Cricket 1900

298 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J uly 26, 1900. however, that the eleven which played for Quernmore School was only an Under Fifteen X I., and that all first colours were barred. The scores (and titles) were printed as we received them. “ A s a direct result of the introduction of the electorate system of cricket and football clubs in Adelaide,” says the South Australian Register , “ a recreation ground for Norwood (Adelaide) is to be purchased at a cost of £2,000.” “ T h e keenness of the West Indian team is such that they came to inspect the Old Trafford ground on the Sunday before their match with Lancashire,” says tbe Manchester Evening Mail , “ and I have it from Reynolds that they lamented the pavilion was so near the pitch. They predicted all kinds of mis­ haps—broken windows, fractured skulls, and general disaster, and one of them gravely asked that the building might be removed from the earth altogether. Big hitting, however, does not seem to be their forte at present. At least, so I thought.” T h e following are some of the latest hundreds:— J U L Y . 19. H . G. O w en , E ssex v . H am psh ire ........................134 19. W . L . K n o w les , K ent v . S om erset .............127 20. B . J . T. B osanquet , M id d le se x v . L e ices ­ t e r sh ir e ................................ .........................136 21. B . J . T. B o s a n q u e t, M id d le s e x v . L e ic e s - 139 , 125 229 . 1(3 110 246 156 11 170 124 147 124 TERSHIRE. C . B . F r y , S ussex y . S u r r e y ....................... C . B . F r y , S u ssex v . S u r r e y ...................... K . S. R a n jitsin h ji , S u ssex v . S u rrey A b e l , S u rrey v . S u s s e x ................................ D e v e y , W arw ick sh ire v . D eebyshire K in n eir , W a r w ick sh ire v . D erbysh ire K n igh t , L eicestersh ire v . L an cash ire C . R . H a r tle y , L an cash ire v . L ’ tersh ire 104 H ir st , Y obkshire v . G lou cestersh ire ... I l l G . L . J essop , G loucestersh ire v . Y o r k s .... 104 L . C . H . P a l a ir e t , S om erset v . H am psh ire 161 C. A . B ern ard , S om erset v . H am psh ire ... 122 S. M . J . W oods , S om erset v . H am psh ire ... 107 P . F . W arn er , M id d le se x v . E ssex ... H a y w a r d , S u rrey v . K ent ...................... J . R . M ason , K ent v . S u r r e y ...................... W . L . K n o w les , K ent v . S u r r e y ............. G . L . J essop , G lou cestersh ire v . Y orks .. 139 A b e l , S u rrey v . K en t ..........................................120* B r o c k w e ll , S u rrey v . K e n t ................................132* A . Y . R ussell, B rix ton W an d erers v . H a m p ­ ton W ic k ................................ ............. .............112* H o llo w o o d , S taffordshire v . W e st In d ia n s ... 103 H . S. B a rk w oith , In cog n iti v . W ith am ... 113 J . B ell, S u tton v. B u s h e y .................................. 138 G H . H ad field , S u tton v . B usfcey... .............101* H . L om as, W im b led on v . U p p er T o o tin g . 105 H . H earsu m , L on d on a n d co u n ty ta n k v. L on d on and W estm in ster B an k .............116* A .T .K n ig h t M ill H ill S ch ool v. H .S tarr’ s X I . 