Cricket 1903

J uly 9, 1903. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 263 YORKSHIRE v. LEICESTERSHIRE. Played at Dewsbury on July 2 and 3, Yorkshire won by an innings and 280 runs. Although Yorkshire have been defeated four times thiB season, and have lost some of the confidence which they have had for several years, no one thought for a moment that they would have any difficulty in beating Leicestershire, and before stumps were drawn on the flrst day they had made their position pretty sure. Leicestershire cannot seem to do any­ thing right this season. They have some fine bats­ men in the team and some fairly good bowling, but several of the men who were expected to do well this year have quite failed to play up to their reputation, notably Y. F. S. and R. T. Crawford. The batting of the team on the first day of the Yorkshire match was very disappointing, and C. J. B. Wood, who played excellent cricket for nearly three hours, could find no one to stay with him capable of making runs quickly. Hiret and Haigh were both in great form with the ball. For Yorkshire Denton, Wilkinson and Hirst all played fine cricket, and when stumps were drawn the Leicestershire total had been exceeded by 15 runs for the loss of three wickets. Denton was not out 89 and Hirst not out 21. On Friday both men made considerably over a hundred. Their partnership produced 152 runs for the fourth wicket in an hour and a-half. After they were separated Rhodes, Smith, Wainwright and Ringrose all helped to swell tbe total, and in the end Yorkshire had a lead of 398. In the Leicestershire second innings three men only, Whitehead, Knight and V. F. S. Crawford, made over twenty runs, and although the regular Yorkshire bowlers were ineffec­ tive, Ringrose had a splendid analysis. L e ic e st e r sh ir e . First innings. C. J. B. Wood, c Hunter, b Haigh...................................61 Whitehead, b Hirst .............19 Knight, b Hirst .................. 2 King, b Hirst......................... 5 R. T. Crawford, b Rhodes.. 10 V. F. S. Crawford, lbw, b H aigh..................................17 A. £ . Davis, b H irst........... 4 Coe, b Haigh...........................19 Brown, not/out ....................12 W. W. Odell, b Haigh ... 8 Marlow, b Haigh.................. 0 Lb 2, nb 5 .................. 7 Total ........................164 Y o r k sh ir e . Sicond innings. b Haigh .......... 2 c Hunter, b Rhodes ..........39 o Tunnicliffe, b Ringrose..........27 b Ringrose.......... 4 c Hunter, b Ring­ rose ................. 2 c Wainwright, b Ringrose.........25 c and b Ringrose 7 absent, i l l .......... 0 b Rhodes .......... 1 c Denton, b Ring­ rose ................. 3 not out.................. 5 B 1, nb 2 .......... 3 Total ..........118 Brown, c and b R. T. Crawford.....................16 Tunnicliffe, c and b OdellJ.......................... 2 Denton, b Odell........ 133 Wilkinson, b White­ head ........................... 46 Hirst, run out ...........163 Smith, c R. Crawford, b Whitehead .............34 Rhodes, not out............ 79 Haigh, c and b King. 18 Wainwiight, c R., b V. Crawford..........42 Hunter, c and b Odell 7 Ringrose, st Davis, b Whitehead ..........23 B 7, lb 1, w 1.......... 9 Total.. .. 562 L e ic e s t e r s h ir e . H irst.......... Ringroae ... Rhodes Haigh......... O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W. 30 9 66 4 ... ... 6 1 n 0 15 4 40 0 ... ... 151 4 20 6 10 4 20 1 ... ... 16 5 41 2 . 11 0 31 6 ... ... 16 6 32 1 Ringrose bowled seven no-balls. Y o r k b h ib e . O. M. R. W. E. Crawford 18 6 61 1 Odell........... 40 6 163 3 Marlow ... 15 1 81 0 Coe ........... 10 3 28 0 O. M. R. W. Whitehead 16 5 1 88 3 King . ... 