Cricket 1901

J u ly 4, 1901. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 253 SUSSEX v. YORKSHIRE. Played at Bradford on July 1, 2, and 3. Yorkshire won by ten wickets. In their match at Eastbourne against Oxford Sussex had scored 414 for 6 wickets on Saturday afternoon, and it must have been a startling change for them to find themselves on Monday afternoon, when play began after lunch, opposed to such bowlers as Rhodes and Hirst on a wicket which was exceedingly difficult. They none of them distinguished themselves, the only two men who made double figures being the great men of the team. The wicket had not arrived at the sticky stage, but it suited tbe Yorkshiremen. There was not much likelihood that Yorkshire would col'apse in the same manner, but they found it very difficult to score and, when stumps were orawn, had lost three wickets. Nevertheless they were already six runs on. On Tuesday there was no play. Yesterday Yorkshire steadily increased their lead, Hirst and Lord Hawke especially distinguishing themselves, and when the innings closed Yorkshire were leading by 1.6. Sussex had a little batting before lunch and put on 26 for the loss of Vine. When Mr. Fry went there was no one who could make much resistance to the bowling except Ranjitsinbji, who played by far the best innings of the match. W ith his usual perspic­ acity, Lord Hawke turned on Wainwright and he proved to be almost irresistible. Yorkshire only hid to make 50 runs, a task which Brown and Tunnicliffe accomplished without assistance. S u ssex . First innings. C. B. Fry, c Tunnichffe, b Rhodes ..............................15 Vine, b Hirst............................ 1 K . S. Ranjitsinhji, c Tun­ nicliffe, b Rhodes ..............11 K . O. Goldie, b Hirst............ 0 Relf, c Hirst, b Rhodes ... 0 W . Newham, c Tunnicliffe, b Rhodes ........................... 5 C. D. Fisher, b H irst........... 8 Killick, b Hirst ................... 0 Tate, c Mitchell, b Hirst .. 4 Bland, st Hunter, b Rhodes 6 Butt, not out ................... 2 Lb 3, w 2 ................... 5 Total ...........52 Y o bk su ire . Second innings. c and b Hirst ... 29 cHurtter,bRhodes 12 b Wainwright ... 57 b Hirst.................. 0 c Rhodes, bWain­ wright ........... 5 c Whitehead, b Rhodes ... ... 5 lbw, b Rhodes ... 0 lbw,bWainwright 20 lbw,bWainwright 12 not out.................. 1 b Wainwright ... 0 Extras...........14 Total .. 165 Tunnicliffe, c Tate, b Bland... ................... 2 Brown, b Vine .......... 24 Wainwright, c Fisher, b Relf ................... 4 T. L. Taylor, b Tate... 13 F. Mitchell, c Goldie, b Bland...........................20 Hirst,* c Ranjitsinhji, b Bland ...................21 Whitehead, c Killick, bTate ... ...........13 Lord Hawke. c Fry, b Ranji.sinbji ...........36 Haigh, b Tate ........... 8 Hunter.c Butt, b Ran­ jitsinhji ................... 4 Rhodes, not out........... 6 Extras................... 7 Total ...158 Second innings: Brown, not out, 21; Tunnicliffe, not out, 27 ; extras, 2.—Total (no wicket) 50. S u ssex . O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W. Hirst ... 15 9 11 5 ........... 16 6 23 2 Rhodes ... ... 11-5 3 36 5 ......... . 27 12 57 3 Haigh ......... ,. 10 2 f>2 0 W ainw right., . 4 5 19 5 Rhodes bowled two wides* Y o rk sh ire . O. M. R. W . O. M R. W . Relf ... 9 4 15 1 ......... Bland ... 22 6 58 3 ......... ! 3 0 5 0 Goldie ... ... 8 4 7 0 ......... . 1 1 0 0 Vine........... ... 7 1 17 1 .......... . 3 2 8 0 T ate........... ... 15 3 44 3 ......... ,. 9 2 30 0 Ranjitsinbji ... 2*4 0 9 2 ......... . 2*1 0 5 0 Killick ... 2 1 1 0 ........ Goldie delivered a wide. DERBYSHIRE v. LONDON COUNTY. Played at Chesterfield on July 1, 2, and 3. Drawn. The wicket at Chesterfield did not dry quickly enough to allow of any play on Monday. On Tuesday Derbyshire went in first, Mr. Ollivierre and Bagshaw making an excellent start against the weak bowling of London County. Chatterton afterwards played fine cricket, and when stumps were drawn after a short period of play he was not out 27 and the Derbyshire score, 90 for two wickets. Yesterday Chatterton again played fine cricket, and Derbyshire were able to dec are. London County could not do much, Storer working havoc among the tail. There w as no possible chance of finishing the match. D e r b y sh ir e . Needham, not out ... 4 A . E. Lawton, b F. Smith ................... 1 Warren, not out ... 2 Extras ........... 7 Total (6 wkts) #156 C. A. Ollivierre, b Sewell ..................34 Bagshaw, st Bompas, b B eldam ..................17 Storer, c Gale, b Dyas 9 Chatterton, c W., b F. Smith..........................61 L. G. W right, c Cole­ grave, b F. Smith ... 21 Second in n in gsO llivierre, st Bompas, b Beldam, 49; Marple, ht wkt, b Beldam, 6 ; W ilm ot, c W . Smith, b Grace, 16 ; Warren, not out, 22; b 2, lb 1.— Total (3 wkts) 96. * Innings declared closed. L ondon C o u n ty . W . G. Grace, run out 0 P.G.Gale,c Chatterton, b Law ton.................. 3 G.W .Dyas,c Lawton, b S torer.........................59 G. W.Beldam,bWarren 13 Sewell, b Warren ... 18 W .smith, st Wilmot, b btorer..........................18 H. Colegrave, b Storer Murch, b Marples ... H .8. Bompas, b Storer J. Oilman, not out ... F.E. Smith, c Chatter­ ton, b Storer ........... Extras................... Total D e r b y sh ib e . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W . 0 . M. R. W . Grace ......... 4 1 15 0 ...... 5 0 25 0 Smith (F.) ... 17 6 45 3 ......... 3 1 7 0 Beldam ... . . 14 6 24 1 ........... 9 3 29 2 G ale................ . 9 4 13 0 ........... 4 0 12 0 Sewell ... . . 11 3 3C 1 ...... D yas................ . 16 6 2* 1 ...... Gilman ... 3 1 11 0 Smith(W .) 1 0 9 0 L ondon C ounty . O. M. R. W . 0. M. R. w. Hulme ... 13 16 18 1 Storer ... 15-2 7 2 ' 5 Lawton... 3 0 16 0 W arren.. 8 4 16 2 M arple... 12 6 17 Lawton and Marple each bowled a wide. SUSSFX CLUB AND GROUND v. M.C.C. AND GROUND.—Played at Hove on July 1 and 2. M.C.C. a n d G rou n d . First innings. C.P. Goodden, b Cordingley 6 Capt. H. C. Moorhouse, c Beard, b Cordingley ... 45 Rawlin, b V arrall..................39 C. G. Hulton, b Bean...........12 R. F. Vibart b Bean...........15 E. Rodrigu-z, c Bean, b Cordingley.......................... Martin, c Gloss, b Cording­ ley .................................. Bean (G.), b Bean ........... A. F. Somerset, c Marlow, b Bean.................................. F. B. May, b Bean ... ... Oates, not out ................... Extras ........... Second innings, b Bean................... 0 b Marlow ...........67 c Hadden, b Mar­ low ................... 8 b Marlow ........... 9 b Clarke ........... 8 0 b Marlow ... b Clarke ... b Mariow ... not out........... absent........... b Clarke ... Extras... Total.................138 Total ... S u sse x C. a n d G. First innings. F. D. Thorowgood, b M oor­ house ...............................27 Marlow, lbw, b Moorhouse. 38 B. F. Beard, c and b M oor­ house ................................... 0 Bean (J.), b Goodden............ 26 W . Fame, b Goodden ... 0 Clarke, c Moorhouse, b Goodden ............................ 6 Haddon, b G oodden ........... 3 D.J.C.Glos8,lbw,b Goodden 0 W . J. E. Verrall,b Goodden 4 not out... A . E. Ridsdale, not out ... 10 Cordingley,cVitart,b M oor­ house ................................... 1 Extras.......................... 11 Second inning3. cOates,bGoodden S') c Oates, b Martin 36 b G oodden...........24 not out...................34 st Oates, b Moor­ house ................... 2 run out ............ 1 Total... Extras........... 9 ...126 Total (5 wkts) 141 REPTON SCHOOL v. OLD REPTONIAN3.