Cricket 1901

3 9 0 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. S e p t . 5 , 1 9 0 1 . outs, both played w o ll; but after th e y w ere separated B oard alone offered an y effective resistance to the bow lin g. 'W o rcestersh ire . First innings. Second innings. R. E. Foster, c Board, b Huggins ........................42 b Huggins............136 Peareon, b Boberts .......... 0 c Brown,b Paish 19 Arnold, c Wrathall, b Boberts ........................12 b Roberts ............16 H. K. Foster, c Board, Boberts ................. Bowley, c Board, b Boberts 0 W . H. B. Evans, b Brown... 12 W. W . Lowe, c Board, b Huggins ........................ 1 Bird, b Brown .................. 0 Burrows, b Buggins..........16 Straw, not out ............... 11 Wilson, c Wrathall, b Roberts ........................ 3 Lb 1, nb 1 ................. 2 17 c Bice, b Huggins 13 b Huggins.......... 9 bJessop ..........107 not out.................113 c Rice, b Jesgop 5 b Jessop ..........15 not out................. 0 c Jessop,bRoberts 8 B 18,1b 10,w 2,nb3 33 Total .................116 Total (9 wkts)*474 * Innings declared closed. G lou cestersh ire . First innings. Second innings. R. W . Rice, b Bird .......... 3 c Bird, b Wilson 22 Wrathall b Wilson ..........12 c Wilson, b Bur- W . S. A. Brown, c Straw, b Bird ............................... 0 L. D. Brownlee, b Wilson 5 G.L.Jessop, c Straw, b Bur­ rows ........................ Langdon, b Wilson ... Board, b W ilson.......... T. H. Fowler b Pearson Huggins, b Wilson ... Paish, not out ........ Roberts, b Wilson Bye rows.................58 c Straw, b Bur­ rows .................15 b Bird................. 1 c B-Foster, b Bur­ rows ................ 13 16 b Bird ... .......... 2 14 cStraw.bBurrows 34 9 c Lowe,b Burrows 11 1 not out................. 4 4 c Straw,bBurrows 0 1 c R.Foster,b Bur­ rows ................. 0 1 B 4, lb 5 ... 9 13 Total 79 Total ...169 W o rcestersh ire . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W. R oterts..........18'1 8 43 5 ........... 35 10 110 2 Paish .......... 15 6 34 0 ........... 19 3 60 1 Huggins.......... 10 7 16 3 ........... 27 6 101 3 Brown .......... 7 2 21 2 .......... 18 2 72 0 Jessop ... 25 6 98 3 Brown and Huggins each delivered a wide, Roberts two no-balis, and Huggins and Paish one no-ball each. G lou cestersh ire . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Wilson .......... 13-5 5 22 6 ........... 23 7 51 1 -Bird................. 4 2 10 2 ........... 22 10 41 2 Burrows.......... 5 0 36 I ...........174 4 68 7 Peaison........... 4 0 10 1 L E IC E S T E R S H IR E v . D E R B Y S H IR E . P la ye d at Leicester on A u gu st 29, 30 and 31. Abandoned. T h is w as the last m atch of an unfortunate season fo r D erbyshire, and at the close of the first d ay th ey seemed lik e ly to have to su b­ m it to another defeat, fo r against th eir total of 203 Leicestershire had scored 128 fo r four w ickets. Several D erbysh ire m en batted v e ry w e ll indeed, p articularly B agshaw , but none of them could m ake a b ig score, such as is alm ost essential on good w ickets. T h e good begin n in g made b y Leicestershire was not kep t up on the fo llo w in g m orning, and if it had not been fo r the patient battin g of M r. M acdonald, and the resolute h ittin g of Coe, the total would have been sm all. A s it was, it exceeded th at of D erbyshire b y 42. In th eir second innings, w hich began after a shower, D erbyshire lost three w ickets for 15 and four for 44, so th at a v ictory for Leicestershire seemed assured. B u t a noble stand b y M r. Law ton and B agshaw p u t a v e ry m uch better appearance on