Cricket 1900

350 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A ug . 16, 1900. a .Jessop or a Brockwell. By playing cautiously I managed to “ scoop ” a few runs. The “ captain ” made some splendid bits, but we needed all the runs we could get, as the other side had scored some­ thing like a hundred. Just as the captain was warming into his work, and explain­ ing that with care we two could win tbe game between us, there was a little mis­ understanding. We had just run a three-er, and it looked as if there was time for a fourth. But age and experi­ ence have taught me prudence. Tbe captain called out “ I say, come on,” but I didn’t go any. I waved him back when he was half-way across the pitch, and while he was still hesitating a remarkably straight throw from the man at mid-off or long-on or somewhere thereabouts, jerked his middle stump out by tbe roots, to the derisive applause of the opposition. The “ captain ” threw his bat down angrily and clenched bis fists and turned towards me, and upon my word 1 made up my mind that he was going for me. I con­ gratulated myself that I bad got my friends round me, otherwise I ieel sure I should have been brutally hnndledby our ten-year-old captain. I tried to explain that it wasn’t my fault, but I could see that the entire field h#»ld quite a different opinion on the subject. Even my own son was obviously pained to think that he was obliged to acknowledge me as a member of the family. I did not catch his remark altogether; but 1 heard enough to ki.ow that my Ron was reluc­ tantly admitting to his personal friends that he was afraid his “ old man ” was no good. It seems a little odd that one should stand over a youngster from his birth onwards, should nurse him from the time when he is nothing more than a mere blob of pink blubber, and then find a few }ears Inter that when you are playing cricket together tbe youngster can bowl you out first lime and make ten runs to your one. I don’t think I shall go out and play cricket any more. I shall stick to golf. The excitement is not so tierce perhaps ; but then there is also less chance of the occasional reminder that you ar« being gradually shoved cff the edge of the earth by the coming race. A. G. SURBITON WEEK. This “ W eek” was one of th** most disappointing the club ha* experienced, chiefly owing to the in­ clement weather. Ihe only match won was that v. M.C C. and (irouna, in wM>-h K. Paine took six wickets for 29 tuns, whilst tho«e against Mr. V. H. Howeh’a X I. a> d v\ imMedon were lost, mainly through indifferent fielding. Ealing wereunable to biing a team on August 4tb, 8 » :h>it day lank, which »as ui.fortunate, see'ig that was one of ihe finest days in the week. Tne Bank Holiday fixture with Ewell had to be abandon'd after the vi itors had scored 4 runs for no wicket. 1 st MATCH, v. MARLBOROUGH BLUES — Played on Ju’ y 28. S u bbito n . G W .Ri«ketts runout 1( 2 F.P.Francis, c R« gerg, U. J. D»venp«»rt. cat.d b W . WiLdeltr ... 11 b W. W icdeler 11 E. Andrew,c Bellamy, C Kc*rf. c T. ie tt, b b L. Rogers .......... 0 L. Rogers................. 82 B. A . Beer, n-1 out .. 2 J. A. E. Hickson, not B 16, lb 1, w 2 ... 19 out .......................... 60 — Total (5 wkts) *287 A 8. Richards, V. Howell, W . Eglington and Rev. A . E. Beavan did not bat. * Innings declared closed. H.Moun8ey,cRichard8, b Eglington ... 14 F. W . Bellamy, c Fg- lington, b Richards 18 L W . Rogers,c Beavan, b Scarf ..................66 J. C. Sale, not out 41 M arlborough B lu es . V. Barry, b Scarf ... 10 W . Braxton-Smith, b S carf.......................... 8 B 11, lb 3, w l ... 15 Total (5 wkts) 172 H. M Rogers. T. C. Bett, W . B. Windeler, E. Bett and G. H. Windeler did not bat. 2nd MATCH, v. TEDDINGTON.