Cricket 1903

254 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J uly 2, 1903. LONDON & COUNTY BANK v. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK.—Played at Champion Hill on Jane 23 and 24. N a tio n a l P b o v in c ia l B a n k . H. B. Mole, b Bien- E. A. Taylor, c Bien­ ven u......................... 29 venu, b Goddard ... 4 T. Baines, c Allen, b E. C . Buckeridge, b Bienvenu................. 14 Goddard................ 0 G. Hanlon, c Trowell, T. A. Layton, b Bien­ b Bienvenu .......... 6 venu ........................ 0 A. D. Spencer, c and S. Archer, c Gcddard, b Bienvenu .......... 3 b Bienvenu .......... 0 J.H Barnett, st Allen, R. L. Merryfield, not b Bienvenu .......... 2 out ........................ 1 H. O. Bennett, c HubByes .......... Total .......... 7 bard, b Bienvenu . 13 79 L ondon an d C o u n ty B a n k . E. G. Gayfer, c Bucke- P. F. Allen, c Mole, b ridge, b Taylor 8 Taylor ................. 7 J. A. Bienvenu, b S. G. Marsh, c Bar­ Spencer ................. 0 nett, b Taylor......... 4 C . W. Goddard, run W. Small, not out ... 2 out ....................... 28 E. A. Tealby, b Tay­ W. Knight, b Taylor 0 lor ........................ 0 P. W. Hubbard, lbw, R. M. Mist, c Archer, b T a y lor................. C . R. Trowell, b Han­ 0 b Taylor ................. B 7, lb 2 ................ 1 9 lon ......................... 12 T ota l.......... 71 THE WANDERERS V LESSNESS PARK.— Played at Lessness Park, on Siturday, June 27. W a n d k r b b s . S. Colman, retired R. Brooks, c and Butter .......... A. M. Latham, Davies ......... J. E. G. Hadath, B aiss................. . 100 b .. 14 b .. 18 b .. 61 A. W. Boultbee, not out ........................54 D. L. A. Jephson, not out ........................ 84 B7, w 1, nb 1 9 Total (4 wkts.)...290 B. Burton, L. F. Barnett, H. T. Bull, E. R. Fischer and O. Taylor did not bat. L bssnbss P a r k . G. Compton, b Taylor 9 C. E. King, lbw, b Taylor ................. 0 R. 8. H. Baiss.c and b Jephson ................. 9 Capt. C. E. Davies, b Jephson ................. 3 Capt. Izat, b Taylor .. 0 Major H. Rick, b Taylor ................. 0 | Second innings : G. Compton, b Bull, 4; C. E. King, b Bull, 0; R. 8. H. Baiss, c Boultbee, b Bull, 87; Capt. C. E. Davies, not out, 26; B 1, nb 1. Total 119. E. P. TidsweU, b Taylor ................. G. Rutter, b Taylor... H. Allen, b Taylor ... 8. Herbert, b Taylor A. Rutter, not out ... B 6, nb 1 .......... Total .......... W. Bradbery, st La­ tham, b Rothwell ... 43 LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK v. CROY DON.—Played at Croydon on June 27. L. & W . B a n k . C. J. Bowman, lbw, b McKenzie................. A. G. Gough, c Wat- 8.Bowman,st Latham, son, b Paget ..........61b Lovey .........................37 H O. Manfield, b Me- L. Pitt-Brook, not out 15 Kenzie ................. 1 H.D. Dear, run out .. 9 C. A. Snell, bPagtt ... 0 A. Podmore, bLovey 2 H. S. Muriel, b Me- B8, lb1 ........... 9 Kenzie .................11 — Total ...194 C ro yd on . C. P. Wicks, b Baker 12 G. McKenzie, b 8. H. G. Lovey, at ManBowman................. 26 field, b Baker.......... 5 A. H. E. Phillips, b C. G. Paget, b Dear ... 0 8. Bowman .......... 4 J. H. Mabey, b Dear 0 T. Rothwell, c Muriel, T. A. Watson, b b Snell ................. 10 Baker........................ 0 V. G. A. Butler, not A. Bush, b Dear.......... 0 out ......................... 0 A. T. Latham, b Dear 11 B 6, lb 1, nb 1... 8 Total .......... 79 H. S. Baker did not bat. J. C. LOVBLL’S XI. v. NORBURY PARK.— Played at Tulse Hill, on June 27. N orbury P a b k . J* C . L o v e l l ’ s XI. M. C. Dahl, c Tidy, b G. A. Ring ..........27 H. R. Jordan, c and b Robinson................. 6 N. Hammill, c West, b Robiu«cn .......... 2 P. F. Wilson,bRobin­ son ........................ 17 H.K.Whiting, cMoun- tain, b Robinson ... 9 P . C. Plummer,b West 26 Total C. H. Mountain, c W il­ son, b Whiting ... 