134 L . S. W ells, G ryphons v. K en sin gton P ark .. 123 J . H . E . H u n t, G ryph on s v. K en sin gton P ark 103* D . H . B u tch er,U p p er T o otin g v. W im b led on 118 W . P h illip s, B ick ley P a rk v. S treatham ... 1' 9 F . de L . Solb<5, B ick ley P ark v. S treatham .. 100* F . B . W o o d , G ranville v . G oldflelds .............103 C . F . W ick s, C royd on v . G ran ville.......................104* T H E F IR ST -CLA SS A V E R A G E S . For the benefit of our foreign and colonial readers we give the averages up to Monday, July 23rd. BATTING. No. Times Mot>t of not Total in an inns. out. runs. inns. Aver. K. S. Banjitsinhji ... 28 ... 4 2054 ..275 .. . 85 68 R. E. Foster........... ... 21 ... 2 ...1308 ...171 .. . 68 84 C. B. Fry ............ ... 27 ... 3 ..1620 ...2*9 .. . 67-60 Hayward ............ ... 35 .. 4 ...2049 ..193 ... 66-09 Abel ................... ... 27 . .. 1 ., . 1655 ...221 ... 63 65 J . R. Mason........... ... 19 ... 2 .. .. 984 ...137 .. . 67-88 Quaife (W .G .) ... ... 27 ... 6 .. 961 ...124*.. . 45-76 No. Times Most of not Total in an inns. out. runs. inns. Aver. P. F . Warner ............ 15 ... 0 .. . 654 . ..146 .. 43 60 G. li. Jessop.................... 29 ,... 2 .. .1151 ...179 .. . 42 62 B. J. T. Bosacquet ... 18 ... 1 .. . 718 ...139 .. . 42-23 K inneir............................ 21 ... 5 .... 6.=>8 .,.. 98*.. . 41-12 Gunn (W .) .................... 17 ... 2 .. 616 ...137 .. . 41-06 Birst ............................. 32 ... 4 .. 1145 ...165 .. . 40-89 Carpenter .................... SO 0 .. .1224 .,. 140 . 40 80 C. McGahey.................... 28 ... 2 .. . 822 ..184 ... 39-14 btorer ............................. 25 .. 2 .. 897 ...176 .. 39 00 K illic k ........................... 33 ... 2 ....1151 ... 127 .. . 37-12 A. C. MhcLaren.......... 29 .. 2 .... 998 .,..108 ... £6 96 C. J . B. Wood .......... 32 ... 2 .1101 . .114 .. . 36 70 Lockwood .................... 28 ... 2 .. . 950 ...165 .. . 36 53 D. L. A. Jephson 34 . 8 .... 950 .. .109 .. . 36 53 Tyldesley .................... 31 .. 4 .. 976 . .14-2 .. . 3614 Ward (A.) .................... 32 ... 3 ...1048 ..111*.. . 3613 T. L. Taylor.................. 25 ... 4 .... 753 .. .120 .. . 3V85 Butt... .................... 24 ...11 .. 461 ... 66 .. . 35 46 Tunnicliffe .................... 33 ... 3 .. 1060 ...158 .. . 35 33 W. G. Grace, sen. 20 ... 0 .. . 700 ... 93 .. . 35 00 L. G. W right ............ 21 ... 1 .... 682 ..,170 .. . 34*10 Brown (J. T., sen.) ... 35 ... 3 .. .1087 .. 163 33-96 C. L. Townsend........... 81 ... 4 .. . 905 ... 141 . 33 51 C oe..................................... 15 ... 2 .. . 431 .... 98 .. 3315 C. J . Burnup ............ 86 ... 0 .. . 808 .. 200 .. 32 32 Devey ............................ 16 ... 2 ..., 419 ..,. 75 .. . 32-23 H. G. O w en.................. 16 .. 2 .. . 451 .. 134 .. . 32-21 E. Smith .................... 21 ... 5 ..., 510 .. 116*.. . 31-87 P. Perrin .................... 19 .. 1 .. . £69 ,.106 .. . 3161 H. B. Hayman ........... 20 ... 0 ... . 631 ... 87 .. . 31*55 K n ig h t........................... 21 .... 0 ... , 662 .. .182 .. . M-62 Board ............................ 29 ... 2 .... 