Cricket 1900

302 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J uly 26, 1900. LONDON AND WESTM INSTER BANK v. ROMFORD.—Played at Romford on July 21. A. Cornell, c Gough, h W hite .................. H.Bryant.c and bSnell G. Winmill, c sub, b Snell ................... 8.J.H unt,st Bowman, b 8nell .................. F. H. Thirlwall, b W illson .................. G. Stevenson, c and b S n e ll.......................... L o n d o n a n d C.J.Bowman, c Sunt, b W inmill C. A . Snell, b H unt... C. S. J. Doug’as, b Meadmore .......... A . G. Gou?h, c Hunt, b Winmill ........... H. E. Thomson, not out ........... ... ... E. W . Smith, st Pitt- Brook, b Snell ... 3 T. Madmore, c Pitt- Brook, b Snell........... 0 H.Burrows, b W illson 10 E. Fletcher, b Willson 2 E.G Patmore, not out 6 B 8, lb 1, nb 1 .. 10 Total ...........99 W e s t m in s t e r B a n k . W . Bradbury, b 8te- 51 venson ...................15 10 C. C. 8impson, c Pat­ more, b H u n t.......... 5 L. Pitt-Brook, b Ste­ ven on ................... 0 E . A. Willson, not out 8 B 6, lb 1 ........... 7 Total (7 wkts) 195 H. White and H. C. Crossley did not bat. GRAN VILLE (L e) “ A ” v. CONSOLIDATED GOLD FIELDS.—PUyed at Lee on July 19. G o l d f ie l d s . G.A.Gardiaer.b Austin 15 F. E. Lander, c Thom­ son, b Wood 4 A G. Slack, b Wood .. 6 G. Evans, b Wood ... 2 R. Abel hit wkt, b Austin .................. 31 R. Henderson, not out 42 J. Bradshaw, run out 37 H. D. Boyle, run out.. 0 G Sheldrake, b W ood 7 H. White, b Ellis ... 9 R. S. Young, run out. 0 Extras.................. 26 Total 179 W . K. Honnywill, run out ... ...........17 S. C. Barnett, b Brad­ shaw ........................... 1 L. K Glover,runout... 2 S.Ellis,c and o<Jardiaer 19 F. B. Wood, b Y ou ng.106 F. E Thomson, E. T. W . H. Smith d ii not bat. G r a n v il l e . W. Austin, not out .. 69 E. F. Detenham. n .t out .. ................... 4 E xtras.................25 Total (5 wkts) 233 Nels >n, S. Atkinson and GRAN VILLE (LEE) “ A ” v. BROM LEY (2).— Played at Bromley on July 21. B r o m l e y . H. O. Ellis, not o u t ... 62 R. H. Smith, c sub., b Edwayds ... 16 W . D. Nixon, c and b Edwards ........... 5 K P. Brown, c and b Edwards .................. 0 E. Stenning, c Biax- land. D Edwards ... 4 E. H. Rock, b Windett 13 W. W. Capes, c Far­ rington, b Edwards 4 G r a n v il l e , W . P. Hardingham lbw, b Edwards .. 23 S. A. Tuckar, st Thomson,bEdwards 0 L. A. Tucker, b Honnywill ... 1 G. Neal, c Windett, b H onnyw ill........... 4 Extras ................... 6 Total 138 F. E. Thomson, b Hardingham ........... 4 J. A. Johnston, not out ...........................96 W . Edwards, b Sten­ ning W . K. Honnywill, c Ellis, b Stenning ... 9 S. V. Windett, not out 1 Extras ...................20 Total (3 wkts) 216 S. A. Atkinson. C. Taylor. A W . Maxwell, S. N. Olliver, H. C. Blaxland and F. W. Farrin,ton did not bat. ARK LEY v. FINCHLEY. — Played at Arkley (Herts) on July 21. F in c h l f y . L. Neiderheitmann, b L o n g .......................... L. A. Bacmeister, b Hammond ........... -. Drewell, b Long ... F.S.Thomson,c J.Rob­ son, b Long ........... W . B. Fowler, b Ham­ mond .......................... W . P. Harrison, lbw, b L o n g ................... ... J. Stephens, not out . H.Williams.cBacmeis- ter,bNeiderheitmann 83 G. W.Hammond.c Kis- lingbury, b Bacmeis­ ter .................. 5 W . H. Robson, b Bac­ meister .................4*2 J. H. Robson, lbw, b Neiderheitmann ... 17 W Rosoman, b N*-iderhei mann 13 A. 8. Farmer, c Roso­ man, b Bacmeister.. 8 W . Piele, b Hammond A . V. Kishngbury, b L on g .......................... F. Stephenson, c Dew, b Long ......... J. H. Rosoman, b Hammond ........... B 4 ,lb 2 ........... T o t a l...........ll H. Booth, b Neider­ heitmann ................... L. Josling, b Neider- heitmaan .. ... ... W . F. Dew, not out .. F. Martin, b Bacmeis­ ter ... Chaplow, c Stephens, b Neiderheitmann B 14, lb 4 Total ... 