Cricket 1901

384 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A u g . 29, 1901. NONDESCR IPTS C.C. NORFOLK TOUR 1901. Matches played, 5; won, 4 ; drawn, 1. Runs scored by Nondescripts, 1,804 for 58 wickets’ ; average 81-1 p ?r w icket. Runs scored by opponents, 1,206 for 64 wickets; average 18 84 per wicket. Centuries for Nondescripts : — J. 8. Haycraft, v. Overstrand, at Overstrand on August 12th, 116. E. E. Barnett, v Overstrand, at Overstrand on August 13th, 115. Centuries against Nondescripts: — M. M. Carlisle, for Overstrand at Overstrand on August 12th, 140. Fairfax Davies, for Gunlon at Gunton Park, on August 9th, 102. -Played at Norwich on 1 s t MATCH v, NORWICH. August 5. N o n descripts . J. S. Haycraft, c Prior, GK_8. Hickson, lbw, b b Starliog................ 16 E. E. Barnett.b Heslop 36 E. W. H. Beaton, c Blythe, b Starling ... 20 H. Wade, run out ... 19 P. W . Oscroft, b Pilch 49 G. Crosdale, b Pilch ... 10 R. A. H ill,b Starling.. 27 A. B. Cipriani, b Pilch 19 * Innings declared closed. N o r w ic h . Pilch........................23 R. Leigh Ibbs, c Hes­ lop, b Pilch .......... 4 L. Hutchinson, not out ........................24 A. Eiioart, not out ... 6 B 12, lb 4, w l ...17 Total (10 wkts) *270 G.G.Heslop, c Cipriani, b Hickson................65 C. B. L. Prior, lbw, b Hickson .................14 B. L. Brown,b Hickson 0 C. G. Heslop, lbw, b W ade........................ 1 Pilch, c Beaton, b Oscroft ................. 9 Starling, b Hickson ... 30 C. F. Taylor, c Hutch­ inson, b Hickson ... 5 E. D. Smith, b Oscroft Rev. A. G. Blythe, lbw, bOscroft H. C. Masterman, b Oscroft ................. H. G. Strawson, b H ickson................. L. Goodwyn, not out -Played at Gunton Park B 7, lb 3, w 1 Total ..1 3 2 2nd MATCH v. FA K E N BAM.—Played at Faken- ham on August 6. N o n descbipts . J. S. Haycraft, b An­ drews ........................12 P. W. Oscr( ft, c Coom- ber, b Andrews ... 21 E. E. Barnett, c and b Jee ........................53 H. Wade, b Andrews 14 E.W H. Beaton, b Pope 20 G. Crosdale, b Andrews 65 A. Eiioart. c Skrim- shire, b Andrews ... 16 F a k e n h a m , G. S. Hickson, c Coomber.b Andrews 0 R. Leigh Mills, lbw, b Andrews ........ 27 A. B. Cipriani, not out 2 L. Hutchinson, b Pope 1 T. S. Wheater, run out 10 B 18, w l, nb 10... 29 Total ...270 Dr. F. Coomber, b Hickson ................. 6 E. W . Pope, c Barnett, b Hickson............... 20 R. S. Butcher, b Os­ croft ........................ 0 F. Andrews, b Oscroft 18 W .H . Fisher, b Oscroft 5 H. Skrimshire, notout 24 E. Schwann, b Hickson 7 A. M. Jee, c Hutchin­ son, b Hickson......... 27 J. A. Stoughton, c and b Wade .......... 0 W. Case, c Cipriani, b Wade .................12 A. Cooper, c Cipriani, b Wade ................ 6 A. B. Coomber, c Eii­ oart, b W ade.......... 0 B 11, lb 6 ..........17 Total ..142 3 rd MATCH v. EAST DEREHAM.—Played at Dereham on August 7. N o n d escripts . J. S. Haycraft, c Price, b Ward ................. 0 P. W . Oacroft, b Ward 8 E. E. Barnett, c Spur­ geon, b Bagnall ... 