Cricket 1900

J u l y 26, 1900. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME, 30 PANTHER v. PALLING 8 W ICK. ford on July 21. P a n th e b . -Played at Cat- A . E. D. LewiJ, c and b To >ley 54 W .L. Bayiey, b Tooley 37 G.E.Bicknell,b Wilson 19 H. C. Taylor, c and b Hardy ... .......... 9 R. Day, run out...........23 W . A . Standish, b Tooley ...................10 K. 8 t. A.Nixon, not oiit 6 S. F. Piior, not out . 0 B 15, lb 3 ... ..18 Total (6 wkts)* 18 i G. Hodgson, 0. F. Sulley, and H. Adshead did not bat * Innings declared closed. P a ll in g sw ic k . Clay, c and b Bicknell 4 Tooley.cBavley,bPrior 14 Wright, b Prior... Hewitt, b P r io r ......... Leveaux, b Bayley ... Latherngue, c Bayley, b Prior ................... Chalmers, b Bayley ... Hardy, b Bayley Clemence, b Prior W ilson notout . ... Harbur*, b Bayley :.. B10, lb 4, w 3 ... Total ........... FOREST H IL L v. AD D I80 0 MBE.—Played at Perry Hill. F o be 8 t H il l . H.A. Hooker, b Purser F. Woodman, c Rob­ erts, b Perrin........... 9 S. E. Lea, b Brown . 16 R.K. Stevens, b Perrin 11 Dr. BuDday, c Purser, b Perrin ................54 W . R. Williams, b Perrin ................... 5 C.F. Phillips, c Purser, b Perrin ................... 9 R. M. Nixon, b Perrin 27 C. E. Hand, b Perrin 0 Welchman, not out 2 F. Skipper, c Roberts, b Perrin ................... 0 E x tra s...................23 Total A ddiscombe . H . O. Roberts, b Welchman ........... E. Wiltshire, run out A . Wiltshire, lbw, b Welchman ......... R.L. Turner, b W elch­ man .......................... N. E. Cutler, c Stevens, b Williams H .Y. Brown, b W elch­ man ........................... 15 F.Perrin, b Welchman 6 S. C. Purser, run out 6 F. W . Roberts, not out 11 D. M. Roberts, c Nixon, b Welchman 16 A. H. Hume.b Welch­ man .......................... l E x tra s.................. 22 Total ..128 UPPER TOOTING Tooting on July 21. U ppeb T o o tin g . W IMBLEDON.—Played at D.C. Bartley, c Pothe- cary, b Clowes ... 14 H. A . Collins, run out 1 C.C.Hosken, b Glennie 38 R. R. Sandilands, b Glennie ...................50 Pothe- cary, b Maxwell- S c o t t ......... ...........53 T.F.Moore,cPothecary, b Maxwell-Scott ... 3 S. A. Attlee, notout... F.C.Rvde, b Maxwell- Scott .......................... H. T. Franks, b M ax­ well-Scott ................ F. Ft Lindsay, run out G.P. Kussell, c Clowes, b Maxwell-Scott ... B 8 , lb 1, w 3 ... Total ...220 W im bledon . C.N.Ambrose, run out 4 H. T. Grundtery, run out .......................... 11 H. Lomas, b Russell 105 A.W.Glennie,bRussell 20 T. C. M axwell-S 2 ott, not out ...................14 B.Hay-Cooper,c Ryde, b Lindsay.................. 43 C.J. Do naldson.b Russell I F. W. Colman, not out 4 B 10, lo 5 ...........15 Total (6 wkts) 217 B. W . Ellis, W . F. Pothecary and F. G. C. Clowes did not bat. LONDON AND WESTMINSTER, BANK v. THE THREE BANKS.—Played at Norbury on July 14. L onlon and W estm in steb B a v k . E . A.W illson.b Porter 15 H. O. Manfield,c Arm­ strong, b Christison 8 W . Bradbery, b Porter 0 C. S. J. Douglas, b Thorneycraft 25 C. J. Bowman,b Porter 2 A. G. Gough,b Christi­ son ...........................52 C. A . Snell, b Price ... 6 S. W . Mackintosh, b P rice... .................. 2 C. C. Simpson, not out 15 L. Pitt Brjok, not ' ut ... ... 7 B 19, lb 2, w 1 ... 22 Total (8 wkts) *154 H. S. Baker and A. Podmore di 1 not bat. * Innings declared closed. T hbee B an k s , E. A. Stevenson, _ Willson ................... 9 E. W . Armstrong, c Simpson, b Snell ... 27 J. Price, b Simpson ... 0 L. B. Gray, b Willson 0 G. A. Cosser, c Pod­ more, b S n e ll.......... 4 F. O. Hornby, st Pitt- Brook, b Sn ell......... 1 E. S. Spearing, W . H. Porter and H. A. Thornev- craft did not bat. C. Devereux, b Snell S. J. Christison, not out ......................... H. C. Mackonacbie, not out ................. B 15,lb 1 .......... Total (7 wkts) 64 LONDON AND WESTM INSTER BANK v. LONDON AND COUNTY BANK.