Cricket 1900
60 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A p r il 12, Ik00. J. T. T yldefl BY, the famous Lanca shire cricketer, hag smarted in business at Manchester in partnership with Mr. Holbrook as “ practical sports outfitters.” I t is officially announced that the new Surrey captain is Mr. D. L. A. Jepbsrn, who has for many years done such n - cellent service for his county. There is no reason why Mr. Jephson should not be a distinguished successor to 1be two other famous Surrey captains of recent years—Mr. John Shuter and Mr. K. J. Key. He has a difficult task, but he is just the sort of man to face difficulties with a stout heart and to overcome them. T h e death is announced of Capt. C. W. Boyle, the old Oxford Blue, at Boshof, on April 6th. He was a fast bowler, and played against Cambridge in 1873, taking only two wickets, but in the other Uni versity matches this season he met with great success. In the team with him which played against Oxford were Mr. C. K. Francis, Mr. C. J. Ottaway, Mr. A. W. Bidley, Mr. W. H . Game, and Mr. S. E. Butler. F o r the first time for many years there has not been a loss on the Norfolk County season. At the annual meeting, Mr. E. G. Buxton, tie hon. secretary, was able to state that the receipts and expenses practically balanced each other, and that the subscriptions had consider ably increased. It is feared that the team will be weak during the coming season, as several of its regular members (including Mr. L. C. Y. Bathurst) are in South Africa, while the Rev. W. F. G. Sandwith and Mr. G. B. Baikes may not be able to play. The county has, more over, lost the services of Relf, who is now qualified to play for Sussex. S cene : The top of a bus. FirstWorking Man (opening an evening paper: “ I see Fry’s began to play cricket a’ready.” Second Working Man : “ Well, I don’t see nothing in that. Why, my boy begun a fortnit ago, and, wot’s more, ’e broke a winder next door afore ’ e’d bin at it for mor’n a couple of minutes. If this wasn’t a down-trodden country Vs name would ’a been in the papers instead of Fry’s, it would.” W e ' stilljcontinue to receive a few addi tions to the list of cricketers who are either at the front, or 8bout to go to South Africa. The list is now as follows : Major Poore (staff). Mr. P. S. Jackson (4th Battalion Boyal Lancaster Regiment of Militia). Mr. J. J. Perris (with Col. Byng’s S.A. Light Horse). Mr. F. W . Milligan (with Colonel Plumer. Reported to be taken prisoner near Mafe king.) Mr. J. F. Byrne (Warwickshire). Dr. A. Conan Doyle (for hospital work). Mr. R. P. Lewis, the old Oxford and Win chester wicket-keeper (City’s Own). Mr. R.W. Fox (Oxford and Sussex), Dragoons. General N. G. Lyttelton (commanding in the North of Natal). Captain W . C. Hedley (17th Field Co. R.E.) Mr. G. Kemp, M.P. (the old Cambridge and Lancashire amateur), is commanding the 23rd Company Imperial Yeomanry (Duke of Lancaster’s Own). Mr. G. Hornby, son of Mr. A. N. Hornby (22nd Cheshire Regiment). Mr. E. A. Halliwell (the well-known South African wicket-keeper, war correspondent at Mafeking). Mr. A . J. Turner (R.A.) Col. Baden-Powell (besieged in Mafeking, formerly hon. sec. Old Carthusians C.C. and K.C. in India). Mr. R. O’H. Livesay. Mr. E. I. M. Barrett (2ndLancashireFusiliers). Lieut. A. H. de Boulay (at the front). Mr. H. G. Pechey, hon. sec., Esher C.C., (Imperial Yeomanry). Mr. C. B. Pechey, Esher C.C. (Imperial Yeomanry). Captain Barton. Colonel Spens. Lieutenant H. W. Kettlewell, of last year’s Somersi t Eleven. Wounded in the Paardeberg action. Mr. W. E. Sprot. Captain Bradford. Mr. A. T. Jones (Shropshire). Lieutenant H. P. Paton (Loretto XI.). Mr. W. L. Foster (Galloperto LordMethuen). Mr. L. J. Le Fleming. Mr. H. W. Studd. Prince ChristianVictor (with General Buller, aide-de-camp). Colonel Frank Rhodes (was besieged in Ladysmith), in the Eton XI. Mr. C. Heseltine, the Hants fast howler (Hampshire Yeomanry). Mr. F. Mitchell (Yorkshire). Mr. Kenward, the Derbyshire cricketer of last year. Mr. Alan E. Cheales (Leicester Imperial Yeomanry), played for Marlborough