Cricket 1901

388 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. S ept . 5, 1901. several papers last season, and snapshots of her appeared in all the ladies’ illus­ trated papers. The scores in the recent match at Eastbourne were Visitors 367 for five wickets, Residents 18 and 67. In addition to establishing a new batting record, Miss Bryant obtained five wickets in each innings, stumped two and caught two. On one occasion, in bowling down a wicket, she smashed a stump, and carried away a portion of it as a memento of the match. Needless to say, Miss Bryant was quite the heroine of the day. A gentleman, whose name bulks largely in the history of cricket, writes : “ Where does R. Percival’s throw on Easter Monday, 1884, of 140 yards 2 feet, on Durham Sands Racecourse, come from ? What is the authority ? Also Ross MacKenzie’s 140 yards 9 inches ? That nine inches is so delightfully American after Billy the Aboriginal’s 140 yards, which alone is given as the record in this branch of sport in nearly every ordinary book of reference. I once threw 117 yards myself, and am interested.” In 1889 much discussion took place in English sporting papers on the subject of record throwing, and the following extracts from a letter written by T. E. Edwards, of New Brighton, Cheshire, are taken from the Sportsman of March 27th, 1889 : “ I have been greatly inter­ ested by the remarks you have lately published on the subject of throwing the cricket ball, and would have begged a little space from you earlier only that I have been (as far as I am able) testing the real value of my information. I think R. Percival, one of the professional staff of the New Brighton C.C., can claim the record. On Easter Monday, 1884,|he threw a cricket ball 140 yards 2 feet (with the wind, of course), on the Dur­ ham Sands Racecourse, at an athletic meeting promoted by the race committee. The account of the throw was published in the Auckland Times and Herald of the following Saturday, and again alluded to as part of a special article on Percival’s career, published inthe September or Octo­ berfollowing. The throw was measured by the committee. Percival has competed at over twenty athletic meetings and never yet has he been beaten at throwing the cricket-ball. Some of the prizes were gained at Byers Green (2), West Auck­ land (2), Woodlands (2), flyghton, Aycliffe, Darlington, Walmer Castle, Spennymoor, Durham, Mickleton, Wil- linston, Bishop Auckland and, I think, at Barnard Castle he was debarred from competing. Subsequently he slightly injured his arm and cannot throw so well now ; but in 1885, at Liverpool, he threw a cricket-ball on the Stoneycroft ground, 127 yards 1 foot. He bowls and throws with his left arm.” The above has every appearance of being genuine, and I notice that so great an authority on the game as Mr. A. L. Ford includes it in his “ Curio­ sities of Cricket. By an Old Cricketer.” Details of Ross Mackenzie’s loner throw were taken from F. J. Ironside’s World of Cricket —hardly a reliable authority. Full particulars concerning this throw would be welcomed. Perhaps the American Cricketer can oblige ? BRIXTON WANDERERS v . FOREST HILL.— Played at East Dulwich on August 24. B bixto n W an derers . A. Harbert, c C. W. Le May. b Barham 43 Extras .......... 7 A. J. Whyte, not out 130 C. Hogg, c Hast, b Le- May ........................17 K.Volz,cHolt, b Balk­ will ......... .........18 Total (4 wkts)*219 M. A. Mitchell, c and b L eM a y........ ... 4 C. F. Jones, W . J. Benge, B. A. Glanville, F. Pal­ mer, H. C. Edmunds, and 0. Maxwell did not bat * Innings declared closed. F orest H il l . W . J. Holt, b Benge... 