840 ... 214 .. . 31*11 Hayes ............................ 23 . ... 1 .... 677 .. .160 . 30-77 Marlow............................ 24 ... 5 ... 577 .... 83*.. . 30-36 V. F. S. Crawford 31 .... 4 ..., 816 .. .122*.. . 30 22 H u n te r........................... 24 .. 15 ... 268 ... 58*.. . 29-77 J . Daniell .................... 21 ... 3 .... 527 .. .101* . 29 27 Shrewsbury (A.)............ 19 ,... 2 .. . 497 .. 90 .. . 29 23 D enton............................ 33 ... 2 ... 890 .. . 96 .... 28 70 E. R. Wilson ............ 22 ... 2 .. . 572 .... 82 .. . 28*60 Brockwell ... . 31 ... 4 ... 772 .. . 95 .... 28-59 G. W . Beldam ........... 23 .... 0 ..., 657 .. . 88 .. . 28-56 Braund ............................ 20 ... 2 . 514 ...107 .. . 28 55 A. Collins .................... 30 ... 3 ..., 771 ..,.102 .. 28-55 W rathall .................. 27 ... 2 ..., 710 .. . 76 .. . 28-40 A. O. Jo n es.................... 25 ... 0 ... 7C6 .. 155 .... 28-24 H. K. Foster ............ 31 ... 1 .... 847 .. .113 .. . 28 23 J. Stanning.................... 23 .... 2 ... 554 .. 120 .. . 27 70 T. S. Fishwick ............ 25 ... 2 .... 635 .. .131 .. . 27*60 G. J . Groves................... 17 ... 3 ... 385 .. 66*..., 27-50 C. R. Hartley ............ 27 ... 3 ... 657 .. .139 .. . 27 37 E. M. S prot................... 22 ... 2 ... 532 .. .103*.. 26-60 A. J . L. Hill ............ 14 ... 0 ... 370 .. . 70 ... 26 42 A . Eccles .................... 28 ... 3 ... 654 .. .111 .... 26-16 Webb (A.) (Han s) ... 16 ... 0 ... 418 .. . 91 ... 2612 R. N. R. .blaker............ 15 ... 2 ... 339 .. . 78 ..., 26 (7 E. M. Dowson ........... 16 ... 3 ... 336 .. 84*..., 25 84 Barton (V .).................... 25 ... 2 ... f89 .. 205 .... 25-60 Dench ............................. 22 .. 4 ... 457 .. . 84*.... 25*38 H. C. Pilkington.......... 13 ... 0 ... 325 ... 87 .... 25-00 Lilley ............................. 22 ... 0 ... 549 .. .112 .. 24 95 Bagshaw .................... 21 ... 0 ... 521 ... 93 ... 24-80 Cuttell ............................ 25 .... 1 ... 694 .. 76 .... 24 75 Hearne (Alec) ........... 23 ... 1 .. £85 .. 142 .. . 24 37 Lees ............................ 30 ... 5 ... 608 .. 93*.. . 24 32 Quaife (W .).................... 14 ... 1 ... 313 .. 71 .... 24-07 R elf............................ 86 ... 2 .... 793 .. bh . . 24-03 L. J . M o a n .................... 17 ... 0 .... 407 .. 60 .. . 23*94 S. M. J. W oods............ 19 ... 0 .. 450 .. 148 .. . 23-68 Vine ............................ ‘u ... 4 .. 535 .. . 88 .... 23 26 Trott (A. E.) ............ .‘7 ... 6 ... 739 112 .. . 23 09 Gunn (J.) ................... 23 ... 5 .. 405 70 .... 22-50 C. A. Bernard ............ 16 ... 1 ... 337 .. . 82 .... 5(2 45 Sharp (J.) .................. 22 . 3 .. 423 ..,. 55 .. . 22 26 Whitehead (Leicester) 25 ,... 0 ... 544 ..,.116 ... 21-76 Holland(F.C.) (Surrey) 16 ... 1 .... 3-25 .. . 79 ..,. i l 66 R aw lin ............................ 16 ... 1 ... 323 .. 58*.. . 21 53 C. H. B. Marsham ... 1:5 ... 2 ... 236 .. . 58 .. . 21-45 G. J . Y. Weigall........... 15 ... 5 ... 213 .. . 36 .. . 21*30 Charlesworth ............ 21 .„. 1 .... 424 .. . 67 .. . 21*20 Briggs ............................ 29 ... 3 .. 551 ... 58*.. . 21-19 King (J .H .).................... 