Cricket 1900
468 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. D ec . 20, 1900. BUSSEY’S Cy r > m o o £ 3 O h edo £ M T * w SQ EH GG & M w £ h LII '&C° 11I M M iJ o fe fa D co * W g L U 3 £ H I J=Q “ I C O g U J g C D A _ CO o o *“ C O CW « a C O oo W 09 rf OD CO CO M o w £ o O § S 0 9 BUSSEY’S A T TH E SIGN OF TH E W ICK E T . B y F. S. A s h le y -C o o p e r . FEATS, FACTS AND FIGUKES OF 1900. Continuedfrompage 466. ( h .)— E ig h t h W ic k e t. 148, E. G. Wynyard (85) and Trott, A.. E. (75), South v. North, at Lord’s 140, Huish, F. H. (78) and T. N. Perkins (62), Kent v. Somersetshire, at Taunton. 139, Kinneir, S. P. (94 not out) and Diver, E. J. (86), Warwickshire v. Lancashire, at Edgbaston. 118, Abel, R. (165) and Lees, W . (93 not out), Surrey v. Sussex, at the Oval. 105, A. Eccles (111) and Sharp, J. (55), Lancashire v. Worcester.-hire, at Worcester. 100, A . P. Lucas (78) and Reeves (56), Essex v. Sussex, at Leyton. ( r ) — N in t h W ic k e t . 161, E. Smith (116 not out) and Rhodes, W . (79), Yorkshire v. Sussex, at Sheffield. 146, D. L . A . Jephson (124) and Lockwood, W . H. (50), South v. North, at Hastings. 135, Gill, C. G. (78) and Tyler, E. J. (54), Somerset shire v. Hampshire, at Taunton. (/ .)— T e n t h W ic k r t . 131, D. L. A. Jephson (138 not out) and Stedman, F. (50), Surrey v. Lancashire, at the Oval. 121, J. Gilman (72 not out) and W. L. Murdoch (67), London County v. Cambridge University, at the Crystal Palace. * Signifies that neither batsmen were dismissed. In the match at Brighton between Sussex and Surrey three inniDgs were commenced, and in each were over a hun dred runs scored for the first wicket. T a b l e N o. 11.—TABLE SHOW ING THE NUMBER OF BATSMEN WHO CARRIED THEIR BAT THROUGH A COMPLETED INNINGS IN A FIRST-CLA8S MATCH DURING THE SEASON. Score. Batsmen. Match. Ground. 163 ... Abel, R. ... Players v. Gents ... Oval 38 ... R .W . Rice... Gloucs. v. Yorks ... Cheltenham T a b l e No. 12 —TABLE SHOW ING THE NUMBER OF BATSMEN WHO H AVE SCORED CEN TURIES IN FIRST-CLASS MATCHES DUR ING THE SEASON. (a.)—Twelve Centuries. Abel, R ., 221, 165,104, 112, 153*, 187, 110, 120*, 103*, 135, 193, 107. (t.)—Eleven Centuries. K . S. Ranjitsiohji, 158, 127, 222, 215*, 192*, 158, 275, 103, 202, 109, 220. (c.)—Ten Centuries. Hayward, T., 12,*, 108, 131*, 193, 120, 146, 118, 127, 111, 124. (d )—Nine Centuries. C. B. Fry, 145, 101*, 110, 135, 125, 229,110, 105, 145. («.) —Seven Centuries. R. E. Foster, 128, 100*, 169, 127, 171,102*, 136. (/.)—Six Centuries. G. L. Jessop, 179,109,104, 139,102,123*. (g )—Five Centuries. Carpenter, H ., 125, 135, 140,112, 151. D . L. A . Jephson, 1(9, 121, 138*, 213,124. A . C. MacLaren, 102*, 104, 100, 108,145. P. F. Warner, 114, 146,170,134,100. (A.)—Four Centuries. Hirst, G. H ., 106, 155, 111. 108. J. R. Mason, 137, 117*, 147, 137. C. McGahey, 107, 184, 122, 142. P. Perrin. 106, 2t5.125, 134*. Tunnicliffe, J., 138, 158, 101,100* Tyldesley, J. T., 142,119, 121, 100*. (i.)—Three Centuries. B. J. T. Bosanquet, 125, 136, 139. Brown, J. T., sen., 129, 128,163. W . G. Grace, 110*, 110, 126. C. R. Hartley, 139, 104, 109. Hayes, E. G., 150, 104*, 175. KiLick, E. H ., 126*, 127, 104. btorer, W ., 175*, 176, 114*. C. L. Townsend, 141, 109*, 123. Wainwright, E , 116, 109, 117. Ward, A ., Ill* , 107, 120. C. J. B. W ood, 114, 116*, 147. S. M. J. W oods, 148, 107, 121. (J ')—Two Centuries. Arnold, E., 112,113 C. J. Burnup, 200,12-3 Y. F. S. Crawford, 122*, 101 H. K. Foster. 