Cricket 1903

6 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J an . 29, 1903. T H E O X F O R D U N I V E R S I T Y A U T H E N T I C ^ I N I N D I A . (Continued from page 476, December 18 th, 1902,). T H E S E C U N D E R A B A D M A T C H . ( fourth of the tour .) P layed at Secunderabad on N ovem ber 28 and 29. Drawn. On a difficult wicket, H ollins batted very finely in the first innings, and had the pleasure o f m aking his hundred for the second tim e during the tour. Secunderabad had to follow on, but thanks partly to a fine innings of 119 not out b y Captain M cEwan, another o f 78 by M ilman, and partly to the bad fielding o f the Authentics, the match was drawn. T he Authentics had to make 146 in forty m inu'es, and seriously set to w ork to try to get them. F or a tim e it almost looked as if their efforts would be rewarded by success, but wickets began to fall, and it was soon seen that the task was impossible. O xford A uthentics . First inniDgs. Second innings. A H. Hornby, b Masood Ahmed ........................ 6 R. A. Williams, b Capt. c Kader Eeg, b Milman ........................ 0 M'Ewan...........18 R.H.Baphael,lbw,b Masood Ahmed............................... 0 F.H.Hollins,bCapt.Milmanl21 not out................. 6 J.E.Tomkinson, c Roberts,b Capt. Milman .................12 c Kader Beg, b M‘Ewan..........£0 G. H. S.-Hayward, run out 63 b Masood Ahmed 5 C. E. Headlam, b Capt. Milman ........................ 0 L. M. Biggs, b Capt. Mil­ man ............................... 27 J.N.Bidley,c Capt.M'Ewan, b Capt. Milman ..........23 c F le m in g , b Masood Ahmed 4 F.Kershaw.bCapt.M‘Ewan 3 notout.................11 J. B* Aspinall, not out ... 0 B 1, lb 3 .................. 4 Byes ................ 6 Total ................ 249Total (4 wkts) 79 S ecunderabad . Capt. M ‘Ewan, £>tAspinall, b Hayward...........................14 not out.............119 Lieut. Phillip?, b Hayward 16 b Hornby .......... 0 Masood Ahmed, c Hollins, b Hayward......................... 6 b Hayward............ 0 Pearce, b Hayward .......... 0 Ahmed Ali, b Hayward ... 0 lbw, b Hayward.. 5 Bader Beg, c Hornby, b Williams ............................11 b Hollins ....80 Skelton, ltw, b Bidley ...21 b Ker haw..........26 Milman, lbw, b B ayward ... 11 c Kershaw,b W il­ liams.................... 78 Lucas, c and b Bidley .. 3 at Headlam, b H orn by..............12 Fleming, c Hollins, b Hay­ ward ............................... 9 lbw, b Hayward.. 10 Roberts, not o u t ................... 7 b Hornby ...... 1 B 3, lb 2 .................. 5 Lb 3, nb 3 ... 6 Total ................106Total (9 wkts)*269 O xford A uthentics . First innings. Second innings. O. M. B. W . O. M. R. W. MasoodAhmed 17 1 67 2 ............ 6 0 28 2 M ilm an........ 19 1 80 6 ............ 4 1 31 0 Fleming......... 4 0 25 0 ............ 1 0 4 0 Lucas ........ 4 1 22 0 ................. Phillips......... 4 0 35 0 .......... Ahmed Ali ... 5 0 25 0 ................. M'Ewan......... 3 4 2 1 .......... 3 0 11 2 S ecukdkrabad . Fiist innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W. Hayward ... 11*5 2 39 7 ........ 20 1 64 3 H orn by........ 6 3 12 0 ............ 12 2 48 3 ■Williams ... 11 0 40 1 .......... 24 3 97 1 Bidley ......... 4 1 10 2 .......... 8 1 24 0 Bollins ... 11 4 27 1 Kershaw ... 