Cricket 1901

J uly 11, 1901. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 271 THE F IRST -CLASS A V ERAG E S . In order th at our foreign and colonial readers m ay be able to see w h at has been done th is season b y the chief batsm en and bow lers in E n glan d , w e append the averages w hich are m ade out up to last Saturday night, J u ly 6th. T h e names of members of the South A frica n team are printed in italics. BATTING. No. Times Mcst of not Total in an Inns out. Runs. Inns. Aver. C. B. Fry ................ .. 20 .. 2 .. 1398 ...244 .. 77*66 Quaife (W . G.) ... .. 18 .. 4 .. 985 ...177 .. 70*35 C. M cGahey........... .. 21 .. 5 .. 1069 .. 145*.. 66*18 P. F. Warner . 13 .. 2 .. 665 ...19~\. 60*46 E . S. Banjitsinhji .. 17 .. 2 . . 897 ...170*.. 59*80 Hayward ........... .. 31 .. 5 . 1442 .. 181 .. 6646 Lilley .,. ... ... .. 18 .. 3 . . 631 .. 124 .. 56*40 L. C. H . Palaiiet... .. 17 .. 0 . . 926 .. 182 .. 54*47 Abel ................... .. 35 .. 6 . .1558 ...138 .. 51 93 K inneir................... .. 17 .. 1 . . 813 .. 215*.. 50*61 G. L. Jessop........... .. 26 .. 0 . 12(9 ...lt9 .. 48*80 F. Mitchell ........... .. 27 .. 3 . 1164 .. 162*.. 4860 R. E. Foster......... .. 24 .. 1 . .1079 .. 110 .. 46*91 G. W . Beldam ... .. 20 .. 2 . . 829 .. 150*.. 46*05 Tyldesley ........... .. 32 .. 2 . .1373 .. 221 .. 46 76 M. &athorn ........... ... 16 .. 2 . . 609 ...239 .. 43*60 A . O. J o n e s........... ... 22 .. 1 . . 910 .. 249 .. 43*33 Iremonger ........... .. 15 .. 5 . . 426 ... 85 .. 42-tO P. Perrin ........... ... 23 ... 2 . . 893 ...189 .. 42*62 Capt. J. G. Greig ... 17 .. 2 . . 633 .. 249*. . 42-20 S. H. Day ........... ... 22 .. 3 . . 761 .. 9**.. . 40 05 Gunn (J.) ........... ... 18 .. 1 . . 661 .. 91 . . 38*68 +C. B. Llewellyn... ... 18 .. 0 . . t£6 .. 216 . . 38-66 C. J. B. W ood ... ... 32 ... 1 . 1130 ...166 . . 36 45 K. O. Goldie........... ... 21 .. 0 . . 783 ...140 . . 86-33 F. P. Knox ........... ... 14 ... 0 . . 507 .. 198 . . 36*21 T. L. Taylor........... ... 19 .. 2 . . 607 ...113 . . 35 70 H. B. Hayman ... ... 20 .. 0 . . 704 .. 165 .. 85-20 B rau nd................... ... 23 .. 1 . . 772 ...llfc*.. . £6*(9 E. M. Dowson ... ... 21 .. 2 . . €61 ...105 .. . 34 78 P. C. B a k er........... ... 15 .. 0 . . 520 ... 96 .. . 34*66 J. A . D ix on ........... ... 11 ... 2 . . 303 ... 74 . . 34 22 T. S. Fishwick ... ... 16 .. 2 . . 479 ...102 . . 34*21 Carpenter ........... .. 3 .. 0 . lO-'l .. 136 ... 34*03 L. G. Wright ... 22 ... 0 . . 747 ...165 ... 33 95 W rathall ........... ... 23 .. 0 . . 774 ...135 . . 33*66 V. F. S. Crawford ... 29 ... 2 . . 894 ...159 . . 83*11 E. M. S prot........... ... 12 ... 2 ... £31 ... 92 . . 