Cricket 1901

270 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J u ly 11, 1901. A R K L E Y y. W E3T HERTS.—Played at Arkley on July 6 . A r k le y . C. W .G raham ,notout 70 ! W . G. Hardie, c G. W . Hammond, b Grundy, b White ... 12 Grundy .................26 B. 0.-0xland,b White 8 E. W . Bishop, b White 0 W . G. Long, run out 2 W . fl. Hobson, b A . S. Farmer, c and Grundy ........... ... 16 b WThite ... ........... 0 G. G. Dumbleton, b H. K . Gow, b White 3 Grundy ................... 0 B 6 , lb 1 ... 7 H. W illiams, b White 2 — T otal........141 W est H e r ts . G. W . Blount, b Gra­ ham ........................... 7 White, lbw,b Graham 28 C. Micklem, b Ham­ mond ........................... 0 Golding, not out .. .. 129 A. F. Grundy, c Ham­ mond, b Graham ... 7 Total (7wkt8) 288 F. Cranston, c Robson, b Graham...................51 J. R. Godson, and G. H. Chappell did not bat. F. E. Burrowes, b Hammond ...........22 P. G. W olfe, b Dum­ bleton ................... 3 J. E. Myers, not out... 22 B 16, w l,n b 2... 19 MASTER’S X I. v. OLD BOYS FROM ETON.— Played at Ludgrove on July 3. O ld B o y s . H. R. Lacon, c Smith, b Ramsay...................18 P. Williams, b Smith.. 13 R. P. Birchenough, b Smith ...................23 G. Aspinall. run out... 0 L. Burrell, c Dunn, b Sm ith......................... 4 E. N. S. Cranshaw, c Dunn.bStanborough 17 C. R. W iggin, b Stan­ borough ................... 2 M a s t e r ’s X I. Hon. P. B. Lyon, c Dunn, b Hansell ... 32 H. Birkbeck, c Blore, b Dunn ...................23 J. T. Birchenough, c Dunn, b Hansell .. 10 A. E. D. Anderson, not out ................... 4 B 21, lb 4 ...........25 Total ...171 H. P. Hansell, b Lacm 26 W . F. H. Stanborough, b Lyon ................... 1 A. B. Ramsay, c and b R. P. Birchenovgh .. 26 G. O. Smith, c J. T. Birchenough,bLacon 0 W . J. Oakl°y, b R. P. Birchenough ...........31 W . P. Blore, b R. P. Birehenough ........... 0 V.Barri ngton-Kennett b R. P.Birchenough 6 A . T. B. Dunn, not out ........................... G.E.Boscawen, c Bur­ rell, b R. P. Birch­ enough ................... J. F. Eastwood, c and b R. P. Birchenough W . H . Wiggin, b Lyon B 8 , w 1 ................... T o t a l..................1 UPPER TOOTING v. SURBITON.—Played at Upper Tooting on July 6 . S u rbiton . F. Forsyth, b Russell 17 E. Andrew, run out ... 62 H. A. Sheiriff, bRipley 28 W . E. Fiske, c White­ ley, b Ripley ........... 0 G. H. Townend, b Ripley ................... 0 C. B. Worsley, b Haw­ king ........................... 0 H. J. Sherriff, b Ripley 1 H. D. Chambers, b Ripley ................... 4 P. W . Mew, c Bartley, b Ripley ................. 10 C. S. Sewell, b Haw­ king ........................... 1 J. Hardwicke, not out 0 B 20, lb 3 ...........23 Total ...146 U pper T oo tin g . D. C. Bartley, c A n­ drew, b 8 herriff ... 1 H. W . Ripley, b Wor­ sley ... ... 3 L. A. Whiteley, b Worsley ................... 8 A. M. Pollard, st Andrew, b Sheriff ... 