31 R.K. Stevens, b Benge 6 G. C. Hast, b Beoge ... 2 H. Barham, c Jones, b BeDge................ ... 72 J. Trotter, b Benge ... 0 C. Le May, b Benge ... 16 H. Le May, c Volz, b Jones.......................: J. Balkwill, not ou t... : C. Barham, not out Extras .......... Total (7 wkts) 170 L. Lewis and J. Mills did not bat. HAMPSTEAD v. FINCHLEY.—Played at Finchley on August 24. F in c h le y . W. P. Farrison, c Mc- Niell, b Domton ...106 W. Eislingbury, c Mc­ Neill, b MacGregor 71 L. Niederheitmann, c sub, b Macgiegor ... 6 W . P. Harrison, jun., c MacGregor, b Mc­ Neill ........................ 2 G. G. Napier, run out ... .................42 F. A. Tuck, not out 14 W. Newbury, not out 5 Byes ..........21 Total (6 wkts) *266 L. H. Bacmeister and A. Johnson did not bat. *Innings declared closed. H a m p ste a d . D. MacGregor, c Nei- derheikman, b Bac­ meister .................34 1 0 B. A. Everitt, b Napier F. J. Potter, b Napier H.C. McNeill, cNapier, b Bacmeister ......... T. W. Mackintosh, b Total (6 wkts ) 109 Harrison, jun...........32 J. C. Toller, E. R. Watson and Dr. F. S. Alford did not bat. H. Fennell, not out... 4 Capt. A. Reid, not out ........................15 A. S. Dornton, c John­ son, b Harrison,jnn. 10 B7, lb 2 .......... 9 HONOR OAK v. GOLDSMITHS.—Played at New Gross on August 24. H onor O a k . V. F. Critchley, c Falkner, b Murrell... 20 C. F. Skipworth, not out ........................109 A. Davis, c Maxwell, b Murrell.................. 9 J. Qracey, b Murrell... M. Jackson, c Winde- bank, b Baldwin ... 38 T. Dickason, lbw, b Windebank ..........30 B 14, lb 3 ..........17 Total (5 wkts.)*232 G. Harrison, A. Boddington, J. Simpson, and A. Jones did not bat. * Innings declared closed. W. Falkner, c Dicka­ son, b Davis .......... 8 W. F. Dray, b Bod­ dington ................. 3 W. H. Manley, b Bod­ dington ... .......... 0 W. H. Joanes, c Davis, b Boddington ........ 0 W. S. Murrell, c sub, b Harrison ......... 60 S. R. Best. c Bodding­ ton, b Davis ..........88 P. F. Henty, b Bod­ dington ... .......... J. M. Maxwell, b Bod­ dington ................. C. E. Sykes, b Davis A. Baldwin, run out... R. Windebank, not out ........................ Byes ................. Total ..........1 ASHBURTON (2) v. GOLDSMITHS’ “ A .” —Played at Addiscombe on August 24. A s h b u rto n (2). W . J. Bailey, c F. Medway, b Mears ... 0 S. Hine, c & b Mears 7 W. Slade, b Mears ... 0 G. H. Slade, b Lander 17 E. B. Alderson, b Lan­ der ........................ 4 W . Smith, c Tolley, b Lander ................. 0 W.E.Watson.b Mears F. G. Oliver, hit-wkt, b Lander................. A. Duncan, run out... J. Russell, b Mears ... H. Rose, not out B 9, lb 1 .......... Total 46 G old sm ith s* “ A.” F. Bowler, b Watson... 4 H. Sales, b Watson ... 13 E. J. Lander, c Rose, b W. Slade ................. R. L. Whitestone, b W . Slade................. A. S. Medway, b W. Slade........................ E. B. Tolley, c Hine, b Watson ................. 8 Total ..........110 W . A. Wayland, lbw, b W. Slade .......... In th eir second innings, A sh bu rton (2)’scored 62 for 8 wickets. W. A. Stanton, b G. H. Slade.................34 W. A. Mears, c and b Oliver .................21 F. Medway, c W. Slade, b G. H. Slade 9 A. Blade, not out ... 6 Byes .................12 GOLDSMITHS’ (3) v. CRANFIELD.—Played at London Playing Fields on Saturday, August 24. G old sm ith s’ (3). H. J. Hooper, not out W . E Preston, c Raw- les, b Spalding S.H. Best, c&b Rawles R. Martin, not out ... B 6, w 1, nb 1 ... H. Joanes, b Rawles .. 