Cricket 1903

260 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J uly 9, 1903. Pressure on space will enable but very brief reference to be made to the wonderful bowl­ ing of King in the second inning of Lanca­ shire, which enabled the Philadelphians to gain a very creditable victory by nine wickets. At one time he bowled down five wickets at a cost of but seven runs in the course of three overs, and on three occasions during the inn­ ings obtained two wickets with consecutive balls. If King were an Englishman—which for us, he unfortunately is not—he would assuredly have been one of the first men asked by the M.C.C. to accompany the team on the proposed visit to Australia. BEDFORDSHIRE v. NORTHAMPTON­ SHIRE. Played at Bedford on July 6 and 7. N o r t h a m p t o n sh ir e . W . H. Kingston, c Oliver, b Wharmby .................53 G. K. Papillon, b 8. Brown 13 Thompson, b 8. Brown ... 6 Cox, b Parbury .................37 T. Horton, c Pollitt, b Par­ bury ............................... 45 East, ht wkt., b Parbury... 15 Thornycroft,c Dive», b Moss 1 J. Haviland, c Moss, b Par­ bury ................................ 2 H. Hawkins, b T. Brown ... 33 E. M. Crosse,c & b T. Brown 20 Jones, not out ................. 1 Extras........................20 Wharmby. b S. Brown ... b Wharmby b S. Brown... b 8. Brown .. b 8. Brown... not out.......... b Wharmby c Rowe,b 8.Brown b 8. Brown., b Wharmby b Wharmby Extras Total .................245 Total .. 130 B e d f o r d sh ir e . N. D. Oliver, b Thompson.. 2 run out ... 20 Pollitt, c East, b Thompson 4 c Kingston, Thompson b ... 36 Wharmby, b East .......... 2 c Jones, b Cox ... 31 B . L. Peel, run out .......... 59 b Thompson c Haviland, ... 22 Brown (T.), b Thompson ... 19 b Thompson .. 20 H. R. Orr, b Hawkins m b Thompson ... 7 L. Parbury, lbw, b East .. 6 notout.......... ... 14 Rev. R. H. Moss, c Cox, b Thompson........................ 1 b Thompson ... 8 Capt. E. F. Rowe, c Jones, b East ... ........................ 29 not out.......... ... 9 R. E . Anderson, not out ... 1 S. Brown, c Kingston,bEast 3 Extras........................ 12 Extras ... ... 4 Total .................206 Total(7 wkts)171 N o r t h a m p t o n s h ir e . O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. 8. Brown ... 21 5 46 2 ............. 15 2 55 6 Brown (T.) ... 18 10 64 2 ............... Moss .......... 26 8 44 1 .............. Wharmby ... 6 0 14 1 ...........21*1 Parbury.......... 18 4 57 4 .............. 6 Brown (T.) delivered one wide. B e d f o r d s h ir e . O. M. R. W. O. M. R . W. 8 37 0 29 Thompson East.......... C o x .......... Hawkins... Thomeycroft 29 5 71 24*4 8 57 51 2 5 4 1 12 7 4 ... 4 ... 0 ... 1 ... 2 29 0 ... 24*4 18 3 5 5 Thompson bowled two no-balls. 76 41 13 1 17 0 SUNNINGDALE SCHOOL v. FARNBOROUGH SCHOOL.—Played at Sunningdale on July 4. B d n n in o d a le S c h o o l . W.Parrington, b Bow­ yer ........................ o Proud, c Narayan, b Bowyer ................. 6 Damant, o &b Bowyer 0 Featherstonhaugh, b Narayan.................17 Scrimgeour, run out... 7 Mauna, b Narayan ... 0 Torry, hit wkt, b Narayan................. 0 M.Parrington, e Jay, b Narayan.................25 Ebden, b Bowyer ... 7 Leslie-Smith, not out 6 Rigg.c Ralli, b Bowyer 0 B 4, w 2, nb 1 ... 7 Total ..........75 Second in n in g sW . Parrington, c and b Bowyer, 45; Proud, not out, 11; Damant, not out, 9: b 1, w 1. —Total (1 wkt), 67. F abb b o b o u g h S c h o o l . KENSINGTON PARK v. WIMBLEDON.-Played at St. Quintin’s Park on July 4. K e n sin g to n P a r k . Ralli, c Parrington, b Scrimgeour .......... 6 Narayan,cParrington, b Scrimgeour..........17 Bowyer,lbw,bParring- ton .........................17 Fairbairn,bParrington 4 Beaumont, c Rigg, b Scrimgeour ..........11 Hay, c Torry,b Leslie- Smith.......... — ... 