1 R. R. Sandilandp, c Worsley, b Forsyth 122 F. C. Ryde, c W ors- sley, b F is k e ...........48 S. A . Attlee, b Fiske 0 H. G. Franks, not out 11 B 12 , lb 2, w 1, nb 1... 16 Total (7 wkts) 210 H. W . Hawking, H. D . Handcock, and G. P. Russell did not bat. CLAPTON (2) v.FINCH LEY (2).—Played at Clapton on June 29. C la p to n (2). G. Mazengarb, c W . Dalgleish, b Turner 26 J.Attenborough.bColes 92 J. H. Hugill, not out 74 A . Dodson, not out ... 9 B 29, lb 2, w 2 ... 33 Total (2 wkts) *234 P. H . Griffey, C. Nelson, W . Gordon, W . Salaman, S. Genders, W . E. Peel, and Dr. Ladell did not bat. * Innings declared closed. F in ch ley (2) W . Esson, b Hugill ... 14 G. Smith, b Nelson ... 2 Fre°man, c Ladell, b Nelson .................. 6 A. G. T. Turner, b Nelson ................. 12 T.A . Davies, c Mazen- gazb, b Genders ... 10 A. A. Coles, c Ladell, b Griffey ................... 0 W.E.Dalgleish,bHugill 19 M. Dalgleish, b Nel­ son ......................... 13 H. Griffin, c Atten­ borough, b Nelson 33 E. O. Merfield, b H ugill ................... 4 D. Smith, not out ... 6 B 6 , l b l ... 7 Total ...126 NORBURY PARK Norbury on July 6 . N o r b u r y P a r k . H . Plummer, b Cross .. 2 S .Lloyd Jones, run out 1 P. W ilson, b Wileman 29 W . Hobbs, b Feeny ... 12 A. Hammill, c Horn- castle, b Fortescue... 29 F. Holmes, c Feeny, b Jillings ...........54 N. Hammill, c Clarke, b Feeny ...................25 STREATHAM .—Played at J. Macaldin, lbw, b Jillings ................... 0 T. C. Dight, b Feeny 10 A . 81raker, b Fortes­ cue H. West, not out B 8 , lb 4, nb 3 . Total S tr e a th a m . H. T. Thomas, b Dight 4 R. Gillings, c Dight, b Holmes ................... 1 Rev. H. F. S. Adams, c Holmes, b Dight... 15 H. T. Cross, c West, b Wilson ...................36 A. R. Wileman, lbw, b Dight ................... 0 A. S. Fortescue, W . Clarke, W . Gowing did not bat. i,V. F. Feeny, lbw, b Holmes ................... 1 C. G. B. Corderoy, not out ...........................83 B 4 ................... 4 Total (6 wkts.) 94 W . Horncastle and GRANVILLE “ A ” v. CHARLTON PARK. - Played at Charlton Park on June 29. C h arlton P a r k . A. Burnett, bPassmore A. J. Mascall, c Pett- man, b Passmore ... 0 A. C. W eber,bLeM ay 28 C. M. Bemays, b Pass- more ...........................36 W . J. Keats, b Pass- more ........................... 6 T. Haslerigg,b LeMay 0 G r a n v il l e . F. G. Allen, b LeM ay W. Banister, not out B. A. Ke its, b LeMay J. O. Cook, b Le May T. Peckett, b Le May Extras.................. Total ........... F. E. Thomson, lbw, b Bernays ................... 0 T. L . Passmore, c Haslerigg, b Bernays 13 W . Edwards, b Ber­ nays ........................... 0 J. A. Johuston, b Bur­ nett .......................... 7 R. F. Taylor, b Ber­ nays ........................... 1 A.O.Pettman,cW eber, b M ascall................. 22 A . L. Ryder, b Bur­ nett ........................... Rev. C. E. B. Philpott, c Keats, b Mascall A. E. Le May, b Keats F. W . Finch, stWeber, b M ascall................. H. Speyer, not out ... Extras.................. Total 10 1 . 