Cricket 1902

354 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A ug . 21, 1902. same time being about 30. But an odd thing was that the papers next day said that I was content to look on while my partner scored; but this was hardly right. The fact is that he was hitting anything and everything, and no doubt I seemed very quiet by comparison with him. I don’t think anybody bowled a maiden to him in that innings.” In the autumn of 1887 two English teams sailed to Australia. One of them, which went under a guarantee from the Melbourne C.C., was collected together by Mr. Vernon, and hence became known as his team,' although Lord Hawke (then the Hon. M. B. Hawke) acted as captain until he was obliged to return home, when the duties were under­ taken by Mr. Vernon. This team did exceedingly well, and only lost one match during the tour. Mr. Vernon’s highest score was 50 made against Combined Australia at a time when runs were very badly wanted, for, when he went in, six wickets were down for 51; his partner­ ship with Mr. A. E. Newton realized 97 runs, and had a great deal to do with the easy victory of bis side. He also went to Australia with the Hon. Ivo Bligh’s team in 1882. Mr. Vernon had a large share in the partnership of 605 for the second wicket of Orleans club against Rickley Green in 1882, his score being 259, and Mr. A. H. Trevor’s 338. Until 1895, when Captain Oates and Private Fitzgerald made 623 for the second wicket for 1st Royal Munster Fusiliers against Army Service Corps, this was the record for any wicket. It may be stated here that while “ Wisden” and Cricket of August 17th, 1882, give the record as 603, “ James Lillywhite’s Cricketers’ Annual ” gives it as 605. It may be interesting to append the score of the Orleans club in this match. It is as follows :— — C. I. Thornton, c B . Spencer, b Sworder.. 15 G. F . Vernon, b Silcock ..............................259 A . H . Trevor, e Row e, b Sworder ............338 P . J. de Paravicini, c G ilbey, b Judd ... 68 D . G. Spiro, b S ilco ck ...................................... 50 H on. E . W . H . W ard, run o u t .................... 17 J. C. Partridge, not out ............................ 90 F . Sandeman, b R . S. S p e n ce r..................... 2 P . Poano, c Silcock, b R . S. Spencer ... 0 Clarke, c Sworder, b A . R. Taylor ............ 24 W . Sanderson, b Silcock .............................. 23 B 20, lb 12, w 1 2 ............................. 44 T o t a l.............................920 As a fieldsman Mr. Vernon was in his element in the country, where his skill in accurately judging the ball, and in holding it when it dropped was often exceedingly useful to bis side. He seldom seemed to hurry, but this was because he was never late in starting. As a footballer (a forward) he repre­ sented England against Scotland at Rugby Union in 1878 and 1880, and so attained the highest honours which could fall to him. He played for the Black­ heath Club. He distinguished himself at rackets, and once was runner-up in the championship. W . A. B E T T E 8W O R T H . P A R S I C R IC K E T, w ith 27 Illustrations, b y M . E. P a v b i.—A H istory o f Parsi Cricket given in a lucid and concise form . Records and m any m em or­ able achievem ents of prom inent Parsi cricketers, etc. Price, 4b.; poet free, 4s. 3d—Cricket Offices, 1681 U pper Tham es Street,.E.C. L O N D O N A N D W E ST M IN STE R B A N K v. B R IX ­ T O N W A N D E R E R S .—Played at N orbury on July 26. L . & W C. Snell, b C . Smith ... 1 C. J. Bowm an, c Gale, b Odell ... ... 43 W . Bradbury, c Benge, b O dell ............. ... 66 S. Bowm an, lbw, b M ason ..................... 2 Total H . E. Thom pson, c W hitley, b M ason .. 8 B b ’ xton W anderers . B ank . A . G. Gough, c and b C. S m ith .....................21 L . Pitt Brook, not out 11 E . A . W illson, n otou t 6 B 19, lb 3, w 2 ... 24 ...182 F. Odell, b W ilh on ... 0 F. Rider, b W il’son ... 1 Burlington, b Sim pson 0 Gale, n ot out ... . 5 9 H . S m ith, b W illson . 13 W . Gilligan, b W illson 1 C. G. Smith, st Brook, b Snell .....................16 Brym an. not out ... 