twice v. Rugby at Lord’s, and later for Lincoln shire. Captain Lord George Scott, Oxford (with Lord Roberts). Mr. H. B. G. Austin (with Paget’s Horse) was chosen to accompany the West Indian cricket team to England. Captain A. H. Luard (Gloucestershire and Hampshire), Norfolk Regiment, wounded at Karree Siding, March Si9. Mr. C. S. Rome (Harrow and Harrow Wan derers), lieutenant R.A., on Sir Frederick Carrington’s staff for Rhodesia Field Force. Mr. H. T. Stanley (Eton and Somersetshire), Imperial Yeomanry. Mr. L, C. V. Bathurst (Oxford University and Norfolk). T he following are some cf the latest hundreds:— FEBRUARY. 17. E. McLeod, Fouth Melbourne v. Melbourne 126 17. "W A im sli( rg, 8. Melbourne v. Melbourne 270 17. J. McCoinakk, 8. Melbourne v. Melbourne 326* 17. F. Laver. East Melbourne v. Fitzroy ...........Ill* 17. C. B ill. East Adelaide v. North Adelaide ... 210* 17. J. Darlirg Eaet Torrens v. Port Adelaide... 147* MAE CH. It. C. E. I jon , Under 30 v. Over 30 (Valparaiso) 100 * * Signifies not out. The springcatalogueissued by AlecWatson, the famous old Lancashire howler, is as usual replete with everything which is necessary for the cricketer from hats to spikes, not to mention tents and scoring boards. His business address is 35, Oxford Street, Man chester. TO AN EARLY (AND SOMEWHAT DARKLY-COLOURED) PRIMROSE. [Prince Ranjitsinhji began to practise at Cambridge before most cricketers had thought of looking at their hats.] Mild offspring of a dark and Eastern sire, Whose wondrous form, so delicately rare, Was nursed on Parker’s Piece, And cradled in the Fens. Thou, whenyoung spring first hinted cricket’s sway, And lured the sturdy batsman to the nets,— Thou to Cam’s bank withdrew To practise steadily. In this low vale, the foremost of the year, Serene thou battest in the nipping gale,— Unnoticed and alone Thy usual excellence. So Ranji plays; brought out on Fenner’s ground, (Now University), in some lone plot Of land he rears the stumps, Obscure and unobserved. While every blessed ball that’s to himbowled Heightcn’s his spotless purity of style, And hardens him to hear Serene the summer’s strife. W. A. B. THE ESSEX COUNTY CRICKET CLUB. The following are the most important items in the annual report of the Com mittee :— It must he admitted that the season of 1899, taken as a whole, was somewhat dis appointing. The county team started the season in brilliant fashion by defeating the very strong Australian eleven in splendid style, and in their earlier matches exhibited very good form, but they sadly missed the invaluable services of their splendid all-round cricketer and great fast bowler, Mr. C. J. Kortright, who, owing to an accident, was unable to assist the county in any of the matches during the season, and hiB loss to the side was more keenly felt owing to the exceptionally dry summer and hard wickets upon which his bowling would have been of immense value. It was in the fielding that the county team was, on some occasions, seriously at fault, and many chances were missed, which very much affected some of the games. At the end of the season Essex occupied the sixth position in the county ^championship table, after, at one time earlier in the season, looking likely to obtain a much higher place. With the exception of Mr. A. J. Turner, who is now serving with his regiment in South Africa, it is hoped that all the present members of the elevenwill be available again for the coming season, and it is also hoped that Mr. C. J. Kortright will again be able to take his place regularly in the eleven. Mr. H. G. Owen will again captain the side, and your Committee once more take this oppor tunity of tendering to him the thanks of the club for his untiring energy and loyal support of his county and for his very able captaincy. There are several good and promising young players now in the county who will all he afforded a trial, so that, on the whole, the prospects for the coming season are decidedly good. Mr. C. E. Green has en gaged Alfred Shaw and R. Peel to toach the
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