Cricket 1903

4 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J an . 29, 1903. Haigreave, S. 8 for 12, Warwickshire v. Lancashire, at Manchester. G. L. Jessop. 8 for 58, Gloucestershire v. Middlesex, at Lord’s. Lockwood, W . H. 8 for 25, Surrey v. Middlesex, at Lord’s. M. A. Noble. 8 for 48, Australiars v. Leicest* rshire, at Leicester. Rhodes, W. 8 for 26, Yorkshire v. Kent, at Calfjrd. Spry, E. 8 for 83. Gloucestershire v. Yoikshire, at Leeds, 8 for 144, Gloucestershire v. Lancs., at Manchester. 8 for 60, Gloucestershire v. Worces., at Worcester. E. E. Steel. 8 for 32, Lancashire v. Worces., at Manchester. Tate. F. W. 8 for 67, Sussex v. Notts, at Brighton. 8 for 40, Sussex v. Middlesex, at Lord’s (2nd inns.) 8 for 145. Fust ex v. Middlesex, at Eastbourne (The Saffrons). 8 for 28, Sussex v. Hampshire, at Southampton. Thompson, G. J. 8 for 88, An England XI. v. Australiars, at East­ bourne (Ihe Saffrons). H. Trumble. 8 for 58, Australians v. An England X I., at East­ bourne (The Saffrons). 8 for 65, Australia v. Eneland, at the Oval. 8 for c0, Auslralians v. Kei t. at Canterbury, 8 for 101, Au.'tia'ians v. Middlesex, at Lord’s. W es ?, T. 8 for 25, Nottinghamshiie v. Essex, at Nottingham. 8 for 73, Nottirgbamshiie v. Leicestershire, at Leicester. Webb, S. 8 for 36, Lancashire v. M.C.C. and Ground, at Lord’s. (c.)—Seven Wickets. W . W . Aims'rong. 7 for 36, Australians v. Glamorgan and Wiltshire, at Cardiff. Arnold, E. 7 for 35, Worcestershire v. Yorkshire, at Farrcgate. Bestwick, W, 7 for 58, Derbyshire v. Worcestershire, at Glossep. 7 for 65, Derbyshire v. Essex, at Leyton. Bland, C. H. G. 7 for 62, Sussex v. Oxford University, at Brighton. B. J. T. Bosanquet. 7 for 6», II. D. G. Leveson-Gofer’s X I. v. Oxford University, at Oxford. 7 for £7, Middlesex v. Notts, at Nottingham. Braund, L. C. 7 for 95, An England XI. v. Ycrhstire, at Lord’?. Cox, G. 7 for 3?, Sussex v. Issex, at Brighton. Cranfleld, B. 7 for 105, Somerset v. Oxford University, at Oxford. Field. F. E. 7 for 75, Warwickshire v. Leicestershire, atEdgbtston Gill, G. 7 for 65, Somerset v. ‘Worcestershire, at Worcesttr. Gunr, J. 7 for I>8, Nottinghamshire v. Issex, at Leyton. Haigb, 8. 7 for 47, Yorkshire v. Middlesex, at Biadfoid. 7 for 38, Yorkshire v. Worcestershire, atBarrogate. 7 for 40, Yorkshire v. Middlesex, at Lord’s. Hallam, A. 7 for 97, Nottinghamshire v. Surrey, at Nottirgham. Hallows, J. 7 for 29, Lancashire v. Kent, at Tonbridge. Hargrpave, 8. 7 for 29, Warwickshire v. Leicts'.eishire, at Leicester. W. Hanirgton. 7 for 76, Ireland v. Camlridge Univ., at Cambiidge. Bearne, A. 7 for 34, KeLt v. Somerset, at Maid:tone. Hearne, J. T. 7 for 43, Middlesex v. Gloucester, at Lord’s. H. Hesketh-Pritchard. 7 for 139, Hampshire v. Kent, at Tunl ridge Wellp. Hirst, G. H. 7 for 63, Yorkshire v. Nottinghamshire, at Hull. A. J. Hopkins. 7 for 10, Australians v. Cambridge Univer ity, at Cambridge. Hoggins, J. H. 7 for 17, Gloucestershire v. Sussex, at Brighton. 