33*10 Brown (J. T., sen.) ... 29 ... 3 ... 849 ...121 . . 32*65 H. G. Garnett ... ... 31 . 1 . . 9fc7 ...139 . . 32 ‘23 Lewis ... ........... ... 15 ... 3 . . 386 ...100*. . 3*2-16 R. E. More ........... ... 18 ... 1 ... 539 ...133 . . 31*70 Hirst ................... ... 23 .. 1 . . 689 ... 86 . . 31*31 J. R. M ason........... ... 25 ... 2 ... 719 ...141 . . 31*26 E. R. W ilson......... ... 15 ... 0 ... 469 .. 118 , . 3126 J. W . F. Crawfurd ... 11 ... 1 ... 308 ... 67 . . 30-80 D en ton ................... ... 24 ... 2 .. 676 ... 86 . . £0*72 C. H. B. Maisham ... 13 ... 3 .. 303 ...100*. . £0*£0 Vine......................... ... 23 ... 2 ... 636 ... 83 . . 30*28 H allow s................... .. 23 ... 3 .. 606 ... 84 . . 30*26 King (J. H .)........... ... 30 ... 1 .. 874 ..131 . . 30*13 Tunnicliffe ........... ... 20 ... 8 .. 770 ...145 . . 29 61 Barton ( V .) ........... ... 16 ... 1 .. 444 ...122*. . 29*60 S. M. J. W ocds ... ... 17 ... 0 .. 503 ... 90 . . ‘<9*58 W . P. Roberteon... ... 19 ... 0 .. 657 ... 78 . . 29-31 Bowley ( F .) ........... ... 19 ... 0 .. £55 ... 91 . . 29*21 Arnold ................... ... 19 ... 0 .. 555 ... 83 . . 29*21 A. P. Lu cas........... ... 11 ... 1 .. 291 ... 83 . . 2910 Lord H aw ke......... ... 17 ... 2 .. 4; 5 ... 69*. . 19*10 B .D.G.Leveson-Gower 18 ... 1 .. 490 ... 90*. . 28-82 Lotkwocd ........... ... 23 ... 4 .. 546 .. ICO*. . 28*<8 L. Walker ........... ... to ... 3 .. 774 .. 114 . . 28*66 W . T. Garrett ... ... 11 ... 0 .. 3 1 ... 92 . . 28*27 M. Bisset ................... ... 18 ... 0 .. 607 .. 184 . . 28*16 Rot son (E.) (Somerset) 19 ... 2 . 475 ...163*. . 27*94 otorer ................... ... 29 ... 0 .. 74-7 .. 107 . . 27*48 Hayes ................... ... 29 .. 2 .. 741 ...121 .. 27*44 W. A. Shalders ... ... 17 ... 0 .. 466 ...103 . . 27-36 C. J . Burnup ... 31 ... 0 .. 844 .. 141 . . 27 22 E. W . Dillon........... .. 20 ... 1 .. 616 .. 143 . . 27-16 Wainwright........... ... 24 ... 1 .. 6:4 ...108*. . 27*13 Whitehead (Lees) ... 14 ... 3 .. 296 ... 52*. .. 26 90 H. K , Longm an... ... 20 ... 0 .. 537 ...160 . . 26 85 Gunn (W .) ........... ... 19 ... 1 .. 478 .. 127 ... 26 65 C. R. H anley .. 26 ... 2 . 631 .. 112 . . 26-29 K n ig h t................... ... 22 .. 0 . 578 ... 76 ... 26-.7 C oe........................... ... 20 .. 0 .. 524 ...:28 . . 26 20 W . Ntwham........... ... 12 ... 1 .. *.88 .. 77 ... 26*18 Carlin ................... ... 20 ... 1 .. 497 .. 85 ... 2615 B . G. Owen........... ... 19 ... 1 .. 467 ...106*. .. */6"94 Chatterton ........... .. 24 .. 2 .. 670 .. 169 ... 25-90 Shrewsbury (A .)... T. H. Forster ... 16 ... 2 .. £62 ... 96 .. 25-85 ... 14 .. 2 .. 3(9 ... 64*. .. 