Cricket 1900
A ug . 16, 1900. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME, 351 CRICKET IN BOMBAY. BOMBAY GYMKHANA v. UNITED SERVICE. —The return match between the Bombay Gym khana and the United Service on the Bomoay maida\ on July 21, was marked ty a moderate exhibition of ciicket. The weather was bright and fine and the wicket in good c >ndi ion. Y et the (Jymkhana, who batted first, were only saved from complete collapse by a sterling innings by Milne. He fell to a good ball from Rogers at 97, towards whi^h he had contributed 54—a bold free innings whic.i included seven 4*8. The inning*, thanks to him realised the respect ibl-» total of 124. Rogers accomplished a fine bowling performance, his eight wickets costing fewer than 6 runs a piece. Coombs took six of the Seivice wickets for 40 nun. B om bay G y m k h a n a . W . H Scott, b Rogers 0 F. J. Clarke, c and b Rogers ...................10 Dunk, b Rogers ... 1 J. Hebbelthwaite„lbw, b R g e r a ................... 0 J. 8. Milne, b Rogers 54 A N. Burney, c and b Browne .....................14 E. E. Coombs, c Dalg- leish. b Rogers ... 1 C. T Scovell, c Tom kins, b Browae ... 1 F.J.M irshill.bRog-rs 18 D.B.Biuniag,b Rogers 9 8. J. Gillam, not out 10 1 , lo I, nb 1 .. 6 . 124 Capt. Rogers, n 8cott, b Clarke .. 5 C a p t. T o m k in s , b Coom 8 .................. 7 Lieut. Vines, R.I.M..C a d b C >ombs .. 1 Capt. Brtwae, c Bin ning. b Coombs 2 Capt. Chichester, b Co >mbs ... *24 Cap*. Bolton, b Coombs 1 Total U n ite d S e r v ic e . Co . Wilkins,b Coombs 4 Capt. Beville, c Mar shall, b Milne ... 15 Lieut. Stansbury, b vlilae . ... C Capt. Anderson, c Coombs, b Marshall 11 Gr. Potter, not out ... 21 B 6, lb 5 ... 11 Total ...105 UPPER TOOTING v. BEPKEMHAM.— Played at Upper Too'ing on August 4. U pper T o o tin g . D. H.Butcher,cCoop*r, b H. Z. Baker... ... 5 A. fl. Parez, c Simp son. b C. M. Baker 9 C. R. Lucas. c Browne, b s t r e e t .................. 36 T W. Hemmer.l**, b Street........... .1 1 F. G. Thorne, b Street 0 D. C. Bartley, b *treet 2 H. VV. Fajeking, c B<-yle. ^ Street 22 A. to. Pollard, lbw, b B o y le .................. .. 4 It. M. Harvey, c Wil liams b Boyle ... 16 H. Tanner, not out ... 5 U . Scott, run out B 13, w 4 Total .. 17 . 130 F. D. Browne, not outl<4 U. O. Cooper, b Lucas 14 E. A. Simpson, b Haw king ........... 4 R.P. Williams, c Hem merde, b Hawking 19 H. B. Street, b Bartley 3 BllCKK' ii am . C.M. Baker, c 3utcher, b Harvey ... 31 H. Z. Baker, c Haw- ^ing, b Harvey ... o H. Boyle, not out ... VI B 8. I d 3 w 1 ... 12 Total (6 wkts)208 UPPER TOOTING v. M.C C. Played at Upper Tooting ou August 7. UpptR T o o n no . D. F?.Butcher.oThomp- 8on, b hichaids >n 27 R. K. Sandilands. c S. Reynolds.bNeedh m 4 8. A. Att ee, c Oates, b Richardson ... 1 L. N. Harper,b Richard son ........................... 0 A. 11. Pare/, c Oates, b P. Reynolds ...........18 C. R. Lu<as, c and b Richa-dson ...........11 J. 11 Linds iy,b Rich ardson R. Worth, not out A. M . Pollard, b Rich ardson E. O. Cumming, b Needham... H . Tanner, b Need ham ........................... Leg-byes ......... F. Hill, run o u t ........... 0»ke». c Butcher, b Lindsay .................. 18 P. Reynolds, b Parez .. 6 S. Re^ nolds, b Parez... 1 • Total .......... J M.C.C. 5 I W. B. Wilkinson, not M. R. Quin, not out... Leg-bye ........... UPPER TOOTING v. SURREY CLUB AND GROUND.—Played at To« ting on August 8. S u rrey Ci.ub and Oi ound Rev. J. C. Crawford b Pare z ........... ... 29 Lardy, c & b l.indsay 11 b .E < raw ford, c su*, b I’olard ... ... 18 J.E Raphael,cButoher, b Lindray . 7 Hiifgins. c Par*z, b Lindsay ... . 1 1 W , F. Frith, b Parez 12 W. T. G->ibiirn, Butcher, b Parez F Odell, c Tanner, Lindsay Ha e. b Lindray .. Stacey, c Liudsay, Par z ........... Keen*-, not out ... B 9, lb 3 ... Total st ... 3 b ... 42 ... 0 b .. 10 ... 2 ... 