26 . 1 527 .. 72 . 21"C8 Lewis ............................ 19 . 2 .. 357 .. . 68*.. . 21-00 A rn o ld ........................... ’-3 . .. 1 ... 659 63 .. . 20-59 J. A. D ixon.................... 14 .. 0 .. 287 .. . 84 .. . 20 60 Rhodes........................... 25 .. 5 ... 403 .. . 79 . 2015 L. Walker .................... 14 ... 3 ... 215 ..,. f4 .... 19 54 S. H. Day .................... 22 ... 2 ... 388 .. . 55 .. . 19 40 W. L. M urdoch............ 13 ... 0 ... 25) .. . 71 .. . 1923 L. C. H. Palairet........... 14 ... 0 ... 269 .. 59 .... 19 21 C. J. K o rtrig h t............ 20 ... 1 ... 360 .. . 66 .... 18*94 W. B. G oodacre.......... 18 ... 1 ..., 315 .. 104*.. . 18-52 A. E Lawton ............ 17 ... 0 .. 314 ... 60 .. . 18-47 G ill..................................... 19 . 1 .... 332 .. . 56 .. . 18.44 C. E. De Trafford 24 ... 1 .... 424 .. 91 .. . 18-43 Geeson ............................ 26 ... 6 ..., 350 .. . 33 .. . 18 42 C. Robson .................. 24 .... 2 ..., 400 .. 101 .. . 18-18 Bowley (F .).................... 31 ... 0 .. 555 .. 118 .. . 17-90 Robson (E ) (Somerset) 25 ,... 1 .. . 427 ..104 .. . 17-79 Chatterton .................... 21 .... 1 . 335 .. . 50 .. . 17-75 H. W. Bainbridge ... 18 ... 2 ..., 283 66 .. . 17-68 Wheldon .................... 27 ... 2 .... 440 ..,. 58 ... 17-60 Diver ............................. 20 ... 1 .... 327 .... 86 .. . 17-21 H ag h ............................. 26 ... 0 .... 431 .... 71 ... 16-67 G. Brann .................... 22 ... 2 ... 330 .. . 57 ..,. 16-60 BOW! ING. Overs. Mdns. Runs. Wkts. Aver. Ehodes .................. 903-2 . 255 . 1973 155 .. 12-72 Webb (S.) ... . 296 ... 88 . . 572 . 43 . 13*30 Raigh ................... 6 0 .. 177 .. 1445 . 103 .. 14-02 M old......................... 443 .. 118 . .1(79 . . 73 .. 14-78 Cuttell .................. 70S*1 247 . 14 5 . . 82 . 17*37 Wass (T .).................. 514*3...1*29 . .1378 . . 78 .. 17-66 J. R. Mason .. . 3U-1.. 116 . . 889 . 50 . 17-78 C. J. Kortright 321 ... 6X . 1033 . 58 . 17*81 Mead.................... 663 5 217 ...1417 . . 78 .. 18'16 Gunn (J.) .......... 632 4 . 171 .. 1757 . . 96 .. 1830 Santall ... . 344*5... 99 . . 873 . . 46 .. 18-97 Hearne (J. T.) 670**.. 197 .. .1825 . . 95 .. 1921 Lockwood 5 3-3...129 . 1693 . 88 .. 19-23 Blythe ................... 377*2 101 . 964 . . 50 .. 19-28 Briggs .................. . 709 2 243 . 1448 .. 74 .. 19*66 King (J. H . ) .......... 454*3...147 .. .1068 . . 54 .. 1977 Bannister.................. £601 114 . . 752 . . 38 .. 19*78 Sharp (J ) .......... 280 5 .. 72 . . 784 . . £8 .. 20*63 Wilson (Worcs.) . 632 3 98 .. 1593 . 77 .. 2068 Hearne (Alec).......... 39 )-3 . 116 . .1014 . 48 .. 21*12 B. J. T. Bosanquet. 206 4... 70 .. 824 . 39 .. 21 12 Hulme ................. 486 ..143 . 1108 . . 52 .. 21*30 F ield ......................... 413-1... 70 . 1-217 . . 57 .. 21-35 Young (Essex) Bestw ick................. 458-4...111 .. . 339-1... 102 . 1187 . 8C0 . . £5 .. .. 37 .. 21-68 21-62 L e e s ......................... 436 ... 98 12-26 . . 56 .. 21-89 Woodcock .......... 389 ... 86 .. 1142 . . 50 .. 22-84 Bland 686 1.. 169 .. 2002 . . 87 .. 2301 Robson (Somerset) 351 2 ...104 .. 944 . . 41 .. 23*02 Hirst ................... 