0 Jay, b Leslie-Smith. Lascelles, b Torry Brett, b Torry .. Leverson, c Proud Torry................. Davis, not out ... B.l, nb 2 ... Total „ C.F.Nicholas.bGlennie 29 W . R. Murray, st Nicholas, b Hay- Cooper .................18 P. Greatorex, lbw, b Hay-Cooper .......... 0 A .W .Browne,cTrelea- ven, b Graves..........52 H. A. Weston, c Bart­ lett, b Creswell ... 22 J. G. Donaldson, b Glennie ................ 32 H.E. Scoones, notout 22 M.A.Nicholas, b Hay- Cooper ......... ... 4 F. H. Palmer, not out 5 B 19, lb 2 ..........21 Total (7 wkts)*205 R. A. Christopher and D. Conren did not bat. * Innings declared closed. W im b le d o n . A.W.Glennie,b Palmer 19 W.S.Nicholas, c and b Murray ................. 9 F. Hodges, c Donald­ son. b Palmer......... 15 B. Hay-Cooper, st Browne, b Murray... 0 G. H. Pagden, not out 26 P. Graves, c Palmer, b Murray ................. 0 C. W. Treleaven, c Browne, b Palmer... F.W.Colman,bMurray A.H.Bartlett, c Great­ orex, b Murray F.E.Colman, b Palmer F.G.Creswell,bPalmer Byes ................. Total 86 BRAD FIELD COLLEGE v. RADLEY COLLEGE —Played at Bradfleld on June 27. B b a d f ie l d C o l le g e . R. Bannerman, b Worsley .................13 G. E. Howell, not out 32 F. C. L. Robertson, c Bradshaw, b Phipps 13 W. A. T. Baretow, c Williams, bWorsley 15 A. R. Boyle, c Merri- man, b Phipps ... 3 Extras................16 P. Nesbitt, b Worsley 1 J. P. Head, c Baker, b Phipps .................23 G. V. LindseU,bWors­ ley ........................89 R. W. Ling, c Phipps, b Bradshaw C. M. Thornhill, Worsley .......... H. A. Robinson, Phippa .......... 30 .256 First innings. H. H. K. Worsley,b Thorn­ hill ............................... l J. W. Bradshaw, lbw.bNes- bitt ............................... 8 J. R. Hartwell, b Nesbitt... 9 F. N. Fox, c Head,bNesbitt 4 R. H. J.Williams, bLindsell 12 E. B. A. Wood, c Howell, b Thornhill ;........................16 J. F. Gore, b Thornhill ... 0 H. J. Merriman, b Nesbitt 9 A. Clover, b Thornhill ... 1 R. N. Baker, not o u t.......... 8 P. C. Phipp3, b Nesbitt .. 0 Extras^........................ 8 Total R a d l e y C o l l e g e . Second inninga. c Howell, b Boyle 10 c Bannerman, b Thornhill ... 39 c Ling, b Boyle... 21 c Bannerman, b Boyle .......... 2 not out................. 3 T otal................ , 76 b Nesbitt ... not out......... lbw, b Boyle Extras’... Total(6 wkts)139 17 HONOR OAK v. ILFOBD.-Played at Honor Oak on July 4. I lfo r d . G.Higgins, c T.Dicka son, b Allwyn......... 45 J. Thon>e, c Bates, b Harrison.................43 W . Spencer, run out 0 E.Dowson, c S. Dicka­ son, b T. Dickason 1 F Butler, c Mattingly, b T. Dickason.......... 0 A. Wiles, c Daly, b Allwyn ................. 2 A.Spelling, c Matting­ ly, b Bates .......... 7 G. Nye, c 8. Dickason, b Allwyn.................19 F. Birch, b Mattingly 10 H. Lee, c S. Dickason, b Harrison ..........10 R. J. Carter, not out 0 Extras................. 7 Total ...144 H. Burton, b Nye ... 1 V.Critchley, b Spencer 1 H. Bates, c Lee, b Nye 2 8.Dickason, b Spencer 24 M. Jackson, not out... 77 R.C.Allwyn.b Spencer 30 H on or O a k . J. Daly, c Higgins, b Spencer ................. 0 T. Dickason, not out 20 Extras................. 8 Total (6 wkts) 163 G. Harrison, W. R. Young, and H. Mattingly did not bat. MR. E. WHITE’S X I. v. CHESHUNT.—Played at Cheshunt on June 30. M b. E. W h it b ’s XI. J. C. Bevington, c Es- combe, b Proctor ... G. G. Napier, not out 75 .. 0 38 H. J. Ricketts, c Dur... 3 T. A. D. Bevington, c ban, b Galloway ... 5 ... 3 Syer, b Proctor 18 H. G. Rowley, b Gall­ b ... 2 R. B. Heygate,c Gallo­ way, b Beloe .......... 25 oway ........................ G. F. Page,cEscombe, 7 ... 0 H. B. Corry,cCanning, b Galloway ......... 12 ... 3 b Howes ................. 74 E. White, c Escombe, — L. R. Lewis, c Ramb Galloway .......... 1 ... 