Cricket 1902
376 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. Aug. 28, 1902. BELLE STEAMERS. D A IL Y S E A T R IP S , From FRESH WHARF, LONDON BRIDGE 9 , 1 5 .— Daily to Southend, Clacton, Wal ton, Southwold and Yarmouth (direct), and, Fridays excepted, to Felixstowe, Harwich and Ipswich, changing at Walton. 9 . 3 0 . —Daily to Margate and Ramsgate andback same day. The 9.16 and 9.30 steamers call at Green wich, North Woolwich and Tilbury. Bailings every Saturday, Sunday, M onday and Thursday. 9 .4 - 5 . —Express to Southend and Walton and back same day, calling at Clacton and all stations on return journey. 3 . 0 . —Afternoon Trip to Gravesend and the Nore, calling at Greenwich and South Woolwich. Husbands’ Boats to Margate at 2 . 0 . and Southend at 3 . 0 . every Saturday. Trains in connection with 9.15, 9.30 and 2 o’clock steamers on L. T. & 8. Hallway. A ll Return Tickets available during the Season. Special reduitions toparties o f 12 and over. For further particulars, Time Tables, etc., apply at the Piers, and the COAST DEVELOPMENT COM PANY, L td., 33, 'Walbrook, E.C. GENERALSTEAMNAVIGN,CO.’S T O U R S , LU X U R IO U S T H R O U G H O U T . Combined Steamer, Rail and Hotel Fares at popular prices. The Steamer and Hotel Fares include sea passage, 1st Class, carriage of bicycle, table d’hdte meals on board steamers, and accommodation, with table d’ hdte board at the numerous first-class Hotels •with -which the Company is in correfcpoi-dence. TOUR TO OSTEND and the ARDENNES .. .. from £ 1 6 6 BO BD EAU X, the PYRENEES, and A U V E RG N E ........... ................................ 7 5 0 BORDEAU X, the P Y R E N E E S , ALGERIA and TUNIS ................... „ 19 12 0 (In conjunction with the Midi Railway Co. of France and the Compagnie de Navigation Mixte.) L O N D O N & E D IN B U R G H . Every Wednesday and Saturday from each end. F a r k s Chief Cabin, 2 2 s .; Return, 3 4 s . ; Fore Cabin, 1 6 s .; Return, 2 4 s. 6d. The “ B e a m b w ,” one of the finest and fastest steamers on the Coast, is now on the Edinburgh route. HIGHLAND TOURS. 6-day Tour fl-day Tour 12-day Tour £3 14 £5 0 £6 13-day Tour 16-day Tour 17-day Tour £6 12 g £7 19 6 £8 5 0 6s. less if the Lord of the Isles coupon is not required. Including 1st class passage to Edinburgh and back, with meals on board and carriage of bicycle, hotel accommodation (with board) in the Highlands, and Trip, 1st class, via Loch Fyne and the Kyles of Bute, from Inveraray to Glasgow, by the magnificent Royal Mail Steamer Lord o f the Isles, with dinner on board and carriage of bicycle. These tours have been designed primarily to meet the wants of cyclists, but are equally suitable to ordinary tourists and holiday makers. The G eneral Steam N avigation C o .’ s Illu s tra te d Guide Book, with full particulars, and numerous splendid road, rail, and route-maps, price Id., by post 2d., can be had an application to the G.S.N. Co., 55, Great Tower Street, E.C. ENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO.’S mag- nificent new steamer “ EAGLE,” and their numerous other fine saloon passenger steamtrs, to THE NORE. SOUTHEND, MARGATE, RAMS GATE, and YARMOUTH, from Fresh Wharf, Lon don Bridge, Greenwich, and Woolwich. HASTINGS & ST. LEONARDS CRICKET WEEK, 1902. TWO GRAND MATCHES W IL L B E PLA Y ED IN T B E C e n tr a l C r ic k e t G ro u n d , H a s tin g s , A S FOLLOW S :— THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY, September 4th, 5th, and 6th, SUSSEX AN D KENT v. REST OF ENGLAND . TEAMS. Sussex and K ent. K . S. Ranjiteinhji. Mr. J. R. Mason. Mr. C. B. Fry. Mr. C. J. turnup. Mr. S. H. Day. Mr. E. W . Dillon. Mr. W . M. Bradley. Tate. Vine. Relf. Hui'h. R est of E ngland . Dr. W . G. Grace. Mr. G. L. Jessop. Mr. C. J. B. W ood. Mr. C. McGahey. Major R. M. Poore. Braund. Denton. Gunn (J.) Trott. Gill. Board. MONDAY , TUESDAY , AND WEDNESDAY , September 8th, 9th, and 10th, SOUTH or ENGLAND v. AU STR A L IAN S . THE SOUTH OF ENGLAND TEAM W ill be as follows: — Dr. W . G. Grace. Abel. K . S. Ranjitsinhji. Eraund. Mr. C. B. Fry. Hayward. Mr. J. R. Mason. Lockwood. Mr. G. L. Jessop. Board or Huieh. Mr. C. J. Bumup. Umpires: F. MARTIN and G. BEAN. Wickets to be Pitched at Twelve o’clock first day of each Match, other days at half-past Eleven. Admission to the Ground, ONE SHILLING. Covered Grand Stand, One Shilling extra. Cheapfares on S.E. <Se C.H.,and L.B. <b S.C.B ., and Excursion Trains tvill run. TICKETS FOR THE W EEK, including Admission to the Ground and Reserved Seat in Grand Stand, price 10s., can now be obtained at the Central Cricket Ground, Hastings, where a plan can be seen. Tickets for the Week, for Ground only, price 5s., can be obtained at the Ground, or cf Hon. Sec. A Private Lawn with Tents will also be Reserved (Entrance on South Terrace side of Ground) to v hich the Admission will be 2s. 6d. per day, including Gate Money. JUST PUBLISHED. Cloth, 1/6, net. Limp Leather, 2/- net. NYREN’ S CRICKETER’ S TUTOR W it h In tro d u ctio n an d N otes. By F.S.ASHLEY-COOPER. BEING VOL. IV. OF THE SPORTSMAN’S CLASSICS. THE OTHER VOLS. ABE I . W a lto n ’ s C o m p le te A n g le r . I I . N im r o d ’s T h e C h ase—T h e R o a d . I I I . N im r o d 's T h e T u rf. London : G AY & BIRD, 22, Bedford St., Strand ,W .C City&SouthLondonRailway. TO THE OVAL From Angel, Islington, Moorgate 8treet, Bank, and London Bridge Stations. Travel by the Electric Hallway— Trains every 3 or 4 minutes. THOMAS C, JENKIN, General M anages . F OR SALE.—“ Scores and Biographies,” Vols. 1 to 4, complete set of Cricket Newspaper, 19 vols., Wisden’s Almanack, 1878-1901, inclusive, in excellent condition.—H azelw ood, 16, Ennerdale Road, Rich- mond-on-Thames. " PATTISSON” LAWN BOOTS, T h e B E S T , S I M P L E S T , COLES PATENT. a n d M O S T E C O N O M IC A L . Used at LORD’ S, The O val, and the Principal Clubs at Home and Abroad. Soles of best English Sole Leather (W aterproofed) and Tyre Rubber. The “ F ie ld ” says: “ Ar good as anything that could be devised.” Dr. W . G. G race writes: “ They are the best I have ever seen.” Mr. T. H earne writes: “ The very thing wanted for years.” Mr. Apted (The Oval) writes: “ The best I have ever used.” Mr. Goodwin (Liverpool C.C.) writes: “ To use them is to know their value.” H undreds of T estimonials . 55, K illieser A j Streatham H ill, S W . H. PATTISSON 55, K illieser Avenue, C r i c k e t : A. WEEKLY RECORD OF ID E QAME. 160, UPPER THAMES STREET, LOIDOI, E.C. THURSDAY, AUG. 28 th , 1902. $ a \u l to n G o s s i p . The abstract and brief chronicle of the time.— Hamlet. O ne of the Sefton Park professionals is immensely popular amongst the hundreds of Liverpool boyswho the parks on Saturdays, lt is most amusing to watch him return to the pavilion, especially if he has taken some wickets or made a big hit; he is at once surrounded by a huge mob of his little admirers who wait for him to pat him on the back. He has literally to fight his way through the mob before he can reach the pavilion. A n amusing incident took place during the match between Sefton Park and Ox- ton, at Liverpool, on Saturday. Two of the Oxton men attempted a very short run, while two of the fielders rushed for the ball and collided violently without hurting each other. One of them flung his arms round the other to prevent him from falling, at the same time preventing him from returning the ball to the wicket keeper. The result was that the batsmen regained their creases and the crowd laughed. On the first day of the match at Southampton between Sussex and Hamp shire, Major Poore was presented by the Hampshire County C.C. with a silver bowl as a memento of his great success for Hampshire before he went to the war. The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. J. C. Moberly, stated that it had been intended to make the presentation at the end of the season of 1899, but Major Poore then had to go on active service. Major Poore in that year had an average of 116 for Hampshire and 91 in all matches.
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