12 ...167 U pper T o o tin g . L. V. Harper, b Keene 13 D.H. Butcher,b Hardv 0 C. R. Lucas, c Raphael, b Keene ... ... 22 A H. Parez, b Keene 0 S. A. Attlee, st Bale, b Hardy ... ........... 4 J.H. Lindsay, b Keene lo R. W orth, b Hardy ... 0 C. K. Attlee, b Keene 1 A. M. Pollard, not out 26 H. Tanner, b Keene... 2 E.O.Cumming,bKeene 0 B 6, lb 1 ........... 7 Total 85 KENSINGTON PARK v. UPPER TOO TING .- Played at St. Quintin Park on August 11. K ensington P a r k . J. G. D.maldson, c Partz, b Li idsay 6 M. R. Quia, c P««rrz, b Liadaay ... ... 23 P.Reynolds, b Lindsay 4 C.E. Reynolds, b Liua- say .................22 S. Reynolds, notout... 51 W.H.Oldmeadow.lbw, b P ollard.................. 12 C.H. Dickinson, b Pol lard .......................... 7 A.D.Campbell, c Har per. b Parez .. 3 H. D. Nicholas, c Tan ner, b Lindsay . 22 M A.Nicholas,b Lind say ...................... 0 L.E G Abney, b Lind say ........................... 1 B 1, nb 4 .............. 3 Total ...164 U pper T o o tin o . L. V. Harper, b 8. Rey nolds ................. 48 D.H Butcher, lbw, b S. Reynolcs .........74 A. H. Parez, c C., b P. R eynolds................... 1 R. M. Harvey, b Abney 25 A. M Pollard, c Old- meadow,bH Nicholas41 J. H Lindsay, b H. Nicholas ................. 3 F. C. Ryde did not bat. D. C. Bartley, b Quin 18 G. W. Tireman, c S. Reynolds,b Donald son ........................... 4 H. T. Bond, c and b P Reynolos...................13 H. Tanner, not out .. 9 B 6, lb 3, w 1 ... 10 Total (9 wkts) 246 r a G \ RR ISON.—Played 6 and 7. G arrison . Aston, not o u t .......... 5S W . A. Gardiner, c and b Browne ... 0 E. E. B. Mackintosh, c Luxmore, b Tassell. 11 N D.Noble, c Jones, b Francis .1 2 R. L. Lloyd,b Francis 0 E xtras.................... 11 .173 S eond innings. Total (4 wkts) 40 Needham, C. F. Dickinson, Richardson, W. G. Thompson, and A. D. L. Camobeli did not bat. INCOGNI TI v. PLYMOU at Plymouth on August P lymouth R»-v. F. C. Stebbing, b Snaith .................. 12 eerg\ Titchmarah, b Browne . . . . 21 O. C. Mordaunt, b Browne .................. 12 A. E. Higginbotham, b Browne ................. 6 H. F. Montgomery, c Luxmore, o Br .wne. 17 J.A.Hibfcerd,b i rowne 10 Total I ncogniti , First inning*. L. 8. Browne, c Hioberd, b Gardiner ........... A. U. Delmo Radcliffe, b Aston ......... ... H. A. Frm cis b Gardin-r... J. C. Snaith, c Mackintosh, b Montg. mery F. A. Jones, b Montgomery J. A. Gibb, b Aston ........... A. F. C. Luxmore, c Mor daunt, b Gardiner ........... H. G. barlow, u Hibberd, b Gardin r ........................... A P. Neame, not out... W . P. Caipmael, c an 1 b Gardiner ................... G. Tassen, b Aston ........... Extras ... ... Total .................183 T o ta l........... 76 0 not o u t.................. 8 1 b Aston ........... 18 4 not o u t ................. 20 27 42 b Aston ........... 5 46 c Hibberd,b Mor daunt ........... 3 41 b Mordaunt 5 5 4 b As on ........... 13 2 1 1U Extras ........... 3 1NCOONITI v. TEIGNBRIDGE.—Played at Ttign- bridge on August 8 and 9. T hign bkidge . A. Hi g'ton, c Snath, b B a rlow ................. 82 U H. B. Mapleton, c Radcliffe, b Snaith 61 H. V. T. Watts, not out ................... 30 Extras ...................i9 1 otal (6 wkt?) 255 H. Kinch, b Sn^ith .. G. C. Yicary. c Lux more b CJnaMh ... 2 Rev. A. T. Pelham, c Neame, Tassell 6 H E Atkins >n, st Luxmore, b Neame 43 H. F. Boucshill, A F. Breriton, W . H. Jarvis and C. W. Birch did not bat. I n c o g n iti . J. A. G ibls, c Jarvis, b V icH iy.................. 92 A. K. C. Luxmore, b Jarvis ... . ... 18 H. G. Barlow, not out 19 W.P.Carpmael bJarvis 1 G. Tassell, b Jarvis... u Extras ...................13 L 8. Browne, 1.Vic )y 16 J C. bnaith, lbw, o Vicaiy ... 3 H. A. Francis,cVic ly, b Mapleton ...........79 A. H. Delme-Rad cliffe b Jar\is ... 77 F. A. Jones, c Pelham, b Jarvis ................. 