7 .108 N ORTH AW PLACE v. IN COGN ITI.-Played at Potter’s Bar on July 3. N o r th a w P l a c e . Rev. F. W . Poland, Lee. b Paine ..............47 J.F. Whitwell,b Marks 35 Rev.F. Meyrick-Jones, c Parke, b Lee ...8 2 F. G. Thome, c Paine, b L ee..............................36 J. F. Carter, c Lofts, b Parke .................... 1 P. Lofts, b Paine ... 11 R. H. Fox, b Lee ... 4 R. S. Nicholson, st Cipriani, b Paine ... 8 Rev. R. H. Cattell, not out .......................... 11 B 8 , lb 2 , w 4 ... 14 Totel (8 wkts) 249 Rev. F. J. Hall and G. E. Browne did not bat. H.S.Barkworth ,cMey- rick-Jones, b Carter 19 O.Marks, lbw,b Carter 17 Capt. H. W . W ood, c Fox, b Carter......... 4 R. S. Paine, c Hall, b Nicholson......... ... 1 E. A . Parke, c Lofts, b Thorne ...................17 A . K . Lofts, b Nichol­ son ........................... 2 I n cogniti . A . B. Cipriani, c and b Nicholson.................. 19 H. D. Moffat, c Fox, b Carter ................... 2 C. Dixon, not out ... 1 C. R. H . Hensley, b Carter ................... 0 R. L. Lee, b Thome... 0 Byes ................... 11 Total , 93 CLAPTON v. SA N A TO R IU M .-Played atVirgini Water on July 3. S an ito riu m . Bishop, b Genders ... 42 Gunn, c Renals, b Gen­ ders .......................67 Humphrey, c Genders, b Douglas...............30 Aries, c Goodwin, b Genders ........... ... 2 T. E. Harper, c Wal­ ker, b Douglas ... 32 W . J. H ill, c Douglas, b Genders................. 1 Greg, b Goodwin ... 9 Blaber, b Genders ... 0 W . Evans, b Good­ win ...........................13 Stinton, c Stanley, b Genders ................... 0 A. We 8 tlake,not out 0 B 8 , lb 3, w 1 ... 12 Total ...198 J. H. Douglas, b Hum­ phrey ............................. 12 H .A . Milton, c Blaber, b Gunn ................... 4 W . Goodwin, b Hum­ phrey ...........................15 H. Boyton, b Hum­ phrey .......................... 43 J. H. Hugill, b Gunn 3 Rev. J. Walker, b Humphrey ........... 4 C la pto n . J.J. W iggett, b Hum­ phrey.......................... 5 A . W . Renals, b Gunn 5 H.E.Trafford,c Evans, b Gunn ................... 2 G. Stanley, not out... 14 S. Genders, b Gunn 0 B 20, nb 1...........21 Total ...128 LUDGROYE (3) v. CHOLMELEY Played at Highgate on July 8 . C h olm eley H ouse . HOUSE.— G. H. Atkinson, c Nor­ man, b Rowley N. H. Terry, b Pease.. A. L. Lockwood, c Worsley, b Pease ... G.L. Grimsdell, c Nor­ man, b P ea se........... W . R. Gunning, b Rowley ................. J. P. Dunn, b Pease... P.R.Bodkin, b Rowley 0 C. O. Dessen, not out 14 C. A . Claremont, b Pease ................... 3 N. R. Jarrett, lbw, b Pease........................... 4 E. P. Blake, b Rowley 1 B 2, w 1 ........... 3 Total 33 Second innings: G. H . Atkinson, not out, 24; N. H. Terry, not out, 2; C. O. Dessen, b Pennant, 6 ; B 3, w 3.—Total (1 wkt), 88 . L u d g ro ve . A.H . Barrington-Ken- nett, c Lockwood, b A tkin son.................. 13 R. A . Pease, b Dunn... 20 R. H. M. Ahel-Smith, cGrimsdell, b Atkin­ son .......................... F. W . M. Cornwallis, c Atkinson, b Dunn .. N. W . Eastwood, b D unn.......................... W . A . Worsley, lbw, b Atkinson ........... 