Cricket 1903

256 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAME. J u l y 2 . 1 9 0 3 t ' - • J *.• STREA.THAM v. THE GRYPHONS.—Played at Streatham on June 27. T he F. Yonge, c Miller, b W ilem an................. R. Curtis-Hayward, c Fevez, b Fortescue... H . D. Nicholas, lbw, b Fortescue................. 8. Seymour, b Hooper C. G. Compton, b For­ tescue .. ................. D. Eliott-Lockhart, b Hooper ................. G r yp h o n s . J. G. Kynaston, c Colman,b Fortescue 1 H. West, b Fortescue 6 R. G. Fiith, not out... 4 M. L. D. Bailey, b For­ tescue ................. 0 A. H. Pollard, st L. D. Bailey, b Hooper ... 0 B 4, lb 5 .......... 9 T ota l..........107 S t r e a t h a m . A. E. Fortescue, b YoLge ... .......... 7 A. S. Bailey, c Curtis- Hayward, bNicholas 52 L. D. Bailey, c Sey­ mour, b W est..........19 L. A. M. Fevez, lbw, b West ................. 0 H. T. Cross, c Comp­ ton, b Nicholas ... 15 J. F. W . Hooper, b R. Curtis Hayward ... 15 A. R. Wileman, b R. Curtis Hayward ... 23 H. S. Tooth, b Kynas­ ton ........................50 E. B. Miller, c Sey­ mour, b Kynaston 29 A. 8. Colman, lbw, b R. Curtis Hayward 0 E. H. Leaf, not ou t... 2 B 7, lb 3, w 3..........13 Total ...225 “ CR ICKET ” SU P PLEM EN T . Cricket of Apiil 9th contains a handsome Coloured Supplement (30 by 20 inches), suitable for hanging up in pavilions and club houses. The sheet contains the Revised List of Principal Fixtures, in addition to excellent reproduction of a photo group of the Sussex Team, and a picture of the Hove Pavilion, and por­ traits of Braund, Tyldesley, Hirst and Trumper. Copies can be had, post free 3d., by applying direct to Cricket Offices, 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C. P H O T O G R A P H S Dr. GRACE, C. B. FRY, K. S. RANJITSINHJI, and all the W orld’s leading Cricketers. ... 1/- each. ... 3/6 „ Cabinet Portraits in A ction................. Large Size Groups (Elevens, &c.) E. HAWK INS & CO., Preston St., Brighton. Lr J. NICOLLS, Patentee and Manufacturei ol The PatentAutomaticCricket Bat AND SPORTS OUTFITTER. A Copy of Dr. W . G. GRACE’S Letter. 15, Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. Dear Sir,—I used one of your Bats at Hastings In 1891, and I scored 131. I may mention lt was perfectly new; I kept lt until this year, and have scored over 2,000 runs with lt. I used It when I made my 100th century, and I scored 1,000 runs in May with lt, so I think I may call lt my “ Record Bat.” This year at Hastings I scored 104 with another of your hats, and I hope it will turn out as well as the old one. Yours truly. To Ur. L. J. Nicolls. W . G. GRACE. Orders from K. 8. RANJITSINHJI for the Patent Bat. The Patentee does not bind himself to any number of curves in handle. F a c t o r y R O B E RTS BRIDGE, SUSSEX. H. GRADIDGE & SONS, Woolwich. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL ARTICLES FOR CRICKET, RACQUET, LAWN TENNIS, FOOTBALL, AND OTHER BRITISH SPORTS. PATENTEES AND SOLE MAKERS OF THE CELEBRATED “ IMPERIAL DRIVER” BATS. CO c o f Patent Ho. 27,536. USED BY ALL THE LEADING BATSMEN OF THE DAT . To be obtained of all First-Class Outfitters or the Makers. On ly A dd ress : FACTORY , ART ILLERY PLACE , WOOLW ICH , S .E . T R Y OUR Celebrated “GUV’NOR»Bat W ith “ PATENT DOUBLE CHECK SPRING HANDLE,” F ob th e COMING SEASON. R. ABEL & SONS. ( S U R R E Y X I . ) The “ GU V’NOE ” BAT has been used by R obert A b k l during the last six years with great success, as will be seen by the following scores. Every Bat made under the supervision o f R o b e r t A b e l . AGGREGATES (all Matches): 1897, 2099 runs, average, 44-31; 1898, 2053 runs, average, 48 88; 1899, 2686 runs, average, 5370; 1900, 2592 runs, average 66’34 • 1901 3309 runs, average, 5515; 1902, 2299 runs, average, 41-5. Six years, 16037 runs, average per innings, 49 288. ’ RECORDS: 3309 runs in one season, 1901. P bofebsiokal ’ s R ecord : 367 runs, not out, Surrey v. Somerset, at the Oval, 1901. l O ,H A R L E Y F O R D S T R E E T 3 1 0 , K E N N I N G T O N R O A D Printed an d Published for the Proprietor by M e r r it t ft H a t c h e r , L t d ., 167, 168, and ie9, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C., July 2nd, 1908.