Cricket 1900

A ug . 16, 1900. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME, 351 CRICKET IN BOMBAY. BOMBAY GYMKHANA v. UNITED SERVICE. —The return match between the Bombay Gym­ khana and the United Service on the Bomoay maida\ on July 21, was marked ty a moderate exhibition of ciicket. The weather was bright and fine and the wicket in good c >ndi ion. Y et the (Jymkhana, who batted first, were only saved from complete collapse by a sterling innings by Milne. He fell to a good ball from Rogers at 97, towards whi^h he had contributed 54—a bold free innings whic.i included seven 4*8. The inning*, thanks to him realised the respect ibl-» total of 124. Rogers accomplished a fine bowling performance, his eight wickets costing fewer than 6 runs a piece. Coombs took six of the Seivice wickets for 40 nun. B om bay G y m k h a n a . W . H Scott, b Rogers 0 F. J. Clarke, c and b Rogers ...................10 Dunk, b Rogers ... 1 J. Hebbelthwaite„lbw, b R g e r a ................... 0 J. 8. Milne, b Rogers 54 A N. Burney, c and b Browne .....................14 E. E. Coombs, c Dalg- leish. b Rogers ... 1 C. T Scovell, c Tom ­ kins, b Browae ... 1 F.J.M irshill.bRog-rs 18 D.B.Biuniag,b Rogers 9 8. J. Gillam, not out 10 1 , lo I, nb 1 .. 6 . 124 Capt. Rogers, n 8cott, b Clarke .. 5 C a p t. T o m k in s , b Coom 8 .................. 7 Lieut. Vines, R.I.M..C a d b C >ombs .. 1 Capt. Brtwae, c Bin­ ning. b Coombs 2 Capt. Chichester, b Co >mbs ... *24 Cap*. Bolton, b Coombs 1 Total U n ite d S e r v ic e . Co . Wilkins,b Coombs 4 Capt. Beville, c Mar­ shall, b Milne ... 15 Lieut. Stansbury, b vlilae . ... C Capt. Anderson, c Coombs, b Marshall 11 Gr. Potter, not out ... 21 B 6, lb 5 ... 11 Total ...105 UPPER TOOTING v. BEPKEMHAM.— Played at Upper Too'ing on August 4. U pper T o o tin g . D. H.Butcher,cCoop*r, b H. Z. Baker... ... 5 A. fl. Parez, c Simp­ son. b C. M. Baker 9 C. R. Lucas. c Browne, b s t r e e t .................. 36 T W. Hemmer.l**, b Street........... .1 1 F. G. Thorne, b Street 0 D. C. Bartley, b *treet 2 H. VV. Fajeking, c B<-yle. ^ Street 22 A. to. Pollard, lbw, b B o y le .................. .. 4 It. M. Harvey, c Wil­ liams b Boyle ... 16 H. Tanner, not out ... 5 U . Scott, run out B 13, w 4 Total .. 17 . 130 F. D. Browne, not outl<4 U. O. Cooper, b Lucas 14 E. A. Simpson, b Haw­ king ........... 4 R.P. Williams, c Hem­ merde, b Hawking 19 H. B. Street, b Bartley 3 BllCKK' ii am . C.M. Baker, c 3utcher, b Harvey ... 31 H. Z. Baker, c Haw- ^ing, b Harvey ... o H. Boyle, not out ... VI B 8. I d 3 w 1 ... 12 Total (6 wkts)208 UPPER TOOTING v. M.C C. Played at Upper Tooting ou August 7. UpptR T o o n no . D. F?.Butcher.oThomp- 8on, b hichaids >n 27 R. K. Sandilands. c S. Reynolds.bNeedh m 4 8. A. Att ee, c Oates, b Richardson ... 1 L. N. Harper,b Richard­ son ........................... 0 A. 11. Pare/, c Oates, b P. Reynolds ...........18 C. R. Lu<as, c and b Richa-dson ...........11 J. 11 Linds iy,b Rich­ ardson R. Worth, not out A. M . Pollard, b Rich­ ardson E. O. Cumming, b Needham... H . Tanner, b Need­ ham ........................... Leg-byes ......... F. Hill, run o u t ........... 0»ke». c Butcher, b Lindsay .................. 18 P. Reynolds, b Parez .. 6 S. Re^ nolds, b Parez... 1 • Total .......... J M.C.C. 5 I W. B. Wilkinson, not M. R. Quin, not out... Leg-bye ........... UPPER TOOTING v. SURREY CLUB AND GROUND.—Played at To« ting on August 8. S u rrey Ci.ub and Oi ound Rev. J. C. Crawford b Pare z ........... ... 29 Lardy, c & b l.indsay 11 b .E < raw ford, c su*, b I’olard ... ... 18 J.E Raphael,cButoher, b Lindray . 7 Hiifgins. c Par*z, b Lindsay ... . 1 1 W , F. Frith, b Parez 12 W. T. G->ibiirn, Butcher, b Parez F Odell, c Tanner, Lindsay Ha e. b Lindray .. Stacey, c Liudsay, Par z ........... Keen*-, not out ... B 9, lb 3 ... Total st ... 3 b ... 42 ... 