— Played at Repton on J une 28. R epton S chool . First innings. H.R.Longboume.bCochrane 31 C.Curgenven, c & b Topham 29 W . H. Twigg, c & b Monro 42 F. W . Twigg, runout........... R. A . Young, c Kelsey, b Topham ........................... P.Musker,stA11eo.bTopham R. E. Houn*field, c and b Cochrane ........................... M. B. Stow, c W . Malden, b M onro................................... A. H. Birks, b W . Malden E W . Page, b Monro........... L. C. V. Smith, not out ... B 2d, w 1 ........... Second innings, lbw, b Tophim ... 9 b W . Malden ... 40 cCochrane,b Top­ ham ...................44 c Kelsey, b Abell 19 b E. E. Malden... 18 cMonro,bTopham 16 20 c and b Topham 32 34 c and b Topham 25 12 stAllen,b Topham 5 5 not o u t...................22 0 not o u t .................18 27 B 14,1b 3,w l,n b3 21 Total ...........218 Total (9 wkts) *269 * Innings declared closed. O ld R e pto n ia n s . F rst innings. H. J. Davenport, b W. H T w ig g .................................. J. H. Kelsey, b W .H .Twigg F. R. D. M jnro, c F. W. Twigg, b Smith................... 45 A. H. J. Cochrane, b W . H. T w ig g ................................... 6 M. H. Abell, b Smith ... ..1 0 G.K Allen,cMusker,bSmith 24 Capt. J. M. Young,c Young, b Smith ........................... 0 H . Hartland, c Curgenven, b Smith ...........................13 W . Malden, b W . H. Twigg 6 Rev. H . G. Topham, not out 2 E. E. Malden, b Smith ... 0 B 7, lb 2, nb 3 ...........12 Second innings. b Smith ........... 0 c and b Smith ... 28 c Curgenven, b Smith ...........17 b W . H. Twigg... 0 b W . H. Twigg 7 b W . H . Twigg 4 12 Total ...126 not out... b W . H. T w igg.. b Smith ........... b Smith ........... b Smith ........... B 2, lb 1, nb 1 Total 0 0 3 5 4 80 MR. J. A. BERNER’S X I. v. MR. A. G. ARCHER’ S X I.—Played at Woolverstone Park on June 29. M r . A . G. A bcheb ’ s X I. First innings. Second innings. E.A.J. Maynard, b Cobbold 3 c Peacock, b Cob- bold ................... 2 A. M. Sutthery, c Berners, b Hayward... ...............13 cPeacock,b Cot- bold ...................ll B.J.T.Bosanquet,c O’ Brien, b Hayward.......................19 c Peacock, b Davenport ... 68 A. G. Archer, c Schwarz, b Cobbold ......................... 0 b C ob b old ............ 6 F. France Hayhurst, lbw, b Cobbold ....................... 14 bBromley-Daven- port *..................18 A. E. Leatham, c and b Hayward ....................... 29 lbw, b Davenport 11 J. B. G. Lester, b Hayward 72 c Davenporc, b C ob bold...........21 T. Weatherby, st Warner, b Cobbold .......................12 b Hayward............10 H. J. Stevens, run out ... 43 b CoD bold............. 1 G. A. Foljambe, c Beroers, b H ayw ard........................ 9 lbw, b Cobbold... 0 H. Mej rick, not out ......... 3 notout.................... 5 Extra8 ...........................23 Extras.............28 Total ...181 Total ...................242 M r . B e r n e r ’ s X I. First innings. Second innings. P. F. Warner, st Archer, b Stevenson .. ...........24 b Bosanquet ... 7 D. C. Lee, lbw, b Bosanquet 5 cArcher,bSteven- son ................... 9 SirT.C.O’ Brien,cW eatherby, b FoJjambe......................... 130 o Leatham, Bosanquet H.B.Daveoport,b Stevenson 31 c Bosanquet, Sutthery ... F. W . Cobb^ld, b Stevenson 22 b Bosanquet R. O. Schwarz, b Foljambe 11 b Bosanquet W . Williams, c Maynard, b Stevenson........................... 1 not out........... Hayward (D .), lbw, b Stevenson...........................12 not out............. W . Messenger, b Foljambe 35 C. M. leacock, b Stevenson 7 J. A . Berners, not out ... 15 b Bosanquet Extras........................... 9 Extras... ... 67 b ... 21 ... 1 ... 8 ... 4 ... 4 .. 0 Total ...302 Total .. 123 L AW S OF CRICKET, with List of Fixtures and Memo, pages. One Penny each, post free lid. O ricket Offices, 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C.