Cricket 1902

3 5 0 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OP THE GAME. A ug . 14 , 1902. YORKSHIRE v. WORCESTERSHIRE. Played at Harrogate on August 11 and 12. Yorkshire won by six wickets. The Yorkshire te im , in the absence of F. S. Jack­ son. Rhodes, and H irst, had the worst o f the first day’s cricket, for they were three runs behind on the first innings, w hile W orcestershire scored 38 for two wickets in the second innings. All through the day the bowlers had ihe upper h in d , H aigh fo r Y ork ­ shire. and W ilson for W orcestershire, being Almost equally effective. On Tuesday m ost o f the W orce - tershire team m ade a few runs, and the result was th it Yorkshire had to m ake 184 to win. This did not seem like being an easy task, but Brow n and Tunnicliffe m ade a splendid start, the form er playing by far the highest inniners in the m atch, while D ent>n also did well, and Yorkshire w on w ith ease. WOBOKSTKBSHIBB. First innings. B ow ley, c Brown, sen., b O yston.......................................16 A rn >ld, b H aigh . .......... 3 H . K . Foster, c H aigh, b O y sto n ..................................... 4 Pearson, c H unter, bH aigh 4 G aukrodger, b H a ig h ........... 1 Second innings. W . W . L ow e, c sen., b Oyston ... W heldon, b Haigh A . W . Isaac, b Haigh C ordon, b H aigh ... . Bird, not out.................. W ilson, b H aigh ... . B 2,10 4 ... . Brown, b Haigh lbw , b H aigh c Brown, sea., Brawn, ju n . run out c Hunter, Brow n, j un. ... 23 ... 0 b .. 23 3 b ... 12 T otal ............82 Y orkshire . b H aigh ............25 b Haigh ............19 b Oyston ... ... 19 cH unter,bOyston 1 not out............ ... 0 c Taylor,b Oyston 0 B 3, lb 2 ... 6 T otal ...130 Second innings. Tunnicliffe, c Corden, b A r n o ld ............................ .. 28 b Arnold ............ 20 Brow n, sen., b A rnold ... 10 c Gaukrodger, b A rnold ............ 52 W ashington, b W ilson ... 3 b Arnold ............ 3 T . L . Taylor, b Arnold ... 5 lbw , b W ilson ... 9 D enton, lbw, b A rno d ... 0 not o u t .................. 27 F . W Elam , b W ilson ... 2 not out..................... 18 E. 6m ith, b Arnold ... ... 13 H a’gh, lbw , b Arnold .. 0 H unter, nob o u t ............ ... 7 B iow n, j un , b W ilson ... 1 Oy8ton, b A rnold............ ... 1 B 3, lb 2, nb 4 ... .. 9 B 1, lb 3, nb 1 5 T otal ... ... 79 T otal (4 w kts) 135 Oyston Smith H aigh A rnold Bird... W ilson O. M . R . W . 9 4 2 33 3 4 0 27 0 19 3 43 4 7 0 22 2 WOBCESTEBSHIE. F irst innings. Second innings. O . M . R. W . ......... 18 9 30 3 ... ....... 1 0 8 0 ... ........ 16-4 5 88 7 . Brown, j un. Y orkshire . First innings. O . M . R . W . ......... 18 5 4 35 7 ... ......... 7 2 14 0 ... ......... 11 3 21 3 ... Pearson Arnold delivered five no-balls Second innings. O. M . R . W . 11 3 8 0 29 6 22 , 1 69 6 55 9 Y O U N G A M A T E U R S v. Y O U N G PRO FE SSIO N ­ A L S O F S U R R E Y .— The Young Professionals, after being 1C8 behind on the first innings, w on the m atch played at the O val on A ugust 7 and 8 by 53 runs. A mateurs . B R IX T O N W A N D E R E R S v. K E N SIN G T O N W A N D E R E R S .—Played at East D ulw ich on A ugust 4. B rixton W andbbbbs . F . P . Rider, b C. E. Currie ..................... 1 F . Odell, c Davey, b English .................... 22 H . M ason, b English 0 R . J. Burlington, c and b C. E. Currie... 0 C. G. Sm ith, stN eune- gen, b C. E. Currie 13 E. T . Gale, c D avey, b C. E . Currie ............36 F ir it innings H .M .Forste r(Charterhouse) c M ead, b Jackson ............ 1 R . H . Pow ell (H aileybury), c Rushby, b Jackson ..5 9 M . W . Payne (W ellington), c K ilner, b A d a m s ............ W . L. Sandover (C lifton), c Platt, b Jackson ............ T. E . Gulick (D ulwich), st Kilner, b Jackson ............ E . S. W oolf (8t. Paul’ s), b Jackson ............ . ... H . Bowring (R ugby), b Jackson .............................. J. M . Ashcroft (Felsted), c Turner, b Spring ............ J. N . Crawford (R epton), at K ilner. b S p rin g ............ L . W . H . Bailey (U pping­ ham ), not out ..................... C. Powers (W estm inster), c K ilner, b P la tt..................... L . C. E. M ills (St. Paul’s), b P la tt..................... B 9, lb 3, w 1... Second innings. a b s e n t................... 0 c M ead, b Jack- Bon .....................28 0 run out ........... 