Cricket 1902

A u g . 14, 1902. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAME. 351 1 1 st 1st LONG PARTNERSHIP RECORDS IN TEST MATCHES. For the following interesting statistics we are indebted to Mr R. H. Campbell, of Mel­ bourne. Mr. Campbell seems tobe atleast as indefatigable as the many well-known Eng­ lish statisticians. (a) Batsm en who have figured three times or m ore in a season. Inns. W kt. Runs. England, 1893. Shrewsbury, A ., and Gunn. W ., ) L ord’s, July, 1893 ( Shrewsbury. A ., and F . S. Jack­ son, L ord’s, July, 1893 Shrewsbury, A ., and W ard, A ., Oval, August, 1893 Australia, 1894-5 S. E. G regory and J. M . Black- ) 1 . ham , Sydney, Decem ber, 1894 ) ' S. E . G regory and J . Darling, i 1 f M elbourne, M arch, 1895 i S. E . G regory andG . G iffen,S yd- \ 1 f ney, D ecem ber, 1894 £ Australia, 1897-8. C. H ill and H . Trum ble, M e l-) . ±. bourne, January, 1898 ) C. H ill and J. Darling, Adelaide, \ 1 f January, 1898 ) C. H ill and C. M cLeod, M el- ) . f bourne, January, 1898 ) Australia, 1897-8. A . C. M aclaren and K . S. R anjit- \ „ a einbji, Adelaide, Jan., 1898 ) A . C. M aclaren and H ayward, T , J . a Sydney, Decem ber, 1897 A . C. Mnclaren and W ainwright, J . *. E ., Sydney, February, 1898 f England, 1899. Hayward, T . and F . S. Jackson, ) . f Oval, August, 1899 j Hayward, T . and K . S. R a n jit-i 1 f sinbji, Oval, August, 1899 i ' Hayward, T . and Lilley, A . A ., ) M anchester, July, 1899 , 2nd ... 3rd ... 4th ... 9th *... 5th ... 5th ... 7th* ... 2nd ... , 2nd ... 1st , 2nd . . 2nd . . 1st . . 1st* . , 2nd . , 7th . , 142 . 136 . I ll 185 . 131 . ire [ 1st 1st >1st . 1st , 1st , 2nd , Australia, 1901-2. A . C. M aclaren and Hayward, T ., ) t . Sydney, D ecem ber, 1901 1 A . C. M aclaren and Hayward, T ., Adelaide, January, 1902 A . C. Maclareu and Tyldesley, J. T ., Sydney, February, 1902 • R ecord for respective wicket. O f the six perform ances A . C. M aclaren claims tw o. (£)—Batsm en who have participated in the same w icket partnership on three or m ore occasions. Inns. W kts. Runs. S.^E. ^G regory and J. Darling, j ney, D ecem ber, 1694. f S. E . G regory and J. D arling, I* . Oval, August, 1899. i 181 - A . C. M aclaren and K . S. R anjit- ) sinhji, Adelaide. Jan., 1898. j A . C. M aclaren and H ayward, T ., I , + Sydney, Decem ber, 1897. j A . C. M aclaren and Tyldesley, J. i f T ., Sydney, February, 1902. j A . C. M aclaren and Hayward, T ., ( 1 f Sydney, D ecem ber, 1901. \ A . C. M aclaren and Hayward, T ., [ . f Adelaide, January, 1902. f A . C. M aclaren and W ainw right, ) - f E., Sydney, February, 1893. | i8C ” A . C. M aclaren claims two o f the three performances. (c)— Batsmen w ho have together participated in any w icket partnership on three or m ore occasions. ... 5th ... 5th ... 5th ... 2nd .. 2nd ... 2nd ... 1st 1st 1st [1st ! ist 1st . 1st . 2nd . A . C. M aclaren and Hayward, T ., i . - Sydney, Decem ber, 1901. j A . U. M aclaren and Hayward, T ., Adelaide, January, 1902. A . C. M aclaren and Hayward, T ., Sydney, Decem ber, 1897. (d)— Batsm an w ho has participated in the greatest num ber o f century partnerships. Inns. W kt. Runs* A . C. M aclaren and Peel, R ., Melbourne, M arch, 1895 A . C. M aclaren and B ayward, T. Syoney, Decem ber, 1901 A . C. M aclaren and B ayw aid,T . Adelaide, January, 1902 A . C. M aclaren and K . 8. R anjit- \ , 0 , , sinhj , Adelaide, Jan., 1898 j ,M ••• A . C. M aclaren and Hayward, T., Sydney, Decem ber, 1897 j 1st ... 6th ...*162 J 1st ... 1st .. +154 ’ 1st ... 1st ... 149 ! 1st ... 2nd ... 136 Inns. ! ist W k t. R uns. .. 1st ... I ll 1st 4th ... 110 ■1st ... 2 nd . 106 1st 3rd ..,*102 I 1st 1st [ 2nd ... 2nd . 