Cricket 1902

352 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAME. A ug . 1 4 , 1902. K E N S IN G T O N P A R K v. O CK LA N D S P A R K .— Played at Ocklands Park on August 2 and 4. O cklands P a r k . First innings. G. H . Cotterill, b C urrick... 14 C. Francis, b C arrick............ 5 T .H .Fraser,cJ.O rr,bPalm er 3 J. C. W ood, run out ............14 M s jorC .E .O rm an, b Palm er 0 C .D .B aker,cl.O rr,bC arrick 13 L.H .G unnery,cand bPalm er 1 L.R .T .F rere, c Greatorex, b Brom ley-M artin ............16 C. Kennyside, b Palm er .. 17 A . H . G odfrey, b Palm er ... 0 E. H . Samuel, not out ... 3 Bye .............................. 1 Second innings, c Greatorex, b Carrick ............ c Palm er, b M ar­ tin ..................... c Palm er, b Car­ rick ..................... b M artin ............ not out ............ h Carrick ............ b M artin ............ c Skinner, b Mar­ tin ... ............ not ou t..................... b Carrick ............ Byes ............ T otal .....................117 T otal (8 wkts) 126 K ensington P ark . P . R . Selby, b W ood... 23 G. E Brom ley-M artin, b Baker .....................11 H M . rarrick, c Frere, b W ood ...................11 C.M .Skinner, c Baker, b W ood ............ 2 F . H .Palm er ,c Samuel, b W ood ..................... 5 R .F . A . Orr, c Frere, b W ood .............................. 0 G. T . Cam pbell, lbw, W ood ... ... 0 P.GreatorPx.c K enny­ side, b B a k e r............ 5 J . B. Orr, c W ood , b Baker 2 A .W .B row ne, b W ood 4 C. G. H ildyard, not out ..............................17 Byes ..................... 6 Total ............86 SE A T O N v. IN C O G N IT I.—Played at Seaton on August 6 and 7. S eaton . First innings. A . C. Lary, c W ells, b W h it­ le y ...................................... ... 8 R . Raw lings, c and bH ebert 15 E . S. H ow lett, b Parton ... 12 F . P . K nox, b H ebert............ 2 C. D rake, c Talbot, bH ebert 21 H . V . D oulton, lbw , b W h it­ ley ............................................... 0 E. C. W right, not out . ... 45 W . Cottrell, c Parton, b He­ bert ......................................12 H . Charlesworth, b H ebert 0 Rev. T . E . W illiam s, st W ells, b Hebert ............11 P . T . Rawlings, b H eb ert.. 4 B 9, nb 2 .....................11 Total ...........141 Second innings. c F ox, b H ebert... 2 c W ells, b Fox ... 0 b F o x ..................... 1 c W hitley, b F ox 28 lbw , b Parton ... 13 st W ells, b F ox... 16 stW ell8,bW hit ley 46 lbw, b W h itley ... 25 b W h itle y .......... 14 b Hebert ............ 3 not ou t................... 1 B 6, lb 2, nb 3 11 T otal..........160 In co g n iti. First innings. C. J. Parton, st D oulton, b K n ox ... ... 39 B . P. D obson, b W illiam s... 15 S. C. G . F ox, st D oulton, b K i i o x ...................................... 67 R . O. Schwarz, b K nox ... 70 W . H . Edwards, b H ow lett 7 M . H . W hitley, st D oulton, b K n o x ......................... ... 0 H . R . H ebert, c Charlea­ w orth, b W right ............18 Capt. H . L . Talbot, b K n ox 12 N . F . W ells, st D oulton, b K nox ... .............................. 0 C. Philcox, b K nox ............ 2 W . P. Carpmael, not out ... 0 B 2, nb 3 ..................... 5 Second innings. lbw , b K n ox ... J b K nox ............ I Total .. 235 n o to u t.....................32 b K nox ............28 c W right, b K n ox 0 c W right, b K n ox 1 stD oulton,bK nox 1 b W right ............ 