Cricket 1900

J uly 26, 1900. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 301 which did not seem nearly large enough against such a strong batting team as Surrey. But before stumps were drawn two of the great men of the 8 rrey team, Abel and Brockwell, had been dismissed very cheaply, and alchough Hayes and Lockwood stemmed the tide of disaster, a total of 62 for two such wickets did not seem very promising. Nor did the batting of the team on the whole rouse the enthusiasm of Surrey men on Tuesday morning. At last a stand was made by Mr. Dowson and Haywar.1, and the bowling began to look easy. The partnership produced 147 iuns in less than two hours, and Surrey seemed to be going strong. There was, however, another collapse, and in the end there was only a lead of 15 run?. Hayward played his tenth innings of a hundred this s-ason, and equalled the record made by Dr. Grnce and K. S. Ranjitsinbji. with plenty of time before him to make a new record. Mr. Dowsoa pl.yed a very good inniogs indeed. Kent did nothing special before stumps were drawn, when the total was 144 for three wickets, Mr. Mason being not out 40 and Mr. Knowles not out 30. These two batsmen gave the Kurrey bowlers a trying time of it yesterday moining. They were absolute misters of the situation, scoring quickly, and playing perfect cricket. The partnership produced 248 runs in two hours and forty minutes. Mr. Mason only just missed—by 2 runs—the honour of scoring two separate hundreds in the match. When the partnership was broken by the dismissal of Mr. Mason the total was 333 for four wickets, and everything pointed to a draw, for Mr. Mason could hardly declare in time to get Surrey out. There was a sudden collapse, the batsmen apparently trying to make runs as quickly as they could, and Surrey, who began their innings at twenty minutes past three, had to make 346 to win in three hours and ten minutes. It was a task which seemed quite impossible, but such a command was obiained over the bowling by Abel and Brockwell, that there were times when it looked as if it might ba accom­ plished. As it was the two famous Surrey batsmen could not be parted, and when stumps were drawn they were within seventy-six runs of the total. K en t . First innings. Second innit gs. C.J. Buraup, c Abel,b Lock­ wood .................................. 7 c Lockwood, b Brockwell ... 40 P. C. Baker, c Hayward, b L ockw ood.......................... 9c and b Brockwell 29 S. H. Day, b Jephson..........55 b Brockwell ... 0 W . L. Knowles, c Dowson, b Richardson .................. • 1 c Hayes, b Abel... 124 J. R. Mason, c Hayward, b Richardson..........................98 c Crawford, b Jeph son.......... 117 R.N .R. Blaker, c Brockwell, b Jeph son ........................20 c Stedman,b Abel 1 C.H.B.Marsham,b Richard­ son ................................25 c Stedman,b Abel 5 Humphreys, b Jephson ... 4 lbw, b Jephson . 2 Murrell, b Richardson ... 47 8t Stedman, b J e p h o n ........... 0 Blythe, not out ................ 8 c Hayes, b Abel... 1 W . M. Bradley, run out ... 