21 3 K . 8 .Hunter, b Atkin­ son ........................... 13 G. R. F. Rowley, b Atkinson.................. C. W. Norman, b D u n n . .................... 9 E D. J. Hay, c Jarrett, b Dunn ................... 6 A . G. S. Douglas, not out ........................... l B 5, w 6 , l b 4 ... 14 Total ...1C6 BE XLEY HEATH (2) v. GOLDSMITHS’ “ A ” — Played at New Cross on July 6 . B e x le y H e a th (2). C. Howell, run out ... 30 E. Butler, b Medway... 4 S. Townley, b Medway 32 E. Stone, b Medway ... 2 J.Spenceley,b Medway 2 J. Ashton, c Bowler, b Medway ................... A. Hitchin, b Lander G. Kitchener, b Med­ way ... ........... 3 A . Engledon, b Green 6 J. Clark, not out ... 12 G. Davidson, b Good 11 B 12, w 1 ...........13 Total ... 125 G oldsm ith s * “ A .” J. A . T. Good, not out 89 ( E .M . Medway, not out 34 H. Sales, b Howell ...3 5 B 2, lb 5 ........... 7 P. Henty, b Howell ... 1 ; — Total (2 wkts) 166 F. Bowler, E. J. Lander, J. C. Green, A . W roe, E. B. Tolley, R. L. Whitestone, and E. C. Rowe, did not bat. QUERNMORE SCHOOL v. BLACKHEATH SCHOOL.—Played at Blackheath. Q u e r n m o b f . S c h o o l . First innings. Second innings. H. G. Patrickson, b Leathes 3 b Morris ............. 3 C. W . Sharp, b Morris .., 0 b W o o le tt............ 1 W . Durbridge, b Morris ... 4 lbw, b Morris ...14 B. H. Tucker, b Morris ... 22 b W o ole tt........... 6 R. A . Covill, b Morris ... 0 notout....................13 H. T. Covill, b Morris ... 0 notout.................... 11 E. Patrickson, b Morris ... 0 S. D. Carpenter, b Leathes 1 L. A . Tucker, not out........... 6 b Woolett .......... 4 J. Zimmerman 11 , lbw, b M orris.................................. 0 G. L . Neal, b Leathes ... 1 Extras ........... 9 Extras .............18 Total ...........46 Total (5 wkts) 70 B l a c k h e a t h S c h o o l . G.F.C.Woolett, c Neal, b E. Patrickson ...3 6 b E. Patrickson .. 0 J. H. Pound, b Sharp 1 S. G. Osmond,b Sharp 4 H. Morris, c Zimmer­ man, bShaip ... J. Leathes, b J2. Pat­ rickson ................... B.Macdonald, c Sharp, b E. Patrickson J.D.W illiams,b Sharp A.C. S. Jackaon, c H., C. Young, b E. Pat­ rickson ................... C. A . Hunt, b Sharp E. P. Williams, not out ........................... Extras ........... Total 3 75 Played at Clapton CLAPTON v. TO T T E N H A M - on July 6 . T otten h am . P. Perrin, not out .. 133 I B 5, lb 3 ........... 8 C. McGahey, not out... 168 — Total ............ *309 E. Thomas, T. W . Saint, F. Perrin,Nye,H. T. Burton, A. Hawley, A. Warren,E. Levi,and P. Core did not bat. * Innings declared closed. C la pto n . J. H . Douglas, b Levi 18 F. Bishop, c & b Nye 12 H. E. V. Chichester, b Warren ...................51 H. Boyton, not out ... 25 C. Brown, H. Trafford, H. Milton, b Levi H. Britten, not o u t . Byes ... . Total ..120 Wiggett, and A, J. Dyke did not bat. W. H. Nolloth, J. J.