12 2 48 1 V.Crawford 20 1 84 1 Odell bowled one wide. SOMERSETSHIRE v. GLOUCESTER­ SHIRE. Played at Bath on July 2 and 3. Somersetshire won by ten wickets. Gloucestershire can do nothing rightthis season,and has not yet succeeded in winning a match. Against Somerset the team gave another disappointing dis­ play, which in the first innings was only saved from insignificance by the batting of Jessop and Thomas, while in the second Jessop stood out quite alone. His first Innings of 41 was made in thirty-five minutes, and his second of 81 in forty minutes, during which he made all the runs except eight, a truly remarkable performance. As he also bowled very well indeed in the first innings of Somerset, he may be congratulated on his fine work during the match. Somerset had not a very big lead in the first innings, the only men who greatly distinguished themselves being Lewis and F. M. Lee. Ihe former made hia 94in two hours and a quarter; the latter 73 in an hour and ten minutes. G lo u c e ste r sh ir e . First innings. T. H. Fowler, c Newton, b Robson............................... 7 Wrathall, b Robson ..........17 Langdon, c Braund, b Rob­ son........................ .......... 2 Giles, lbw, b Braund.......... 8 G. L. Jessop, c Hardy, b Fraund ........................41 F. E. Thomas, b Robson ... 67 Board,c Braund, b Cranfield 7 Sellick, c Paterson, b Cran­ fleld ............................... 15 Spry, not out........................ 7 Mills, c Braund, b Robson.. 2 Roberts, c Braund, bRobson 2 B 6, lb 2 ................. 7 Total... ..........172 S o m e r se t . Second innings. b Lewis ..........14 c Martyn,b Cran­ fleld .................14 lbw, b Braund .. 0 b iraund .......... 0 cMartyn.bRobson 81 c Cranfleld, b Braund ..........10 cNewton,bBraund 1 cNewton.bBraund 6 c Lee, b Cranfleld 1 not out................. 0 absent, hurt ... 0 Byes .......... 5 Total ...132 L. C. H. Palairet, b Roberts ................. 0 Braund, c Mills, b Jessop .................18 Lewis, c Jessop,b Spry 94 Robson, c Board, b Jessop ................. 4 Hardy, lbw, b Jessop.. 7 A. E. Newton,cGiles.b Spry ........................ 8 H. Martyn,c Wrathall, b Jessop .................10 Second innings:—L. C. H. Palairet, not out, 25; J. Daniell, not out, 11 .—Total (no wicket), 36. J. Daniell, c Jessop, b Roberta .................22 F. M. Lee, not out ... 73 A. W . S. Paterson, b S pry........................11 Cranfleld, c Board, b Jessop .................20 B 1, lb 1, w 1 .. 3 Total ..........270 HAMPSTEAD v. OXFORD UNIVERSITY AU THENTICS—Played at Hampstead on July 1. H a m p s t e a d . L. J. Moon, c Mul- holland, b Dillon ... 65 F. W. Orr, c Fieher, b Dillon.......................25 E. E. Barnett, b Finley 36 E. L. Marsden, c Stevens, b Fisher ... 33 J. F. Marsh, lbw, b Finley .................76 C. C. Bracchi, b Fisher 0 G. A. S. Hickson, c Total... White, b Dillon ... 16 O xfo r d U n iv e r s it y A u t h e n tic s . G. Crosdale, c White, b D illon .................15 T. S. Wheater, c Sam­ son , b Fisher......... 4 H. B. Hebert,cWhite, b D illon ................. 6 S. S. Pawling, not out ........................ 4 B 2, lb 2,nb 1 ... 5 ...284 C. G. M. Bennett, b Wheater.................61 E. W. Dillon, c and b Wheater .................50 C. D. Fisher, c Cros­ dale, b Wheater ... 29 J. E. Stevens, run out 20 Hon. A. E. Mulhol- land, b Hickson ... 73 Cecil Headlam, c and b H ebert................. 0 A. J. Webbe, b Moon 18 W. Bonham-Oarter, b Hickson ................. 5 O. C. White, c Cros* dale, b Pawling ... 2 W. L. Samson, b Paw ling................. 1 8. G. Finley, not out 0 B 8, lb 9 ..........17 Total G lo u c e ste r sh ir e . First innings. A Ik/ D O. M. R. W . ......................... 11 1 34 2 ... Braund .......... 15 3 77 2 ... Robeon ..........14 2 3 54 6 ... Lewis .. Cranfield First innings. S om er set , Second innings. O. M. R. W. ... 164 4 55 2 ... 15 3 43 6 ... 4 1 21 1 ... 3 0 8 1 Second innings. O. M. R. W. Roberts .. ... 15 6 44 2 ... b Eldridge .......... 8 Giles.......... .. 5 1 17 0 ... 4 0 14 0 R. B. Robertson, lbw, Spry.......... ... 24 2 77 3 ... b Lushington.......... 3 Jessop ... 25-5 4 93 5 ... N. B. Dearie, c and b Mills ... ... 11 2 31 0 ... ... 45 1 22 0 Duncan ................. 7 Spry bowled a wide. GENTLEMEN OF SOMERSET v. GENTLEMEN OF PHILADELPHIA. As the match between the Americans and Somer­ set was finished early last week, it was arranged to play another match under the above title. G e n tle m e n o f S om er set . J. Daniell, c LeRoy, b Lester ................. 