Cricket 1901

254 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J uly 4, 1901. BU RY AND WEST SUFFOLK v. INCOGNITI.— Played at Bury on Jane 24 and 25. I n co gn iti . First inniogs. Second innings. H.8. Barkworth, b Luahing- c Dennett, b to n ...........................................29 L u sh iD gton ... W . Danman, c and b V .- F ernie...................................12 b Lushington O. Marks, b V.-Fernie J. M. Martin, b Trudgett... 19 Major Orman, c R.-Smith, b V.-Fernie......................... 29 A. Sartoris, b V.-Fernie ... 3 Dennett, b Lushington .. 5 Pritchett, b Lushington ... c Burrell, b Lush­ ington ... 31 c Burrell, b Trudgett........... 7 Capt.Tyler.c and b Trudgett 3 b Trudgett............2d D. Clarke, b Trudgett..........14 b V.-Fernie...........67 W . P. Carpmael, c V .- Feraie, b Trudgett........... 0 G. Tassell, b Trudgett......... 3 Capt. G.N.A.Harris, not out 1 B 1, lb 3, nb 1 ............ 5 Total ............................126 notout... ........... 6 c Burrell, b V .- Fernie ............ 3 b V.-Fernie.......... 0 B 28, lb 1, nb 2 31 Total .........274 B uby and W est S u ffo lk . First inniD gs. H. W . Claughton, b Tassell 4 J. ‘White, c Dunman, b H arris................................... 2 E. Pritchett, not o u t ...........12 1 R. J. Burrell, b Tassell ... C F. de VV. Lushington, b Tassell... ......................... . 0 Rev. J. Vincent-Fernie, b Tassell................................... 7 Capt. E. Manson, c Harris, b Tassell ........................... 0 Trudgett, c Dunman, b C larke...................................26 F. S. Dennett, run out..........61 F. Riley-Smith, b Clarke ... 19 E. L. D. Lake, b Tassell ... 5 B 9, lb 7 ...........................16 Second innings, b Tassell ...........12 b Tassell b Tassell b Clarke b Harris ...........17 c Barkworth, b Tassell..................10 b Tassell ...........10 Total ...252 c and b Tassell . b Tassell ... .. b Tassell .......... not o u t ................ B 3, lb 2 .......... Total 11 1 12 0 5 ...103 INCOGNITI.— COLCHESTER GARRISON v. Played at Colchester on June 26. C o lch ester G a r r iso n . Second innings. First innings. E. G. Colvin, c Manson, b Tassell.................................. 15 W . L. Rogers, b Harris ... 21 Qmr.-Sergt. Lewis, c and b Tassell................................... 2 b Harris b Harris c Dunman, Harris ... b Harris ... P. G. Robinson, b Harris ... Capt. Lannowe, c Martin, b Tassell ........................... 8 not o u t .. Capt. Hinde, c Mansoa, b Tassell.................................14 b Harris Qmr.-Sergt. Benger, b Tas­ sell........................................... 0 C. F. Burnard, b Harris ... 0 Capt. V . Lloyd, b Harris ... 2 G. L. Bailey, not o u t ........... 4 Capt. Cautley, c Manson, b Tassell................................... 2 B 17, lb 1, nb 1 ...1 9 c and b Harris ... b Harris ........... b Clarke ........... b Harris ........... sub., b Clarke .. 2 B 8, w 2, nb 2 12 Total ...........66 Total...................90 I n c o o n iti . E . S. Barkworth, not J. N. Martin, c Hinde, out ....................128 | b Lewis .....................20 F.Dunman,b Robinson 10 A. Sartoris, not ou t... 20 H. J. Hill, c Bailey, b B 9, lb 3, w 6 ... 18 L a n n ow e......................59 j — O. Marks, b Lewis ... 50 I Total (4wkts) *315 E. Pritchett, D.Clarke, Capt. Manson, G.Tassell’ and Capt. Harris did not bat. • Innings declared closed. LONDON AND WESTM INSTER BANK (2) v. COUTTS’ BANK.—Played at Norbury on June 25 and 26. C ou ttb * B a n k . Davidson, b Power Tylecote, b Dear Plumer, b D ear... Tyler, runout ... D ain.b Power ... Costigan, b Power Jarrett, not o u t... . 11 . 3 . 4 . 4 . 0 . 2 W ood, b Power Stokes, b Dear ... Pegler, bD ear ... Farrell, b Dear ... B 21, lb 3 Total .. T .H . Pritchard,bPegler 21 T. H. Christopher, b T y le r ......................... 0 H. Crossley, b Tyler... 0 R. S. Hartree, c and b T y ler.......................... 2 H. E. Power, b Tyler 10 O. J. Crossley, b Tyler 0 A-J.Richardson,notout 9 L. & W . B a n k . S.Bennett,c Davidson, b Tyler ................... H . D. Dear, b Tyler... T. D. Brenan, b Tyler H.C. Willson,cPlumer, b Pegler B 7, lb 4 ...........11 Total ... 