—Played on July 30. S u rbito n . J. A. E Hickson, c and b Crowder ... 21 E. Andrew, b D ot £ .. 44 G. Pinkerton, b Payne 0 W. E. Fiske, not out . 15 B 15, lb 1, w l,n b 8 25 Total (8 wkts)*250 H. J. Davenport, Crowder, b Worsley 51 C. Scarf, b Crowder ... 7 L. J Moon, c R. L 'e, b Payne ... .. ... 39 C. E. Finlason, b Ven­ ables ... ................. 1 F. P. Francis, c Allen, b Crowder................. 47 R. A. Beer and O. B. Howell did not bat. • Im ings declared closed. T bd din gton . J. Bowden-Smith, c S. H. Lee, not out ... 12 Finlason, b Fiske . 4 9 B 6, w 1 ........... 7 E. V . Dor6, not o u t... 80 — J. L. Venables, c Total (2 wkts) 150 Howell, b Fiske ... 2 G. B. Crowder, A. Worsley, F. Payne, R. Lee, J. R. Ferguson, C. E. Allen and R. Staples did not bat. 3 bd MATCH, v. V. H. July 31. HOW ELL’S X I.—Played on L. J. Moon, run out R. S. Taylor, b Crowder C. E. Finlason, c sub, b Baker ................... J. A . E. Hickson, b Baker.......................... F. P. Francis, b Baker C. Scarf, b Baker S u bbiton . £8 W .E. Fiske, b Crowder 12 A. K. Wardell, b Baker O. B. Howell, lbw, b C row der................... G. H. Windeler, b Baker ................... G. F. Allen, not out... B 6, lb 3, nb 1 ... 10 Total .161 Jas.Holroyd.bWardell 43 G. Field, c Moon, b Finlason .................. 12 C. W . Crondace, c Tavlor, b Fiske ... 32 J. W . Baker, c Taylor, b Finlason ...........16 G. H. Crowder, lbw, b Fiske......................... 29 V H . H ow ell ’ s X I. 4 th MATCH, v. WIMBLEDON. S u bbito n . First innings. S. S. Taylor, c and b Pott... 41 L. J. M oon, c Bun ell, b F oster................................... 5 C. E. Finlason, b P o tt......... 16 H. J. Davenport, b Foster 14 J. A. E. Hickson, b Pott ... 5 F. P. Francis, c and b Foster 3 C. Scarf, b Foster ........... 0 E Andrew, run out ........... 4 L. J. Clayton, b Holland ... 4 Rev. A . E. Beavan, not out 0 V. H. Howell, b Holland ... 0 A. Worsley, notout... 52 W . Ridler, b W in eler 6 R. Holroyd, b Taylor 4 N. Allen, b Taylor 0 J.F.Fielding, b Taylor 0 V. H. Howell, b W in­ deler ........... ... 2 B 8, lb 3, nb 1 ... 12 Total ...........208 .—Played on Aug. 2. Second innings. B 11, w 2, nb 5 ... cFoster, b M ax- well-Scott not nut................... b P o t t ................... not out.................. c M rtimer, b Maxwell-Scott run out........... ... b H ollan d ........... c Hedley, b Max­ well-Scott No-balls........... Total D. R. Dangar, c Scarf, b Finlason ...........29 J.P.Hedley.c Bickson, b Finlason ...........11 A L. Foster, b Moon 18 W . Holland, run out 28 Moi^an, c Howell, b Finlason ... ... 0 W .E M arijn.cDaven­ port, b Moon . ... 4 ..110 W im bledon . Total (6 wkts) 54 F. Pott, c Hickson, b Moon ... J A.Burrel’,1Finla on J. C. Maxwell-Scott, b M o n .......................... J. Sbtrwood, not out F. G. Mo timer, c Howe 1, b Moon ... B 6, w 2 ........... Total ..........1 5 th MATCH, v. M.C.C. AND G ROUN D.-Played on August 3. S ub bit ok . L. J M oor, l^w, b Ernsthausen 22 8. 8. Taylor, c Hand­ ford, b Windeier ... 41 C. Scarf, c Davenport, b W indeler 1 E. Andrew, c Winde­ ler, b Cox...................12 H. J. Davtnport, b Cox ...........................21 C. E. Finlason, st Davenport, b Cox... 0 M.C.C. R. Paine, not out 0 F.P.Francis>t Daven- poit, b Handford 26 L J. Clayton, b 1 and- ford ........................... 0 J. A. E. Hickson, b Cox ........................... 1 V. Howell, c Daven­ port, b Hand fold ... 2 B 6, nb 2 ... Total 8 ...134 HanburyTracy ,c Dav­ enport, b Paine D.R.Dangar,cClayton, b Moon ................... C. H. Eenderdine, st Hickson,b Paine ... L. D. Luard. b Paine Baron von Ernsthau- sen, c Howell, b M oon.......... ........... Davenport, c Hickson, b H ow ell................... 15 Cox, c Davenport, b Paine...........................27 G. H. Windeler, c Howell, b Paine ... 