65 cock, b Canning ... A. Ricketts, c Syer, b 1 B 19, lb 2, w 1 ... 22 Beloe........................ 28 Total ......... 806 CHE8HUNT. C. R. Durban, c H. Ricketts, b T. Be- viugton ................. 7 P. S. Canning, c Hey- gate, b T. Bevington 7 G. C. Beloe, c Corry, b T. Bevington..........15 A. A. Howes, b T. Be­ vington ................. 2 A. A. Hargreaves, bT. Bevington.................24 F. Escombe, cHeygate, b Napier ................. 0 H. L. Syer, c Hey- gate, b Napier ... 6 D. Ramcock, c Corry, b T. Bevington ... 2 E. C. Galloway, b T. Bevington ..........14 F. R. Barwell, c & b T. Bevington.......... 1 Rev. F. H. Proctor, not out ................. 1 B 10, nb 2 ..........12 Total 91 DR. W. J. SEWARD’S X II. v. MR. E. WHITE’S X II.—Played at Colney Hatch on July 4. D b . W . J. S e w a r d ’s XU . W .Pi' house,cLevick,b H. J. Ricketts.........14 T. Farey, c Mann, b Heygate ................... 36 Dr. A. Ricketts, b Browning.................. 48 Dr. R. 8. Dickson, c White, b Browning 10 W. Creasy, c Mann, b Paige.........................114 Dr.C.S. Cobbold, c W. T. Ricketts, b Paige 30 C.Wells,lbw,b Brown­ ing ...........................16 A.Cheny, c Browning, b Leviek ................. 4 Dr.T.H. Watson,b W . T. Ricketts ..........17 A. L. Ford, b W . T. Ricketts ................. 0 J. Garrett, b W . T. Ricketts ................. 0 Dr. W . J. Seward, not out ........................ 2 B 10, lb 5 ......... 15 Total .. 306 M b . E . W h it b ’s XII. E.J. Mann, c Creasy, b Wells........................43 L.R.Lewis,lbw, b Cob- bold ........................ 6 C. Browning, c Pit- house, b Garrett ... 66 H.J. Heygate, c Wells, b Ricketts.................78 T. H. C. Levick,b Gar­ rett ........................ 8 R. E. Paige, b Ricketts 3 W.T.Ricketts, b Rick­ etts ........................ 0 H.J. Ricketts, b Wells 16 C. F. Ford, not out .. 11 C.H.A.Vivian, c Dick­ son, b Cobbold ... 1 C. S. Goull, b Cobbold 0 E. White, not out ... 1 B 3, lb 2 .......... 5 Total . 233 INCOGNITI v. CHISWICK HOUSE.—Played at Chiswick on July 1. C h is w ic k H o u se . First innings. H. E. F. Sich, c Thorne, b Bevington........................ C. O. Sich, b Bevington ... W. Williams, c Thorne, b Bevington........................18 notout... Capt. Ash, b Vicary .......... 2 st Second innings. 38 notout... 11 Thorne, Fleming ... J. Clementi, c Thorne, b Vicary............................... 11 b Flem ing............ C. M. Tuke, b Bevington ... 10 A. A. Surtees,'.b Bevington 8 b Vicary .......... R. M. Airey, not o u t ..........13 c Cooper, b Flem­ ing ................. A. Wilbraham.b Bevington 0 c and b Fleming T. 8. Tuke, c Cooper, b V icary..............................29 F. W. Tuke, b Vicary.......... 3 B 8, lb 3 .................11 ... 20 b ... 14 Total .154 Byes Total I n c o g n it i Major Greenway, b W illiam s................68 B. P. Dobson, b W il­ liams ........................ 4 Major Fleming, bWil­ liams ........................43 T. A. D. Bevington, c Wilbraham, b Wil­ liams ........................ 7 F. G. Thorne, c C. T. Tuke, b Williams ... 13 E. G. Martyn,c Clem­ enti, b C. M. Tuke... 1 H. Laurie, st Surtees, b Williams ......... A. G. Bell, b Williams G. C. Vicary, not out H. F. Cooper, c Sur­ tees, b Williams ... Cragg, run o u t .......... W 2, nb 2 .......... Total ...146 “ C R I C K E T ” S U P P L E M E N T . Cricket of April 9th contains a handsome Coloured Supplement (30 by 20 inches), suitable for hanging up in pavilions and club houses. The sheet contains the Revised List of Principal Fixtures, in addition to excellent reproduction of a photo group of the Sussex Team, and a picture of the Hove Pavilion, and por­ traits of Braund, Tyldesley, Hirst and Trumper. Copies can be had, post free 3d., by applying direct to Cricket Offices, 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C.