0 not o u t.................. 1 B 10, lb 9, w 1, nb 6 ... 26 B 6, lb 2, nb 2 10 Total.. .......... 300 Total ...........36) S u rrey . E.M. Dowson,c Baker, b Humphreys........... Lees, c Murrell, b Burnup ................. Richardson.................. btedman, not out B 1, lb 1, w 1, nb 10 13 Abel, b Blythe ........... 2 Brockwell, c Day, b Bradley ................... 5 Hayes, c Mason, b Bradley ...................50 Lockwood, b Mason ... 31 Hayward, c Mason, b Burnup .................. 124 V. F. S. Crawfo d, c Total ... . 315 Mason, b Bradley ... 0 D. L. A . Jephson, b Bradley ........... 4 Second innings: Abel, not out, 12): Brockwell not out, 132; Extras, IS.—Total (no wkt.), 270. K en t . O. M. R. W. Richardson ... 26 8 70 4 ... Lockwood ... 19 7 41 2 ... Brockwell ... 7 1 28 U ... D owson........... 13 2 44 0 ... L e e s ................. 4 2 14 0 ... Jepheon........... 16’1 1 77 3 ... Abel O M. R. W . 20 4 54 0 14 0 66 0 18 1 9 i 3 5 0 35 0 15 3 41 0 15 0 41 3 64 0 21 4 Richardson delivered two no-balls. Lockwood one wide and five no-talls, and Dowson one no-ball. S u rrey . O. M. K. W . O. M. R. W . Iradley ........... 34 8 97 6 ............ 12 4 36 0 Blythe................. 27 3 93 1 ............ 10 0 44 0 Mason .. .......... 17 6 47 1 ............ 4 1 26 0 burnup .......... 9'4 0 48 2 ......... 8 1 29 0 Humphieys ... 8 2 17 1 ........... 14 1 57 0 M u rrell.......... 5 1 20 o Day................... 7 0 23 0 b la k e r .......... 6 0 17 0 rtch y delivered two no-balls, and Mason nine lilfc jlt . Murrell and Day four wides and Blythe Ci t v\ict, LUDGROVE (Boys’ 1st X I.) v. BENGEO (Boys’ 1st X I.).—Played at Bengeo Oval on July 21. J j UJDGROVR. W .H W iggin.bFisher 0 J. F. Eastwood, lbw, b Bowden-Smith 0 E G.Williams, notout 14 R. S. M Salt, c and b Shelley ... ... 2 B 10, Ib6,w 8, nb 1 2» Total . 117 C. H. Campbell, Walker, b Fisher ... 38 V. B.-Kennei t, c Maude,bWodehouse 7 G. H. Benson, b Fisher 10 K. C. Byass, b Fisher 0 A. B. Lyon, b Fisher 10 G. Boscawen, b Bow­ den-Smith ... . 11 S. H M Donaldson, c Maude, b Fisher ... 0 B engeo . L. W . Shelley, b Lyon 5 F. Fisher, not out ... 1 F. N. Perceval, not out 69 B 7, lb 3, nb 1 .. 11 V. Bowden-Smith, b — Byass ... .......... 1 Total (3 w ts)102 A. E. Perceval, run out 15 C. V. Walker. R. E. Maude, C. L. Andrews, P. B. Wodehouse. T. Thornhill, and H. Shelley did not tat. ETON RAMBLERS v. LUDGROVE MASTERS’ X I.—Played at Ludgrove, New Barnet, on July 18. E toi ^ R am blers . C. Leveson-Gower, Byass, b Gilliat ... 45 F. H. Mitchell, b 16 W . C. Bridgeman, c and b Hansell... 54 T. S. Gosling, c Smith, b Crabtree ...........14 R. W . Byass, not out 10 G.A Foljam be,notout 20 B 13, lb 10. w2, nbl 26 Crabtree W . R. Hoare, c Han­ sell, b Crabtree .. 19 S. W . Cattley, c Smith, b Blore ........... 64 J. B. Pelham, c Blore, Total (7 wkts)*307 b Crabtree ..........39 V . Hugh Smith and R. C. D. Firth did not bat * Innings declared closed. L udgrove M asters ’ X I. W . P. Blore, b Hugh- Sm ith.........................23 S. S. Taylor, c Catt­ ley, b Pelham . 