Cricket 1900

8 8 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A p k il 2 6 , 1 0 0 . GRASS SEEDS. For Cricket Grounds. THE ONLY SEEDS Used at LORD’S and the OYAL. Price 1 /3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Tennis Courts. Used at the ALL ENGLAND GROUND. Price 1 /3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Football Grounds. Used at ASTON PARK. Price 1/3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Golf Links AND Putting Greens. Used at HOYLAKE, RICHMOND, &c. Price 1 /3 lb. and 2 5 ;- Bushel for Golf. 1/6 lb., 3 0 / - Bushel for Putting Greens. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Racecourses. Used at NEWMARKET and EPSOM. Price 1 /3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . E a t l m a l e i g i v e n f o r Q u a n t i t i e s . ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET Gratis and Post Free. CARTERS , Seedsmen to Her Majesty, 237,238, &97,HIGHHOLBORN, LONDON. H L E C M H T S O N (23 years Lancashire X I.), P ra c tica l Spo rts O u t f it te r CRICKET CRICKET BALLS. CRICKET BATS. _____ BATS. A .W .’s “ C o u n ty ,” 18/6. Used by many County Players. A .W .’b ‘ S pring H a n d le .” 16/6. Equal to any patent. A.W .’b “ S p e c ia l,” S/ll each, 44/- doz. A .W .’s “ S u p e rio r M a t c h ,” 4/6 each, 50/-doz. S ilk S ew n ,” 8/6 each, 60/-doz. A .W .’ b ‘ C o lo n ia l ! red all through, 8/9 each, 63/-doz. A .W .’a “ S c h o o l,” 84/- and 40/- doz. Single balls, per poet. 3d extra. A .W .’s All Cane Handle Bats. No. 4. 3/6 & 8/6 „ 5. 4/- & 6/- „ 6. 4/6 & 6/6 Full Size 8/6, 6/6, 7/6 & 9/6 A .W .’b ‘ C lu b ” Cane and Rubber Handle, 10/6. A .W .’b “ C h am pion ” ditto, 12 6. Running and Cycle Racing Costumes. Send for A .W .’ b Summer Sports Catalogue. Best quality goods at reasonable prices and all guaranteed Hundreds of testimonials received. A L E C W A T S O N , 35, O x f o r d S t r e e t , M a n c h e s t e r . FRANK SUGG, 32, LORD STREET, L IVERPOOL . (Lancashire County, Players', and All England XI. - there­ fore Practical.) Write fo r Catalogue, FR E E. AU Oxders executed same day Carriage Paid. T h r e e G o o d L i n e s . The “ Sugg- County. cess.” Klynker. B a t s ...................... 1 7/6 . . 1 2 6 ... 7/6 B a lls...................... 6/6 4/6 ... 3/6 Boots ............... 2 1 - . 12 6 7/9 Lcg-Guards 8 6 . 6/6 4 6 Gauntlets ......... 8 /6 6/6 4 6 Batting Gloves 7/6 6/6 3 6 B a g s ..................... — 10/6 ... 5/6 S tu m p s ............... 6 9 • 5 /- ... 2/6 Shirts ................ 6 /6 4/6 2/6 Trousers ........ 1 5 - 10/6 6 6 Sweaters 8/6 6 6 ... 2/9 Rubber Handle 1 /- 1 /- 9d. Running Pumps, 4 9 and 6 6 ; Proctor's Best, 9 9 Running and Cycling; Suits, 2 6, 3 6, 5/-, and 7/6 the Suit. Air Guns, 3/11, 4/6, 5 9, 7/6, and 10 6. E V E R Y A R T IC L E W A R R A N T E D . T HE Editor of Cricket wishes to purchase Volumes 8 and 4 of “ Scores and Biographies,” “ W isden’s Almanack” from 1864 to 1878, "J o h n Lillywhite’s Companion,” before 1869,1870,1872, 1674, ••Footba 1 Annuals,” 1868,1872, “ James Lillywhite’s Annuil ” for 1874. DAVENPORTS CRICKET BALLS. 3 /1 GU T S EW N . 4 / S S / - 3d. each less by the half-dozen. 20, EldonSt., Liverpool St.,E.C. EYERY BALL WARRANTED. SPECIALJMOTICE ! SEASON 1900. J. lillywhite TFROWD4Co. (The original old-established firm of Lillywhite), Manufacturers and Outfitters OP EVERY BESORIPTION OF C R I C K E T I N G A N D L A W N T E N N I S GOODS , F O O T B A L L S & U N IF O RM S , B O X IN G G LO V E S , G O L F , C Y C L E S , AND A T H L E T I C G O O D S G E N E R A L L Y . Finest Hand-made CRICKET BALLS, full of life, and free from hardness and “ woodiness.” All Goods cofrect Pattern, Best Style and thoroughly seasoned. An immense Stock to select from. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free. Liberal Cash D iscounts. Frowd’s Patent Special Driver Bat is unapproached for sterling Quality, and still holds the title of the King of Bats. M an u fa c to r y and "W areh ou se :— 2, NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY, 69, 70, 71, 72,73 & 74, BOROUGH RD., S.E. W est E nd B ranch 24, HAYMARKET, LONDON, 8.W. SHIPPERS AND THE TRADE SUPPLIED. City&South LondonRailway. To the Oval from Moorgate Street Bank, and London Bridge Stations.’ T ravel b y the E lectric R a ilw a y_ Trains every fou r m inutes. THOMAS C. JENK IN, G en eral M a n a g e r . ' CR ICKET” is the only paper in the world solely devoted to the game. T erms of S u bscription (payable in ad­ vance) 6/- per annum. Summer Numbers, i/- ; Winter Numbers, 1/3 (post free). 7/- per annum, post free, Abroad. All subscriptions *.0 be sent direct to the Offices of Cricket, 168, Upper Thames Street, I. udcn, E.C.