Cricket 1900

A ug . 2, 1900. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 311 M.C.C. AND GROUND y. WORCESTER­ SHIRE. Played at Lord’s on July 26, 27 and 28. Drawn. This match was drawn with the game in a very interesting position. William Gunn continued the SrrieH of fine innirgs to which he has accustomed us of late, and the Messrs. Foster and Bowley and Wheldon played very fine cricket. Rain interrupted play on the Friday. M.C.C. F. H. Swinstead, b Arnold ................... 7 Brown (T ), b Arnold. 18 Gunn ( W .). b Burrows 110 C. C. T. Doll, b Wilson 5 Pougher, c Wilson, b Burro*8 ... ......... 46 J. Leigh, b W ilson ... 6 Bagguiey, b W ilson .. 1 Second innings—F. H. bwinetead, st Gaukrodger, b R. E. Foster, 15; Brown (T.), c Burrows, b Pearson, 9 ; Gunn (W .), not out. 46; (J. (J. T. Doll, c Pearson, b R E. Foster, 19 ; No-balls, 2. —Total (3 wkts), 91. WOBCE 8 TEB 8 HIBE. Cox, b Pearson........... P. Vander Byl, b R. E. Foster ........... Martin, b Wilson Oates, not out ........... B 6, lb 9 ........... Total ... . 313 R.E.Fo8ter,b P ougher 46 Pearson, c Oates, b Pougher .................. 37 Arnold, c Cox, b Pougher .................12 Bowley, c Cox, b Mar­ tin ........... 98 Wheldon. c Leigh, b Pcugher ......................81 H.K. Foster, c Brown, b M artin ......................42 F. W . Romney, b Pougher ................... Captain R. Munn, b P ou g h er................. Gaukro ger,bPougher Burrows, not out Wilson (G. A .), b Pougher ................... Leg-byes ........... Total M.C.C. First innings. Arnold Wilson . Pearson . Burrows. R. E. Foster . O. 22 36*, . 14 23 11 M. B .W . 7 55 8 98 0 49 2 61 2 35 1 2 ... 4 ... 1 ... 2 .. Second inniDgs. 0 . M. R. W . 14 2 55 2 14-1 3 34 2 Pearson delivered two no-balls. WOBCESTEBSHIRE. O . M. R . W . o . M. R .W . Pougher .. 51'4 10 151 8 Brown ... 13 4 29 0 Martin ... 42 13 108 2 IBagguiey 3 0 9 0 Cox... '... 18 5 35 0 I T H E W E S T INDIAN TEAM. THE HAMPSHIRE MATCH. THIRTEENTH OF THE TOUR. Played at Southampton on July 26, 27 and 28. The West Indians won by 88 runs. On a perfect wicket the W est Indians, having for once won the toss, enjoyed tbemsehes, and at the end of the first day’s cricket had scored 3S6 runs for the loss <f nine wickets. Nearly ail the tatsmen made runs, although those who went in first w«-re a long time about it. Mr. Llewellyn, who is qualifying for Hampshire, was the only bowler who was at>je ’ o make any impression on the visitors. '1 hunderstorms on Friday stopped play fur three hours. The only two Hampshire batsmen who distinguished them­ selves on a spoiled wicket were Mr. Llewellyn, who was out to a splendid catch just before reaching his hundred, ana Barton. Woods bowled very well indeed. A t the close of the day the West Indians had made 20 without loss, and were 141 runs on Mr. Llewellyn again got most o f th- m out in the second innings, and pretty easily too. for the wicket was difficult. Hampshire had to make 234, and promptly lost three wickets for 13. Mr. Newton and Mr. Deme-Radcliffe made a stand of 49 for the sixth wicket, but there was never much chance that the runs would be made. W est I n d ian s . First innings. Second innings. C. A . Ollivierre, c Bird, b c Newton,b Llew- Llewellyn ........... ... 28 ellyn...................24 P. J. Cox, c Eadcliffe, b L lew ellyn ................... 63 b B aldw in........... 0 P. A. Goodman, b Llewellyn 52 c Bird, b Baldwin 7 S. W . Sproston, c Lamb, b Llewellyn . ... ...........86 stBird,bLlewellyn 4 G. C^Learmond, b W ebb ... 3 stBird,bLlewellyn 1 F. Hinds, c Radcliffe, b Llewellyn .. ...........20 L. S. D ’Ade, b Barton ... 19 W . Bowring, c Barton, b Llewellyn .................. 63 Burton,c Steele,b Llewellyn 5 Woods, b W ebb ................... 0 W . H. Mignon, not out ... 