7 for 37, Gloucestershire v. Worcestershire, at Worcester. (To be continued). CH ICKET PUB L ICAT ION S— 1902. Tbe follow ing list lias kindly been compiled, as usual, by Mr. Alfred D. Taylor : - Alfred Shaw, Cricketer: His career and reminiscences. By A. \V. Pnllin. (London : Cassell and Co., Ltd. Price 2 s. 6 d.) Cambridge University Cricket Club, A history of, 1820-1901. B yW .J.F ord. (London: William Blackwood & Sons. Trice 15s.) Centuries Scored in the United States and Canada, 1844-1902. Compiled by F. F. Kelly. (New Jersey: 98, Danforth Avenue. Price 50 cents, and 1 dollar.) Club Cricket Book, The. (London : II. Grant, 30, Essex Street, W.C. Price 3s. 6 d.) Cricket Album. (London: Golden Penny Offices, 190, Strand, W.C. Price 2d.) Cricket Companion. (London: P. H. Ayres and Co., I ll, Aldersgate Street, E.C. Price 3d.) Cricket Form at a Glance, 1878-H02; and the Australians in England. By Home Gordon. (London : Archibald Constable and Co., Ltd., 2, Whitehall Gardens. Price 3s. 6 d.) Cricket Handbook : Facts, Figures and Fun. First year of issue. (London: John Leng and Co., 186, Fleet Street, E.C. Price Id.) Cricket of To-day and Yesterday. By Percy Cross Standing. (London : T. C. and E. C. Jack, 34, Henrietta fetreet, W.C. In twelve fortnightly parts. Price 7d. each.) Derby County Boomerang. Published daily during the Derby County Cricket I'azaar. Derby : Daily Telegraph Uffice. l rice 2d.) Eton and Harrow Cricket Matches, Scons of the. Edited by Franklyn Brook. (London: F. E. Robinson and Co., 20 , Great Rusfcell Street, Bloomsbury. Price Is.) Eleventh Australian Tour, The. (London : Cricket Office, 1G8, iJpper Thames Street, E.C. Price Id.; Famous Cricket Teams. (Manchester: R. Scott &Co., Granville Street. Price Id.) Feats, Facts ard Figures of 1901. By F. S. Ashiey-Cooper. (London : Merritt and Hatcher, Ltd., 168, Upper Thames Street. Private circulation, limited to 30 copies). Hampstead Cricket Ciub: A record of the year 1901. By F. S. Ashley-Cooper. (Printed for members only.) How to Bat. An analysis of the principal strokes for the use of young cricketers. By E. M. Amphlett. (London : A. Treheine and Co., Ltd., 3, Agar Street, W .C. Price Is.) Laws of Cricket, with decisions and interpre­ tations authorized by the M.C.C. By F. E. Lacey. (London : Lord’s Ground, N .W . Price 3d.) Leicestershire Cricket. (Leicester: Gamble and Johnson, Market Place. Price Id.) Life of John Briggs, The. By Herbert Turner. (Manchester: Thomas Sowler and Sons, Ltd., Cannon Street. Price 2d.) Midland Counties Cricket Guide. First year of issue. (Birmingham : Daily Gazette Office. Price Id.) More Tales of the Stumps. By Horace Bleackley. (London: Ward, Lock and and Co. Price 3s. 6 d.) Nyren’s Cricketer’s Tutor. (The Sports­ man’s Classics Series.) Edited by F. S. Ashley - Cooper. (London : Gay and Bird, 22, Bedford Street, W.C. Price Is. 6 d. and 2 s.) Oxford and Cambridge, Scores of the Cricket Matches from 1827. New edition. Edited by H. Perkins. (London : F. E. Robin­ son, 20, Great Russell Street, Blooms­ bury. Price Is.) Peep into the Past, A. By W . R. Weir. (London: F. II. Ayres and Co., I ll, Aldersgate