25 76 Devey ................. Needham (E.) ... 17 ... 0 .. 433 .. I ll .. 25 47 ... 12 ... 1 .. 276 ... 72 ... 25-00 Heame (J. T.) ... ... 25 .. 8 .. 420 ... 61 *. .. 25*29 D. L. A . Jephson ... 19 ... 0 .. 419 .. 133 ... 25 21 Pearson................... ... 27 .. 0 .. 666 108 ... 24 66 A. E. H in d ........... ... 16 ... 5 . 271 ... 64*. .. 24 63 XE. A . hntliwdl ... ... 20 ... 1 .. 464 ... 92 ... 24-42 A. Eccles ........... ... 29 ... 2 .. 6.8 ...125 . .. 24 S7 Killick ................... ... 21 ... 1 .. 485 ... 56*. .. 24-25 No. Times Most of not Total in an Inns out. Rnns. Inns. Aver. W . G. Grace, sen. .. 21 .. 0 ... 601 . . 80 .. 23 85 G. J. V . W eigall... ... 16 .. 3 .. 310 . 122 .. 23-84 Bhodes ................... ... 18 .. 6 .. 310 . . 41*.. 23*84 F. D. Browne .. 12 . 8 .. 214 . . £3*.. 23 77 H u n te r................... .. IS . 11 .. 95 . . 20*.. 23 75 Butt.......................... .. 18 .. 6 .. 284 . . 96 .. 23-66 3barp (J.) ........... ... 25 .. 2 .. 639 . . 81 .. 23 43 Brockw ell ........... ... 22 .. 2 .. 4*2 . 101 .. 23 10 A. Bisset ................... .., 17 .. 2 .. 345 . . 94 .. 23C0 L .V . Harper ... 18 .. 0 .. 413 . . 84 .. . 22 91 Board ................... .. 24 .. 1 .. 516 . .161 .. 2z*43 A . C. MacLaren ... ... 19 .. 0 .. 417 . . 82 . . 2194 Langdon ........... ... 23 .. 4 .. 414 . 114*.. 21*78 R. N. R. Blaker ... ... 23 .. 2 .. 452 . . 79*. . 21*t 2 C. O. H. Sewell ... ... 16 .. 0 .. 344 . . 70 ... 21*50 G .W .F . Kelly ... ... 11 .. 1 .. 215 . . 52 . . 21-50 C. E. de Trafford ... 11 .. 0 .. 234 . . 66 . . 21-27 Bussell (T. M.) ... ... 14 .. 6 .. 168 . . 28 . . 21 00 Paish ................... ... 18 ... 5 .. 272 .. 66 . . 20-92 B a w lin ................... ... 15 .. 3 .. 249 . . 47 ... 20*76 Wheldon ........... ... 20 .. 0 .. 414 ... 51 . . 20*70 Sailt a l l ................... ... 15 ... 3 .. 248 .. 64 . . £0 66 G eeson ................... ... 23 .. 7 .. 323 .. 71 . . 20-18 XL. J. Tancred ... ... 20 ... 1 .. 377 .. 57*. 19*84 Beeves ... ........... ... 18 ... 1 .. 337 .. 87 . . 19 82 G. J. Thompson ... ... 16 ... 2 .. 271 .. 59 . . 19*;j6 Hearne (Alec) ... ... 31 .. 2 .. 5t0 ..152*. . 19*31 W ebb (Bants) ... ... 16 ... 1 .. 289 .. 61 . . 19-26 B. J. T. Bosanquet ... 19 ... 1 .. 343 .. 47 . . I9*i 6 Huggins... ........... ... 19 ... 4 .. 281 .. 57 . . 18*: 3 W . L. Murdoch ... ... 22 ... 0 .. 411 .. 93 . . 18-68 Ward (A.) ........... ... 30 ... 2 .. 622 57 . . lb"64 Trott (A. E.) ... ... 31 ... 1 .. 554 .. 56 . . 18-46 A. Rtid .. ......... ... ’ 2 ... 1 .. 203 .. 77*. . 18*45 Humphreys(G.) (Kent) 23 ... 0 . . 423 .. 60 . . 18 89 P. B. Johnson ... ... 21 ... 1 ... 366 . £5 . . 18*b0 Bag*haw ........... ... 12 .. 0 . . 399 .. 