0 b .. 10 ... 2 ... 12 ...167 U pper T o o tin g . L. V. Harper, b Keene 13 D.H. Butcher,b Hardv 0 C. R. Lucas, c Raphael, b Keene ... ... 22 A H. Parez, b Keene 0 S. A. Attlee, st Bale, b Hardy ... ........... 4 J.H. Lindsay, b Keene lo R. W orth, b Hardy ... 0 C. K. Attlee, b Keene 1 A. M. Pollard, not out 26 H. Tanner, b Keene... 2 E.O.Cumming,bKeene 0 B 6, lb 1 ........... 7 Total 85 KENSINGTON PARK v. UPPER TOO TING .- Played at St. Quintin Park on August 11. K ensington P a r k . J. G. D.maldson, c Partz, b Li idsay 6 M. R. Quia, c P««rrz, b Liadaay ... ... 23 P.Reynolds, b Lindsay 4 C.E. Reynolds, b Liua- say .................22 S. Reynolds, notout... 51 W.H.Oldmeadow.lbw, b P ollard.................. 12 C.H. Dickinson, b Pol­ lard .......................... 7 A.D.Campbell, c Har­ per. b Parez .. 3 H. D. Nicholas, c Tan­ ner, b Lindsay . 22 M A.Nicholas,b Lind­ say ...................... 0 L.E G Abney, b Lind­ say ........................... 1 B 1, nb 4 .............. 3 Total ...164 U pper T o o tin o . L. V. Harper, b 8. Rey­ nolds ................. 48 D.H Butcher, lbw, b S. Reynolcs .........74 A. H. Parez, c C., b P. R eynolds................... 1 R. M. Harvey, b Abney 25 A. M Pollard, c Old- meadow,bH Nicholas41 J. H Lindsay, b H. Nicholas ................. 3 F. C. Ryde did not bat. D. C. Bartley, b Quin 18 G. W. Tireman, c S. Reynolds,b Donald­ son ........................... 4 H. T. Bond, c and b P Reynolos...................13 H. Tanner, not out .. 9 B 6, lb 3, w 1 ... 10 Total (9 wkts) 246 r a G \ RR ISON.—Played 6 and 7. G arrison . Aston, not o u t .......... 5S W . A. Gardiner, c and b Browne ... 0 E. E. B. Mackintosh, c Luxmore, b Tassell. 11 N D.Noble, c Jones, b Francis .1 2 R. L. Lloyd,b Francis 0 E xtras.................... 11 .173 S eond innings. Total (4 wkts) 40 Needham, C. F. Dickinson, Richardson, W. G. Thompson, and A. D. L. Camobeli did not bat. INCOGNI TI v. PLYMOU at Plymouth on August P lymouth R»-v. F. C. Stebbing, b Snaith .................. 12 eerg\ Titchmarah, b Browne . . . . 21 O. C. Mordaunt, b Browne .................. 12 A. E. Higginbotham, b Browne ................. 6 H. F. Montgomery, c Luxmore, o Br .wne. 17 J.A.Hibfcerd,b i rowne 10 Total I ncogniti , First inning*. L. 8. Browne, c Hioberd, b Gardiner ........... A. U. Delmo Radcliffe, b Aston ......... ... H. A. Frm cis b Gardin-r... J. C. Snaith, c Mackintosh, b Montg. mery F. A. Jones, b Montgomery J. A. Gibb, b Aston ........... A. F. C. Luxmore, c Mor­ daunt, b Gardiner ........... H. G. barlow, u Hibberd, b Gardin r ........................... A P. Neame, not out... W . P. Caipmael, c an 1 b Gardiner ................... G. Tassen, b Aston ........... Extras ... ... Total .................183 T o ta l........... 76 0 not o u t.................. 8 1 b Aston ........... 18 4 not o u t ................. 20 27 42 b Aston ........... 5 46 c Hibberd,b Mor­ daunt ........... 3 41 b Mordaunt 5 5 4 b As on ........... 13 2 1 1U Extras ........... 3 1NCOONITI v. TEIGNBRIDGE.—Played at Ttign- bridge on August 8 and 9. T hign bkidge . A. Hi g'ton, c Snath, b B a rlow ................. 82 U H. B. Mapleton, c Radcliffe, b Snaith 61 H. V. T. Watts, not out ................... 30 Extras ...................i9 1 otal (6 wkt?) 255 H. Kinch, b Sn^ith .. G. C. Yicary. c Lux­ more b CJnaMh ... 2 Rev. A. T. Pelham, c Neame, Tassell 6 H E Atkins >n, st Luxmore, b Neame 43 H. F. Boucshill, A F. Breriton, W . H. Jarvis and C. W. Birch did not bat. I n c o g n iti . J. A. G ibls, c Jarvis, b V icH iy.................. 92 A. K. C. Luxmore, b Jarvis ... . ... 18 H. G. Barlow, not out 19 W.P.Carpmael bJarvis 1 G. Tassell, b Jarvis... u Extras ...................13 L 8. Browne, 1.Vic )y 16 J C. bnaith, lbw, o Vicaiy ... 3 H. A. Francis,cVic ly, b Mapleton ...........79 A. H. Delme-Rad­ cliffe b Jar\is ... 