3rd , 4th A . C. Maclaren and W ainw right, E ., Sydney, February, 1898 A . C. M aclaren and O. B. Fry, Oval, August, 1899 A . C. M aclaren and Tyldesley, J. T ., Sydney, February, 1902 A . C. Maclaren and F. S. Jack­ son, Lord’s, June, 1902 * Record. + Record in Australia. t Undissolved—ihe m atch being abandoned at this stage on accouLt o f adverse weather. (e) Batsmen w ho have figured not less than five tim es ia different w icket partnerships. Inns.W kt. Runs. A . C. M aclaren and Hayward, T ., Sydney. Decem ber, 1901 A . U. M aclaren and K . S. Ranjit- fcinbji, Adelaide, Jan., 1898 A . C. Maclaren and F. 8. Jack­ son, LordV, June, 1902 A . C. M aclaren and C. B . Fry, Oval, A ugust, 1899 A . C, M aclaren and Peel, R ., i - , M elbourne, M arch, 1895 | ( / ) Batsmen who have shared three tim es or m ore in any w icket records in England and Australia. S. E. Gregory and Trott, G. H . S., ( # L ord’s, June, 1896 ’ j 2nd... 4th* ... 221 S. E. Gregory and J. M . B lack- ) - . of. * 1K. ham , Sydney, December, 1894 J *** S. E. G regoiy and H . Graham , - . , L ord’s, July, 18^3 \l8t - 6th - 142 T . H ayward and F. S. Jackson, Oval, August, 1899 T . H ayward and A C. M aclaren, Sydney, Decem ber, 1901 T . Hayward and A . A . Lilley, M anchester, July, 1899 * Record for respective wicket. + Record for respective w icket in Australia and England. O f the six record perform ances tabulated above A . C. M aclaren claims five (a, b, c, d , e ), and in addition claim s a thare in the 5th w icket record, also is a party t j the Australian 1st w icket record. j 1st 11st |1st I 1st 1st 154 142 102 110 5th ... 162 1st* ... 185 ls t f ... 154 7th+... 113 G R A N V IL L E “ A ” v. O LD B L A C K H E A T H A N S. —Played at Lee on A ugust 9. G banville “ A .” First innings. A . H elder, b W indett... 9 A . C. Bacon, b W indett ... 0 J. A . John»ton, bW indett 1 b Priday G. Helder, c W . Helder, b W indett ............................... 8 T . 8. Passm ore, c & b Lee 16 E. T . Liverm ore, c Jones, b M orris... .............. ........... 1 Second innings, c M orris, b W . H elder ............ 8 cW alker,bPriday 23 c Lee, b M orris 12 20 H . J. M orris, b W indett H . W . Gill, c Downs, M orris............................. H. A . Levinson, run out H . L . Tayler, not out . E . F. Debenham , c & b Lee 23 H . F . H adcock, st Jones, b Lea thes ............................. 1 B 12, lb 2, w l, nb 1... 16 33 c M cD erm ot, b Priday ............ 4 b Priday ............ 4 not out.....................13 not ou t................... 14 b Downs ............ 9 cDowns, b Priday 0 B 13, lb 1, nb 4 18 Total ............137 T otal (8 wkts) 109 O ld B lackheathans . E. Rym er Jones, c M orris, b Liverm ore 57 W . Helder, b Passmore 0 A . F . Dow ns, b Pass- m ore ............................ 0 H . Morris, b G. Helder 3j 8. A . W alker, c Debenham, b Pass- m ore .............................20 C. E. G. Lee, b Gill ... 20 B. M cDerm ot, c A . Helder, b Liverm ore 0 F . S. W indett, c A . Helder, b G ill............37 T . Leathes, c A . Helder,b Lebenham 3 L . Priday, not out ... 11 A . E. Rodw ell, c A . Helder, b G ill.......... 18 B . M artin, b Gill ... 0 B 11, lb 6, w l , n b l 19 Total .. 215 BE LSIZE v. NEAfcDEN (i2 aside).—Played atN eas- den on A ugust 9. B elsizk . A . W . Parker, b Tw y- ford .............................23 E. S. Buckingham , b H . Brierley ... 58 C. F. Pearce,bH .Erier- ley ... .................... 7 C. F . W elch, c Dell, b Turner ....................66 H . T.Caiter,bH .Brier- ley ............................. 1 D . H uckvale,c Nelson, b H . B rierley ............ 7 K . Robinson, c Dell, b T u rn er.................... 11 E. H og g ,bH .B rierley 4 F. Vickre88, ru n ou t... 6 J . S. Buckingham cH . Brierley. b lw > ford 27 H . A . M . N orth,cBall, b H . B rierley............ 3 T . S. Fox, not out ... 22 B 10, lb 1, n b l... 12 Total ...247 N easden . First innings. E . C. Lane, b W e lc h ............ 10 E. W ilson, b W elch ............ 6 M . R . Brierley, b W elch ... 3 H . D . Brierley, b W elch ... 0 F. Onslow, b P e a r c e ............ 0 F. T w yford, b W e lch ............ 0 C. D ell, b W e lch ..................... 0 G . Ball, c W’elcb, b Pearce 0 R . C. Nelsoi-, b Pearce ... 