11 not o u t ...................10 st Kilner, b Jack- 8 >n ..................... 0 8 b Adams 22 78 lbw. b Jackson .. st K ilner, b Jack­ son ..................... c Narraway, b Jackson c K ilner, b Jack­ son ..................... . 3 c and b Jackson 1 E. A . Brymer, not out 56 H. E. Smith, c N . A . Dam am , b C. E. Currie ............ 2 A .R . Whitley.bTindall 18 L M . Sim m jns, lbw, b Tindall ... 4 C. F. Jones, st Neune- gen, b C. E. Currie 8 Byes ........... 5 T otal K ensisoton W and brers . 160 D. C. D ivey. c Sim­ m ons, b M ason A .E . Dam ain, b M asoa C. E . Cuirie, c and b S im m on s..................... S. M . Tindall, c Bur­ lington, b Simmons R . W . Neunegen, c and b M a s o n ............16 N .A .D am tin. c M ason, b C. G . Sm ith ... 18 16 A . E . English, b M a­ son ............................. * C. E. Bloom er, run out G . T. Davie*, not out P. G. C . Currie, b M a*on ..................... A . C. Bljom ^r, c C. G. Sm ith, b M ason ... B 4, lb 1 ............ absent T otal .....................272 T otal P rofessionals . First inning*. Turner (M itcham ), c M ills,b P o w e ll......................................16 Spring (Dulwich), o B ow ­ ring, b M ills .................... 13 L edger (Cobham ). run out 6 Peters (W andsw orth), c Pow ell, b Crawford 15 P latt( Richm ond),cA shcroft, b Craw ford............................. 6 Evans (Croydon), b M ills ... 6 K ilner (A ddles one), c San­ dover, b Mills .....................25 Rushby (Cobham ), b Ash­ croft ......................................20 Adam s (Thornton H eath), b Craw ford............................. 7 Narraway (Battersea), b Crawford ................... Jackson (Tooting), b Craw­ ford ...................................... U Mead (Battersea), not out.. 30 B 8, lb 3, w 1 ............12 Second innings. b Powell ............2! b C raw ford...........1 b M ills..................... : b A sh cro ft............1! c Bow ring, b C raw ford..........1 b G ulick ............ i b A sh cro ft............ not o u t ...................6 c Crawford, b Powers ... 8 b Powers ... 41 N obbuby P abk . Ashcroft, M ills ........... B 34, lb 8, w 1 43 15 T otal ............ Jackson did not bat. .. 164 T otal (10 wkts) 234 * Innings declared closed. H A M P S T E A D v. U .C.S. O LD B O Y S .-P la y ed at Ham pstead on A ugust 2. U .C.S. O ld Boys. O. S. H ickson, c Besch, b Swinstead ............12 F. Ea.'tmann, b Os­ m ond .............................18 F . Row ley, c Besch, b Stoddart ............ . 19 H . C. Preston, c and b O sm ond ............ 7 E. S. W esthorp, b Os­ m ond ............................30 O. P. Griffiths-Jones, b Stoddart ............ 4 M . P. Griffiths-Jones, st Beaton, b Ahsan- ul-H ak ..................... 0 D . H . Bayley, not out 64 V . E.Dart.bSwinstead 2 H . G . Price-W illiam s, lbw . b Osm ond .. 5 D H . Price-W illiam s, c and b Sroddart B 12, lb 3 Total H ampstead . A . E. Stoddart,c East­ m an, b D . Price- W illiam s ............92 A hsan-ul-H ak, c Pres­ ton, b Row ley ... 41 G. H . Swiastead, c M . Griffiths-Jones, b H ickson ............35 P . L . Kavanagh, run out ............................. 15 C. G . F ox, b M axw ell 2 H . Hazell, not out ... 51 P. E. Barton,cHarbert, b M axw ell.................... 3 T . L . Jordan, c E d ­ m onds. b M axwell 0 J. Macaldin, b Russell 2 E . Langton, c Glan- w ill. b M axw ell ... 9 G. B olm es, b Russell 8 P. Ash, c Russell, b M a x w e ll.................... 20 J. Baxter, b H arbert 6 A . H enning, run out 4 E x tra s................... 5 T otal ............125 8econd innings: P. L . K avanagh, c Palm er, b Gibbons, 1 ; C. G. F ox, b M itchell, 2 ; P. E . Barton, c Palm er, b H ogg, 26 ; T . L . Jordan, not out, 13 ; J. M acaldin, not out, 1 ; Extras 3.—T o til (3 w kts.) 46. E . W . H . Beaton, A . J. Orr, A . B. Osm ond and J. C. R. Dickson aid not bat. B R IX T O N W A N D E R E R S (2) v. C R O Y D O N (2). P layed at East D ulw ich on A ugust 2. B rixton W anderers . A. J. W hyte, c sub, b M abey ..................... D G ibbons, c Drage, b M abey .................... C. H og g , b Drage ... A . P. Russell, c Richer, b D rage ..................... W . H . Robertson, b D rage............................. A. Harbert, c Long, b D rage.. A . L ong, c W hyte, b M axw ell .................... & J. RobinsonfcM itchell, b M axwell . 