54 . . 18-13 Dench ................... ... 17 ... 1 . 190 .. 68 ... 1812 R elf................... ... 22 ... 0 . . £90 .. 53 ... 17*72 A. H. C. Fargus ... ... 17 ... 3 . . 247 .. 61 .. 17*6# H. J. Wyld ........... ... 15 ... 1 . . 247 .. 69 .. 1764 C. J. Kortright ... ... 19 ... 1 . . 316 .. 42 ... 17-65 Pougher................... ... 15 ... 0 . . 251 .. 74 .. 16*73 A. E. Lawton ... 28 ... 1 . . 437 .. 53 .. 16*18 W hitehead(H.) (L’ster) 20 ... 0 . . 314 .. 46 .. 16*70 B. T. Crawford ... ... 21 .. 1 . . 311 .. 66 .. 15*£5 G ill........................... ... 17 ... 0 . . 262 ... 85 .. 16*41 C. Robson ........... ... 13 ... 0 . . 198 ... 62 .. 16 23 Haieh ................... ... £0 ... 3 . . 258 ... £2 .. 15*17 Tate (F. W .) (Sussex) 17 ... 2 . . 227 ... 84 .. 15*13 Overs. Mdns. Runs. Wkts. Aver. King (J. H .)... . . 436*5 . 115 11C8 .. 44 .. 26-31 tJ. H. Sinclair . . 185-2 26 .. 69*2 . . 26 . . 26 61 Reeves ................ . 355 . . 87 .1076 ... 40 .. 26 90 huggins .. ... . . 497 5 .142 ..1407 . . 50 . . 2814 E. M. Dowson .. 5191 . 135 . 1466 . . 52 . 28 19 B rau nd................ . 665 .. 67 ..2005 . . 71 . . 28 23 R. E. More ... . . 366 4 .. 88 .1136 . . 40 . . 28*37 J. J. Kotze ... .. 214 .. 31 .. 831 . . 29 . . 28*05 Pearson................ .. 231-3 .. 28 .. 621 . . 28 . . 29 82 Paish ................ .. 485*3 103 . 1438 . . 46 . . 31*26 W oodcock ... .. 361*1 .. 49 ..1300 . . 41 . . 31*70 Bland ................ .. 289*4 .. 6 1 .. 665 . . 27 . . 32 03 U. J. Kortright .. 252*1 .. 40 .. 822 . . 25 . . 32-88 F. P. K nox ... .. 238 .. 27 .. £67 . . 26 . . 33 34 Wass ................ .. 368*3 .. 72 . 1196 . . 36 . . 34*17 Hulme ... .. 480 ..111 . 1457 . . 34 . . 42 85 * Signifies not out. + Including one mat<h for South Africans. t Including matches for London County. F. L. Fane has scored 436 runs in eight innings (cnee not out), average 62*28; H. B. Chinneiy, 426 in seven innings, average fcO'71; and R . O. Schwarz, 233 in seven (once not out), average 66*60. W . Smith’s record is 365 runs in six innirgs (twice not out). BOWLING. O^ers. Mdns. Runs. Wkts. Aver. R h o d e s ................... 750 2 ...241 ...1781 ...136 ... 13*C9 Birst ................... 585*4 ...142 .. 1427 .. 101 ... 1412 Mead ...................538*5 .. 183 ...1162 ... 81 ... 14 22 Bird..........................172 4 ... 51 ... 413 ... 29 ... 14 75 Tate(F.W.)(6usi?ex)485*4 ...147 .. 1151 ... 69 ... 16 6 W . G. Grace, sen. 305’ 1... 68 ... 721 ... 43 ... 16*7 W ainwright........... 177*3 ... 48 .. 436 ... 25 ... 17.44 Mold ...................295*1 ... 57 ... 646 ... 48 ... 17 62 H a lla m ................. 390 4 ...139 ... 802 ...45 ... 17 82 Gunn (J.) .......... 