—Played at Dulwich on July 17, 18 and 19. L ondon a n d C o u n ty B a n k . H. Hearsum, not out 115 B. Bentley, run out ... 42 C.Goddard.c Brenan, b W il ton .................. 8 F.Jackson,st Manfield, b Snell .................. 11 H.Hubbard,cPodmore, b Simpson... ... 0 J. Trowell, b simpson 0 C. Semmous, run out 0 F. Gayfer, lbw, b Snell 17 T. Ingram, b Simpson 7 S.Siggcrs,cPitt Brook, b Snell 2 J. Allen, st Manfleld, b S n e ll.......................... 0 B f , lb 1, w l,n b 2 10 Total ...212 L ondon and W estm insteb B a n k . C. A Snell, b Goddard 6 A.G. Gough,b Goddard 74 C.J. Bowman, b Godd­ ard ................... 0 E. A. Willson, b Godd­ ard .......................... 0 W . Bradbery, b Siggers 8 H. O. Manfield, b In­ gram ..........................46 C. S. fimpson, lbw, b G o d d a rd ........... 0 L. Pitt Brook.blngram 8 S. Bowman, not out .. 40 T.H.Brenan.bGoddarl 9 A. Po I'fiore, not out .. 3 B 13, lb 7 ...........20 Total (9 wkts) 214 J. C. LOVELL’ S X I. v. H. AND C.—Played at Tulse Hill on July 21. J. C. L ovell ’ s X I. S. H. Fliidt, b Blake 26 G. A. Riog, b Rendell 6 C. H. Mountain, b Mitchell .................. 23 K. R binson, c Mc- Sweeney, b Mitchell 19 A. Meller, run out ... 4 J. S. Lovell, b Mitchell 0 G. Wheatman, b Ren­ dell ..........................18 E. D. Lovell, b Ren­ dell ..........................19 R. L. Evans, lbw, b Rendell ................... 4 C. Ring, b Rendell ... 0 L. Lovell, not out ... 6 B 19, lb 3, w 4 ... 26 Total ...154 H. AND C. Kent, b Robinson Martin, b Robinson .. Mitchell, b Robinton Re dell, c Ev.tns, b Robinson.................. Blake, b Robinson ... Pinn, b Wheatman ... McSweenty, b Wheat­ man .......................... Edwards, b Robinson Lodge, not out ........... Whiting, b Robinson Mawson, b Robinson B 3, lb 3 ........... Total ........... M ILL H ILL SCHOOL v. MR. H. STARR’S X I. —Played at Mill Hill on July 18. H. S t a r e , E s q ’ s X I. J.H Murray,b Roberts 61 H._ Starr, c Dore, c E. Ingham, lbw, b Roberts .................. 29 L. A. Cane, b Roberts 0 G. W. J. McFarlane, b Roberts .................. 1 R. P. Reynolds, b Knight ...................11 P. Lewis, b Knight ... u Roberts B .J Tucker, b Roberts A . F. Page, not out ... H.C. Baroer, b Knight W. H. Andrews, b Knight ................... B 23,lb 1 ........... Total ...131 M ill H ill S ch ool . A T. Knight, run out 134 H. Wright, b Murray 6 M. A . Warrick, c Rey­ nolds, b Murray ... 17 A. N. Carter, c Lewis, b Cane .................. 2 ' A . J. R. Roberts, T. H. Robinson, D. Spicer, J. B Macalpine, and N. K. Bain did not bat. G. S. Auty, not out ... 19 A. S. W. D ore,notout 0 B 52, lb 1, w 7 ... 60 Total (1 wkts)258 SOUTHGATE v. CHE8HUNT.—Played at South­ gate on July 21. S o o th g a te . A. S. Harris, c Morson, b Wood .................. 29 J.C. Bevington, s Har­ greaves, b Tamplin. 1 T. A. W. Bevington, c Galloway, b W ojd.. 18 E. H. W . 8c itt, c Morson, b Wood ... 28 8. W. Scott, b Wood.. 59 Rev. R. D. Meitens,fct Hargreaves, b Wood 51 G. B. Adams, b Bed- well ......................... 16 * Innings declared closed. Che - h u n t . R. S. Dickson, b Deb­ enham ................... 17 H. F. Bawtree, b Bed- well ... ................. 8 H. G. Rowley, not out *9 L. Mackay, lbw, b Bedwell ................. 1 W. T. Ricketts, n jt out .........................24 Byes ................... 7 Total (10 wkts) *288 C. A Wood, b T. Bev­ ington ........... 11 C. V. G. Wilson, njt out .........................61 T. D. Morson. c H. Scott, b Rowley ... 