64 SIDCUP (2) v. GOLDSMITHS’ “ A .” —Played at New Cross on June 22. S idcu p (2). S. Mann, b Green R. Palmer, b E. M. Medway ...................13 G. F. Jerdein, c Good, b Green ................... 2 B. W . Noble, lbw, b Green.......................... 22 W . N. Washington, c Good.bE.M.Medway 4 F. W . Hunter, b E. M. Medway ................... 1 G o ld s m ith s ’ “ A .1 C. Whyte, c & b E M. Medway ................... H. B. Bathurst,bE.M. Medway ................... W . Saggers notout W . Mortimer,b Green J. Schirfield, b Green B 7 ,lb 1 ........... Total................... H. Sales, c Jerdein, b W hyte ...................36 R. L. Whitestone, b N ob le......................... 0 J. M. Maxwell, c Palmer, b Whyte ... 28 E.J. Lander,cBathurst, b Saggers ........... 1 J. C. Green, bNoble ... 26 P. F. Heuty, b Saggers 0 E.M.Medway, c Scnor- fleld, b Jerdein .. 0 J.A.T. Good, c Whyte, b Noble ................... 1 A. S. Medway, b Jer­ dein ........................... 1 E. C. Rowe, c Bath­ urst, bN oble ...........21 F. Bowler, not out ... 6 B 4, lb 3, w l, nb 2... 10 T o ta l...................139 SUTTON v. EAST MOLESEY.—Played at East Molesey on June 22. S u tto n . R. M. Bell, c Vogel, b Kersley ................. 5 H. Hyslop, c Clark, b Kersley ...................28 V . R. Bromage, c Arm- felt, b Judd ...........35 G. H . Hadfleld, c Knight, b Kersley... 0 A . L. bloper, b Kersley 37 C. C. Roberts, c Judd, b Martin ................... 0 G.R.Blades.c Armfelt, b Judd ................... 9 D .W . Ker, c Stephens, b M urtin................... 9 C. F. Reiner, b Clark 15 A Collins, c Kersley, b Judd ...................33 T. A. Straker, not out 0 Extras.................. 8 Total ...179 E ast M o lesey . W . K . Stephens, c Roberts, b Bell ... 0 H.Knight, c sub, b Bell 5 B. Blount, b Bell ... 2 H. E. Judd, b Hadfleld 22 E.8tagg.st81oper,bBell 22 P. Armfelt, c Collins, b Hyslop ................... 0 Kersley, b Hyslop ... 17 W. Clark, c Bromage, b Bell..........................13 H. B. Vogel, not out 18 R. F. Barnett, run out 3 Martin, c Sloper, b Hyslop ................... l Extras................... 4 Total ..107 THE WANDERERS v. WEST H ER TS.-Played at W atford on June 26. W an d e r s as. E. H .Fish‘ r,b Turner 22 K.EM .Barker, c and b White ...................17 Thompson, c Harford, b White ...................23 J.R.Conyer8,b Stevens 43 S. Colman, not out ... 85 T S. Tregellas, bWhite 11 A .E.Waller,cHarford, b White ...................22 W.H.Waller,bStevens 0 A.H.Behrend, bWhite 30 Sir C. Moon, b White 0 A. E.W ilson,bW hite 13 Extras ...........22 Total ...288 W est H erts . J.H.Hicken, b ThompC. Mickless, b Fisher 24 son .......................... 16 T.C.Robins,c Conyers, White, st Behrend, b b F ish e r................... 7 Tregellas................... 5 T. E. Burrows, not out 1 J. E. Stevens, b TreJ. R. Goodson, b Tre­ gellas ......................... 7 gellas........................... 10 D.A.Butcher, b Barker 29 H. J. C. Lumpton, not W . T. 8. Turner, b out ........................... 0 Thompson ........... 0 Extras ........... 16 H.M.Harford.bBarker 19 — Total ... 134 LONDON SCOTTISH v. PA LLIN G SW ICK .— Played at Brondesbury on June 29. L ondon S c o ttish . A. J. Denniston, Marsden ................... 5 T.S.Taylor, b Mareden 37 N. J. Marcus, b Reid 6 R. Cope, b Marsden ... 2 H. Fraser, lbw, b Reid 0 C. Koe Child, run out 0 P. Child, b Carvalho... 50 R.J.C.Stuart,cDaniels, b Carvalho ........... J.R.Connell.cHarbury, b Marsden ........... J.H.Havlor,bMarsden 10 T.A.Dalgleish.not out 8 B 10. lb 6, w 1 ... 17 Total ..115 P a llin g sw ic k . J. 8. Heynemann, b C o p e ........................... 85 G.A.Marsden,cHaylor, b P. Child ... 7 G .T.H ardy,cK . Child, b Hayler ...................... 20 C. N . Carvalho, b Haylor ........... 0 A . Daniels, lbw, b P. C hild...............................41 V . Hollander and J. G. Harbury did not bat. M. LaThange, not out 34 C. H. Clayton, c K. Child, b C ope........... E.G. Harbury, c and b Denniston ........... 