6 1 23 1 THE MATCH AGA INST MYSORE STATE. ( f if t h o f t h e t o u r .) Played at Bangalore on December 4, 5 and 6 . Authentics won by six wickets. The first day’s play in this match was chiefly remarkable for some fine bowling by Williams on a slow wicket. Powys-Keck was very unlucky not to get anybody out, for he frequently beat the batsman and the wicket as well. Chinnery, who took his place in the team again, played a fine game for the Authentics, hitting very hard at times, and his innings included five sixes and ten fours. Mysore had to go in against a lead of 104, but Jayaram was in great form, and by strokes which were brilliant but seemingly risky, he reached within three of his hundred. M ysore S ta tf . First innings. Second innings. Capt. Baratow, c Simpson- Hayward. b "Williams...26 b Poweye-Keck... 18 Green, c and b Williams ... 11 b P.iweys-Keck... 0 B. Jayaram, st Headl&m, b c H o rn b y , b Williams ....................... 9 Bidley ..97 W. J. More, b Williams .. 4 lbw, b Simpson- E ayward..........80 C. H. Richards, c Rioley, b Wili ams ....................13 lbw, b Forn> y ... 14 Capt. Gosling, b "Williams... 19 cRaphael,bRidley 38 W. Robertson, b ‘Williams 14 notout.................... 34 Capt. Marsden, c Chinnery, b Hornby ...................... 1 b Hornly .. 4 Kanakarathnam Pillay, b Williams ...................... 3 candb H oinby.. 1 P. Leonard, c Thompson, b st Beadlam,b S.- Williams ..................... 2 Hayward ... 2 D. S. Watters, not out ... 1 c Hornby, b S.- Hayward.......... 0 Byes ....................... 2 B 6, lb 4 ... 10 Total ...105 Total ...248 O xford A uthentic ?. First innings. Second innings. H. B. Chinnery, c Watters, c Green, b Kana- b Kanabarathnam .............88 karathnam ... 1 F.H. Hollins, c Jayaram, b b Kanakarath- Kanakarathnam ........... 0 cam ............80 A. H. Hornby, c Richards, b Kanakarathnam .............23 b Jayaram........ 0 B. B . Raphael, c Gosling, b Richards ........................... 21c Green,bWatters 62 G. H. Simpson-Hayward, c and b Kanakarathnam ... 23 not out.................89 J. E. Tomkinson, st Green, b Kanakarathnam .............22 not out........ ... 0 F. Kershaw, c Watters, b Barstow ........................... 13 R. A.W illiams, cand bWat­ ters ...................................... .............7 C. Headlam, not ou t........... 3 J. N. Ridley, b Richards ... 0 H. J. Powys-Keck, c More, b Richards........ ............ 0 B 8, lb 1 ................... 9 B 10, lb 4 ..14 Total...................209 Total (4 wkts) 146 M ysore S tate . First innings. Second inniDgs O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W. Williams ...........108 3 £8 9 ........... 96 2 73 0 Poweye-Keck ... 60 3 20 0 ........... 10 1 2 40 2 S.-Hayward ... 24 1 19 0 ............. 52 2 64 3 Hornby .............18 1 6 1 ........... £5 3 63 3 Leonard ........... 24 0 23 0 Bidley ... 12 0 8 2 O xford A uthentics . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Richards.......... 120 2 88 3 ........... 60 1 34 0 Kanakarathnam 126 3 43 5 ...........144 1 42 2 Bardtow ........... 24 0 32 1 ........... 24 0 17 0 Watters ........... 36 1 14 1 ........... 42 1 24 1 L eon ard ............ 54 0 82 0 Jayaram ... 24 0 15 1 THE MADRAS PRESIDENCY MATCH. (SIXTH OF THE TOUR.) Played at Madras on December 8 , 9 and 10. Authentics won by 109 runs. Although when each side had completed an innings, the Authentics had much the worst of the situation, they did so well in the second innings, thanks to wonderfully good cricket by Hollins, that they were able to set the Presidency the very difficult task of making more than three hundred runs in the fourth innings of the match. Hollins was at the wickets the whole of the second day, and when stumps were drawn he was not out 175, In all probability he would have beaten the score of 204 made against the Authentics by Captain Greig, but ho could get nobody to stay long enough with him on the next morning. The batting of C. T. Studd, the famous old Cambridge Blue, in the second innings of Madras, was a splendid effort, made under unpromising circumstances, and his play showed much of his former brilliancy. Captain Challenor, who had only just arrived in India from South Africa, was in great form in both innings, and if on the third day he and Studd had stayed together a little longer, the match might have been saved, for when it con­ cluded it was only an hour from time. O xford A uthentic 0. First innings. Second innings. H. B. Chinnery, c Richards, cCaplen, b Twee- b Tweedie........................ 