Street, E.C. Price Is.) Photo Album of Famous Cricketers. (Lon­ don : E. Maguhe and Co., 22, Bath .Street. Parts. Id. each.) Surrey Cricket: Its History and Associations. Edited by the Right Hon. Lord Alver- stone, L.C.J., and C. W . Alcock. (London : Longmans, Green and Co., 39, Paternoster Row. Price 16s ) Sussex Cricket Champions, A record of their doings from 1815 to 1901. By F. S. Ashley-Cooper. (Brighton: Wm. Jas. Towner, 150, North Street. Price Is.) A U S T R A L IA N X I . *v. N E W SOU TH W A L E S X I I I . P layed at the Sydney Cricket Ground, December 12, 13, 15, 1902. T he game had ultimately to be abandoned on account of rain. N f . w S outh W alks XIIT. First innings. hecond innings. W.S.Duff.cTt urn* le,bJones 6 c Kelly, .. 4 C. Gregory, c Hopkins, b Saunders ........................12 run out ............ 0 J. K. Maekay, b Hopkins... 37 b Jones ..........57 L.W.Pye,c Duff, b Saunders 0 c Kelly, b Joms 32 N. Etsworth, c, b Saundtrs ........................ 9 st Kelly, b Noble 28 A. Diamond, Ibw.bFopkins ?4 b Jones................. 8 li. W. Farquhar,b Tiumtle 19 c Darling, b Trumper.......... 22 R N. Hickson, not out . . €8 b T iu m ile .............18 J. A. Cuffe, c Trumble, b Trumper ........................10 notout..................26 W. D. Loveridge, c and b Trumper ........................ 0 c Kelly, b Jones 3 T. H. Howard, lbw, b Arm- s'rorg ...................................12 b Jones ........... 0 A. MeBeth, c Trumble, b Trumper ........................ 0 b Jones .......... 0 J. Marsh, c Trumper, b Armst:ong ................. 3 b Trumble.......... 2 B 16,1b 1..........17 B 2, lb 2 ... 4 Total ..227 Total .. 214 A ustraltanb . First innings. Second innings. R. A. Duff, run out ............ 66 c Farqubar, b Howard ......... 40 W.W.Armstrong.c Gregory, b McBeth ....................... 11 c Pye, b McBeth 0 M. A. Noble, c Hickson, b Howard ........................£8 b McBeth ............ 7 A.J. Hopkins, c Pye, b Cuffe 1 V. Trumper, c & b Boward 12 c and b McBeth . 78 C.Hill,c Loveridge,b Marsh 28 bPye .................26 J. Dar ing, c Gregory, b Howard ........................ 2 H. Trumble, not out ..........12 J. J. Kelly, c Diamond, b Howard ......... .......... 1 n otou t................ 8 E. Jones,b Howard .......... 5 c H ic k s o n , b McBeth ..........17 J. V. Saunders, b Howard 0 c H ick s o n , b AicBeth ... ... 2 Byes .......................15 B 6, lb 1 ... 7 Jones Trumble... Saunders Noble Armstrong Hopkins .. Trumper... Total........ 191 N ew S outh W alks First innings. O. M. R. W. , 10 20 19 16 2 28 1 ... 7 31 1 ... 9 38 3 ... 6 48 0 ... 11-3 6 18 2 ... 10 5 29 2 ... ,12 3 18 3 ... A ustralians . Total (7 wkts) 185 X III. Second innings. O. M. R. W. . 34 10 73 . 24-2 5 68 14 , 9 , 7 5 22 3 21 2 15 Marsh McBeth , Pye ... , Howard , Cuffe First innings. O. M. R. W. ... 14 ... 12 ... 7 ... 16 ... 7 1 44 1 4 30 1 0 21 0 . 1 48 6 2 33 1 . 6 3 11 1 Second inrings. O. M. R. W. 7 0 43 0 10 2 1 36 5 8 0 29 1 11 0 38 1 6 1 32 0 ANSWERS r o CORRESPONDENTS. H knley .— “ Marl ” was first used at the Oval in