12 B 15, lb 4 ...................19 b Baldwin . b Webb .. .. c Radcliffe, b Llew ellyn b Llewellyu c Barton,bLlewel- lyn ................... 4 not out................... 0 B 9, lb 3 ... 12 Total ... ...370 Total ...112 H am psh ire . First innings. C. Robson, run out .......... 14 Barton,c Ollivierre,b W oods 59 W ebb, c and b W oods 1 C. K. Llewellyn, c Hinds, b W oods..................................93 B Lamb.cSproston.bWoods 21 A. H. Delme Radcliffe, c Sproston, b Mignon........... 6 E J.Newton, c and b Woods P. J. Bird, c Ollivierre, b Mignon .......................... D. A. Steele, c Ollivierre, b W oods.......... ......... Baldwin, c Hinds, b Mignon S. Whiting, not out Second innings, b Burton 0 c Ollivierre, b Burton ........... 0 b Burton ...........15 c Burton,b W oods 6 b Burton ...........10 c Learmond, b Woods ... 20 c Woods,b Burton 46 32 b Woods lbw, b Woods run out not out B 4,1b ........... 5 B 9, lb3, w l... 13 Total ...........249 Total ...145 W est I ndians . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W . Barton .. 19 8 42 1 ... Llewellyn .. ...54 10 153 7 ... 24 2 7 34 6 Steele........... 2 0 4 0 ... ... 3 0 22 0 Baldwin ... . 23 8 59 0 ... ... 16 8 23 3 Robson ... ... 9 0 35 0 . W hitiDg ... 6 1 16 0 ... Webb ...19 6 42 2 ... .!. 6 1 21 1 H ampshire First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W. Woods ..30 6 93 6 ... ... 16 9 55 4 Burton ...23 3 87 0 ... ... 28*2 13 60 5 Mignon ... ... 9 4 1 45 3 ... ... 3 1 11 0 Cox ......... . 3 0 19 0 ... 4 1 16 0 b Hayward . b D ale......... Mignon bowled a wide. 8UNNINGDALE SCHOOL v. DALE BOYS.- Played at Sunningdale School on July 19. SCNNINGDALE SCHOOL. D. C. F. Burton, b Chapman 12 b Dale W.G.Pease, b L u c a s .......... 8 H. K. Damant, b Lucas ... 9 W .D . F.H eaton-Arm stroDg, b Chapman .................. N. E. Barber, c Pratt, b Chapman ......................... C. A. V. Sykes, b Chapman B. Clegg, c Hayward, b Chapman ........................ 1 R. V. B. Loxley, b Lucas 4 F. C. Pease, b Chapman ... 0 T. H.Gladstone, b Chapman 0 W . P. M. Newman, c Pratt, b Chapman .. ........... 2 Rev. P. S. W addy,not out.. 16 Extras.......................... 16 1 c Carter, b Dale.. 1 4 9 b Dale ... Extras... 9 E. Evans, run out J.Dale,b Heaton-Arm­ strong.......................... E. Lucas, b Heaton- Arm>trong ......... A. Johnson, b B eiton- Armstroug .......... W.Chapman,bE eaton- Armstrong L. Ferguson, b Heaton - Armstrong J.H ay«ard, b Heaton- Armstrong ... ... D ale 3 . 82 Total(5 wkts) 28 B o y s . G. Daines, b Sykes ... 1 B. Daines, b Heaton- Armstrong ........... 1 E. Turner, b Heaton- Armstrong ... 0 A Carter, b Heaton- Armstrong ......... 0 H. Osba'ds'one, not out .......................... 0 Extras................... 7 Total ...........42 KENSINGTON PARK v. K E N L E Y .-P layed at Kenley on Jnly 26. K ensington P ark . M. R. Quin, b Hinde 26 R. Playford, b Beall .. 3 T. W . Hemmerde, c and b Hinde ...........12 L. E. G. Abney, c J. Bruce, b Cobb . H. D. Nicholas, lbw, b Hinde ... ........... H. K . Gow, b Lamai- son .......................... W . R. Murray, c W . Bruce, b Hinde ... 13 15 11 F. L. Halford, c Shil- cock, b W right .. 24 W . S. Wynne, not out 10 W . A . McEnery, b Lam aison................. 4 W . T. Banks, b La­ maison ................. C B 6, w 2, nb 2 .. 10 Total ...134 K enley . F. Barclay, b Hem- mer e ...................38 A. Hinde. b Halford 38 H. S. Cobb, c Play- ford, b A tn ey ... 97 S. L . B* all, b Halford 4 R. G. W right, c Wynne, b Halford... 1 E.H.Beazley,cWynne, b H em m erde...........40 Rev. L . W . Shilcock, b Hemmerde ........... W . Bruce, b A bm y ... J. Bruce, lbw, b Hem­ merde .................. H. T. Mason, not out L. Lamaison. b Abney B 18, lb 5, nb 1 . Total ...........5 LUDGROVE (3) v. TRENT CHOIR.