13 O. C. S. Gilliat, b Fol­ jambe .................. 63 G. O. Smith, c and b F ir th ................. 10 C. G. O. Bridgeman, b F irth .......................... 0 A. J. B. Dunn, c Gos­ ling, b Foljambe ... 1 F.L. Crabtree, b Hoare 13 H. P. Bans*11.c Leve- son-Gower, b Hoare 36 W . J. Oakley, c Hoare, b Pelham ......... ... 15 R. C. Byass, b Hoare 4 W.D.Manning,not out 0 B 26. lb 1 ...........27 Total ...210 LUDGROVE (3) v. FRETHERNE HOUSE (2).- Played at Ludgrove on July 19. L udgrove H. O. Cur!is, b Kidd.. 26 A. R. Curtis, b Spiel- m ann.......................... 9 R. L. Beeson, b Kidd. 6 C. R. Abel-Smith, c and b Lambrinudi... 46 J. C. H. Holliers, b Habershon 3 T. Holland-Hibbert, b Spielmann ... 8 G.R.F. Rowley,cDavid- gon, b Spielmann ... 1 F retherne H ou se . C. R. Birkt eck, c Har- bord, b b’ankey ... 20 R. C. Hunter, b San- key ...........................11 F. B. Lyon, not out... 13 V. J. Greenwood, c and b Kidd ........... 8 B 12, lb 1, w 7 ... 20 Total . 166 G. Samuel, st fcirk- beck, b Rowley ... 6 C. Lambrinudi, b Lyon 6 C. Spielmann, b Row­ ley .......................... 1 L. Kidd, b Lyon.......... 2 K. Habershon, not out 11 C Davidson, c Rowley, b Greenwood ... 0 G. Harbord, b Lyon... 1 C.Derenberg, b Green­ wood .......................... G. Sankey, b Green­ wood .......................... K . West, b Lyon P. Lambrinudi, b L yon ........................... B 8, lb 1, nb 4 ... Total ................... SANDhOYD v. LUDGROVE.—Played at Sandroyd School on July 19. S an d ro yd . W . A. Bowers, c Ben­ son, b Williams ... 38 W . J. Coventry, c Kennett, b Byass ... 19 F. B. Burr, c East­ wood, b Bya°s...........14 C. V. de G. Edye, b Salt .......................... 2 A. J. D. Jameson, c and b Byass ... ... 29 C. A. Colville and S. Macdougal did not bat. * Innings dtclared closed. L udgrove J.F.Montagu, b Byass 15 E. K . B. Whetharn, c jjid b Lyon ........... 0 A. P. Wilson, not out 3 L. A . Vidal, not out .. 9 B 8, lb 6, w 1, nb 2 17 Total (7 wkts)...*146 C.H.Campbell,b Jame­ son .......................... 0 V.B.Kennett, b Jame­ son ... ................ 6 G. H. Eenson, c Edje, b Jameson .......... 5 R. C. Byass, c Mon­ tagu, b Bowers ... 45 A. B. Lyon, b Mac­ dougal ... .......... 0 J. F. Eastwood, E. G. Williams, and R. Salt did not bat. G. E. Boscawen, b Jam eson................. 1 S. H. M. Donaldson, not out ...................16 W . H. W iggin, not out .......................... 4 B 10, lb 3 ...........13 Total (6 wkts) ... 90 SUNNINGDALE 8CHOOL v. ST. GEORGE’ S (Ascot). — Played at Sunningdale School on July 18. S unn in gdale S ch ool . D.C. F. Burton, b Far- well .........................3^ W . G. Pease not out 53 H. K. Damant, c Far- well, b Robinson ... 11 N. E. Barber, c and b Robinson ................. 2 W .D . F. Hei1 on-Arm­ strong. c Blackett, b Paterson ......... ... 13 B. Clegg and F. C. Pease did not bat. declared closed. F t . G e o r g e ’ s . R. V . B. Loxley, b P-«teraon ................... 0 E.V. Culme-Seymour. ht wfct., b Wood ... 