77 F. A. Jones, c Pelham, b Jarvis ................. 33 ▲. P. Neame, b Jarvis 1 Total... ..862 STREATHAM v. SURBITON.—Played at Streat­ ham on August 11. S urbiton . F. P. Francis, c Kerr, b Young ...............51 C. Scharf. b Field ... 7 R. Leys, b Field......... 0 C.E.Finlason,c Hooper, b Young ..............46 J. A. E. Hickson, c Miller, b Young 24 C.B. Woisley,cRaphael, h Young ................. 0 O. Von Ernsthausen, st Kerr, b Young ... 1 S tre a th a m H. H. Scott, c Field, b Miller ...................11 V. Howell, c Bark- woith, b Miller 1 Rev. A E. Bevan, run out G. Allen, not out B 6, lb 1, w 1 Total ... N. Miller, run out ... ’ 4 J. F. W. Hooper,c Hick­ son. o Worsley 15 E. Field, c Francis, b Worsley ................. 4 H. 8. Barkworth, b Worsley ................. 0 J.E. Raphael,bFinlason 1 Dr. Young, b Worsley 2 C. E. Snowden, b Fin- lason ........................ 2 Second in n in gs:-N . Miller, c Francis, b Leys, 3; J. F. W . Hooper, b Leys, 0 ; E. Field, not out, 43; H. 8. Barkworth, not out, 27 ; D. O. Kerr, b Leys, 1; leg-lyes, 2.—Total (3 wkts), 76. 8. Lloyd -Jones, c and b Worsley V . F. Feeny, c Francis, b Worsley ........... H . T. Thomas, st Hickson, b Finlason D. O. Kerr, not ou t... Total ........... BU8COT PARK v. UNIVERSITY AUTHENITC8. — Played at Buscot Park on August 3 and 4. Mr. Bosanquet took all ten wickets. A u th r n tic s . First innings. Second innings. T. H. K Dashwo )d, c M >re, b Bosanquet ...................5 b More .. ...............35 W. E. Harri-on, c F. H. Hollins, b Bo banquet ... 8 n o to u t..................10 A. " Hertford,” b Bosan­ quet ................. ........... 8 P. R. Selby, b Bosanquet ... 6 I. L Johns n, b Bosanquet 0 J. W. Stratton, b B)sanquet 2 C. J. B. Webb, not out ... 19 H. F. Mullins, b Bosanquet 27 G. An lerson, c Worsley, Bosanquet........................ H P. Hansell, c ai*d Bosan<£uet................... E. Bm ten - Holmes, Bosanquet........................ Extra* ........................ c F. Henderson, b Bjstnquet .. 0 c A. Henderson,b De Zoete . b More........... lbw, b More b bosanquet c Bosanquet, De Z >ete ... b Bosanquet b De Z >ete... 3 b Bosanquet 3 Extras .. 5 52 10 4 1 it; Total........... 75 Total .149 B uscot P a r k . W. B. L Bar ington, b Webb ................. 3 H. W . de Zoete, b S tra tto n .................. 33 R. E. Mor .b Webb .. 0 F. H. Hollins, c An­ derson, b D tshwood 58 B. J. T Bo aoquet, c Selty, b Mullins .39 A. Henderson, lbw, b Mullins ................... 8 E. Henderson, not out 0 A M Hollins, c Webb, b Stratton ............ l W . T. Sooon r, b Dashwoo t ........... C. B. Worsley, b Stratton ................... F. Henderson, c Dash- wood. b Stratton ... E x tra s................... Total ........... 2 NORTHBROOK v. CELARLlON PA R K ..-P layed at Lee on August 11. C h a r l t o n P a r k . Capt. Me Canlis, b bymon ................... 7 H. D. Banning, b Symou ... 23 A. L McC'anlis, b P»wle ................... 7 H. C. Ogilvy. c D. M. Goodall. o Symon 2 H. C. Sugent. not out 27 H. Turrei', c W . O. Willis b Ho’mes 12 S. Roberts n, c F. H. Willis, b Sunon ... 5 N cBT H B iO O K . C. M. Bernays, c and b Holmes.................. A. H. Pease, c D. M. Goodall, b Holmes W. J. Keats, b Holmes S. R. Sargent, b Symon ................... Lb 1, w 2 ........... T o t a l................. . 3 E. A. P*wle. c Ber- navs. b O gilvy......... 5 A W . Goldie, b Bann­ ing ... 6 D. M. Goo all. c Tur- rell.bA. L McCanlis 11 F. H. Wi lis, not ont 101 C. Ashdown, b A. L. McCanlis................... 9 J. W. Knowles, not out ......................... 50 B 4, lb 1, nb l ... 6 To al (4 wkts) 168 H. O. Goo 1*1, W . O. Willis, !>*. J. Ho mes, U. Newt n and W. J. Symon did not bat. *fV\ENTY YEARS OF KENT CRICKET.—Full a ores of 331 Matches, and also Averages Price Is , postage 3d.— M arshall , Benenden, Cranbrook.