6 (J. W. Belwell, not out ........... ........... B 2, lb 2 ........... Total (2 Wats) ... ! A. A . Hargreaves, F. B. Debenham, C. Rainsock, G. H. Tapsfleld, H. R. Tamplin, W . T. Barwell, E. C. Galloway, and W . J. Galloway did not bat. M ILL H ILL SCHOOL v. OLD MILLHILLIA.NS. —Played at Mill Hill on July 21. O ld M illh illia n s . W . A . Pearce, lbw, b Roberts ... A. D. Spicer, b Auty K. H. Dodds, b Auty S. 8. Pawling, b Auty A. E. Hutton, c War­ rick, b Wright J. Lamont, lbw, b Roberts 15 F. W . H. Auty, not out 43 W . R. D. Adkins, c Dore, b Roberts ... 0 W. J. Todd, c Macal­ pine, b Wright ... 6 H. M.Moore, b Roberts 0 J. F. S. Croggon, c Bain, b Knight ... 26 B 24, lu 18 , w 1 ... 43 Total M il l H il l S ch ool . A. T. Knight, b Paw­ ling ........... H. Wright, b Pawling M. A. Warrick, c Moore, b 8picer ... A. N. Carter, run out A. J. R Roberts, b Spicer ................... J. S. Auty, c Moore, b Pawling ........... A S . W.Dore,bPawling J. B. Macalpine, Pawling ... ... T. H. Robinson, Todd, b Spicer D. Spicer, not out N. K. Bain, hit wicket, b Sp:cer ................... 1 B 29, lb 3, nb 1 ... 33 13 .. 20 0 Total . 2C6 KENSINGTON PARK v. ELSTREE MASTERS.- Played at Elstree on July 21. E lstbee M a stebs . Rev. B. W . Bradford, c Abney,bHemmerde 30 G. Le Mesurier. c Don­ aldson,b H. Nicholas 40 D. W . Carr, b Quin ... 65 W . N. Roe. c H. Nicholas, b Quin ... 45 M. H. Stanbrough, Rev, R. O’Madden did not bat. J. M. Quinton, c Hem­ merde. b Abney . 49 H.B.J. Taylor, not out 34 D. YlcLachlan, not out I d B 12 lb 4, w 2 ... 18 Total (5 wkts)291 V. Royle, Birch, and K ensington P a k k . J. G. Donaldson, c Mc- Lachlan,bLeMesurier 2 A . W. Watson. bCarr 31 E. Bendle, c Taylor, b C.H.M. Thring, b Carr 4 T. W . Hemmerde, c Le Mesurier, b Carr 0 M. R. Quin, st Mc- Lachlan, b Carr ... 2 P. Greatorex, c Quin­ ton, b Carr ........... M. A . Nicholas, c and b Carr ................... H. D. Nicholas, b Carr L. E. G. Abney, b Bradford ................... A. H. Godfrey,notout B 9, lb 2 ........... Total ...........] KENSINGTON PARK v. GRYPHON S.-Played at St. Quintin’s Park on July 21. G byph ons , A. Cosens, b Palmer... 0 L. S. Wells, b Halford 12 J J. H. E Hunt, not out ......................... 103 J. A. Lyon, c Old- meadow, b Halford 32 B 5, lb 1 ................... 6 Total (3 wkts) 264 G. G. Compton, H. W . Taylor, G. H. Blount, H. T. H. Bond, D. kliott Lockhart, T. Curtis Hay­ ward and F. A. Forde did not bat. K ensington P a b k . H. H. Palm r, st Cospns, b Wells ... 0 M. Oldmeadow, lbw, b Blount ... .. .. 38 C. M. Skinner, b Hunt 3 W. R. Murray, run out 21 G. T. Campbell, st Cosens, b Wells ... 39 C. G. Hildyard, c Hunt, b W ells.........28 J. R. Conyers, b Hunt F. L. Halford, c Lyon, b Wells ................... R. E. Barnett, b Hunt W. Y . Rayner, b Hunt G. Washington, not out ........................... B 6, lb 2................... Total ...................l UPPER TOOTING v. WIMBLEDON.—Played at Wimbledon on July 21. U pper T ooting . A. H. Parez, c Muir, b Holland ...........29 D. H .But -her, c wuir, b Holland ... . 118 C. R. Lucas, b Muir ... 10 H. W. Hawking, lbw, b Muir ................... 9 G. W. Tireman, b Muir 0 J. H. Lindsay, c Muir, b H olland.................22 D. P. Franks, lbw, b M u ir.......................... P. W. Butcher, b Clap­ ham .......................... H. Taanet, b Muir ... A. Clover, not out ... H .L Scott.lbw,b Muir B 19, lb 1 ........... Total... W im bledon . D. Forde, c and b Lucas .................. 34 W. E. Martin, b Parez 9 O. B. Martin, b Lind­ say .......................... 0 W. Holland, b Hawk­ ing ...........................66 O- A. Dalgish, b Lucas 14 M organ, b Parez ... 27 E. L. Clapham, c Scott, b Lindsay................... W . Muir, lbw, b Lind­ say .......................... E. W. Reeves, not out G. A . Lansdown, b H awkins................. F. F. Glennie, c Butcher, b Hawking- B 7, lb 4 .....................: T o ta l....................2: