Cricket 1902

452 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. Nov. 27, 1902. Total. For. Against. Ground. 416 ... Worcestershire Lancashire ... Worcester. 414 ... Australians ... Pl’y’rsofEng. Oval 409 ... L.-Gower’s XI. Oxford Univ. Oxford. 407 ... London County Surrey .......... Oval. 4 0 3 -7 ... South of Eng. Australians ... Hastings. 402 ... Australians ... AnEng.XI.... Bradford. 401 ... Middlesex ... Sussex .......... Eastbourne (Saffrons). 401 .. Surrey ..........Middlesex .. Oval. N o t e .— Sussex made 899 for 7 wickets against Worcestershire at Brighton. In the feussex v. Surrey match at Hastings, Surrey replied w ih a total of 552 for 9 wickets to Sussex’s score of 7C5 for 8 wickets. T a b l e No. 5.—TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF MATCHES IN W H IC H i,C03 OR MORE RUNS WERE SCORED DURING THE SEA­ SON. T a b lh N o . 8 —TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF CLOSE FINI8BES WITNESSED IN FIB ST-CLASS MATCHES DURING TBE SEASON. (a)—Two wickets or less. Margin. Match. 1 wkt. ... Somerset teat Middlesex . . 1 wkt. ... M.C.C. & Gnd. beat Kent . 1 wkt. ... Sussex beat K en t.............. 1 wkt. ... England beat Australia 2 wkts. ... Oxford Univ. beat Surrey . 2 wkts. ... Somerset teat Kent ... . (3)—Thirty runs or less. 3 runs ... Australia beat England 6 runs... Middlesex beat Kent ... . 8 runs ... Warwickshire beat Hants , 9 runs ... Somerset beat Lancashire . 15 runs ... Derbyshire beat Essex ... 18 runs ... Australians teat Lancs. runs ... M.C.C. & Gnd. beat Yorks, Runs. Wkts. Match. 1,427 for 21...Sussex v Surrey 1,2*23 1,200 , 1,193 , 1,192 1,172 1.164 1.164 1,158 1,154 1,101 1,(93 1,(80 1,C69 1,068 1,(67 „ 1,066 „ 1,048 „ 1,034 „ 1.025 „ 1,017 „ 1,015 „ 1,014 „ 1,012 „ 1,008 „ 1,(08 „ 32.. Sussex v. Oxford Univ..., 25...Worces. v. Lancs. Ground. Hastings. Brighton. Worcester. Ox.Univ.v L.-Gower’sXI. Oxford 23...5.rrey v. Yorkshire ... Oval. 37...Lancashire v. Essex.........Manchester. Univ. v. Ireland... Oxford 39 Sussex v. Hants................ Brighton. 32...Essex v. Middlesex.........Leyton. 32 . Essex v. Leicestershire ... Leyton. 26 . Notts, v. Leicestershire ... Nottingham. , SO.. London C. v. M.C.C. & G. C. Pa’ace. 22.. Notts, v. Yorkshire. Nottingham. i 35...Gents, v. Players ..........Scarloro’ . , 30. .M.C.C.&G.v Cambs.Univ. Lord’s. , 32.. Sussex v. Middlesex........ Eastbourne (Saffrons). , 31. Derbyshire v. Notts. ... Derby. , 33 . Cam.Un. v.L.-Gower’s X L Cambridge. , 27.. Lancs, v. Surrey............... Manchester. . 30...Surrey v. Warwickshire... Oval. 32...Notts, v. K en t.................Nottingham. 22 . Sussex v. K ent.................Brighton. 29.. Essex v. Australians.. ... Leyton. The 34 . Derbyshire v. London Cy. Derby. 31. .M.C.C. & G. v.Australians Lord’s. 40.. Londtn County v. Surrey C. Palace. aggregate obtained in the Sussex Surreymatch, at Hastings, constitutes a record for great matches in England. It is curious that the record should have been made in so wet a season as 1902. The 1,427 runs were obtained in sixteen hours. T a b le No. 6 —TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF COMPLETED MATCHES IN WHICH 400 RUNS OR LESS WERE SCORED DURING THE SEASON. Runs. Wkts. 274 for 80 .. 