8 P.P.Tyacke,b Whiting 46 J. 8. ljovell, b Wilson 27 H.Ring,lbw, bWhiting 0 K. Robinson, c Plum­ mer, b Whiting ... 9 L. Lovell, lbw, b Whiting ................. G. A. Ring, run out... C. L. Ring, not out .. H. Tidy, not out B 17, lb 3 ... Total (7 wkts.)126 H. West and S. H. Flindt did not bat. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK v. LLOYDS BANK.—Played at Lower Sydenham on June 25 and 26. L loyds B a n k . O. S. Leigh Bennett, b Richards .......... 2 Byes ................. 2 Total (3 wkts) *152 W . Farquar - Smith, not out .................121 C. G. Thomas, c Arm­ strong, b Cosser .. 26 C. E. Melville, c Arm­ strong, b Cosser ... 1 J. H. Downard, A. Bone, T. Hogg, W . A. Smith, A. G. Dannell, L. A. Stanley, and H. B. May did not bat. •Innings declared closed. N a tio n a l P ro v in c ia l B a n k . A. D. Phillips, b Dunnell ................. 4 J. W. Richards, b Farquar-Smith ... 30 H. L. Stephenson, b Dunnell .......... ... 0 J. A. Cosser, c Mel­ ville, b Dunnell ... 1 E. W . Armstrong, c and b Dunnell.......... 3 C. R. K. Symons, b Stanley ................. 2 W . File, lbw, b Stan­ ley ......................... 0 E. H. Stocks, not out ........................11 H. 8. Johnson, c Stanley, b Dunnell 1 W. Birmingham, b Dunnell ................. 0 R. Jackson, not out 0 Extras .................16 Total (9 wkts) 68 MARLBOROUGH COLLEGE v. THE MARL­ BOROUGH BLUES.—Played at Marlborough on June 23 and 24. M a r lb o r o u g h C o l l b g b . First innings. Second innings. 8. G. Colbeck, c & b Marley 13 b Dickson ...........12 N. W. Milton, c Church, b Marley................................ 5 c Napier, b Dick­ son ................. 0 G. K. Round, c Napier, b Blackwood-Wileman ...36 b Napier ........... 0 A. P. Scott, b Blackwood- Wileman ....................108 b Napier ........... 0 G. O. Evans, c Evans, b Dickson .....................40 b Graham .......... 93 J. H. Baines, not out.......17 b D ickson........... 1 L. F. Millet, c Napier, b Blackwood-Wileman ... 4 b Wood ...........28 L. Woodroffe,b Blackwood- Wileman ....................... 0 c Preston, b Marley .......... 5 C. H. Fair, c Graham, b Blackwood-Wileman ... 6 cBellamy,bWood 31 L. Parker, c Phillips, b Wood ... .....................20 notout ........... 30 H. J. Goodwin, b Wood ... 4 c Napier, b Dick­ son ................. 0 W. A. Jowitt, b Wood ... 6 b Dickson ...11 B 16, lb 1, w 2, nb 2 ... 21 B5, lb 2, w 3 n b l 11 Total ..........280 Total ... ...222 M arlbo ro u g h B lu bs E. A. Phillips, b Col­ beck ...........................23 M. R. Dickson, c Fair, b Colbeck................... 58 E. J. Mann, b Evans 0 J. 8. Wood, c Evans, b Milton................. 29 A. G. Graham, c Fair, b Parker..................132 G.H. Gunner, b Good­ win ......................... 4 H. Marley, c Wood- roffe, b S cott.............14 H. Church, b Colbeck 17 F. W . Bellamy, c 8cott, b Goodwin ... 10 F. A. Preston, c Good­ win, b Scott ......... 73 R. W. Blackwood- Wileman, notout... 26 G. G. Napier, ;b Parker ................. 18 B 8, lb 8, w 1 ... 12 Total I .. 416 Second innings : M. R. Dickson, b Colbeck, 1 ; E. J. Mann, not out, 44 ; J. 8. Wood, not out, 21; A. J. Graham, b Colbeck, 21; extras, 0.—Total 87. R. E. Langton, c Tidy, b G. A. R ing..........10 R. P. Laughton, c Robinson, b West .. 28 F. E. Dight, b G. A. R in g........................ 0 H. Wyatt, not only... 10 H. G. Straker, b G. A. Ring ......................... 10 B 1, lb 4.......... 5 ...149 INCOGNITI v. NORTHAW PLACE.-Played at Potters Bar, on June 24. H. W . Dillon, b Rev. F. J. H a ll................ o V. A. 8. Stow, b Rev. F. J. H all.............. 11 W . G. Heasman,c Rev. F. Meyrick - Jones, b Thorne...............118 H. Laurie, c Carter, b Rev. F. J. Hall ... 72 C. C. H. Millar, c Compton, b Thorne 4 I n c o g n it i . H. J. Hill, c Thorne, b Tottenham..........28 Major Greenway, at Hornung, b Rev. F. J. Hall ................ 