Cricket 1901

112 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M ay 2, 1901. STUART SURRIDGE$Co., Practical Manufacturers and Paten’ees of the Celebrated Pa ten t Rapid D r iv e r B A T S . *Can ho purchased at L O R D ’5 O V A L , L E Y T O N , and ihe Principtl llorm and Colonial Cricket Grounds. TOP SHOWING RUBBER As u « ‘ i Kv all the Trading P.ay-rs vi/ W G G r a c e , K S R a n jit s in h ji, R P . F . W a r n e r , A O J o n e s , D L A . J e p h s o n , C. B F r y , J R M a s o n , l o r d H a w k e , " e t c , e t c a n d T H a y w a r d ia maki g ther senKatiooal sores of la-t heas n SHOWING AIR CHAMBERS. E F o s t e r , T L T a y lo r , F S J a c k s o n , A . C. M a c L a r e n , and used l y G . L J e s s o p 175, Borough High Street, LONDON, S .E ., and Long Lane, Bermondsey. W e s t E n d A g e n t s : —MESSRS. J . WISDEN & CO. Surrey Cricket and Cricketers By the Rev. R. 8. HOLMES. Published 1896. CONTENTS. Surrey Cricket in the Old Days, by the Biahop of Tasmania ; Esciting Finishes ; Spectacles ; Surrey Players, 1773 to 1895; Results of Matches Year by Y ear; Runs Scored for and against Surrey; B ighest and Lowest Innings Scored by Surrey; Innings of 4C0 Runs Scored by Surrey; Notabilia; Close Finishes ; Surrey Centuries ; Exceptional Bowling Feats ; Benefit Matches; Memorabilia and Full Scores of the England v. Surrey Matches. I llu stratio n s : The late Earl of Bessborough ; Mr. W . Burrup ; Mr. J. 8huter ; Mr. W . W . Read ; Mr. K. J. Key ; F. P. M iller; Jupp; Read (Maurice) ; Abel; Lohmann; Brockwell; W ood; Richardson; Hayward; Lock­ wood ; the Oval in 1848. Price, 6d.; Post Free, 7d. P I C K E R I N G S ’ “ Fo r Whitening a ll A rtioles o f Bu ff or Buckskin Leather, •uch as Leg Guardi, Gloves, Military Equipment, White Helmets, Gloves, Hunting Thongs, Whips, Cricket and Tennis Bhoes, Tennis Balls, fto., 4e. 168, UPPER THAMES STREET, E.C. It is prepared in a very careful manner, and extra precautions are taken to insure AN EVENNESS OF COLOUB. It contains nothing that will in any way injure the article to which it is applied, and if used as di­ rected a splendid white of a glossy satin- like appearance and soft Bilky surface i» insured, which will not readily rub off. The moulds of “ B lanco ” are made in one size only, and will fit specially made tjnc boxes, which are non-oorrosive. Manufacturers :-J0SEPH PICKERING & SONS, & ! YK"8, SHEFFIELD L o n d o n O fficn • ST. G E O R G E ’ S H OU SE , E A S TGH E A P . H. GRADIDGE & SONS, Wooiwieh. MANUFACTURERS OF A LL ARTICLES FOR CRICKET, RACQUET, L AW N TENN IS , FOOTBALL, AND OTHER BR ITISH SPORTS. PATENTEES AND SOLE M AKERS OF THE CELEBRATED “ IMPERIAL DRIVER” BATS. w ^ Patent No. 27,536. ►— 9 O S2 1 P ^ ^ 2 U CC - i USED B Y A LL THE LEAD ING BATSMEN OF THE DAY . To be obtained of all First-Class Outfitters or the Makers. Only Address: FACTORY, ARTILLERY PLACE, WOOLWICH, S.E. ENLARCED VIEW CP ffeTENT SPRING RANSOMES ' LAW N M OW E R S are the best. “ HORSE AND P O N Y ” MOWERS , Possessing Improvements embodied in no other Maker’s Machines, INCLUDING PATENT DOUBLE ANGLE CUTTING BARREL. P ATENT SPR ING HANDLE 8 PREVENTING VIBRATION, PATENT S INGLE SCREW AD JU STMENT . Made in Six Sizes, 26 to 48 inches wide. HAND-POWER m a c h in e s in a l l s ize s to su it e v e r y re q u ir e m e n t . RANSOMES, SIMS & JEFFERIES, Ltd., IPSWICH Printed and Published for the Proprietor by M b b b it t k H a tg b x b , L t p . 1 7. 168, and 169, Upper Thames Street, London, B.C., May 2nd, 1901.