18 HAMPSTEAD v. GRAN VILLE (Lee).—Played at Finchley on July 21. H a m p s t e a d . A. E. Stoddart, c Pate, b Passmore E. Figgis, b Richard­ son ......................... J.C. Toller, c Richard­ son, b Passmore ... E. Reid, b Passmore .. H. C. Preston, c Lay­ man, b Richardson . H . T. Tewson, c Pate, b Godfrey.......... R. G. Walters, b God­ frey .......................... 15 A.M . Wallace, b God­ frey ... ...........23 J. C. R. Dickson, b Richardson ........... 9 A. Unwin Clarke, not out .................. 14 A. B. Osmond, b God­ frey Extras . Total .. ...153 J. P. Clarkson, b Os- mon I ................. 3 F. E. Lander, b Os­ mond ........................... 9 T. il. Summer*?, b Os­ m ond........... 2 C. J. M. Godfrey, c v\allace, b Stoddart 45 W . S. Pate, b Osmond 2 L.L.Passmore, c Reid, b Passmore ........... 5 G r a n v il l e . E. Chapman, b 8toi- d a r t .......................... 8. Ellis, b 8toddart .. A . N. Massie, c and b Stoddart ... H. T. hichtrdson, b Osmond .................. A. R. Layman, notout Extras.................. Total ... ..129 R.M .A., WOOLW ICH v. GRANVILLE (Lee).— Playe l at Woolwich on July 18. G r a n v il l e A.8. Johnston,cCogan, b Denison... ... 55 J.P Clarkson, b Wyatt 22 F. E. Laader, lbw, b Denis on ..................20 C. J. M. Godfrey, c Denison,b Browning 88 W. Austin, not out ... 74 F. G. Guggiaburg, b Browning.................. 8 H. H. Charles, not out 9 E x tra s.................19 Total (5 wkts) 295 L. R. Glover, tf. T. Rich trdson, 8. Ellis, and T. E. Nelson did not bat. * Innings declared closed. R M .A. A.J. G. Bird, c Guggis- burg, b Godfrey ... 0 H.T.Chambers, c God­ frey, b Richardson 21 H. Denison, b Godfrey 12 J. F. P. Thorburn, c Godfrey, b Richard­ son ........................25 A. V. O’ rien, c John­ ston, b Richardson 15 G. 8. Cotter, c and b Richardson ........... 9 J.S. 8. Clarke, c Clark­ son, b Godfrey F. T. Wyatt,b Godlrey E. R Browning, c and b G odfrey................. G Master, b Richard­ son ......................... F. Cogan, not out Extras.................. Total IN COGN IH v.CHELMSFORD.—Played at Chelms­ ford on July 21. I n c o g n it i . H 8. Bartworth, b Nie 11 L S.Browne,c Hillitr i, b Furneaux ........54 J.Chipman,c Usbome, b Dig by .................... 25 S.deWinton,cU8borne, b Furneaux ............ 2 C. J. Kenrick, c Digby, b Furneaux . 0 J.J.H . Orman, c Whit­ taker, b Digby ... 2 C. R. Murray, b Nie .. 79 A.PNeam e,c Marries, b Lucas ... 94 E.E Felton,cUsbome, b Nie .. ........... 0 W . P. Carpmael, not out .......................... 14 G. Tassell. not out ... 14 Extias ........... 2 Total (9 Wkts) *297 * Innings declare! closed. C h e lm sf o r d . R L. Whittaker, Tassell ..................45 W . Hilliard, b Kenrick 58 J. Usborne, b Tassell lo A . P. Lucas, not out .. 19 J. Digby, c DeWiaton, b Barkworth...........16 E itras.................. 5 Total (I wkts) 153 J. D. Dixon, A. L. Furneaux, Nie, Z Pitts, Marries and T. W . Judge did not tat. NONDESCRIPTS v. PALLINGS W ICK. -Played at Acton on July 21. N o n d e sc r ip t s . H.H.Cobb.bThompson 26 P. W .Oscroft,c Collins, b Hebd^n ... .......... 25 C.D McMil in, b Lock­ ner ...........................23 E.E. Barnett,c 3 ebden, b Thompson ...........13 A. R.Trim en,b Collins 18 H. Wade, c Levy, b Lockner .................. 25 F. R. D.Monro, c and b Eebden .................. 1C E. W . H.Beaton, c and b Thompson ...........31 A.Eiloart,c and b Heb- den ... ................ 7 F. V. Selfe, b Hebden 1 L. Hutchinson,not ut 0 Extras...................33 Total ...212 P a l l in g s w ic k . F. 8. Heynemann, b Wade ................... A.H.Millsom,bOscroft G. L. H eb-en, lbw, b W a d e ......................... E.A.Collins,c Millin, b Wade .................. Rev. A. J. Thompson, st Beiton, b Wade D. L. Sato w, b Selfe... R.M.Lockner,b Monro 58 J.^.Haycrafc.bOscroft 17 G. N. Levy, b Selfe ... 