Cricket 1902

THB FINEST BAT THE WOULD PRODUCES. Nov. 27, 1902. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 451 BUSSEY’S AT THE SIGN OF THE WICKET. B y J!'. 8 . A sklby -C oofbb . FEATS, FACTS AND FIGURES OF 1902. T able No. 1.—TABLE SHOWING THE GROUNDS UPON WHICH THB BUNS WERE SCORED IN FIBST-CLA8S MATCHES DURING THE 8EA80N. CO 2 a CO 0 9 BUSSEY’S Ground. Runs. Wkts. Aver. Bath............................... ... 2,016 . . 99 .. 20-36 Beckenham ................ 733 . . 40 .. 18*32 Bournemouth ......... .. 1,323 . . Ill .. 11*91 Bradford ................. .. 3,101 . . 163 .. 19-02 Brighton ................. .. 10,030 . . 402 .. 24*95 Bristol ........................ ... 6,305 . . 250 .. 25*22 Cambridge ................. ... 3.709 . . 175 .. -21*19 Canterbury ................. ... 1,891 . . 93 .. 20*33 Cardiff ........................ 602 . . 34 .. 17*70 Catford........................ 346 . . 31 .. 11*16 Cheltenham................. ... 1,034 . . 60 .. 17*23 Chesterfield................. ... 1,466 .. 63 .. 27-66 Crystal Palace .......... ... 6,230 .. 258 .. 24*14 Derby ........................ ... 5,023 . . 196 .. 26*62 Dewsbury ................. 416 . . 12 .. 34-66 Eastbourne (Saffrons) ... 1,614 . 72 .. 22*41 Edgbaston ................. ... 6,152 .. 268 .. 22*96 Edinburgh ................. 505 .. 30 .. 1683 Glossop........................ 502 .. 31 .. 16*19 Gloucester ................. 788 .. 45 .. 1751 Gravesend ................. lv2 .. 10 .. 12*20 Harrogate ................. ... 1,093 .. 64 .. 1712 Hastings...................... ... 3,233 .. 90 .. 35"92 Huddersfield................ 561 .. 17 .. 33-00 Hull............................... 833 .. 40 . . 20-82 Leeds ........................ ... 2,190 .. 120 . . 18-25 Leicester........................ ... 6,438 .. 322 . . 1999 Leyton ........................ ... 8,230 .. £32 . . 24-78 Liverpool ................. 640 .. 26 . . 25*60 Lord’s ........................ ... 14,196 .. 692 . . 20-61 Maidstone ................. 496 .. 30 . . 1653 Manchester ................ ... 9,261 .. 424 . . 21-84 Nottingham................ ... 8,702 .. 307 . . 28 34 Oval............................... ... 15,844 .. 623 . . 25*43 Oxford ... ................. ... 4,542 .. 172 . . 26*10 Portsmouth................. ... J,*244 ... 69 . . 1802 Scarborough................ ... 2,332 ... 108 ... 21*69 Sheffield....................... ... 2,167 .. 150 ... 14-38 Southampton................ ... 2,357 ... 164 .. 1530 Taunton........................ ... 5,132 ... 220 .. 23*32 Tonbridge ................. Tunbridge W ells........ ... 1,219 ... 87 .. 1401 ... 1.184 ... 68 .. 1741 Worcester ................. ... 8,242 ... 350 .. 23 54 Totals ... ... 154,037 6,897 2238 Side. Warwickshire ... Worcestershire ... Yorkshire ......... Totals Wkts. ,. 273 .. 858 Runs. 6,821 , 7,674 10,018 154,037 6,897 Aver. 2315 21-43 25-49 22-33 T a b le N o . 3.—TABLE SHOWING THE NUM­ BER OF RUNS SCORED AGAINST EACH SIDE IN FIRST-CLASS MATCHES DURING THE SEASON. Scoring during the past season ruled con­ siderably lower than in 1901, the average number of runs scored for every wicket lost being 22*33 against 27*27 of the previous year. The run-getting during the past four seasons may be summarised as follows:— Side. Runs. Wkts. Aver. Australians....................... 12,060 ... 670 ... 18*00 > mbridge University .. 3.763 ... 163 ... 23 08 Derbyshire....................... 7,291 ... *71 ... 26-90 England ....................... 1,395 ... 72 ... 19*37 England X I.’s ................ 1,822 ... 78 ... 23*35 Essex ............................. 6,992 ... 267 ... 2618 Gentlemen....................... 1,376 ... 38 ... 3621 Glamorgan and Wilts. .. 303 ... 14 ... 21-64 Gloucestershire................ 7,334 ... 277 ... 2647 Hampshire....................... 5,432 ... 538 ... 2282 Ireland.............................. . 1,411 .. 64 .. 22 04 Kent .............................. 6,405 ... 857 .. 17-94 Kent and Sussex ......... 411 ... 17 ... 24*17 Lancashire....................... 8,533 ... 379 ... 22*51 Leicestershire ................ 8,301 ... 301 ... 25 75 L.-Gower’sXI.,H. D. G.. . 1,121 ... 35 .. 32 02 London County................ 5.610 ... 238 .. 23 57 M.C.C. and Ground ... . . 4,210 ... 196 .. 2147 Middlesex ...................... . 5,613 ... 241 .. 23 29 Notts................................. . 7,375 ... 34-2 .. 21-56 Oxford University ... . . 4,084 ... 134 .. 30-47 Players................ .. . . 2,025 ... 72 .. 2812 Scotland X I..................... 305 ... 10 .. 30*50 Somerset ..................... . 6,674 ... 344 .. 1940 South ............................. 711 .. 40 .. 17*77 Surrey............................. . 