the gam e. M r. L aw ton made some tremendous hits, one of his drives breaking the glass in the Press box, and B agshaw w as b y no means slow in scoring. T h e partnership produced 121 runs in about an hour, and when stum ps were draw n D erbyshire w ere about 140 runs on w ith four w ickets in hand, so th at everyth in g pointed to a good finish. B agsh aw w as not out 92, an excellent innings, but he had no opportunity of reach in g the hundred, as on the follow in g m orning the gam e had to be abandoned through rain. D e r r ysh ir e . Second innirgs. First innings. L. G. Wright, b K ing......... 3 Bagehaw, c Odell, b King .. 54 Storer, lbw, b King ..........27 Chatterton, c "Whiteside, b Geeson............................... 0 Locker, c Joyce, b Geeson... 12 A. E. Lawton, c Wood, b King ...............................23 G. Cuigenven, b King ... 5 W.Sugg, c Whiteside, b Coe 36 Warren, c Trafford, b Gee­ son ...............................28 Young, not out ... .......... 2 Hulme, b Coe .................. 0 B 5, lb 7, w 1............ 13 c and b King not out.. b Odell... b (ieeson b Smith not out... ; Whiteside, Geefcon ... . B 6, lb 2, w 1 9 Total................2C3 Total (5 wkts) 182 L eicestersh ire . C. E. de Trafford, b Warren ................. 0 C.J.B.Wood, c Locker, b Curgenven ..........46 Knight, c Wright, b Hulme .................£9 R. Joyce, st Chatter­ ton, b Storer ..........£2 R. Macdonald, b Sugg 30 King,cLawton,b Storer 4 Coe, b Chatterton ... €4 Geeson, b Hulme ... 12 W. W. Odell, not out 4 Smith, c Lawton, b Chatterton .......... 0 Whiteside, run out ... 1 B 10, lb 3 ..........13 Total ...245 D er r ysh ir e . First innings. First innings. O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Odell .. ... 15 4 45 0 ......... 9 0 38 1 King ... 32 15 65 5 ......... 22 9 47 1 Smith ... 4 1 15 0 ........ 6 1 17 1 Geeson ... ... 14 2 64 3 ........ 16 5 64 2 C o e .......... ... 03 0 2 ........ 5 3 6 0 Joyce......... 3 0 11 0 Geeson bowled two wides. L eicestersh ire . O. M. R. W. O. M. R. W. Warren... 7 2 26 1 Storer ... 11 0 43 2 Hulme ... 38 4 14 82 2 Lawton ... 2 0 8 0 Bagshaw.. 4 0 14 0 Sugg... ... 10 4 19 1 Curgenven 6 1 27 1 Chatterton 3 2 2 2 Young ... 3 1 11 0 TH E SCARBOROUGH FEST IVA L . O Y E R T H I R T Y v. U N D E R T H I R T Y . P layed at Scarborough on A u g . 29, 30 and 31. U nder T h irty won b y an innings and 46 runs. T h e bow lin g at the disposal of the captain of th e O ver T h irty team w as not at all bad, but it w as quite harm less against the youn ger players, who in the course of the first d ay’ s cricket scored 480 for the loss of eight w ickets. N early everybody who batted m ade a good score, but the o n ly outstanding innings w as th at of H irst, who begin n in g v e ry slow ly indeed, aftew ards h it w ith great vigour, and when p lay ended for the d ay was not out 163, after battin g for tw o hours and a quarter. In the even in g there w as heavy rain, and it was not possible to p la y on the n ext day. A s a consequence of th is the w icket w as greatly in favour of the bowlers w hen p lay was resum ed on Saturday, and although in their second innings W ard, C u ttell and Lord H aw ke played very good cricket indeed, Rhodes, H irst and Braund w ere alm ost irresistible in the first. U n der T h ir t y . H.D.G. Leveson-Gow­ er, c Hunter, b Wainwright ..........37 A. O, Joned, c Cuttell, b Brown .................50 Tyldesley, c Cuttell, b Brown .................31 T. L. Taylor, c Mead, b Wainwright..........69 Total (8 wkts) *480 Braund, b Mead..........26 Oates did not bat. * Innings declared closed. O ve r T h ir t y . Hirst, not out ..........163 Denton, b Brown ... 