72 H. Wade, c Barton, b W ard........................24 E. W. H. Beaton, c Miller, b Bagnall ... 41 G. Crosdale, b Bagnall 26 R. Leigh Ibbs, c Price, b Spurgeon ..........37 A. B. Cipriani, b Bag­ nall ................. 4 G. S. Hickson, cWard, b Bagnall.................12 L.HutchinsonbAinger 16 A. Eiioart, not out ... 0 B 20, lb 1 ..........21 Total ...261 E ast D ereh am . C. Pearse, run out ... 6 C. F. Barton,b Hickson 10 G. L. Miller, c Oscroft, b B ickson.............. 6 Rev. W. H. Ainger, b Bickson ................ 23 F. Spurgeon, c Leigh Ibbs, b W ade.............27 G. Bagnall, run out ... 8 M. E. Lansdowne, b Wade........................ 8 Bev. W. J. Price, b Oscroft ................. M. S. Ward, c Leigh Ibbs, b Wade.......... F. Leeds, not out ... S. C. Laws, b Oscroft B 8, lb 3 .......... Total ..........1 5 th MATCH v. GUNTON. on August 9 and 10. N ondescripts . G. S. Hickson, c sub, b Cipriani ..........33 R. Leigh lb s, not out 9 J.S Haycraft, c Figgis, b T ee................. 79 E. E. Barnett, b Figgis 89 B. Wade, c Hosken, b Davies .......... 1 P. W. Oscroft, c and b W im ble................ 83 E. W . H. Beaton, c Hosken, b Wimble... 20 G. Crosdale, b Davies.. 50 R. A. Hill, c sub, b Lamb........................11 Second innings : E. E. Barnett, not out, 2 ; P. W- Oscroft, not out, 2; G. H. Hickson, c Wimble, b Hosken, 6 ; byes 2.—Total (1 wkt) 12. L. Jbutchinson, Breeds, b Cipriani... T. S Wheater, c Tee, b Davies................. B 18,lb 8 ......... To'al .. 402 Second innings, b Wheater.......... ; b Hickson.......... I G unton . First innings. B. E. Figgis, b Ot-croft ...11 J. F. Hosken, c Wheater, b Bickson ..............................................28 Fairfax Davies, c Haycraffc, b W heater..................... 102 absent... H. Wimble, c Wheater, b Hickson ..............................................11 J. Lamb, b Hickson .............................. 7 C.C.Tee, c Wheater, b Wade T. W. Breeds, run out ... 17 B, Cubitt, b HiOkson............ 20 A. B. Cipriani, b Whealer... 0 E. F. Davies, n o to u t......... 1 H. R. Ladell, b Hickson ... 0 B 18, lb 10 .................28 Total........................248 b Wade .......... c and b Wade ... not out................. b H ickson.......... b Bickson......... c Wade,b Oscroft b Hickson.......... b Oscroft .......... B 10,lb 6 Total .........165 6 th MATCH v. OVERSTRAND.—Played at Over­ strand on August 12 and 13. N o n descripts . First innings. Second innings. J. S. Haycroft, c and b Austin................................ 116 b Gibbs .......... 0 E. E. Barnett, c Bates, b c Garnett, b Hoi Garnett ........................... 45 land............. 115 H. Wade, c and b Gibbs ... 67 lbw, b Gibbs ... 22 P. W. Oscroft, c Carlisle, b Gibbs ................................. 20 b Gibbs ........... 8 E. W. H. Beaton, lbw, b Gibbs ... ................. 24 lbw, b Gibbs ... 85 G. ( rof-dale, c Compton, b Austin.................................. 11 c and b Holland 3 A. B. Cipriani, c Currie, b Austin ......................... 2 not ou t................. 7 R. Leigh Ibis, c Gibbs, b Austin................................ 