33 F. W . Fifield,c W hyte, b M axw ell................... 1 C. K . Richer, b W hyte 28 8. J. Ching, b M axwell 21 J. Cam pbell.cGlanwill, b M axwell ............20 * Innings declared closed. Croydon. W . R . Caesar, not out 41 W . A. M itchell, lbw , b B alch .................... 8 W . H . Spragge, b Balch ..................... 6 B . A . G lannill, c Cam pbell, b C hing 18 J. M axwell, not out 1 Extras .....................21 Total (9 w kts) *245 A Bush, not out ... 11 L. K . W atson, b M ax­ w ell ............................ 20 B . H . Balch,st Robert­ son, b M axw ell ... 0 A . E. Drage, not out 0 C. T . M abey, b M ax­ w ell .............................. 0 Extras ............ 7 Total (9 w kts) 146 M A R LB O R O U G H BLU E S v. 1 E D D IN G TO N .— Played at Beddington Park on A ugust 1. M arlborough B lubs . J. H . Gunner, run out R . F. C. de W inton, st G. W indsor, b Shep­ pard ............................. 13 J. P. Coast, c Rostron, b Sheppard ............. 9 G . Napier, c & b L in- gard .................................22 J . R . Round, b W ind­ sor ................................ 39 V . H . M cCaw, b L in- g a r d ............................ 11 G. Coles, c & b H odg­ son .................................34 J. C. H arvey, b Ash­ croft ............................. 2 F . S. Preston, not out .......... ... 56 J. H . Alston, c W ind­ sor, b H odgson .. 10 W . W inton, c and b H o d g so n ..................... 8 H . G. Burdett, c Ash­ croft, b H odg-on ... 3 Extras ............24 Total ...233 T.M .Farm iloe,not out 111 J . G. Q . Besch, c and b W esthorp ... 0 F. J. Potter, run out 25 W . R. M oon, not out 19 B 9, lb 4, nb 2 ... 15 Total (5 wkts) 33■* S. Rostron, c Gunner, b Napier .................... 53 H . Hayter. b N apier 15 W . A . W indsor, b H arvey ... ... 2 R . A . Sheppard, c N apier, b Harvey ... 20 R . B all, b Harvey ... 8 R .Henderson,b McCaw 18 B eddinoton . J. M . A shcroft, st Preston, b M cCaw... F. C. Lingard, c Pres­ ton, b McCaw R . M cKenzie, c Gun­ ner, b M cCaw ............ E .J.Langdale, not out B 24, nb 1 ... T otal (9 w kts.) 160 H . A . H odgson and G . W indsor did not bat. T H E W A N D E R E R S v. R E IG A T E P R IO R Y .- Played at Reigate on August 9. R eigatb P riory . E . A . English, c W . R . Beldam , b Jepheon 15 T . Nightingale, c T ay­ lor, b Jephson............13 H. Budgen, b Colm an f> J. W . Neale, b Colman 2 T . L . Crichway, b Jephson ...................2 F.N ightingale,bTaylor 27 H . A . Hurley, b J ep h ­ son ............................. 1 G. M . G. G il le t t e Taylor .....................17 R . W . Neale, not out 12 F. N . Thom pson, st Brooks, b Taylor ... 0 P. Skinner, b Jephson 3 E x tr a ..................... 1 T otal ... Total ...115 B R IX T O N W A N D E R E R S (2) v. N O R B U R Y P A R K (2).—Played at Dulwich on Coronation Day. B rixton W anderers . A . J. W hyte,c Jordan, b F o x ................................101 D r. G ibbons, b H azel 7 C. H ogg, g F ox, b K avauagh ... 47 A . P. Russell, c Barton, b F ox ......................134 W . R. Caeser, o Hazel, b F o x ..........................s i A . Harbert, o Jordan, b F o x .................................15 W . A . M itchell, b Fox F . Palmer. t> Hazell .. J. M axwell, b Hazell B. A . Gian will, c Mac­ aldin, b Hazell H . C. Edmonds, not out ............................. E x tra s................... T he W anderers . D . L . A . Jephson, c Gillett, b budgen ... E. A . Beldam , b E ng­ lish J. E. G. Hadath, b English .................... R .B . B rooks, b Erglish S. Colm an, not out ... W . Reece, b Budgen... C. Arm ytage-M oore, lbw, b English ... 19 C. W . Greenhill, b English ..................... 0 B. Burton, b English 7 O. Taylor, not out ... 5 B 5, lb 1 ............ 6 T otal W . R . Beldam did not bat. .215 Total ..372 C R IC K E T Report Sheets, lOd. per dozen, post free. Order of G oing-In Cards, 7d. per dozen, post free. Cricket Score B ooks, 6d. and Is. each ; postage, 2d. extra.—T o be obtained at the Office of Oricket, 168, U pper Thames Street, London, E.C.