12 A . C. Ernsthausen. c Hickson, b Paine ... 2 A. M. Robertson, not out ........................... 4 Handford, run out ... 9 Byes ................... 6 Total ...........89 NORTBBROOK v. M.C.C. - Played at Lee on August 2. N o bth bbook . J. W . West, c Thomp- D. M. Goodall, lbw, b son, b H ar» E 8. Barry, c sub, b Thompson 0 A.Ingersoll, b Thomp­ son ... ........... 1 E.A.Pawle.bThompson 2 F.H.W illis.bThompson 0 W . J. Symon, b John­ stone .......................... 24 Johnstone ...........19 A . Fuller, b Johnstone 6 T. G. Cannon, not out 16 W .O. W illis,b Thom p­ son ........................... 1 8.J.Holmes,b Thomp­ son ........................... 0 Extras... ........... 9 Total Second innings:—F. H. W illis, not out, 24; A., b Holton, 0 ; T. G. Cannon, st Oates, b Hare, 2; A. Ingersoll, not out, 14; extras, 3.—Total (2 wickets), 43. M.C.C. R.W .Awdrey,b Symon 2 B. Hanbury-Tracey,st W fst, b Hymon ... 7 A .8.Johnstone cBarry, b Pawle ...................65 L.Whittaker,cCannon, b S y m o n ................... 1 Thompson, b Ingersoll 7 Dr F. W. P. Holton, b Ingersoll .......... 14 G. Hare, b Ingersoll .. 7 G. Ridsdale, notout . 66 Oatea, c Ingersoll, b Pawle........... 16 A.R.Layman,b Inger­ soll .................. ... 8 H. Vieudedine, b In­ gersoll ................... 5 Extras ...........15 Total ...213 NORTHBROOK v. STOICS (12 a side).-P layed at Lee on July 31. S to ics . H.A.H.Carson,c West, West, b b H olm es................... 0 Holmes ... ... 1 G.H.Gadsdon,c Fuller, A. J. Clarke, b Holmes 11 b Symon ... ...........23 |A . J. Carter, not out.. 51 8. L. King, b Symon C. Campbell Roberts, b Symon . 0 J. Bowstead. b Barry.. 50 D.M.Goodall, c West, b Symon . . . . 10 T. G. Cannon, c F. H. W illis, b Symon ... 0 N o bth bbook . i r any. P.Burke,c F.H.W illis, b Barry ................... Leg-bjes ........... Total ..148 J. W . West, b King ... E. A. Pawle. c Toms, b Bowstead ... E. S. Barry, c Burke, b T o m s ......................... R. E. More, run out .. A. Fuller, run out F. H Willis, b King A. W . Goldie, lbw, b Campbell Roberts ... 79 W . O. W illis, c Toms, b King ... ..............10 J.W . Knowles,b King 26 8.J.Holmes, retired ill 0 W . J. 8} mon, b Gads- d on ......................................0 C. 8. Willis, not out... 0 B 16, lb 10, nb 1. 27 Total ...261 EALING v. WANDERERS.—Played at Ealing on August 8. E aling . D. R. Dargar, st Beh- rend, b Rook ... . 18 E. Worsley, b Rook... 9 C. P. Coode, not out . 2 W . S. Mitchell, not out ......................... 2 B 28, lb 1, nb 3 ... 32 •265 A. F. Nepean, b Rook 4 E. H. 8. B»rrid e, c au b Rook ........... 0 E 8. Littlejohn, c Dark, b Waddy ... 5 A. T. Coode, b Rook 50 H. K. Orr, b Christian 112 F. H Stephenson, b R o o k ......................... 81 Total (8 wkts) R. H. W hittington id not 1at. • li nings declared closed. W andebebs . S. Co’mHn, not out ... 41 i P. 8. addy, c A . T, G. E. Bicknell, b ~ Mitchell ...................14 T.A Darke, cM ilcheJ, b D angar.................. 3 J. D. Gillespie, not out 0 A. J. Flem'ng, G. P. Joy, C. Dunster, A. H. Behrend, hook, and F. W . Fleming did not bat. Coode, b Mitchell Byes Total (3 wkts) •135 P ORTRAIT MEDALLIONS OF PuPU LAR ( RICKETER8.— W. G. Grace, K . S. Ranjit- fciLhji, C. B. Fry, C. J. Kortright, A. C. MacLaren, A. E. ht* ddsrt, J. R. Mason. G. L. Jes»<p, Abel, Richardaon, Bayward, Lockwood, Hearne (Alec.), Brown (J. T.).—Price 2d. each, post free 3d., or the of 14, pott fiee, 2a. 4d.—M kkkitt and H atch es, L td., 168, Upper Thames Street, London.