was delayed on the first day until some of your “ Special Crown ” Balls were procured, as both teams preferred them to any others in the market. Your “ Special Crown’" Balls gave every satisfaction in all the Test Matches, and all our team always want them in all other matches in England and Australia. Yours faithfully, J. D arlino . London County Cricket Club, Crystal Palace, Oct. 27th, 1900. Dear Sirs,—Your Cricket Balls (“ Special Crown ”) AGAIN GAVE GREAT SATIS- FACTION. Please send me half-a-gross for next season at your earliest convenience. I am, yours truly, To J ohn W isdbn & Co. W . G . G bace . ALBERT TROTT, the great Australian-Middlesex Bowler, says:— Lord’s Cricket Ground, St. John’s Wood, To J ohn W isdek & Co. Oct. 1st, 1901. Dear Sirs,—I have no hesitation in saying your “ Special Crown ” Balls are quite the best I have ever bowled with, they are less hard than moBt makes, yet keep their shape splendidly. You may like to know it was one of your ‘ ‘ Special Crowns 1 hit over Lord’s pavilion in 1889. In Australia, too, all players insist on using your Balls. I remain, yours truly—A. E. TROTT Tavistock Hotel, W.C., Aug. 8th, 1901. Dear Sirs,—We have much pleasure in stating that bowling with Wisden’s “ S pecial preferred wnuu mw n wucu ■■o i C ro w n ” Balls than any other make. We found ^ iiio&cr n c iu d u the Ball kept its shape perfectly, HAD JUST BE RIGHT degree o f hardness, and was as pleasurable to bowl with at the end of a long innings at the beginning.—Yours very sincerely, JAMES KOTZE,) South African Cricket GEORGE ROWE, j Team, 1901. Prom Dealers all over the world, and 21, Cr&nbourn S t., London, W .C. City Agents: BENETFINK & CO., CHEAPBIDE. GRASS SEEDS. For Cricket Grounds. THE ONLY SEEDS Used at LORD’S and the 0YAL. Price 1 /6 per lb., 3 0 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Tennis Courts. Used at the ALL ENGLAND GROUND, Trice 1 16 per lb., 3 0 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Football Grounds. Used at ASTON PARK, &c., &c. Price 1 /6 per lb., 3 0 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Golf Links AND Putting Greens, USED ON A ll the LEAD ING GROUNDS . For GreenB, 1/6 lb., 3 0 / - Bushel C A R R I A G E F R E E . E s t i m a t e s g i v e n T or Q u a n t i t i e s . CARTER’S Special Grass Manure 8own at the rate of 28 lbs. to an oidinary Green, mixed with about three times its bulk in sifted loam or sand, according to the nature of the soil, will prove a valuable stimulator to Grass, and assist the Grass to recover after the winter wear. Price, 7/6 per 28 lbs.; 12/6 per 56 lbs.; 21/- per cwt. (carriage paid). CARTER’S Worm Killer. Cheap and effective, kills them by the thousands. Testimonials and particulars free on application. Illustrated Pamphlet post free. ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET Gratis and Post Free. C A R T E R S , Seedsmen to His Majesty the King. 237, 238, &97, HIGHHOLBORN, “ /CRICKET.” —Wanted Volumes of 1882, 3, 4. U Must be complete and in good condition. Send lowest possible prioes to X.Y.Z., c / j Cricket , 168, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C. JOHN WISDEN ’S CRICKETERS’ ALIVjAfJACK . . For 1904 . , NOW READY. CONTAINING Photos of Five Cricketers of the year (A. £. Knight, John Gunn, P. F. Warner, W. Mead, and C. Blythe), with all First-Class Scores and Bowling, etc. Post Free, 1/3 Bound in Cloth, 2/- BACK NUMBERS STILL ON SALE. 1903, 2 0 /- each. 1879, 1880, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8 ; 1893, 4, 5, 6 , 8 , 9, 1900, 1, 2, 2 /- each. 1890, 1891,42/- each. 1897, 1 0 /- each. 1889 and 1892, 2 4 /- each. 21 , CRANBOURN ST., LONDON, W.C LONDON . NATIVE GUANO. T> E8T and CHEAPEST MANURE for LAWNS, u CRICKET and TENNIS GROUNDS and all Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers. Price, £ 3 1 0 s. per ton in bags; 2 ton lots carriage paid. Lots under 10 cwt., 4 /- per cwt. at works. A 1 cwt. bag sent carriage paid to any station in England on receipt of P.O. for 5/-. Extracts from recent reports : C. K idman (Cheltenham)—“ A great success on cricket and tennis lawns. E. B radshaw (Bolsover)— “ I can recommend it highly for cricket grounds and general garden crops.” S. J. R ichards (gardener to Lord Mount Edgcumbe) —“ Splendid manure for lawns.” L. B bightwell (Wellingboro’) —“ Used for lawn (bowling preen) with excellent result.” R. W hitworth (Winchfield) — ‘’ Lawn excellent; gave the grass a better and sturdy appearance. Quite renovated it.” A. S cott (gardener to Lady Decies)—“ Excellent for tennis lawn, onions, peas, tomatoes, vines and chrysanthemums.” Orders to the Native Guano Co., Ltd., 29, New Bridge Street, London, E.C., where Pamphlets of Testimonials, &c. may be obtained. Agents wanted. "PJTTISSON” LAWN BOOTS. STRONGEST I COLES patent S IM P L E S T I MOST ECONOM ICAL. Used at LORD’ S, The Oval, Crystal Palace and in Royal Gardens and Principal Clubs at Home and Abroad. Soles of best English Sole Leather (Waterproofed and Motor Tyre Rubber. The “ F ield ” says: “ As good as anything that could be devieed.” Dr. W . G. G race writes: “ They are the best I have ever seen.” Mr. T. H earne writes: “ The very thing wanted for years.” Mr. A pted (The Oval) writes: “ The best I have ever used.” Mr. G oodwin (Liverpool O.C.) writes: “ To ute them is to know their value.” Mr. J . M. T roup (Head Gardener to H.M. the King, Balmoral Castle) writes : “ The set I had from you two years ago are as good as ever.” H undreds of T estimonials . H PATTIQQDM lj Farm Av«nue, I i H I I I O O U 1 _________ Streatham, S W. THE YOUNG CRICKETER’S TDTOR tty JOHN NYREN. Containing 180 pages, and Frontispiece representing L ord’s Cricket Ground in 1833. A few copies may still be had. P rice, I s .; P o st F ree , I s . ad. “ Cricket” Offices: 168, UPPER THAMES ST., B.C.