2 T. S. Wheater, st Bates, b Austin.................................. 18 A. Eiioart, run out ............. 11 L. Hutchinson, not out .. 4 L 6, lb 7, w 1 ... ...1 4 B 12, lb 3 ............15 Total ................. 334 Total (6 wkts.) *255 •Innings declared closed. O ve r stran d . BATTING AVERAGES : H. R. Holland, b Wheater ................. 1 J. Bates, c Oscroft, b Wheater ................. 7 M. M. Carlisle, st Ci­ priani, b Wheater ...140 Compton, b Oscroft ... 10 Auotrn, c Wheater, b Wade................. 57 C. F. Garnett, c and b Oecroft .................22 R. A. Riches, st Ci­ priani. b Wheater... 32 H. B. Fraser, c Ci­ priani, b Wheater... 3 H. W. Patey, bOscroft 0 Colonel F. Currie, c Wheater, b Oscroft 10 Gibbs, not out ..........21 B 9, lb 10, w 5 ... 24 Totol ...327 Second innings : Compton, not out, 35 ; Austin, not out, 13; B. A. Riches, b Hutchinson, 7; Gibbs, c Hutchinson, b Bayeraft, 11; byes 4. Total (2 wickets), 70. Inns. Times Total H’gst. Aver- not out. runs. inngs. aye. E. E. Barnett 12 ... 1 .. 543 .. lift .. 49-36 R. Matthews 11 ... 3 .. 321 .. 99 .. 40-12 E. L. Marsden ... 3 ... 0 .. 116 .. 71 .. 38-66 E. W. H. Beaton... 7 ... 0 .. 255 .. 85 .. 36 42 J. S. Haycraft 8 ... 0 .. 216 .. 116 .. 30 75 P. W . Oscroft 12 ... 1 .. 301 .. 83 .. 27 36 H. Wade .......... 12 ... 1 .. 292 .. 67 .. 26-54 G. Crosdale ......... 7 ... 0 .. 170 .. 65 .. 24 28 G. A. S. Hickson .. 17 ... 2 .. 320 .. 78 .. 21-33 R. A. Hill .......... 8 ... 0 .. 166 .. 40 .. 20 75 R Leigh-Ibbs ... 7 ... 2 .. 101 .. 37 .. 20*2 T. S. Wheater ... 5 ... 1 .. 76 .. 36 .. 19 00 A. Eiioart .......... 9 ... 5 .. 6-! .. 16*.. 17100 W. G. C obb.......... 4 ... 0 . . 67 .. 53 .. 1675 LI. Hutchinson ... 13 ... 4 .. 127 .. 82 .. 1411 A. B. Cipriani 5 ... 2 .. 34 .. 19 .. 11-33 R. F. G. Chaldecott ft ... 0 .. 46 .. 24 .. 92 C. D. D. McMillin 7 ... 0 . . 62 .. 35 .. 885 NONDESCRIPTS’ SEASON 1901. Matches played, 17; won, 8; lost, 3 ; drawn, 6. Runs scored by the Nondescripts, 4,078 for the loss of 158 wickets ; average, 25 81 per wicket. Runs scored by opponents, 3,518 for 167 wickets; average, 21*06 per wicket. Centuries for the Club :— J. S. Haycraft, v. Overstrand, at Overstrand on August lzth, 116. E. E. Barnett, v. Overstrand, at Overstrand, on August 13th,115. E. E. Barnett, v. Uxbridge, at Uxbridge on June 8th, 100. Centuries against the Club :— T. H. G. V\elch, for Reigate Hill, at Reigate on May 25th,146 M. M. Carlisle, for Overstrand, at Overstrand on August 12th, 140. C. P. Wills, for Uxbridge, at Uxbridge on June 8th. 112* A. H. Delme-Radcliffe, for Uxbridge, at Uxbridge on June 8th, 100. The following also batted : W . T. H. Danby, 82 and 32; A. R. Trimen, 64 and 11* ; S. S. Pawling, 26 and 0 ; H. C. Preston, 14and 9*; J. T. Ash, 13* and 3; A. B. Osmond, 10* and 6; H. H. Cobb, 20; F. B. D. Monro, i0 ; H. T. Tewson, 18 ; J. H. Murray, 10; H. Morley, 6; F. V. Selfe,3; L. A. Cane, 1. * Signifies not out. BOWLING AVERAGES Overs. Mdns. Runs Wkts. Aver. G. A. S. Hickson... 120 . . 28 .. 439 .. 31 . . 