113, 111 Gunn, W ., 137, 110 Kinneir, S. P., 156, 102* Knight, A . E., 182,110 W . L. Knowles, 127, 124 Lilley, A . A ., 112, 111 Lockwood,W .H .,104*, 165 Quaife, W . G., 124*, 223* T. L. Taylor, 120, 147 Trott, A E., 112, 102 Whitehead, H ., 108, 116 L. G. Wright, 134,170 (&.)—One Century. E. M. Ashcroft, 139 K . J. Key, 101 P. C Baker, 130 King, J. H ., 121 Barton, V., 205 C. J. Kortright, 131 C. A. Bernard, 122 A . E. Lawton, 124 Board, J. H ., 214 W . W . Lowe, 120 Bowley, F., 118 H. G. Owen, 134 Braund, L . C., 107 L. C. H. Palairet, 161 Brockwell, W ., 132* Quaife, W ., 115 A. Collins, 102 W . P. Robertson, 118 J. Daniell, 101* C. Robson, 101 Denton, D., 104 Robson, E., 104 Devey, J., 246 Russell, T. M ., 139 E. W . Dillon, 108 Shrewsbury, A ., 128 J. A. Dixon, 126* E. Smith, 116* A. Eccles, 111 E M. Sprot, 103* T. S. Fi'hwick, 131 J. Stanning, 120 W . B. Goodacre, 104* A. E. Stoddart, 221 Hearne, A ., 142 Thompson, G. J., 125 F. S. Jackson, 134 Wheldon, F., 100 A. O. Jones, 155 Wrathall, H ., 136 E. G. Wynyard, 107. Abel, R., is the first batsman to score as many as twelve separate centuries in one season in first-class matches in Eng land, exceeding the ten scored by W. G. Grace in 1871 and K. S. Ranjitsinhji in 1896. N ote.—There were fifteen individual scores of over 200 hit during the season. The following is tbe complete list:— 275, K. S. Ranjitsinhji 220, K . S. Ranjitsiohji 246, Devey, J. 229. C. B. Fry 223*, Quaife, W . G. 222. K . S. Ranjitsinhji 221, Abel, R. 221, A. E. Stoddart 215*, K. S. Ranjitsinhji 214, Board, J. H. 213, D. L. A. Jephson 205, Barton, V. 205, P. Perrin 202, K . S. Ranjitsinhji 200, C. J. Burnup. K. S. Ranjitsinhji exceeded the two- hundred on five occasions, this being the largest number of such innings scored by one man in one season in first-class matches. His scores of 222 (Sussex v. Somersetshire, at Brighton) and 215 not out (Sussex v. Cambridge University, at Cambridge) were hit in consecutive inn ings ; the only other player who has ever made over two-hundred runs in each of two consecutive innings in first-class matches is W. W. Read, who made 247 (Surrey v. Lancashire, at Manchester), and 244 not out (Surrey v. Cambridge University, at the Oval) in 1887. T a b l e No. 13.—TABLE SHOW ING THE NUMBER OF BATSMEN WHO SCORED A HUNDKED OR MORE RUNS IN ONE INNINGS ON TH EIR FIRST APPEARANCE IN A FIRST- CLASS MATCH DURING THE SEA80N. Batsman. Match. Ground. Score. E .W . Dillon...Lon.Cty. v. Worcs.. Crystal Palace...108 T a b l e N o. 14.—TABLE SHOW ING TH E NUMBER OF BATSMEN WHO SCORED TWO SEPA RATE CENTURIES IN A FIRST-CLASS MATCH DURING THE SEASON. Scores. Batsman. Match. Ground. 139 | B.J.T. Bosanquet M iddlsxv. Leios ...Lord’s ..Ox.U.v.W ebbe’eXI. Oxford 128 100* 102* 186 125 229 104 189 121 100* c j-B. E. Foster J r . E Fostert ...Gents v. Players .. Lord’s C. B. Fry ............ Sussex v. Surrey ...Frighton |G. L. Jessop............Glop. v. Yorkshire Bradford |Tyldesley, J. T. ...North v. South "...Hastings t His first appearance for the Gentle men. The only other batsmen who have scored a century on their first appearance in a Gentlemen v. Players match are C. J. Bumup, Marlow, F. W., and Toompson, G. J. C. B. Fry is the only cricketer who has scored a hundred runs iu one innings and two hundred in the other of a first-clase match. In minor matches the feat has only been performed four times, viz. :— By J. S. Liddell (205 not out and 174)
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