6 die .................. 8 A. H. Hornby, c Gosling, b Tweedie ........................37 b Bar^tow..........46 F. H. Hollins, c Caplen, b Tweedie ...................... 2 notout.............. 185 R. H. Raphael, c Stephen- c Stephenson, b sod , b Tweedie ... ............ 7 Richards ............ 41 G. H. 8 mp3on-Hayward, c c Richmond, b Cayley, b Bichards.......... 4 Studd ..........22 J. E. Tomkinson, c Stephen- c Barstow, b Jay- eon, b Tweedie................. 4 sram................... 27 C. Headlam, c Cayley, b c Stephenson, b Jayaram ........................ 3 Jayaram.......... 4 F. Kershaw, c Stephenson, b Tweedie........................21 b Jayaram.......... 3 J. N. Bidley, b Tweedie ... 0 cStudd,bTweedie 2 H. Powys-Keck, c Barstow, b Tweedie...................... 0 b Tweedie.......... 3 R. A. Williams, not out ... 0 c C a y le y , b Richards............10 Bye ........................ 1 B 14, lb 5............19 Total.......... ... 85 Total ..........878 M adras P residency First innings. J. B. Barstow, c and b Williams ......................... 3 Capt. E. E. L. Challenor, b Simpson-Hayward..........58 B. Jayaram, c Hornby, b Williams ........................ 6 F. H. A. Stephenson, b S.- Hayward ........................19 S. F. Gosling, b P.-Keck ... 8 C. T. Studd, not out .............14 Second innings. b Williams.......... 4 b Williams......... 62 c S.-Hayward, b Powys-Keck .. 6 R. D. Richmond,b S'mpson- Hayward ........................ J. F. Tweedie, b Powys- Keck ............................... B. Cayley, b Williams C. H. Richards, b Simpson- Hayward ........................ T. Caplen, c and b Williams B 3, lb 3, nb 3................. b 8.-Hayward ... 6 b Williams.......... 0 c Chinnery, b Williams..........66 Total.......... ...149 b Powys-Keck ... 1 c Bornby, b S - Bayw ard........ 3 b "Williams... ... 2 lbw, b Hollins ... 30 not out................. 9 B 9, lb 11, nb 2 22 Total ..........200 O xford A uthenticb . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W, O. M. St. W. Tweedie ... 12 2 30 8 ... . 34 3 114 3 Richards ... ... 9 1 23 1 ... , 28 2 102 2 Jayaram ... ... 2 0 15 1 ... . 14 1 56 3 Caplen.......... ... 1 0 14 0 Challenor ... . 2 0 13 0 Studd .......... . IS 3 32 1 Richmond ... . 4 1 7 0 Barstow.., ... ,, . 6 0 16 1 Gosling.......... . 2 0 13 0 M adras P residency . First innings. Second innings. O. M . B. W . O. M . R. w . Powys-Keck .. 13 3 42 2 ... . 15 4 29 2 Simpson-Hayward 10 1 29 4 ... . 19 3 48 2 Williams . ... 13 4 29 4 ... . 17 1 69 5 Hornby........ . ... 4 1 11 0 ... . 6 0 17 0 Chinnery . ... 3 0 15 0 ... Ridley ... ... ... 4 1 14 0 ... Hollins . 6*3 2 25 1 THE SOUTH OF INDIA MATCH. ( seventh of the tour ) Played at Trichinopoly on December 12and 13. Authentics won by an innings and 95 runs. The total of 215 by the Authentics was larger than it appears on paper, for the out­ field was so rough that the ball would not travel far. Hornby played an exceedingly good innings. The home team was completely out of it in both innings, Williams taking six wickets in the second innings for 12 , and Simpson-Hayward three for one run.