14-16 P. W. Oscroft 154 . . 23 .. 429 .. 29 .. 14*78 S. S. Pawling 40 ... 8 .. 142 .. 10 . . 14-2 A. B. Osmond 20 .. 5 .. 57 ... 4 . . 14*25 E. L. Marsden ... 32 .. 7 .. 86 ... 6 . . 14-83 H. Wade .......... 74 .. 11 .. 300 .. 16 . . 18-75 T. S. Wheater ... 116 .. 18 .. 417 ... 20 . . 20-85 J. S. Haycraft 4 .. 0 .. 23 ... 1 . . 23 00 R. F. G. Chaldecott 57 .. 13 .. 192 .. 8 . . 24 00 W .G. Cobb ... . 41 6 .. 108 .. 4 . . 27-00 C. D. D. McMillin 21 1 .. 90 ... 3 . . 30 00 R. Matthews.......... 63 .. 14 .. 243 ... 6 . . 40 5 L. I. Hutchinson .. 44 .. 5 .. 192 ... 4 . . 48 00 A. R. Trimen... . . 30 .. 7 .. 116 ... 2 . . E8-00 A. Eiioart ... . . 21 .. 0 .. 146 ... 1 . 146-CO HAMPSHIRE HOGS v. INCOGNITI.—Played at Southampton on August 19and 20. H a m p s h ir e H o gs . First innings. Col. Owens, lbw, b Harris 9 A. O. Johnstone, run out... 0 F. Street, b Abney ..........28 L. Langdon, b Abney......... 10 E. R. Kindersley, b Harris 104 W . H. Harrison, st Lush­ ington, b Smith ..........33 J. F. Rhoades, run out ... 21 R. H. CUrke, stLushington b C obbold........................18 Major Heathcote, not out... 14 E. Murray, b Harris.......... 6 Rev. A. L. Porter, st Lush- ington, b Cobbold ..........12 B 6, lb 5 .................11 Byes ............ 8 Total.......................266 Total .......... 270 I n c o g n it i . W. Dunman, c Clarke, b Murray.................41 P. Lushington, b Rho­ ades ........................47 Capt. Talbot, c Street, b Porter .................66 Major C. E. Orman, b Rhoades .................65 A. E. Holt, st John­ stone, b Street ... 5 E. C. Smith, c Porter, b Johnstone ..........72 Second innings. b Cobbold ..........80 cCoobold,bAbney 87 b Harris ..........31 not out ..........48 st Talbot b Cob­ bold ................. 5 lbw, b Abney ... 11 R.J. Baker, b Rhoades 0 J. C. Lowe, b Rhoades 8 L. E. G. Abney, st Porter, b Johnstone 15 Capt. G. N. Harris, b Rhoades .................18 Dr. C. S. Cobbold, not out ........................ 2 B 34, lb 2, w 1 ... 37 Total ...371 LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK v. AL­ BEMARLE.—Played at Norbury on August 24. L. & W . B a n k . C. J. Bowman, retired hurt ........................11 W. Bradbury, b Bux­ ton ........................68 A. G. Gough, c and b Braithwaite .......... 8 C.C Simpson, b Braith­ waite ........................ 4 E. A. Wilson, b Braithwaite ..........26 S. Bowman, cGrimes, b Mieczuikowski... 50 L. Pitt Brook, not out 4 B y e s ................. 8 Total ...179 H. S. Faker, H. Crossley, T. H. R. D. Brenan and A. Podmore did not bat. A l b e m a r l e . Jordan, c Podmore, b Simpson .................21 Mi*-czuikowski,b Will­ son ........................24 Wright, b Simpson ... 2 Todd, c Willson, b Simpson ................. 9 Braithwaite. not out 14 Spencer, c Podmore, b Baker ................. 5 Merryweather,notout 4 B 24, lb 1 ..........25 Total ...104 Printed and Published for the Proprietor by M e r r it t & H a t c h e r , L t d ., 167, 168, and 169, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C., Aug. 29th, 1901.