2 c and b K n ox ... 3 stD oulton,bK nox 2 b K n ox ........... 0 B 6, lb 4, nb 1 11 T otal............88 L O N D O N A N D W E ST M IN STE R B A N K (3) v. B E L L E V U E (2^.—Played at N orbury on A u g u st9. B e lle v u e (2). L . Smith, b Harton ... 13 R M . W ood , lbw, b W ellborne ............10 W . J. Atfield, c Cock- ell, b H arton ............ 0 E . W . Burch,b Rhodes 13 G. G odbold, c Rhodes, b W ellborne ............ 3 A . M cCabe, c M aclean, b R h o d e s ..................... 5 G . Playle, c& bH arton E . M ansell, b H arton L . Nash, c W ellborne, b H a rton ..................... R.H ackw orth.bRhodes W . Robertson, not out E x tra s................... T otal ............i L oudon and W estminster B ank (3). A . S. H arton, c Playle, b W o o d ................... 38 C. F . G. W ellbom e, b Atfield ............21 G. P. hhodes,b A tfie!d 8 A . M . Cockell, c A t­ field, b W o o d ............78 G . L ogan, b Atfield ... 58 L . C. B. H ockin,cM an- sell, b W ood ............20 A .W .M aclean, bW ood 32 A . Y oun g, b M ansell 14 A . T . Jones, c Playle, b A tfie ld ..................... 5 T . C. Sampson, c and b A tfle ld .....................27 ,J. L . Challis, not out 10 B 31, lb 2, w 5 ... 38 L O N D O N A N D W E S T M IN S T E R B A N K v. K E N ­ SIN G TO N P A R K .-P la y e d at St. Quintin’s Park on A ugust 9. L ondon and W estminster B ank . C. J. Bowm an, c and b B o n d ..............................71 S. Bowm an, lbw , b Palm er .................... 4 W . Bradbery.b Palm er 8 A . G. G ough, b Palm er 50 C. C. Simpson, b D ilke 7 C. J. Cros8ley, b D ilke 0 A . Podm ore, b D ilke... 0 T . H . Brenan. c W heeler,b H ildyard 30 H . Crossley, b Bond... 9 W . V . Thom as, b Palm er ..................... 5 L .W . Roberts, n otou t 0 B 14. lb 12, w l,n b 2 29 Total ...213 K ensington P ark . C .G . H ildyard, c C .J ., b S. B o w m a n ............14 R . F. Orr, run out ... 18 H . T . Roberts, b 8. Bowm an ........... ... 56 F . H . Palm er, b S. Bow m an .. ............10 A .W . Brown, c Gough, b S . B o w m a n ............ 4 P . Greatorex, lbw , b Bowm an .....................12 J . B. Orr. b Podm ore 10 F . W . D ilke, b P od. m ore..............................23 H . T. Bond, b Pod­ m ore ............................. 2 F. C. W heeler, b Pod­ m ore ............................. 0 E . H . Sam uel, not out 8 ------ ---- * ~ ... 23 B 1 3 ,lb 9, w T otal ... ...180 K E N SIN G T O N P A R K v. U P P E R T O O T IN G .— Played at Upper Tooting on A ugust 9. U pper T ooting . Total . 349 D .H . Butcher, not o u tl63 A . H . Parez. b A bney 23 R. R . Sandilands, c M urray, b H , D . N ic h o la s .....................17 L .V .H arper.c Donald­ son,b H . D . Nicholas 5 T . W . Hemm erde, c H . D . Nicholas, b A bney .....................18 C .E. Taylor, c Conran, T otal b A bney ..................... K ensington P ark . A .M .P ollard, b A bney 1 G. H . Lyon, b Abney 17 J. O. Lyon, c Frith, b A . Eddy ............14 S.A.Attlee.cReynolds, b H . D . N icholas .. 0 H . D. H andcock, c Frith,bH .D .N icholas 0 B 19, lb 2, w 1 ... 22 .312 J. G . D onaldson, c H em m erde, b H and­ cock ............................. 