278 »» 30 ... 184 59 ... 311 35 ... :-28 tt £0 .. 34-2 40 .. 346 ,, 31 .. 350 40 ... 353 ,, 30 ... 367 ,, 40 ... 384 32 ... f85 36 .. 389 a «» fS .. 391 29 ... 393 32 .. Ground. . Sheffield. . Brighton. . Tonbiidge. . Leeds. , Bradford. Match. Yorks, v. I ancs........... Sussex v. Notts........... Kent v. Lancs.............. Yorks, v. Australians. Yorks. v. Middlesex .. Yorks v. Australians... Bradford. Kent v. Yorkshire ...Catford. Yorkshire v. Somerset.. Sheffield. Warks. v. Yorkshire ... Edgtaston. S. cfEng. v.Australians Bournem’th. Lancashire v. Kent ...Manchester. Middlesex v. Yorkshire Lord’s. Leics v. Australians ... Leicester. Kentv. Gloucestershire Toni ridge. Notts, v. Sussex ..........Notts. T a b l e N o . 7 . - TABLE SHOWING TBE NUMBER OF COMPLETED INNINGS OF 50 RUKS Oa LESS BIT IN FIRHT-CLASS MATCHES DURING THE SEASON. Ground. Lord’s Lord’s Tun. Wells Oval Oxford Taunton Manchester Beckenham Bo’rnem’th Manchester Leyton Manchester Scarboro’ Total. For. Against. Ground. 23 ... Australians ... Yorkshire ... .. Leeds. 27 ... M C .C& G . .. . Yorkshire ... ... Lord’s. 36 ... Australia . England ... ... Edgbaston. 41 .. Sussex ........ . Notts .......... ... Brighton. 45 ... Warks............. Yorkshire ... ... Edgbaston. 46 .. Notts............. . bussex.......... ... Nottingham. 46 ... Camb. Univ.. . Australians ... Cambridge. 46 ... Gloucs........... . Yorkshire ... ... Leeds. 50 ... Gloucs........... . Kent .......... ... Tonbric’ ge. Nothing above two wickets or 30 runs is here noted. It will be observed that Kent were twice beaten by the narrow margin of one wicket, once by two wickets, and once by 5 runs. In the Sussex v. Hampshire match, at Brighton, the last two men on the Hamp­ shire side—D. A. Steele (31 not out) and H. Hesketh-Pritchard (13 not out)—by keeping up their wickets for three-quarters of hour, enabled their tide to escape defeat. When time arrived in the match at Hast­ ings between the South of England and the Australians, the former side required but runs to win and had five wickets in hand. T a b l e No. 9.—TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF HEAVY DEFEATS EXPERIENCED IN FIRST-CLASS MATCHES DURING THE SEASON. Innings and 100 or more runs. Match. Ground. Inns. & 250 runs Derbyshire beat Warks. Derby. ° 9A Sussex teat Middlesex Lord s. Australians beatGloucs. Bristol. Kent teat Hants...........T. Wells. Kent beat Surrey .. Canterbury M.C.C. & G. teat Ieics. Lord’s. AustraliansbeatC.Univ. Cambridge M.C.C.&G.beatC.Univ. Lord’s. Essex beat Kent . ... Leyton. Yorkshire teat Kent... Bradford. Anst’ Scotch XI. Edinboro’ Yorkshire beat Surrey Leeds. Kent beat Somerset ... Maidstone. Yorkshire beat Gloucs. Cheltenham Margin. i ] i, 224 222 tt 195 191 ii 184 183 ,, 146 tt 116 tt 108 tt 105 102 tt 102 102 (6)—200 or more runs. Margin. Match. Ground. S9l runs ... Surrey beat Lancashire Oval. 268 „ ... Notts, beat Gloucs................. Notts. *42 ... Derbyshire beat Leics........... Derby. 