15 H. O Dolby, not out 2 B 3, lb 3 .......... 6 Total •266 • Innings declared closed. Capt. Thompson, E. Gordon and G. H. Cholmeley did not bat. N o r th a w P la c e . Rev.F.Meyrick-Jonea, F. T. Carter, c Hill, c Maj .-Greenway, b Dolby........................23 L. W. Compton, not out ........................17 F. G. Thome, b Dalby 0 F. Talbot, b Millar ... 4 H. L. Tottenham, b Millar........................ 5 b Dolby E. W. Homung, b Dolby ................. 0 W. W. Muir, c Dolby, b Millar .................. 1 P. Lofts, not out ... 4 Byes .................11 Total (7 wkts.) 72 Rev. F. G. Hall and H. C. Griffith did not bat. KENSINGTON PARK v. CHELMSFORD.-Played at Chelmsford on June 27. C h elm sford . W . Hilliard, b Abney 23 Dr. Martin, b Abney 18 J. D. Dixon, c Wynne, b Hawksworth ... 1 A. P. Lucas, c Carter, b W ynne.......... ... 42 R. L Whittaker, b Abney ................ 2 R. J. Savill, b Abney 2 H. D. Sheldrake, c Carter, b Wynne ... 12 K e n s in g to n P a r k . M. A. Nicholas, b Robinson................. 8 A. G. Bell, c and b Robinson................. 0 Hawksworth, c Hil­ liard, b Robinson ... 0 W . R. Murray, b Robinson.................13 C. E. Reynolds, b Robinson.................21 H. J. Carter, not out 12 W. H. Robinson, not out ........................ 20 C. B. Gray, c Abney, b Hawksworth ... 0 W. W. Marris, lbw, b Hawksworth ... 0 H. Crozier, b Hawks­ worth ....................... 0 Byes ................. 6 Total ...126 L.E.G.Abney.c Whit­ taker. b Robinson... W . 8. Wynne, lbw, b Robinson................. E. H. Samuel,c Lucas b Robinson .......... F. Mendl, b Robinson H. T.Wright,b Robin­ son ........................ B 5, w 1 .......... Total 63 BRIXTON WANDERERS (2) v. FOREST HILL (2).—Played at Forest Hill on June 27. B r ix t o n W a n d e r e r s (2). A. J. Whyte, b Young 57 A. P. Gibbons, b Hand 14 A. Harbert, b Hand... 0 C.Hogg,c Hast, b Rus­ sell ... .. 22 A.R.Whitley,cC. Bar­ ham, b Reichert ... 9 W. R. Caesar, c and b H ast........................ 17 W. Mitchell, b Young 1 C. F. Jones, b H ast... 0 J. Maxwell, not out... 5 B.A. Glanville, b Hast 10 Total ...135 A. N. Other did not bat. F orest H il l (2). W . S. Holt, b Harbert 11 H. Barham, b Mitchell 28 H.8.Phillips,bHarbert 0 C. H. Barham, b Jones 9 C.G.Young,c Whitley, b Mitchell ..........10 M. Reichert, c Jones, b Harbert .................16 G.C.Hast.cGlanville, b Mitohell ................. 0 C. Mcore, b Jones ... P.H. Russell, c Hogg.b Harbert ................. C. C. Hand, not out... P. Gibbon, c Glanville, b Harbert... B 14, lb 2, w 1, nb 1 18 T o t a l..........110 ARKLEY v. SOUTHGATE.—Played at Arkley on June 24. A b k l e y . C. J. B. Webb, b 14 Smith ................. 6 Dale Womereley, not 17 out ..........................69 H. Williams, not out 43 20 B 14, lb 2 ....................16 G. W . Hammond, c Page, b Smith.......... G. G. Dumbelton, c A. Ricketts, b Lewis ... D. J. Casavetti, lbw, b Smith ................. Golding, c Niell, b T. Bevington................ Total (5 wkts) *213 Hammond, Chaplow, and J. H. Robson. C. E. L. Sergt. Allen did not bat. • Innings declared closed. S outhgate . First innings. Second innings. T. A. D. Bevington, c Casa­ vetti, b G. Hammond ... 35 not out................. 25 F. 8. Lewis, b W ebb.......... 0 b Webb .......... 19 T. H. C. Levick, b Webb ... 8 b Webb .......... 1 A. H. Levern, b Webb ... 8 c Robson,b Webb 2 E. Smith, c Casavetti, b G. Hammond........................ 6 not out..................21 J. C. Bevington, c Casavetti, b G. Hammond..............15 A. Ricketts, run out ... ... 0 b Golding ... ... 17 F. M. Neill, b W e b b .......... 0 R. E. Paige, b W ebb.......... 0 G. F. Page, b G. Hammond 6 H. J. Ricketts, not out ... 4 Extras........................ 0 B 3, wb 1 .......... 4 Total .......... Total (4 wkts)