12,577 ... 473 .. 26-58 Sussex............................... 10,18s ... 439 .. 23*20 Warwickshire ............... . 6,160 ... 3 3 .. 20-33 Worcestershire................. 7,567 ... 327 .. 2314 Yorkshire ... ................. 6,990 ... 497 .. 14*06 Totals......... 154,037 6,897 22 33 The five matches included in the above tables under the heading “ England XI.’s” Year. R u es . Wkts. Aver. 1899 ... 169,341 ... 6,513 ... 26 01 1900 .. . 157.480 ... 6,342 ... 24-83 1901 .. . 188.716 ... 6,919 ... 27"27 )902 ... 164,037 ... 6,897 .,.. 22*33 So wet a summer as the last had not been experienced by cricketers since 1879. Other very wet seasons were those of 1821, 1830, 1843, 1853, 1856, 1860 and 1888. T able N o . 2.—TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF RUNS SCORED BY EACH SIDE IN FIRST-CLASS MATCHES DURING THE SEASON. Side. Australians...................... Cambridge University ... Derbyshire........................ England ....................... England X I.’s ................. Essex ............................... Gentlemen......... .......... Glamorgan and Wilts ... Gloucestershire................ Hampshire ........................ Ireland ........................ Kent ............................... Kent and Sussex .......... Lancashire........................ Leicestershire ................. L.-Gower’s XI., H. D. G. London County................. M.C.C. and Ground........ Middlesex ........................ Notts ............................... Oxford University .......... Players............................... Scotland X I....................... Somerset ........................ South ............................... Surrey................. ... .. Sussex............................... are :—Australians v. An England XI. (East­ bourne, Bradford and Scarborough), Kent and Sussex v. An England XI. (Hastings), and Yorkshire v. An England XI. (Lord’s). From Tables 2 and 3 it is possible to obtain an idea of the relativemerits of the Australian and Yorkshire Elevens—by far the two strongest teams of the season. It will be observed that Yorkshire can claim an advan­ tage of 11*4 runs for every wicket over their opponents, and the Australians an excess of 8*5 runs per wicket. Using this data we find that the strength of the Yorkshire team was to that of the Australian as 100 is to 74*56. T a b le N o . 4 —TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF INNINGS IN WHICH FOUR HUNDRED OR MORE RUNS WERE 8CORED IN FIRST- CLASS MATCHES LURING THE SEASON. Total For. Against. Ground. 705-8 ... Sussex .Surrey .Hastings. 607 .. M.C.C. and G. Camb.Univ....Lord’s. 58?-6 ... Australians ... Sussex .Brighton. London County M.C.C. &. G. C. Palace. Runs. Wkts. Aver. 13,419 ... 606 . . 26-51 3,785 .. 184 . . 20*67 6,224 .. 313 . . 19-88 1,646 .. 70 . . 23-51 1,655 .. 86 . . 1924 7,111 .. 321 . . 2215 1,262 .. 52 . . 2407 299 .. 20 . . 14*95 6,562 .. 355 . . 18-48 4,341 .. 289 . . 1502 1,662 71 . . 2143 7,270 .. 385 . . 18*88 408 .. iO .. 20*40 7,906 .. 359 . 2202 7,621 .. 351 .. 21*71 1,120 ... 34 .. 3294 4,883 ... 188 .. 25*97 4,583 .. 224 .. 20*45 6,765 ... 295 .. 19-50 7,P34 ... 275 .. 27*39 8,887 ... 156 .. 24 91 2,161 71 .. 30-43 203 ... 2) .. 10-00 6,4i0 ... 840 .. 1894 643 ... 32 .. 20*09 12,123 ... 500 .. 24*24 9,644 ... 356 .. 27*08 f 68 561 556-7 . 552-9 . 545-5 . 520 £04 . 502-7 , 499-5 . 497 493-6 . 489 482-7 474 470 470 467 463-7 453 449 444 442 441 440 437-8 4S6 433 430 427 427 423 417 . Derbyshire Lancashire Surrey Australians . Sussex . Yorkshire... . Sussex ... . Yorkshire . Yorkshire . Middlesex ,. Derbyshire Warwickshire Derby. Surrey ......... Manchester. , Sussex , Gloucester . Essex ... Hastings. Bristol. Leyton. Bradford. Brighton. , Manchester. . Nottingham Leyton. Kent Lancashire Notts ... Essex Leicestershire. Chesterfield. Leicestershire.. London Co’ty. Leicester. ... Australians ... Notts ......... Nottingham ... Oxford Univ.... L.-Gower’sXI. Oxford. ... Yorkshiie ... Surrey ......... Oval. ... Notts ......... Derbyshire ... Derby. ... Worcestershire Derbyshire ... Worcester. ... Sussex ..........Yorkshire ... Brighton. ... Warwickshire.. Leicestershire. Edgbaston. .. Players ..........Gentlemen ... Lord’s. ... Lancashire ... Worcestersh’e Worcester. .. Kent.................Hants...............T. Wells. ... Surrey ..........Derbyshire ... Oval. ... Essex ..........Leicestershire Leyton. ... Surrey ..........Warwickshire Oval. ... London County Surrey..........C. Palace. ... Leicestershire... Derbyshire ... Chesterfield. ... Australians ... M.C.C. & G.... Lord’s. ... London County Warwicksh. C. Palace. ... fcurrey ..........Oxford Univ. Oval. Cambs. Univ. { Hjgr-G ow e* I |Cambridge.