—Played at Ludgrove on July 24. L udgrove . 3 G. R. F. Rowley, b Ireland ................. C. R. Birkbeck, c Tuffs, b Ireland ... R. C. Hunter, not out B 13, w 8 ........... A . R. Curtis, run out H. O. Curtis, b Ethe­ ridge ..........................47 C.R.A.Smith,bIreland 18 R. L. Benson, run out 6 J. C. Hollins, c and b Ireland ................... 4 T. Holland-Hibbert, b Ireland ...................19 F. B. Lyon and V . J. Greenwood did not bat. * Innings declared closed. T ren t C eoiR . L. Etheridge, b Lyon 1 ; IL Hockett, b Lyon ... 0 Total •126 W . Tuffs, c A. Curtis, b G reenw ood.......... F. Ireland, c Green­ wood, b Lyon . H. Peel, b Lyon........... E, Bowes, c A . Curtis, b G reenw ood........... G. Pratt, run out W . Hastings, not out 1 I K . Etheridge, c H .- I Hibbert,bGreenwood 1 0 G.Parish,b Greenwood 1 2 J. Carter, b Lyon ... 2 W 1, nb 1 .......... 2 Total 25 LUDGROVE (2) v. N ORTH AW .—Played at Lud­ grove on July 8. N o r t h a w . H. V . Cholmeley, L.R.Fawkes,b Middle­ ton ...........•............. 16 R. M. Chambers, c and b Fortescue., .......... 7 R.H. Morgan, c Mayn­ ard, b Fortescue ... 0 A.L.Somerset, c Hicks, b Charrington ... 2 N. White, b Fortescue 6 K . G. Gurney, b Char­ rington ........... ... 1 G. H.Sugden,c Gibbs, b Charrington ........... 8 Charrington G. H. Cholmeley, b Charrington F. G.Hall, b Charring­ ton ........................... J. V . Oddie, not o u t... B 1, lb 1, w 2 ... Total ... 3 L udgrove . W . A. A. Middleton, b Som erset.................. 29 H. E. Eastwood, b Chambers ... ... 10 D.C.Stephenson,cMor- gan, b Chambers ... 6 G. R. L. Andeison, b Som erset.................. 56 R. S. Crankshaw, H. E. ( harrington, W . D. Gibbs, C. E. F. Hicks and H. W . Forteecue did not bat. A.L.M aynard,lunout 44 C. M. Booth,not out... 1 B 1, w 1 ........... 2 Total (5 wkts) 148 LUDGROVE v. NORTH AW .-PJayed at Northaw Plnce on July 28. L udgrove . E.H.Campbell,bLegge 20 V .A. B .-K^nnett,c Tal- Vot, b Chase 14 G.E.Boscawen,b Chase 20 R. t!. Byass, b Chase... 5b A. B. Lyon, b Chase .. 1 S. H. M. Donaldson, c and b F o x ................. 8 W . H. W iggin, b Foul- ger ........................... 1 N o r t h a w . J. F. Eastwood, run out ........................... 6 G H.Bens'»n, b Legge 0 E.G.Williams, notout 12 R Salt, not o u t.......... 1 B 4, w 4 ................... 8 Total (9 wkts) 146 J. S. Vesey, run out ... 4 J.B. Martin, c Kennett, b Byass ................. 3 F. Fox, c Donaldson, b W illia m s.................. 32 A.Foulger,c Campbell, b Donaldson ...........31 J. D. Legge, b Don­ aldson ................... 2 G. A. Chase, not out.. 5 J. E. Bather, not out 12 B 7, lb 1, w 3 ... 11 Total (5 wkts) 100 R. S. Crankshaw. H. E. Charrington, W . D. Gibbs, C. E. F Hicks, and H. W . Fortescue did n »t bat. PRESCOTT DIM 6DALE v. ATLAS ASSUR­ ANCE COMPANY.—Played at Catford ou July 23 and 24. A tla s A ssurance C om pany . H. A . Bishop, run out H. M. Snowdon, c Hebard, b Ilsley ... R. A. Shepperd, c HebaTd, b Jlsley ... G. Harding, b Ilsley... J. P. Inns, c Hsley, b Ledger ................... H. C. Stammers, c Hills, b Ledger 20 P. L. Haycraft, b Ledger ................. Clavton, b Ledger ... Smidt, c Beeve, b Ledger ................... J. Ramadge, b Ledger Coughtree, not out ... Extras ................... T o ta l................... P rescott D im sd ale . L. G. Hsley, b Inns ... 1 S. J. Forfar, b Hay- F. E. Hills, runout ..2 2 F. G. Brown, b Hay­ craft .......................... 1 R. A . Cockell, b Hay- 12 craft W . H. Coppinger, b Inns ... . ........... C. Ledger, b Inns ... O. Hebard, c Hay­ craft, bInns ........... c r a ft................. ... 5 R. F. Bangust, b Inns 0 E. W . Reeve, b Hay- cra lt......... .......... 10 C. J. E. Reeks, not out ........................... 0 Extras ................... 7 Total 19