8 W . R . M urray, b H andcock.....................11 A . E ddy, b H andcock 14 C. E . Reynolds, c J. A . L von, b H andcock 8 B . H . Conran, c J . A . L yon, b Hemm erde 77 P . L . Frith did not bat. M . A . N icholas, c Attlee, b H andcook 2 H .D . N icholas, c H em ­ merde, b Sandilands 28 J . M . Eddy, c Pollard, b Attlee .....................22 L .E .G . Abney, not out 10 H . K . G ow, not o u t ... 0 B 8, lb 2, nb 6 ... 16 T otal (8 w kts) 196 L O N D O N JO IN T STOCK B A N K (2) v. LON D O N A N D C O U N T Y B A N K (2).—Played at Lower Sydenham on July 29 and 30. L ondon J oint S tock B ank (2). M ortim er, run out ... R ing, not out ............ G rade, run o u t ............ Flem ing ..................... Bailey,lbw,bSpackm an Lunnon, c Feaver, b Francis ... ............ 0 Collyer, b 8packm an... 5 M anley, run ou t............49 Thorne, b Francis ... 0 Payne, c Spackm an, b b F e a v e r .....................11 H orn, b Spackm an ... 33 Total L ondon and C ounty B ank (2). Francis, b R in g ............26 I Feaver, st Flem ing, b P a y n e ............................53 Spackm an, b Payne ... 17 | H unt, not out Extras... ...119 Total (3 w kts) 123 LO N D O N A N D CO U N TY B A N K v. D U L W IC H — Played at Dulwich on A ugust 4. L ondon and C ounty B ank . P. Brownlow , c Lum s- den, b L ighton .. 30 P. F . Allen, c L ighton, b W ells ..................... 7 P . W . h u bbard, c and b W ells ..................... C C . W . Goddard,cGally, b L ighton..................... 9 H . L . H earsum , c Sla­ ter, b W ells ............ 0 C. R . Trow ell, b L igh ­ ton .............................. 0 R . W . Simm ons, lbw, b S la t e r ..................... 7 E.F.K obinson, n otou t 48 R. J. Cramphorn, b S ta ffo r d ...................26 J. F. H unt, b Staffoid 1 E. A . Boaden, c Slater, b W ells ..................... 0 Byes ..................... 8 T otal ...136 P . H . Slater, lbw , b H ea rsu m ..................... W . W . G ill, c & bH ub- bard ... ................... J. S. Lum sden.c H ear­ sum , b Robinson S. J . G oodall, c H unt, b G oddard ...........I ll J . Eastw ood, c H ub­ bard, b Robinson ... 19 H .O . W ells, bG oddard 10 D ulwich . S. H . Pulbrook,bG od- d a r d ............................. 2 F. E. Stafford, c and b H ubbard .......... 8 G. Gaily, b Hearsum 21 E. C. Banfca, b R obin­ son .............................49 H . J. Lighton, not out 12 B 7, lb 2, w 4 ... 13 39 54 T otal ...832 IN C O G N IT I v. B L A C K H E A T H .—Played at Black­ heath on July 30. The report o f this m atch as it appeared last w eek in Cricket was incorrect, for the scores in the m anuscript copy were given in the w rong order, and, therefore, m isleading. The m atch was drawn instead o f being a victory for Incogniti, as appeared from the scores as given last week, I ncogniti . H . S Barkworth, b D avies ..26 A . P . Neam e, b Davies 59 A . Brown, b Symons 4 W . H . Prosser, c H en­ derson, b Symons .. 14 M . H . W hitley, b Davies ... ..26 G. E .W inter, cB rand- ram, b Sk’nner J. R . Joyce, lbw , b Skinner ..................... 54 H . W . D illon, c Davies, b Hendren C. D ixon, b Davies ... L . W ilkinson, not out ............ N . Andrew s, m on s............ B 1 9 ,lb 6 b Sy- Total ...236 B lackheath . S. Castle, c Brow n, b W ilkinson ............46 E . St. G. K irke, o Joyce, b W inter ... 52 H . J. Sym ons, c D illon, b W ilkinson ................32 R . A . Brandram, not out .............................55 C. D . Raw son, st Brown, b Prosser ... 0 M . Christopherson, b Prosser .....................31 B 13, lb 4, w 1 ... 