1 C.A V. Sykrs b Wood 0 H.Scrimgeour,bWood 16 Extras ...........38 Total ^8wkts) * 167 *Innings J.G.Paterson,b Bui ton L. R. D. Anderson, b He it on-Armstrong.. H. E. Robin-on, c Bar­ ber, b B u r'o n ........... D W . M. W oo i, c Bar­ ber, b Heaton-Arm- stronar ................. R. Stopford, b Burton H.G.F.Collins,bBurton W. Far well, c and b Burton ........... 7 B. H. Blackett, c Lox­ ley. b Furton .. 16 W. H. J. Douglas, b Syke* ................... 2 E. G. Berner, not rut 0 H.M. Robinson,bSykes 0 Extras ...........10 T o ta l.......... 55 In their second innings St. George’s last four wickets for 50 runs. SUTTON (2) v PRIVATE BANKS (2).-P layed at Catford on July 14. P r iv a t e B an ks . H. R. Swatman, b Haynes ...................27 J. Davidson, b Haynes 7 Ff.Lepcombe. b Haynes 4 H. Wesby, b Easton... 0 W Coppinger,c Clarke, b R oberts...................42 E. Melville, b Roberts 17 R. W . Damley, b Eas­ ton ........... ........... 6 F .A .Tapson ,b Robei ts W .G . 'I urner, c WLit- bourne, b Eat-ton ... E Tyler, c Br< mage, b Ho' erts................. J. T. Fitch, not o u t... Extras.................. Total S u tto n . W. G. Poole, run out.. 7 8. G. Poole, b Fitch ... 7 F.Whitbourne, b Fitch 7 C. C. Roberts, c Lee- com^e, b Fitch ... 90 J. R. Haynes, run out 0 C. J. Easton, W. E. Bromage, A. Burnett, and A Clarke did not bat. S. Lord, run out ... 21 H. Appleton, not out. 1 Extras.................. 1 Total (6 wkts) ...134 SUTTON v. BUS HEY (Herts).—Played at Bushey on July 12. B c sh e y . A. Butcher, b Hadfield 9 Rev.G.M .Hill,b J.Beil 20 F. Kinda'l, c sub., b B adfirld ................. 4 E. Harvey, b Bromage 12 H. H. Jupp, c sub., b Hadfield ........... 1 H.M.Harford, c Brom­ age, b B la d es...........15 Golding, b Hadfi^ld ... ?5 C. Harran,c Knight,b Br >mage......... .. 4 8. Rogers, b Bromage 0 F.C.Burrows, b R.Bell 4 J. S. Harford, not out 1 Extias ...........14 Total ...109 S u tto n . J. Pell c Rogers, b Bur­ rows ......................... 138 A.L Sloper, b Golding 0 J. G. Poo’e, b Golding 20 J. A.Knight, c Golding, b K in d all.......................11 G.H.Hadfield,notout 101 J.T. Illington, c Gold­ ing. h Harvey ... 9 R M. Bell, not out .. 15 Extras................ 19 Total (5 wkt8) 313 V. R. Bromage, A. B. Dagg, F. Whitbourne, and J. K. Blades di i not bat. SUTTON (2) v. NORWOOD (2).- on July 14. N orw ood . -Played at Sutton E. J. Roberts, c Col­ lins, b A . Jackson... 22 K . Nixon, c L. Jack­ son, b Haycraft ... 3 W . V . Gattey, c King, b Haycraft ........... 1 S. F. Hipburn, b Appleton .. ... 16 T. H. Giblett, b Hay­ craft ........................... 0 B. W . Appleton, b Roberts ............I ll E. J. Ramsey, b Roberts ........... -- 1 L. Jackson, c Nixon, b Roberts .. .........41 J. G. Poole, b Giblett 0 A . S. Jackson, not out 24 A.F.Goodwin,c Apple­ ton, b A. Jackson ... 16 S. James, b r aycraft 4 P. Kay, b Ramsey ... 19 F. Gattey, b Appleton 0 T. Briggs, not out ... 1 E x tra s...................21 Total C. King, run out W . S. Holford, James, b Giblett A. Collins, not out E x t n s ........... . 103 17 Total (6wkts)21l A . Ward, P. L. Haycraft, and H. Dives did not bat.