417*3 ...140 ... 911 ...51 ... 17*1 Cranfieid................... 421*5 .. 89 .. 1249 ... 68 .. 18*; Barton (V.) ...........3£0 .. 133 ... 695 ... 32 ... 18 69 Rawlin ................... 2 4 ... 80 ... 480 .. 25 ... 19*10 Sbaip (J.) ........... 467*1... 86 .. 1513 .. 78 ... 19 39 G ill......................... 264 ... 68 ... 816 ... 42 ... 19 42 Lockwood ........... 412 2 ... 95 .. 1 59 .. 58 ... 19 98 Buriow s.................. 398 2 ... 72 .. 1287 .. 64 ... 20* j 0 Hargreave ........... 584 1 ...160 ...1435 ..71 ... 20 21 Webb (8.) ...........619*3 ...1‘ 8 ...16,0 ... 77 ... 10 90 Trott (A. E .)..............€99*1 ...157 ...2145 ...101 ... ll*i3 Haigh ... ... P£8 5 ... 72 ... 966 ... 46 ... 21*24 D. L. A . Jephson... 284 5 ... 40 ... 818 ... £8 ... 21*62 tLlewellyn ........... 496*1 ..133 .. 18*5 ... 63 ... 21*16 S a n ta ll................. 471*4 .. 152 .. 1046 ... 48 ... 21*79 A. O. J on es...........225*1 ... 42 ... 663 ... 30 ... 22*10 W . M. Bradley ... 676 3 .. 134 .. 1793 .. 81 ... 22 13 lield (Warwick) .. 2104 ... J-7 .. 703 ... 31 ... 22*67 Richbrdbon (T.) ... 712 ...163 .. 1997 ... 8S ... 22*« \S ilson (G. A.) (Worcebtcrshire) 435 5 ... 65 .. 1416 ...61 .. 23 21 Blythe ................. 470*1 ...138 ...1147 ...49 .. 23 40 Your g (H.) (Essex) 3915 ... 94 ...1066 ...45 ... 23 68 G. A. Bowe ......... 421 1 .. 90 ...1275 ... 53 ... 24 05 Bearne iJ. T.) ... (311 .. li>6 ...1507 ... 62 ... 24 30 Vine........................... 583 ...131 .. 1736 ... 71 ... 4 45 J. R. M ason........... 406*3 ..105 .. 11;8 ... 46 . . 24*73 E. R Wi son ... 358 2 ...91 ...917 ...37...24 78 Roberts (F. G.) ... 463*4 .. I ll .. 1439 ...68...21 81 Hearne (Alec) ... 286*4 ...81 ...821 ...33...2l 87 Irown (J. T .f sen ) 190 3 ...80 ...t63 ...26...26*11 Lees........................... 547*4 ...147 ...1*88 ... 54 ... 26*70 Geeson ...................£87*1 ... 44 .. 14£3 ... 65 ... 26 05 Bestwick................... 492*4...123 ...1407 ... 64 ... 26*05 It. Graham ...........2C5*1 ... 30 ... 784 ,. 30 ... 26*13 + Including ore match for South Africans, i Including matches for London County. W I C K E T - K E E P E R ’S R E C O R D S T O J U N E 3 0 t h . Compiled by R . E. M a th k eon . Slumped. Caught. Total. Stedman .........,. 7 ... ... 31 ... ... .‘ 8 llu is h .................,. 3 ... ,... 33 ... .. 36 L ille y ................... 8 ... ... 22 ... ... 30 S tr a w ................. 4 ... ,.. 26 ... ... 30 S m ith .................... 4 .. ... 25 ... ... 29 Butt ................ .. 7 ... ... 21 ... ... 28 B o a id ................... 4 ... ... 22 ... ... 26 C arlin ................ ,. 8 ... ... 18 ... ... 26 Hunter................ .. 10 ... ... 16 ... ... 26 W hiteside ... ... 