0 P. C. Reid, not out ... 11 B 15, lb 1 ...........16 Total ...222 SUTTON v. M ITCHAM .—Played at Sutton on June 29. Su. TON. First innings. Second innings. C. Costin, c Moorhouse, b Hussey ...........................22 V. B. Bromage, c Bale, b T. H arvey...........................20 J. G. Poole, c Moorhouse, b Cole -. ...................43 not out............... 1 L. Jackson, c Boxall, b Cole 16 c N. Harvey, b Jones................. 20 B.W . Appleton,bN. Harvey 16 st Bale,b Jones 70 G. H. Hadfleld, b Cole ...3 5 J. A . Knight, run out...........36 H. Hyslop, c Hussey, b Cole 17 A. L. Sloper, c Cole, b T. st Bale, b N. Harvey..................................12 Harvey ............. 2 W . !Yf. Bell, b T. Harvey .. 25 not out............... 82 J. T. IUington, not out ... 1 c N. Harvey, b T. Harvey ... 37 B 4, lb 3 ................... 7 Byes ...........11 Total ...........249 M itc h a m . Total (4 wkts) 173 N A. Harvey, b Had­ fleld ...........................66 C. Butler, bHadfleld... 0 C.A.Kempson,cSloper, b Hadtleld ........... 1 M Moorhouse,cKnight, b Appleton ...........79 J. Boxall,c and bBrom- age ......... ........... 3 W . Hussey, not o u t... 5 T.P. Harvey, c Coatin, b Bromage ........... E. Bale, b Hadfle’d .. W. Jones, c Costin, b Bromage ... ........... J.Pillinger, b Bromage B. Cole, c Hadfield, b Brom age................... B 2, lb 1 , w 2 ... Total .. 169 THE WANDERERS v. FOREST H IL L .-P la yed at Forest Hill on July 1. W a n d e r e r s . S. Colman, b LeMay... 44 D. L. A . Jepbson, st Moore, b Welchman 43 K . E. M. Barker, c M oore,b W illi’ims... 73 J. Carr, c and b W illiam s.................. 9 P. P. Lincoln, c Davis, b Welchman ...........20 C. A . Beldam, lbw, b W illiam s................... 3 T. S. Tregellas, c Fyeeman,b Williams W . H. Waller, c and b Welchman ........... A . E. Waller, b W illiam s................... T. W . Christian, c Le May, b W tlchman A . R. Layman, not out Extras ................... Total ... F o r e s t H ill . First innings. C. Moore, c Christian, b Beldam ........................... E. Freeman, c Beldam, b , Jephson ........................... H- Lanham, c Colman, b JTephson ............................. W . R. Williams, c and b J ephson ........................... H. LeMay, b Beldam ........... C. F. Phillips, b Jephson ... F. Skipper, b Jephson......... C. Welchman, run out C. LeMay, b Jephson........... O. Davis, c Layman, b Jephson ........................... T. Taylor, not out ........... E x tr a ........................... Total........................... Second innings. 1 lbw, b Christian 16 2 b W aller ... ... 82 3 b W . Waller ... 0 3 c and b W . Waller 25 1 b W . Waller ... 6 0 c Layman, b Christian... ... 0 1 c Colman, b Tre^ellas... ... 3 6 b Christian... ... 0 4 b Christian... ... 4 0 not out........... ... 2 0 b Christian .. ... 5 1 Extras ... ... 15 22 Total ... .. 108 THE WANDERERS v. UPPER TOOTING.— Played at Upper Tooting on June 29. W an d erers . S. Colman, c Pariz, b Lindsey ...................63 C.A. Beldam, b Moore 28 E. H. Fischer, not out ..............................41 A. A . Behrend, not out .............................. 11 Extras.....................44 Total (4 wkts) *360 K.E. M. Barker, c and b Parez ...................119 E. A. Beldam, c Parez, b Russell................... 54 J. E. G. Hadath, G. E. Bicknell, W . H. Waller, J. Stedman, and O. Taylor did not bat. * Inning \ declared closed. U pper T o otin g . R.N. Harvey, b Taylor 0 D. H. Butcher, b Sted­ man ...........................23 J. F. Hoskin, b C. A . beldam ...................11 A. H. Parez, c Waller, b Stedman ...........30 J. H. Lindsay, b Sted­ man ........................... 8 G. P. Russell, c Bel- dam,b Barker......... 4 Total ................160 A. M. Pollard, b Tay­ lor ...........................25 S. A . Attlie, b Sted- m a n ................... ... o J.T. More, b Stedman 4 H. J. Bond, b Sted­ man ........................... o C. B. Lewis, not out... 39 Extras................... 6