Cricket 1900
61 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A p r il 12, 1900 BALDWIN & MARSHALL Price 21A ( M e m b e r s S u r r e y C o u n t y C .C .), Makers of the celebrated “ OVAL CHAMPION” Cricket Bat. AS USED BY ALL TH E LEAD ING PLAYERS. The “ OVAL DRIVER,” Cane and Double=Rubber Handle. Price 16/6, A M D The “ FAVORITE,” the Best and Strongest Club Bat made. Price 12/6. SAMPLES POST FREE ON RECEIPT OF CASH. R E P A IR S O F E V E R Y D E SCR IPT IO N . PRICE LIST SENT ON APPLICATION. S P E C IA L TERM S TO C LU B S . Cricket Bat Manufacturers and Athletic Outfitters , KENNINGTON OVAL, LONDON, S.E. Cricket Ground TEAK SEATS, Lawn Tennis TEAK SEATS, and portable folding TEAK CHAIRS. Buy CASrt,E’S Teak Seats, w hich require neither PAINT nor VARNISH. X As supplied to the SURREY COUNTY CLUB, Kenniogton Oval, M For CRICKET AND Tennis Grounds, Parks, Gardens, Parades, AND ALL OP N SP CES and LORO'S. • A + A D D R E S S- H. CASTLE & SONS, Ld„ B A L T I C W H A R F , M I L L B A N K , V'O ' A N s .w . \ * V 66 CRICKET,’ Vo l. XV III., 1899. P rin ted on special pape r, nea tly bou nd in d a r k g reen c lo th , w ith gilt le tte ring . Price 8 /6 ; post free 9/3 . Binding Case, 2 /-; Postage, 3d. extra. Copies in good condition can be received at office and exchanged for a bound volume, as above, for 5/-. Offices: 168, UPPER THAMES ST., LONDON . L i . d . N I C O l i l i S , ROBERTSBRIDOE, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF THk A U T O M A T I C B A T H A N D L E . r p H E S E Engravings show the advantages fk this Handle gives,as each Tf curve forms a key or abutment against the elastic substance. The ^ formation of this handle alsogives j ustthe amount of spring that is re quired, the curve in stantly replacing itself into position after the ball has been struck. Although these handles are in two pieces from the shoulder to the blade, it is impossible to get them out of shape. '1 he Bats have been used by the best Cricketers of England, Australia and New Zealand, as well as having been sent to India and Africa, and the uni versal testimony is that nothing has ever been brought into the cricket ing world to give t>uch advantages to the bats man in cutting and driving powers. ..1 1 N o tice in J cabe o f I nfringem ent .—The Patentee does not bind himself to any number of curves. Order8 from K. S. R AN JITSFNHJI fo r the above “ Patent Automatic Bats.** Copy o f GRACE’S TESTIMONIAL:— 16, Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. October 6 th, 1895. D e a r S ir , —I used one of your bats at Hastings ii 1894 and scored 131. I may mention it was perfect!; new. I kept it until this year, and have scored ovei 2,000 runs with it. I used it when I made my lOOtl century, and scored a 1,000 runs in May with it, so 1 think I may call it my record bat. This year, at Hastings, I scored 104 with another of your bats am hope it will turn out as well as the old one. Yours truly To. Mr. L . J. Nicolls. W . G. GRACE. NATIVE GUANO. U ES T and Cheapest Manure for Lawns, Cricket and -L' Tennis Grounds and all Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers. Price, £3 10s. per ton in bags ; 2 ton lo s carriage paid. Lots under 10 cwt., 4/- per cwt at woi ks. A 1 cwt. bag sent carriage paid to any station in England on receipt of P.O. for 6/-. Extracts from recent reports: * J. P o w e i . l , Quorn Lodge , Lough borough. Used for lawns and cricket gtound. Result: Very much improved in colour and substance. A good rn.ti.ure **—*•G. C lin g in g , Gardener , Hayward*s Heath. Used for lawns and tomatoes. Results : Ex cellent Law na a beautiful dark green colour. Gave every satii*faction.” —*' W. G il l , Cheam Fields, Sutton. Used for lawns with very satisfactory results. Grass very thick and velvety and beautiful dark green.” — “ P. E. P uttock , Blackheath. Uted on tenuis courts ai.d go.f links ; found it a most excellent mauar j ; rapidly produoiug a thick \elvety sward on worn patches.” Orders to the Native Guano Co., Ltd., 29, New Bridge Street, London, E.C., where Pamphlets of Tej-timouials, &c. may be obtained. Agents wanted. Paper, 1/-. N o w R e a d y . Cloth, 2/-. JO HN W IS D E N ’S Cricketers’ Almanack For 1900. Edited by SYDNEY H. PARDON. Contains Full Scores and Bowling of ALL FIRST-CLASS CRICKET played in 1899. Photos of Five Great Players of the year. Articles by Right Hon. Lord Harris and A. (>. Steel. All Australian Matches in England in 1899, l’ublic School, and ’ Varsity Cricket. Rack Numbers still on sale:—1879, 1880 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, and 1888, 2/- each ; 1889, 1890, and 1891, Sj- each; 1892, .893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, and 1899, 2j- each. JOHN W1SDEN & CO., 21,CRAUBOURNSTREET, LONDON,W.C. RANSOMES ’ LAWN MOWERS are the best, “ HORSE AND P O N Y ” MOWERS , Possessing Improvements embodied in no other Maker’s Machines, INCLUDING PSTelff HT»0DLLEES0 ,) .V ^ « ? f lf 0RE»‘rBR «T .< .», h a k d E p o w e r ' m F ch 7 n es C in ^ l l s iz e s U to T s u f f V r e r y r e q u ir e m e n t . Made in Six Sizes, 26 to 48 inches wide. RANSOMES, SIMS & JEFFERIES, Ltd., IPSWICH SPRING BEARINC ENLARGED VIEWOf PATENT SPRING Printed and Published for the Proprietor by M iebitt * H itoh ik , L td ., 167, 168, and 169, Upper Thames Street, London, B.C., April 12th, 1900.
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