33 ▲. P. Neame, b Jarvis 1 Total... ..862 STREATHAM v. SURBITON.—Played at Streat ham on August 11. S urbiton . F. P. Francis, c Kerr, b Young ...............51 C. Scharf. b Field ... 7 R. Leys, b Field......... 0 C.E.Finlason,c Hooper, b Young ..............46 J. A. E. Hickson, c Miller, b Young 24 C.B. Woisley,cRaphael, h Young ................. 0 O. Von Ernsthausen, st Kerr, b Young ... 1 S tre a th a m H. H. Scott, c Field, b Miller ...................11 V. Howell, c Bark- woith, b Miller 1 Rev. A E. Bevan, run out G. Allen, not out B 6, lb 1, w 1 Total ... N. Miller, run out ... ’ 4 J. F. W. Hooper,c Hick son. o Worsley 15 E. Field, c Francis, b Worsley ................. 4 H. 8. Barkworth, b Worsley ................. 0 J.E. Raphael,bFinlason 1 Dr. Young, b Worsley 2 C. E. Snowden, b Fin- lason ........................ 2 Second in n in gs:-N . Miller, c Francis, b Leys, 3; J. F. W . Hooper, b Leys, 0 ; E. Field, not out, 43; H. 8. Barkworth, not out, 27 ; D. O. Kerr, b Leys, 1; leg-lyes, 2.—Total (3 wkts), 76. 8. Lloyd -Jones, c and b Worsley V . F. Feeny, c Francis, b Worsley ........... H . T. Thomas, st Hickson, b Finlason D. O. Kerr, not ou t... Total ........... BU8COT PARK v. UNIVERSITY AUTHENITC8. — Played at Buscot Park on August 3 and 4. Mr. Bosanquet took all ten wickets. A u th r n tic s . First innings. Second innings. T. H. K Dashwo )d, c M >re, b Bosanquet ...................5 b More .. ...............35 W. E. Harri-on, c F. H. Hollins, b Bo banquet ... 8 n o to u t..................10 A. " Hertford,” b Bosan quet ................. ........... 8 P. R. Selby, b Bosanquet ... 6 I. L Johns n, b Bosanquet 0 J. W. Stratton, b B)sanquet 2 C. J. B. Webb, not out ... 19 H. F. Mullins, b Bosanquet 27 G. An lerson, c Worsley, Bosanquet........................ H P. Hansell, c ai*d Bosan<£uet................... E. Bm ten - Holmes, Bosanquet........................ Extra* ........................ c F. Henderson, b Bjstnquet .. 0 c A. Henderson,b De Zoete . b More........... lbw, b More b bosanquet c Bosanquet, De Z >ete ... b Bosanquet b De Z >ete... 3 b Bosanquet 3 Extras .. 5 52 10 4 1 it; Total........... 75 Total .149 B uscot P a r k . W. B. L Bar ington, b Webb ................. 3 H. W . de Zoete, b S tra tto n .................. 33 R. E. Mor .b Webb .. 0 F. H. Hollins, c An derson, b D tshwood 58 B. J. T Bo aoquet, c Selty, b Mullins .39 A. Henderson, lbw, b Mullins ................... 8 E. Henderson, not out 0 A M Hollins, c Webb, b Stratton ............ l W . T. Sooon r, b Dashwoo t ........... C. B. Worsley, b Stratton ................... F. Henderson, c Dash- wood. b Stratton ... E x tra s................... Total ........... 2 NORTHBROOK v. CELARLlON PA R K ..-P layed at Lee on August 11. C h a r l t o n P a r k . Capt. Me Canlis, b bymon ................... 7 H. D. Banning, b Symou ... 23 A. L McC'anlis, b P»wle ................... 7 H. C. Ogilvy. c D. M. Goodall. o Symon 2 H. C. Sugent. not out 27 H. Turrei', c W . O. Willis b Ho’mes 12 S. Roberts n, c F. H. Willis, b Sunon ... 5 N cBT H B iO O K . C. M. Bernays, c and b Holmes.................. A. H. Pease, c D. M. Goodall, b Holmes W. J. Keats, b Holmes S. R. Sargent, b Symon ................... Lb 1, w 2 ........... T o t a l................. . 3 E. A. P*wle. c Ber- navs. b O gilvy......... 5 A W . Goldie, b Bann ing ... 6 D. M. Goo all. c Tur- rell.bA. L McCanlis 11 F. H. Wi lis, not ont 101 C. Ashdown, b A. L. McCanlis................... 9 J. W. Knowles, not out ......................... 50 B 4, lb 1, nb l ... 6 To al (4 wkts) 168 H. O. Goo 1*1, W . O. Willis, !>*. J. Ho mes, U. Newt n and W. J. Symon did not bat. *fV\ENTY YEARS OF KENT CRICKET.—Full a ores of 331 Matches, and also Averages Price Is , postage 3d.— M arshall , Benenden, Cranbrook.
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