5 Hon. M. Herbert, c Jordan, b Lester ... 24 P. F. Hardy, b LeRoy 13 L. C. H. Palairet, b LeRoy.......................12 A.E. Newton, b LeRoy 8 H. Martyn, c Graves, b Lester .................19 G e n tle m en of P. H. Clark, b Tyler .. 20 P. N. LeRoy, lbw, b Martyn .................32 J. A. Lester,st Daniell, b Palairet............... 39 J. B. Kicg, c Daniell, b Martyn.................19 R. D. Brown, st Pal­ airet, b Martyn ... 19 T.C. Jordan, c Daniell, b Martyn................. 1 F. M. Lee, c Bohlen, b Lester ................ 4 G. Fowler, b LeRoy .. 1 P. R. Johnson, c Graves, b Lester ... 18 Capt.Paterson,not out 16 Tyler, b Brown..........25 Extras ................. 7 T o ta l.................152 P h il a d e l p h ia . N. Z. Graves,b Fowler 10 C. C. Morris, c Pater­ son, b Martyn ... 24 E. M. Cregar, st Pal­ airet, b Tyler..........21 F. C. Sharplesa, c Hardy, b Martyn ... 16 W . Bromhead, not out 0 Extras ................. 10 . 26S HAMPSTEAD v. OLD REPTONIANS.—Played at Hampstead on July 4. O ld R e p to n ia n s . F.R.D. Monro, c Mac- G. 8. Harris, not out 25 Gregor, b L. Moon .. 31W.H. Twigg, b Swin- W.S.Nealor,bWheater 24 stead....... 1 T. Hortin, cL.Moon,b jJ. H. Manby, not out 10 Marsden .................85 B 3, lb 2 . 5 J.Bou8ted,cL.Moon,b I — Swinstead.................105 I Total (6 wkts)*286 H. A. Twigg, C. A. Moore, A. R. Morris and H. M. Liepman did not bat. • Innings declared closed. H a m p ste a d . L. J. Moon, b Harris 130 G.MacGregor,b Monro 44 E.L.Marsden, b Harris 1 W. R. Moon, not out.. 73 W.T.H.Danby,run out 0 C. C. Bracchi, c H., b W . Twigg................ 0 G. H. Swinstead, b Harris .................15 B 30, lb 6 ..........36 Total (6 wkts) 299 A. R. Trimen, G. Crosdale, T. 8. Wheater and A. B. Osmond did not bat. HAMPSTEAD v. HIGHGATE SCHOOL.-Played at Highgate on July 4. H a m p ste a d . F. J. Potter, b Kirke 26 H. S. Maclure, c El- dridge, b Kirke 7 B.A.Eveiitt,cKnollys, b Eldridge ......... 60 H.R.Hebert.cKnollyo, Capt. A. Reid, b El­ dridge ................. 3 W . Sharpe, b Kirke... 19 P. Faraday, not out... 7 J. C. Toller, b El- drid$e ................. 3 J. Greig, not out ... 8 B 11, lb 1, nb 1 ...18 Total (9 wkts) *164 * Innings declared closed. H ig h g a t e S c h o o l . D. S. Maclure, lbw, b Hebert .................28 A. K. Neal, b Sharpe 6 R. King, run out ... 34 H. A. Kirke, c Ma­ clure, b Greig..........45 E. H.Eldridge,bEveritt 30 J. R. Duncan, not out 12 A. M. Daniels, not out 1 B 2, lb 2, nb 1 ... 5 Total (5 wkts) 161 A. B. Lushington, H. L. Knollys, E. R. Bare, and M. G. Ferguson did not bat. U.C.S. OLD BOYS v. SOUTH HAMPSTEAD.— Played at Willeeden Green on June 27. U.C.S. O ld B o y s . Total . ..201 C RICKET Report Sheets, lOd. per dozen, post free. Order of Going-In Cards, 7d. perdozen, post free. Cricket Score Books, 6d. and Is. each : postage 2d. extra.—To be obtained at the Office of Cricket, 168, Upper Thames Street, London, B.C. F. Eastman, lbw, b Orgias .......... .. 2 A. H. K.Burt.stBarrett, b Thornhill ..........38 N. M. Binney, run out 37 E. S. Westhorp, b Thornhill................. 1 M. P. Griffith-Jones, b Curtis ................. 26 V. E. Dart, b Thomas 8 O. P. Griffith-Jones, lbw, b Thomas.........11 8 o u th H a m p s t e a d , W.Couchman,8t M. P. Griffith-Jones,bBurt 1 J. J. Lambert, b Wes­ thorp ........................ 0 A.E.Hill,cO.P.Griffith- Jones, b Burt.......... 9 W.C.Thornhill,bWes­ thorp ........................ 0 T. B. Orgias, lbw, b B u rt........................ 8 F. C. Barrett, c M. P. Griffith-Jones,bBurt 0 H.W.Brooman,notout 13 j D.H. Bayley,b Thomas 12 D. Price-Williams, b Thomas .................13 J.Brander,cSherwell,b Thomas ................. 1 R.Price-Williams, not out ........................ 2 B 8, lb 1 .......... 9 Total .160 M.Sherwell.c and b D. Price-Williams ... 7 H. Harron,bD.Price- W illiams.......... ... 15 A. C. Thomas, b D. Price-Williams ... 2 H B.Curtia.cM.P.Grif- fith-Jones,bD.Price- W illiams................. 0 B lo, lb 1 ..........11 Total .........66