0 H . T. Turner, run out ... 2 M . M. Rosa, b P earce........... 0 T . Pye, not out .................... 0 B 3, lb 1 ..................... 4 Second innings. b Robinson... ... 2 not out............ ... 0 b H< g g ............ ... 9 not out............ ... 20 b F ox ............ ... 15 b Robinson ... ... 1 b Robinson... B 1, lb 1 Total ... 25 T otal............48 H A M P S T E A D v, E IR C B IN G T O N H O U SE, B F X - B I L L .— Played at Bexhill on An gust 1 and 2. H ampstead . First inniDgs. Second innings. L J.M oon,cBryan,bB ennett 53 c W are,b Barclay 0 A . R . T rim tu, b Bennett ... 25 T . S. W healer, c C cghlar, b H ide .................... . ... 20 n o to u t.........................47 G .A.S. H ickson, b Bennett 143 n o t o u t ...................102 H .G reig, c Little, b Bennett 4 c Coghlan,b B en­ nett ...................... 9 C. D. D .M cM illin ,c W are, b Bennett ........... .................... 0b B e n n e tt................ 24 G. Crosdale, b Barclay . 130 b Bennett .............. 0 R . L tigh -Ib bs, c W are, b Coghlau ............................... 0 J. C. T oller, c W are,b Ben­ nett .................................... F . C. W heeler, c W are, b Barclay ..........................10 S. S. Paw ling, not out...............15 B 13, lb 1, w 1 ................15 0 b Bennett B 5, lb 9, w 1 15 Total ...........418 T otal (5 wkts) *208 * Innings declared closed. E ircbingion H ouse . First innings. J. W are, b Pawling ... F. N . Barclay, run cut Second innings. 27 b Paw ling ......... 7 6 cB ickeon,bP aw l- ing .....................56 87 not out....................15 A . F . Bryan, b Paw ling ... F . W . Orr, c Paw ling, b W heater ... .....................13 b W h ea ter...........17 A . H ow ard, b Paw ling ... 5 not out ...........34 H . G. Coghlan, b Paw ling 49 cToller.b Paw ling 0 B . C. Evelyn, b H ickson ...2 7 b P a w lin g ........... 2 M .C.H . Little, c W heeler, b W heater ..............................i l H ide (A .), b W heeler . . . . 0 E. C. H ow ard, b W heater .. 22 Bennett, not o u t ..................... 0 B 33, lb 1 2 .....................45 Byes ...............41 Total .....................302 Total (5 wkts) 172 8ID M O U TH v. IN C O G N IT I.—Played at Sidm outh on A u gu st 4 and 5. S idmouth . First innings. W . H . W aller, b F o x ...........22 L . S. W ells, b F ox ............10 Second innings. b Fox .....................21 i W e l ls , b Edwards.............82 C. M . Leese, c M artin, b W hitley ..........................47 C. W ells, b Fox ................... 1 Capt. Gore, c M artin, b P arton..................................... 1 H . H unt, b F ox ................... 0 T . S. Fitzgerald, c & b F ox 13 C. M . H aw ley, c Voules, b Pnilcox ... .30 b E dw ards... Rev. J . A . Prendergast, b Edwards ............................ 9 H . J . H enley, not out ... 2 b W h itle y ............12 cM artin,b Parton 9 cW hitley,bParton 2 lbw , b Parton ... 16 b Edwards ... .. 0 . 20 1 S. M ann, lbw , b Edw ards... 1 G. H ardy, c Carpm ael, b Edwards ............................. 2 B 9, lb 3, nb 4 ............16 b E d w a rd s........... c Carpmael, b E d w a ids............ 1 b Parton ............ 0 not out..................... 8 B 7, lb 5, nb 1 13 Total ............154 I noogkiti . T otal ...185 M . H . W hitley, b C. W ells .....................£0 Capt. H . L . Talbot, lbw, b C. W ells .. 5 N. F. W ells, b H enley 12 C. P hilcox, c and b Henley .....................31 A . B . Voules, b W ells............................. 2 C. J. Parton, c Leese, b C . W ells ............64 S. C. G . F ox, o Henley 10 J.N . M artin, c Henley, b Fitzgerald ..........102 W . H . Edwards, c W . P . C’arpmael, not Fitzgerald,bC.W ells 12 out .......... R . O. Hchwarz, lbw , b B 1, w 2 L . S. W ells ... 0 H .R . H ebert,bC .W ells 0 . Second innings C. J . Parton, run cut, 44; J. N . M artin, not out, 4 ; R . O. Schwarz, not out, 32.— Total, 80,