21 Bye ..................... 1 Total 82 L O N D O N AN D W E 8T M IN S TER B A N K v. JO IN T STOCK B A N K .—Played at N orbury on July 28, 29 and 30. J oint S tock B ank . Ashberry, b Baker . Randall, b Simpson ... H owse. b B a k e r............ Bird, b S. Bowm an ... Allen, c and b Baker .. M e \!ahon, c C. J. Bow­ man, b S. Bowm an .. Lockhart, b W illson ... L . & W . Bank. 16 Scammell, b S. Bow ­ 1 man .............................. 3 14 Browne, h S. Bowm an 0 4 Thorncroft. not o u t ... 0 8 Newnham , b W ilhon 0 B 85 , lb 4 ............ 39 13 — 5 T otal ..........103 L . P itt Brook, b Ash­ berry ........... . ... 3 C. Bowm an, lbw, b A s h b e r ry ..................... 9 W . Bradbery, not out 63 C. Sim pson, b T h om - croft ................................13 E. W illson, b Thorn- c r o ft ............................. 10 A . G ough, n ot out ... 9 B 22, lb 3 ............25 T otal ...132 LO N D O N A N D W E S T M IN S T E R B A N K tIO H M O N D .—Played at N orbury on A ugust 2 Richmond A th letic. 16 R. H opgood, run out W . Sanders, c W ill­ son, b Sim pson ... 4 R. M ole, b W illson ... 0 A . Trollope, b Power 13 D . M ilestone, b W ill­ son .............................. 5 S. M ole, b Power ... 0 H . Tyner, c Pritchard, b Pow er ..................... 1 H . M ilestone, b W ill­ son .............................. F. M ayo, not out J. M arshall, b W ill­ son .............................. R . Fowler, b W illson B 9, lb 1 ............ T otal ... 59 C. Bowm an, run out... 15 H . Baker, b Marshall 5 E . A . W illson, not out 74 C. Sim pson, c Trollope, b M ilestone ............26 L . & W . Bank. L . P itt Brook, not out 7 B 17, lb 1 ............18 Total ..145 L O N D O N A N D W E S T M IN S T E R B A N K v. M IT ­ C H A M .—Played at N orbury on A ugust 4. L . & W . Bank. C. J . Bowm an, c Bale, b B oxall ....................21 S. Bowm an, c H olland, b N . H arvey ............21 W . Bradbery, c H ol­ land, b B oxa’l............ 8 E A . W iilson, c H ol­ land, b Boxall .. 11 C. Sim pson, lbw , b H arvey ..................... 6 L . Pitt-B rook, b B oxall 1 M itcham . T . Pritchard, b B oxall 11 C. Crossley, st Bale, b Boxall ..................... 6 H . Power, b H arvey... 2 H . W ellborne, b H ar­ vey ............................. 9 A . P odm ore,notout... 4 B 12, lb 1 ............13 Total .. 113 F . H olland, c Power, b W ills o n ....................33 W . Hussey, c Crossley, b S im p son ................... 2 H Cath, c Bowm an, b W illson .....................32 N. H arvey, b Bowm an 41 J. B oxall, b Bowman .. 35 J. Shirtevont, not out 33 T . P . H arvey, c & b Power . .......................... 7 E . Bale, b W illson ... 0 B. Cole, c Podm ore, b W illson ........................20 L . Roberts, b W illson 2 B 14, lb 5, w 2 ... 21 Total ...223 H A M P STE A D v. S O U T d H A M P S T E A D .—Played at Ham pstead on A ugust 4. S outh H ampstead . P. W . Hale, b Barron 102 L . P. Orgias,b Barron 17 J. S. W atson, b Barron 0 A . J.H oughton,c and b Stoddart ..................... 3 F. W . T ew , c and b Stoddart .................... 8 W . Couchm an, b Stod­ dart ..............................70 W . H anwell, c Greig, b B a r r o n ....................10 H . W . Broom an, b Barron ..................... 2 H. J. Parris, b Barron 10 J. J. Lam bert, b Bar­ ron ............................. 4 A . C. Thom as, not out ............................. 26 B 25, lb 2 ............27 T otal ... ...279 H . Greig, c Hanwell, b Orgias .....................21 H . H . W alters, b H ale 8 T . M . Farm iloe, c Couchman, b Orgias 19 F. J . Potter, b Orgias 4 A . E . Stoddart, not out ............................. 80 H . W oodall, c and b Orgias ................... 0 H . C . Preston, b Thom as .....................11 H ampstead . E . W . H . Beaton, b Thom as ..................... 4 A . A . Barron, c Broo­ m an, b P a rris.......... 0 T . W . M ackintosh, b H a le ............................. 9 A . B. Osm ond, not out ............................ 