11 H. A. Levinson, b Bischlager................ 7 W. S. Rowe, b Moore 30 H. Holder, b Rawles .. 7 H. E. Norwood, b Rawles .................10 H. E. Jones, c James, b Spalding ..........21 F . J. Kimbell did not bat. * Innings declared closed. C r a n fie ld . Total (8 wkts.) *110 Moore, c Kimbell, b Martin ................. 0 G. Bischlager,b Martin 16 Spalding, c Levinson, b Martin ................. 0 James, b Martin......... 0 Manly, b Holder........ 2 Rawles, b Martin ... 5 Laidlaw, b Holder ... 0 Jameson, b Martin ... Noble, b Levinson ... Hogg, rot out ........ E. Bischlager, b Le­ vinson ................. B 5, w 1 .......... Total .......... NORRY8BURY v. OXFORD HOUSE.—Played at Ludgrove on August 19. O xfo rd H ouse . First innings. Second innings. Sales, b North .................19 c Dunn, b North. 47 Sladden, st Skipwith, b C. Micklem ..................... 36 st Dunn, b Fitz­ gerald 44 J. Bond, run o u t................ 24 st Dunn, b C. Micklem. 5 McCligh, lbw,b R. Micklem 6 st Dunn, b C. Micklem. 1 P. Bass, b Micklem ..........17 st bunn, b C. Micklem........ 1 C. H. Wilson, b Latham ... 8 st Dunn, b C. Micklem. 5 A. Bass,cPelham.bLatham 4 cNorth,bPelham 6 A. Baker, b R. Micklem 0 st Dunn, b C. Micklem.......... 1 Townsend, c Skipwith, b R. Micklem ... .......... 4 b C. Micklem ... 1 Gurner, c Skipwith, b R. Micklem ........................10 b Fitzgerald ... 1 Dunford, not out................. 0 not out........ 0 Extras ........................20 Extras ....... 5 Total .................148 N orrysbu rt . Total ...117 M. H. Fitzgerald, c A. Bass, b P. Bass ... 0 C. Micklem, b P. Bass 14 F. H. Latham, c Mc­ Cligh, b Sladden ... 41 E. G. North, b A. Bass 43 R.W.Skipwith.b Bond 30 R. C. Hart-Dyke, b Sladden ................. 8 A.T.B.Dunn,c Towns­ end, b Sladden ... 87 R. Micklem, c Bond, b P. Bass ..............19 H. Micklem, b Sladden 0 E. H. Pelham, not out 4 J. Micklem, b Sladden 6 Extras...............16 Total .......268 DEVONSHIRE PARK v. INCOGNITI.-Played at Devonshire Park, Eastbourne, on August 30 and 31. I n co gn iti . First innings. Second innings. D. C. Lee,c Brown, b Parris 40 b Parris ........ 0 O.Marks, c Priestley, b Lyon 89 run out ........ 17 E. C. Smith, b Noakes ... 27 b Parris ......... 28 W. Dunman, c Noakes, b Parris ............................... 7 b Parris ........ 8 G. R. Murray, c Seal,b Lyon 10 b Parris ........ 0 W. Williams, c Collins, b Noakes ........................... 12 b Parris .......... 0 F. H . Latham, b Parris ... 8 c Priestley, b Noakes ......... 19 A. E. Holt, b Parris ........... 11 b Parris ........... 0 R. J. Baker, b Noakes ...29 b Noakes .......... 3 G. B. Green, c Brutton, b Parris................................ 0 b Noakes .......... 0 L. E. G. Abney,not out .,. 0 notout............... 0 Extras ........................ 8 Extras .......... 4 Total .. . ...241 D e v o n s h ib e P a b k . Total . 79 H. L. Brutton, c Green, b Williams ........... 1 R. M. Harvey, b Marks 34 H. S. Johnstone, run out ..................... 26 W. F. Noakes, c W il­ liams, b Marks ... 0 A. Priestley, c Holt, b 1 .................... 9 G. O. Hirsch, c Holt, b W .................. 0 Parris, b Marks.......... N. G. Brownrigg, c Williams, b Marks.. G. H. Lyon, lbw, b W illia m s ..................... K. P. Brown, b Wil­ liams........................ Collins, not out.......... Extras ................. Total ...156 Second innings : Harvey, st Murray, b Williams 112; Johnstone, not out, 7 ; Priestley, not out, 44; Parris, b Williams, 0; extras, 5.—Total (2 wkts), 168