356 2 .. 87 .. 927 . 40 .. 23*17 Robe>ts .................. 473 5 153 .. 1231 . . 53 .. 2322 T ro tt.......................... 829 4 . 209 . 266*2 . 113 . 2355 Richardson (T.) .. 670-2...158 .. 1992 . . 84 .. 2371 Arnold .................. 541 4 .132 .. 1516 . . 63 .. 24-C6 G. L. Jessop .......... 370-4... 99 . .1043 . . 43 .. 24*25 Geeson ................... 378-4.. 83 .. 1C94 . . 45 .. 24*31 Hargreave .......... 443 . 137 . 1071 . . 44 .. 24*34 Tyler........................... 348 2 .. 76 . .1082 . • 44 .. 24*59 Cranfield................. . 235 ... 48 . . 769 . . 31 .. 24-80 Tate (8ussex) .. .. 778 3.. 234 . .2015 . . 81 .. 24-87 W . M. Bradley 439-1.. 114 . .1367 . . 53 .. 25*79 Brockwell................. . 414*1...102 . .1210 . . 45 .. 26-88 Baldwin (Hants) .. 526 ..130 .. 1454 . . 61 .. 28 50 Paish .................. £09 5 . 97 .. 1372 . . 47 .. 2919 C. L. Townsend . 29 i .. 45 . .1080 . . 32 .. 33*75 E. M. Dowson 447 4 .. 86 ...1327 . . 37 .. 35*86 NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK v. LONDON AND SOUTH-WESTERN BA NK -Played at Townley Park on July 9 , 10, and 11. N a tio n a l P ro vin cial B a n k . G A. Cosser, run out 26 W . H . Porter, c Way, b Gocdall.................. 11 H. C. J. McConachy, c Manby.b Burlington 9 J . Price, b Manby ... 8 E. W . Armstrong, b Burlington ........... 19 W . H. Fear, b Bur­ lington ....................10 J.W . Richards, b Bur­ lington .................... E.E.Troughton,b Hale P. Brebner, b Bur­ lington .................... A. D. Phillips, b Bur­ lington .................... W. File, not out............ B 17, lb 1, w 2 ... Total ... L ondon an d S ou th -W estern B a n k . ..131 *Signifies not out. C. Wood, b Porter ... W . J. Hale, b Cosser R. J . Burlington, b Cosser .................... W . J. Way, run out . W . J. H. Holland, b Cosser .................... 22 F. Goodall, b Porter... 8 J. E. Yole, run out ... 0 12 A. E. Manby, c and b McConachy ............ Roe, b Price.................... Haskell, not out L. Lee, c and b Price B 3, lb 4 ............ Total 2 0 45 7 ..137 SUTTON v. HORSHAM.—Played at Horsham on July 14. H orsham . W. Cross, b Hadfield . 0 F.Bostock, b Br< m9ge 9 H. Cartman, c Brom­ age, b Dally .......... 61 C. Etheridge, c Red­ man, b Hyslop .. 58 T. CotchiDg, b Had­ field ... ............17 S. H unt, not out............ 0 R. Etheridge, b Had­ field ............................ 8 C. C. Bethune, b Had- fleld ............................ N. Oddie, b Hadfield. J . Cotching, lbw, b H adfield.................... H. Gardiner, b Had­ field ............................. E x tra s................... ToLai S u tton . R. S. Dally, c Hunt, b R. Itheridge ............ 6 J. Kell, c Hunt, b Gar­ diner ............................ 8 G. H. Hadfield, run out ........................... 6SV J.T . Illington, c Hunt, b R. Etheridge ... 16 J . A. Knight, b Bos- tock ............................ 8 R. M. Bell, c Bethune, b R. Etheridge ... 0 C. Costin, st Hunt, b R. Etheridge............... 32 C.A.Redman, st Hunt, b R. Etheridge ... 17 V.B.Bromage,st Hunt b R. Etheridge ... 4 H. Hyslop, b R. Etheridge......................11 A. R. Dagg, not out... 1 Extras........................ 20 Total ......................189