18 H.W .Burnside.notout 3 C.N.Carvalho,cHutch­ inson, b Monro ... 1 Extras..................10 Total ...137 W ARGRAVE H ILL v. INCOGN ITI.-Played at Wargrave on July 16 I n c o g n it i . T. D. Bevington, Nares, b Hea man.. 28 F. Deane, c Heasman, b Quinn ........... 56 R. H. Dillon, c Heas­ man, b Quinn . ... 59 Capt H. W . W. Wood, c Eastwood, b Quinn 0 C. 8. Hemmerde, c Cooper, b Molloy ... 47 T. C. Bett, C. M. Tuke, Sir A. W. L. Hemming, and W . G. Thompson did not bat. * Innings declared closed. W a r g b a v e H il l . A B. Cipriani, not oug ... ................... 29 E. Rodriguez, b Mol­ loy ........................... 5 .Extras....................14 Total (6 wkts) *238 W . S. Heasman, Deane, b L’h>mpson 17 H. C. Carver, b Dillon 33 M. Molloy, b Di.lon .. 24 G. Hawkes, c Cipriaui, b Dillon ................... 2 M. R. Quinn, at Cip­ riani, b Wood... .. 19 R. O. Nares, c Beving­ ton, b Wood ...........18 T Simmonds, c Take, b H emm erde.......... 6 J. F Cojper, »>ot out. 18 Eistwood, b W ool ... 6 l-'acker, b Wood ... 0 S P.att, not o u t ......... 0 E xtras.................'8 Total (9 wkts) ...154 LUDGROVE MASTERS v. CAMBRIDGE GRANTA.—Played at Ludgrove o i July 21. L u d g r o v e M a s t e r s . First innings. Second innings. G. E. Bromley-Martin, b O’Connor ................... 0 b O’Connor ... 10 F. L. Crabtree, c Shuck - burgh. b O’Connor ... W. K. Robertson, b O’Connor not out.................. 0 c 8. Frest, b Widdicombe .. 2<) G. O. Smith, b O’ Connor ... 1 not out.................. 28 S. 8. Taylor, c Suttjn, b Hayward ..........................18 A. T. B. Dunn, not out ... 0 H P. Hansel1, c -utton, b Hayward ......................... 3 W . P. Blore, b O’Connor ... 7 W . J Oakley, b O’Connor.. 12 W. D. Rowe, c Foster, b Hayward .......................... 9 E. H. Bray, c Hicks, b Hayward ........................... 2 c Foster, b Widdi­ combe ......... 82 Byes........................... 5 Wide ........... i Total........... C ambridge Capt. Lees, c Oakley, b Blore ...................28 J. H. Widdicombe, c Bromley-Martin, b Crabtree ...................25 8. B. Prest, c Smith, b Crabtree .................45 W. Prest. c Oakl y, b Brom ey-Mart in ... 11 Hayward (D.), not out 17 J. Shuckburgh, run out ........... 1 R. S. flicks, b Bloie .. 22 71 Total (3 wkts) 143 G r a n t a . P. Foster, c Robert­ son, b Blore ........... 8 A.M . Dickson, c Crab­ tree, b Bromley- Martin ... ........... 2 E. K. Sutton, st uak- ley, b Bromley-Mar­ tin .......................... 1 O’ Connor, lbw, b Bromlev-Mnrtin ... 4 B 17', lb 1, ub 1... 19 Total ... ...183 LUDGROVS (2) v. CHOLMELEY HOUSE.— Played at Highgate on July 19. C h o l m e l e y H o u se . F. R . Watson, c and b Charrin ton A. L. Lockwood, b Fortes- c u e ......................................... A . J. Child, b Fortescue ... G. H. Atkinson, c and b Charrington ........... 1 lbw,b Stephenson 4 0 b Middltton 0 b Crankshaw J. W . Jessop, b Fortescue 2 G. D. Lushington, b Fortes­ cue ......................................... 0 N. H. Terry, b Fortescue ... 0 W . R. Guoning, b Charring­ ton .. ................... 0 R. H .W . Leach, b Charricg- ton.......................................... o C. F K. Marshall, b Charrington .................. 0 8. Smith, not out......... Bye ................. 2 c Cranksha w, Stepheuson Eastwool, Stephenson b Stephenson b Middleton b Middleton b Middleton Total.. not out . ... 0 b Middleton 1 Byes........... 6 Total ... 21 i , 1 , I , 8 . 2 . 0 . 8 . 0 . 3 . 44 L udgbove (2). C. Z. M. Booth, Jepsop 33 H. A . Middleton, Lushington ... . 19 H. E. Eastwood, b Jessop .................ll D. C. Stephenson. not out .......... ...........19 G. R. L. Anderson, b Jessop ................... 3 W . D Gibbs, H. E. Charrington, R. S. Crankshaw C. E. Tempest-Bicks and H. W. Fortescue did not bat. * Innings declared closed. A . L. Maynard, not out .. ...................22 B 3, lb 1, w 1 ... 5 Total (4 wkts)*112