238 „ .,.. Ireland beat London County C. Palace. 227 ,, .. Yorkshire beat Notts............ Hull. 2U „ ... Gloucs. teat Sussex ......... Brighton. The totals of 23 and 36 of the Australians are respectively the lowest ever made by an Australian team in England and the smallest ever hit in a match between England and Australia. T a b l e No. 10.-TAB1E SBOWING THE NUM­ BER OF PARTNERSHIPS OF 100 OR MOKE RUNS IN FIBST-CLASS MATCHES DUBING TBE SEASON. (a)—First Wicket. 246, Abel, R. (179) and Hayward, T. (144), Surrey v. Sussex, at Bastings. 243, E. W. Dillon (133) and C. J. Burnup (102), Kent v. Hampshire, at Tunbridge W’ells. 2S8, C. B. Fry (159) and Vine, J. (92), Sutsex v. Surrey, at Hastings. C. J. Burnup (161) and P. F. Warner (107), M.O.C. and Ground v. Cambridge University, at Lord’s. C. L Towrsend ( ’47) and R. W . Rice (50), Gloucestershire v. Sussex, at Bristol. Eowley, F. (122) and H. K. Foster (112), Wor­ cestershire v. Derbyshire, at Worcester. 146, C. J. Burnup (73) and E. W . Dillon (62), Kent v. Middlesex, at Beckenham. 145, Ward, A. (89) and G. Potter (82), Lancashire v. Worcestershire, at Worcester. 145, Devey, J. (89) and Kinneir, S. P. (69), Warwick­ shire v. Surrey, at the Oval. 142, V. Trumper (85) and R. A. Duff (67), Austra­ lians v. Surrey, at the Oval. 135, V. Trumper (1(4) aud R. A. Duff (64), Aus­ tralia v. England, at Mat Chester. 134, C. B. Fry (90) and Vine, J. (62), Sussex v.Cxford University, at Brighton. 134, V. Trumper (92) and R. A. Duff (62), Austra­ lians v. Gloucestershire, at Bristol. 134, C. A. Ollivierre («t7) and L. G. Wright (65), Derbyshire v. Warwickshire, at Derby. 233, 206, 147 ,: 183, C. B. Fry (122) and Vine, J. (42), Sussex v. Middlesex, at Lord’s. 130, C. B. Fry (82) and W . G. Grace (61), London County v. Surrey, at the Oval. 127, H. G. Garnett (87) and G. Potter (40), Lanca­ shire v. Middlesex, at Liverpool. 126, Abel, R. (100) and Hayward, T. (82), Surrey v. Middlesex, at the Oval. 125, C. J. B. Wood (72) and Whitehead, H. (61), Leicestershire v. Yorkshire, at Huddersfield. 123, Devey, J. (86) and Kinneir, S. P. (60), Warwick­ shire v. Leicestershire, at Edgbaston. 122, C. J. Burnup (66) and Abel, R. (65), South of England v. Australians, at Bastings. 121, C. B. Fry (6S) and Vine, J. (62), Sussex v. York- 121, L. G. Wright (101) and Needham, E. (66), Derbyshire v. Leicestershire, at Chesterfield. 120, W . L. Murdoch (68) and W . G. Grace (61 not out), M.C.C. and Ground v. Lancashire, at Lord’s. 119, Iremonger, J. (81) and A. O. Jonesl(77), Notts. v. Leicestershire, at Leicester. 119, W . G. Grace (82) and G. W . Beldam (57), Gentle­ men v. Players, at the Oval. 118, E. W. Dillon (85) and W. Findlay (45), Oxford University v. Cambridge University, at Lord’s, 117, R. A Duff (98) andM. A. Noble (69), Australians v. A Scotch X I., at Edinburgh. 115, Tunnicliffe, J. (1(’5) and Brown, J. T., sen. (51), Yorkshire v. Notts., at Hull. 110, C. b. Fry (19) and Vine, J. (36), Sussex v. Kent, at Brighton. 108, V. Trumper (121) and R. A. Duff (41) Austra­ lians v. Oxford University, at Oxford. 10', A. O. Jones (100) and Iremonger, J. (44), Notts v. Surrey, at Nottingham. 105, D. L. A. Jephson (94) and Hayward, T. (54), Surrey v. Derbyshire, nt the Oval. 1C5, H. K. Foster (75) and Bowhy, F. (29), Wor­ cestershire v. Sussex, at Worcester. 105, C. B. Fry (169 not out) and Vine, J. (49), Sussex v. Middlesex, at Eastbourne (8affrons). 103, P. F. Warner (139/ and R. W. Nicholls (46), Middlesex v. Sussex, at Eastbourne(Saffroi s). 102, D. L. A. Jephson ((8) and Baker, A. (45), Surrey v. Essex, at the Oval. 102, V. Trumper (120) and R. A. Duff (36), Austra­ lians v. South of England, at Hastings. 10?, H. B. Chinnery (73) and C. J. Burnup (32).H .D. G. Leveson-Gower’s XI. v. Oxford Univer­ sity, at Oxford. (£)—Second Wicket. 197, Atel, R. (179) and H. S. Bush (122), Surrey v. Sussex, at Hastings. 182, Eowley, F. (122) and R. E. Foster (109), Wor­ cestershire v. Derbyshire, at Worcester. 190, Iremonger, J. (146) and Gunn, W. (120), Notts v. Derbyshire, at Derby. 1(9, Sewell, E. H. D., (99) and F. L. Fane (€9 not out), Essex v. Sussex, at Leyton. 167, Abel, R. (112) and Hayward T. (72), Surrey v. Oxford University, at the Oval. 164, W . G. Grace (129) and Braund, L. C. (89), Lon­ don County v. Warwickshire, at the Crystal Palace. 16}, C. J. Burnup (99) and S. H. Day (80), Kent v. Somerset, at Taunton. 169, W . Troup (127 not out) and G. L. Jessop (126), Gloucestershire v. Worcestershire, at Bristol. 157, C. B. Fry (159 not out) and Killick, E. H. (47), Sussex v. Middlesex,at Eastbourne (8*ffrons j 165, Killick, E. H. (96) and Vine, J. (62), Sussex v. Leicestershire, at Brighton. 151, V. Trumper (96) and C. H’ll (81), Australians v. Players, at the Oval. 148, C. B . B. Marsham (92) and C. J. Burnup (60), Kent v. Surrey, at Canterbury. 134, C. J. B. Wood ( .00 not out) ai d Knight, A. E. (60), Leicestershire v. Nottinghamshire, at Nottingham. 130, C. H. B. Marsham (68) and C. J. Bumup (67), Kent v. Somerset, at Maidstone. 126, Killick, E. H. (69) and Vine, J. (51 not out), Sussex v. Hampshire, at Southampton. 123, C. J. Burnup (1(4) and S. H. Day (64), Kent v. Worcestershire, at Tonbridge. 118, Brown, J. T., sen. (91) and Washington, I. (50) Yorkshire v. Worcesterhire, at Worceater. 114, Iremonger, J. (69) and Gunn, W. (43), Notts, v. Essex, at Leyton. 112, Iremonger, J. (106) and Gunn, W. (38), Notts, v. Leicestershire, at Nottingham. 107*, Killick, E. H. (60 not out) aud Vine, J. (50 not out), Sussex v. Australians, at Brighton. 105, V. Trumper (1*1) andC. Bill (64), Australians v. Oxford University, at Oxford. 105, Arnold, E. (74 not cut) and H. K. Foster (68), Worcestershire v. Sussex, at Brighton. 104, C. Bill (1C4' and R. A. Duff (47), Australians v. Essex, at Leyton. 104, Tyldesley, J. T. (62) and Brown, J. T., sen. (56), Players v. Gentlemen, at Scarborough. 103, Knight, A. E. (145 not out) and C. J. B. Wood (42), Leicestershire v. London County, at the Crystal Palace.