8 Gunn (J.), c Ward, b Br^wn .................68 Thompson, b Ward... 17 Rhodes, not out.......... 5 B 6, lb 6, w 1 ... 13 First innings. Brown, b Birst ......... , 12 Second innings, c Braund, b Thompson ... 0 cJones,b Thomp­ son ................. 5 cBraund,bBhodes 57 b Thompson ... 13 Tunnicliffe, b Rhodes......... 0 Ward, c Oates, b Hirst ... 4 E. Smith, c Jones, b Hirst 8 Wainwright, st Oates, b Braund ........................29 b Braund S. M. J. Woods, c Rhodes, b Hirst............................... 0 Cuttell, c Braund, b Rhodes 3 Lord Hawke, c Hirst, b Braund ........................17 Whitehead, c Tyldesley, b Braund ....................... 3 Mead, b Bhodes ................. 5 Himter, not out .......... ... 0 B 9, lb 3, nb 1 ...13 .........91 ... 13 b Thompson ... 1 c Hirst, b Rhodes 6 i c Jones, b Rhodes 32 b Hirst................23 b Thompson ... 1 not ou t................22 B 8, lb 2, nb 1 11 Mead ... Smith... Brown Total . U n d e r T h ir ty . O. M. R. W. Total ........ 240 O. 13 Cuttell Ward ... 6 Whitehead 16 ... 23 8 55 1 ... 22 2 93 0 .. 22 2 1C9 4 Wainwright 27 7 65 2 . Smith and Wainwright each bowled a O ve r T h ir ty . First innings. O. M. R. W. 16 7 30 4 ... 18’2 4 38 3 ... 3 0 13 3 ... M. R. W. 5 39 0 0 37 1 3 69 0 wide. Hirst... Khodes Braund Second innings. O. M. R. W. ... 6-1 1 10 1 ... 18 5 52 3 ... 14 1 53 1 Thompson i8 6 90 5 Gunu ... 8 3 24 0 Hirst bowled two no-balls. HAMPSHIRE ROYERS v. INCOGNITI.—Played at Hilsea, Portsmouth, on August 23 and 24. In c o g n iti. First innings. W. Dunman, c Trevor, b Strong...............................37 B. A. Lushington, lbw, b Strong...............................23 E. C. Smith, not out ..........67 Major Orman, b Strong ...11 Capt. Talbot, lbw, b Strong 3 S. W. Coxon, b Wood......... 9 R. J. Baker, st Trevor, b Wood ............................... 10 A. E. Holt, b Strong.......... 3 Capt. Harris, run out.......... 2 L. E. G. Abney, b Strong ... 7 J. C. Low, b Strong .......... 8 Extras ................. ... 14 Second innings. ht wkt, b Bruttonl22 c Williams, b Trevor ..........53 c Williams, b Trevor .......... 0 c Williams, b Trevor ..........10 st Hargreaves, b Brutton ..........16 lbw, b Wood ... 17 c Wood, b Strong c Hargreaves, b Brutton ..........i not out.................: Extras ... 25 Total........................194 Total (8 wkts)*290 •Innings declared closed. H am pshire R overs . First innings. A. H. Wood, b Harris ... 9 S. Brutton, b Smith .......... 64 Capt. Strong, b Harris ... 17 Hargreaves, c Talbot, b Sm ith...............................50 F. Green-Armi'age, b Holt 29 T. Williams, b Smith.......... 8 Capt. Trevor, c Abney, b Harris...............................52 C.G Bird, c Orman, b Abney 6 F. J. Rision, b Harris......... 7 W. F. Mackman, lbw, b Harris............................... 5 W. J. Way, not out .......... 1 Extras ........................ 24 Second innings. cOrman.b Harris 19 c Orman,b Abney 0 b Abney ibw, b Smith b Harris not out b Abney not out... b Harris Extras 21 . 33 , 6 4 . 8 , 4 , 13 15 Total... ...272 Total (8 wkts)*125 STREATHAM v. GRANVILLE (Lee).—Played Streatham on August 31. G r a n v ille (Lee). P. P. Lincoln, c Kerr, b Field ................ T. H. Summers, c Field, b Parton R. S. LeMay, not out B 8, lb 4, nb 1... 13 C. J. M. Godfrey, Kerr, b F ield.......... 1 N. Cockell, b Field ... 17 L.R. Havers, b Young 63 F.G. Bull, c Cordeioy, b Parton ......... ... 39 W . Morris, b Young 44 P. J. Clarkson, c Kerr, b Young .................16f J. Pickard, and A. O . Pettman did not bat. S tre a th a m . Did not bat.—Rain stopped play. Total ...263