14 ... ... 8 ... ... 22 C. B obB on ... . .. 5 ... ... 13 ... ... 18 Bussell (E.) .. 4 ... ... 14 ... ... 18 Storer ................ .. 4 ... ... 12 ... ... 16 M. lisset .. .. 8 ... ... 7 ... ... 15 E. A . Halliwell. .. 9 ... ... 6 ..., ... 15 A. E. Newton ... 5 ... ... 9 ... ... 14 Oates ................ .. 3 ... ... 8 .., ... 11 G. M afgngor ... 3 ... ... 6 .... ... 9 C. F. Prince .. 5 .. ... 3 ... ... 8 W . P. Bolertson 1 ... ... 7 ... ... 8 L. G. W right . .. 0 ... ... 7 ..,. 7 Average Extras Extras extras grv received. given. per matcl Yorkshire 264 ... ... 161 .. . .. 11 Hampshiie ... £6 ... ... 105 .. . ... 15 Worcestershire 219 ... ... 168 ..,. ... 15 Essex.. ... ... 225 ... ... 178 ... . ... 1« Leicestershire.. 169 ... ... 113 .. . ... 16 Derbyshire .. 147 ... ... 163 .. . ... 17 Notts ........... 2*7 ... ... 168 .... ... 18 Somersetshire . 117 ... ... 112 ..,. ... 18 Lancashire ... 235 ... ... 2€6 .. . ... 19 Warw ickshire.. 100 ... ... 160 .. . ... 20 Surrey ... ... 1>5 ... ... 235 .. . ... 21 Gloucestershire 174 ... ... 267 .. . ... 24 K ent.................. 210 ... ... 229 .. . ... 25 Middle.1ex 157 ... .... 163 .. . ... 32 Sussex .......... 141 .. ... 268 .. . ... 33 THE WANDERERS v. SURBITON.—Played at Surbiton on July 6. S urbiton . First innings. Second innings. F. H . Biyant, c and b B' rker.................. .................11 P. Eglinton, c Brooks, b Wells .................................. 0 c Latham, b Carr 21 S. S. Taylor, c Randall, b Wells .................................. 1 H. J. Davenport, c W . H. Waller, bBandall ............33 not out...................56 F. P. >rancip,b W ells ... 16 A. C. Von Einsthausen, b Barker.................. ............. 6 c Barker, b A. E. Waller ........... 1 P. Castle, c W . H. Waller, b Wells ................. ... 19 T.Castle,c Barker.b Randall 5 O. Howell, c Brooks, b Bandall .......................... 7 lbw, b W . Waller 14 O. Von Ernsthausen, bW ells 0 c t rooks, b W . W aller ........... 8 V. Howell, not out ........... 0 c Latham, b W . Waller ........... 2 Extras ........................... 5 Extras........... 4 Total... Total ...106 ......... 103 L. S. W ells, c Bryant, |A.EW7aller,c Francis, bA.VonErnsthausen 20 - — A. M. Latham, Francis, b A. Von En bthausen ........... 8 K E. M . Baiker, ltw , bA.VonErnsthaustn 2 J. Carr, c T. Castle, b A. V tn Einsthausf'n 2 E. H . Fischer, c T. Castle, b Francis ...5 4 J.E.G.Hadath, not out 70 b P. Castle ............ 4 W . H. W aller, lbw, b A . Von Erns’ hauben 16 J Randall.cV.Bowell, bA.VonEinsthau'sen 29 F. Wright, c A. Von Einsi hausen, o P. <_astle .................... 7 Extras......................23 Total ..........235