18 T otal (5 w kts) 234 A . W . Stewart, C .'H . B . K endall, A . L .D . Skinner, H endren and L . G . Davies did not bat. SIDM O U TH v. IN C O G N IT I.—Played at Sidm outh on A ugust 8. S idmouth . L . S. W ells. bW hitleylO l W . H . W aller, b F ox 14 C. M . Leese, b Schwarz 25 R ev. E. B . Brutton, o Asprey, b F ox .. ... 88 A . Brown, b W hitley 3 C. W ells, st Voules, b H ebert .....................38 C.M . H orley, c H ebert, b W hitley.................... 4 I ncogniti . First innings. R . O. Schwarz, c and b Brutton ..............................28 A . B. Voules, lbw , b C. W e lls ...................................... 8 J . N . M artin, c C. W ells, b Reynolds............................. 10 B . P . D obson, st Brown, b L . 8. W ells .....................23 G. K . Asprey, c Brown, b Brutton .............................. 4 H . R . H ebert, b L . S. W ells 0 S. C G. F ox, b Reynolds ... 60 M . H . W hitley, b Brutton SO N . F . W ells, not o u t ............17 W . H . Edwards, c W aller, b B rn tto n .............................. 7 W . P . Carpmael, b C. W ells 18 B 18, lb 4, w 2 ............ 19 Capt. G ore, run out... 2 T. Fitzgerald, c W hitley, b Edwards 20 L t.-C ol. Vizard, b E d w a rd s.....................12 N . G. Reynolds, not out ............................ 1 B ll,lb 3 , w 2, nb 1 17 T otal ...325 T otal ............219 Second innings, c Fitzgerald, b Brutton ............25 b C. W e lls ............ 4 lbw, b C . W ells 3 run out ............ 2 cV izard,bBrutton 14 cBrow n,bBrutton 6 b Brutton ............ 5 cW aller.bC.W ells 5 b Brutton ............ 8 n o t o u t ................... 4 cW aller,bBrutton 7 Byes ............ 2 T otal ... 81 N A T IO N A L P R O V IN C IA L B A N K v. CH AR­ TE R E D C O M P A N Y .— Played at L ow er Sydenham on August 4. C hartered C ompany . First innings. Second innings. Beare, c Cosser, b H a n i-on 11 n o to u t.....................11 Coates, b H arrison ... ... 3 b Cosser ... 27 H am ilton, c Price, b H arri- c Harrison, b son............................ ............ 12 Cosser ........................ 2 Backie, b Harrison ............40 M ills, b P rice............................ 1 Parsons,c M orrison b Cosser 4 Cruse, c Phillips, b H arrison 0 cPhillips,b Cosser 12 c Price, b Cosser 0 c Stephenson, b Cosser ............22 Latchford, b Coseer . 8 c Stephenson, b Cosser ............ 1 Taylor, b Cosser ... . . 2 b Cosser ............ 4 B ubbard, not o u t .. 2 b Cosser ............ 12 W alker, b Cosser ... . 16 b Coeser ............ 0 B 3, lb 2, w 1 ... . . 6 B yes..................... 2 T otal................. .100 T otal (9 wkts) 93 N ational P rovincial B ank . A . D . Phillips, c Beare, H . L . 8tephenson, b b H am ilton ............ 0 Coates ............ ... 20 H . C. J. McConachy, A . F. A ylen, b H am il­ b Coates ..................... 21 ton .............................. 10 J. Price, b Coates 21 G. M orrison, not out 17 A . Harrison, c Beare, E . B. Board, c Coates, b Ham ilton 4 b H am ilton ............ 0 G. A . Cosser, b H am - H .A . Bell, b H am ilton 8 ton ............................. 19 Byes .................... 28 W . b obertson,c Coates, — b H am ilton ........... 28 T otal ............176 Printed and Published forithe Proprietor by M ibbitt & Hatchbb, Ltd., 167, 168, and 169, Upper Thames Street, London, B.C., Aug. 14th, 1902.