7 T otal (9 wkts) ...163 ‘ A” SO U TH B E C K E N H A M v. G O LD SM ITH S’ —Played at N ew Cross on August 4. S outh B eckenham . First ionings. Second innings. F . Short, b Mears ........... 0 b Mears .............19 B. Short, c E . M edway, b G ood .................................... 0 st Cotton,b Mears 0 H . Purchese, not o u t ........52 c Cotton, b E. M e d w a y ............13 G. Gully, lbw , b G ood.......... 3 b E. M edw ay ... 0 W . Grewcock, c Cotton, b M e a r s .................................... 4 c Tolley, b M ears 0 J. Purnell, c W hitestone, b G ood ..................................... 0 b E. M edw ay ... 0 P. Reed, c and b G ood ... 8 st Cotton, b W h it stone ... 18 H .Peck, c and b E . M edway 13 b G ood ............. 13 S. Budd, b E. M edway ... 1 c Mears, b G ood 0 D . R ow , b E. M edway ... 0 n o to u t ............. 0 H . Short, c W hitebtone, b E. M edway .................. ... 3 st Cotton, b G ood 0 R . Price, c Birley, b E. M ed­ way .................................... 0 c Tolley, b G ood 0 B 3, lb 4, w 2 ... 9 B 4, lb 2 ... 6 Total ... 93 T o t a l............75 W . F . D ray, b B. S h ort............................. 4 M . Birley, run out ... 4 E. Cotton, b B. Short 0 H Sales, b R o w ..........31 W . Mears, c R. Short, b P u rn e ll............ .. 38 A . S. M edway, b B. S h ort.............................20 E. B. Tolley, c Purnell, b R ow .................... 1 Goldsmiths’ “ A .” E . M . M edway, b P ar­ nell .............................. 8 R. L W hitestone, b B. Shore ............... 0 J. A . T . G ood, b B. Short ............ 17 S. H . Best,b Parnell 1 F. J. K im bell, not out 4 B 4 , w l .......... 5 T otal ...133 Second in n in gs: M . Birley, b Purchese, 17; E. Cotton, not out, 47 ; Byes 2, lo 3.—Total 69. J . C . L O V E L L ’ S X I . M atches played, 16; w on, 6 ; lost, 2 ; drawn, 7 ; abandoned, 1. Century scored : —Stanley Briggs 100, v. Brixton W anderers, July 16. B A T T IN G A V E R A G E S. N o. Tim es M ost o f not Total in an inns. out. runs. inns. Aver. Stanlev B r ig g s ............ 8 ... 4 .. 342 ... 100 ... 85*5 J. H o lla n d .................... 1 ... 1 ... 4 ) ... 40*... 40 00 A . M eller .................... 4 ... 1 ... 10D ... 82 ... 33*33 D . V . Hassard ............ 11 ... 1 ... 321 ... 57 .. 32 1 L . L ovell ..................... 15 ... 8 ... 199 ... 45*... 16 58 C. H . M oun tain.......... 15 ... 0 ... 209 ... 52 ... 13 93 W .H . Golds ............ 6 ... 0 ... 66 ... £6 ... 11*00 C. L . R i n g ..................... 9 ... 2 .. 65 ... 19 .. 9*28 H . W est ..................... 7 ... 1 ... 5 2 ... 18 ... 8*66 E . D . Lovell ... ■ 1*2 ... 2 ... 8 6 ... 22 ... 8 6 K . R o'in son ............10 ... 0 ... 81 ... 3*2 ... 8*1 G. A . R in g ..................... 9 ... 1 ... 49 ... 19 ... 612 S. H . Fiindt ............ 9 ... 3 ... 36 ... 9 .. 6*00 H . Tidy ..................... 1 ... 0 ... 6 ... 6 ... 6*00 J. S. L o v e ll...................11 ... 1 ... 55 .. 15 .. 5*5 H . N. R in ,'.................... 9 ... 1 ... 3 8 ... 10*... 4 75 L . G. Mellor ............ 1 ... 0 ... 2 ... 2 ... 2*00 G . Holgate, J. W . Porch, W . M . Y etts, and L . Hudson bxtted, but w i hout m aking runs. A . Lovell, R . E. Langto 1 and F. C. Stacey played, but did not have an innings. B 3 W L IN G A V E S A 'JE S . Overs. Mdns. Runs. Wkfcs. Aver. J. W . P orch ... 7 ... 1 ... 17 ... 3 ... 5 66 H . N. R ing .. .. 6 * 3 . . . . . . 2 3 . . 3 ... 7*66 C. L. R in g .......... 27 ... 7 ... 85 .. 8 ... 10*62 Stanley Briggs ... 2 ... — ... 11 ... 1 ... 11 8 H. F lin d t ........ 82 5 ... 17 ... 217 ... 18 ... 12*05 K . R obinson............ 133*3 ... 26 ... 322 ... 25 ... 12*85 J. S. Lovell .......... 110 5 .. 19 ... 319 ... 23 ... 13*8T A . M eller ............ 11 ... — ... 45 ... 3 ... 15 J. H olland ............ 11 ... 1 ... 30 ... 2 ... 15 G- A . Ring ............ 62 ... 13 ... 181 ... 11 ... 16 46 H . W e s t .................... 75*3 ... 12 ... 224 ... 13 . 17 23 F. C. S ta ce y ............ 19 ... 5 ... 56 ... 3 .. 18*66 The follow ing also bow led, but w ithout taking w ick ets:—A. L ovell, 8 overs for 12 ru n s; E. D. L ovell, 3 for 10; L. Lovell, 9 for 33; D . V . Hassard, 6 for 31.