Cricket 1900

J uly 26, 1900. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 295 WARWICKSHIRE v. LONDON COUNTY. Played at Birmingham on July 19, 20 and 21. W a rw ick sh ire w on b y nine w ickets. L ondon C ounty . First innings. Second innings. W . G. Grace, c Whitehead, b F ield .................................82 c Whitehead, b Hargreave ... 48 Arnold, b H argreave..........58 b Hargr ave ... 30 Braund, not o u t ...................26 c Diver, b Har­ greave . . . . . . 4 W . L. Murdoch, c Lilley, b Hargreave ....................... 14 stLilley,bKinneir 4 Sewell, c Lilley, b Field ... 6 c Diver, b Field 10 H . R. Parkes, b F ield ......... 1 c Hargreave, b Field. 0 N. S. A. H arrson, b Field 0 c Fishwick, b Field. 0 L. Walker, c and b Field ... 6 b F ield.........32 S. M. Tindall, b Hargreave 1 c Whitehead, b Hargreave ... 7 Hatfield, c Lilley, b Field... 3 c Hargreave, b Field. 2 Sladen, run out ................... 0 not out........... 1 L e g -b y e .......................... 1 B 2, lb 5 ... 7 Total........... ...198 Total ...145 W a r w ic k sh ir e . Devey, c Braund, b Sladen ...................75 T. S. Fishwick, c Ar­ nold, b Sladen ... 55 Kinneir, b Sladen ... 2 Quaife (W .G .), b Ar­ nold .......................... 53 Lilley, c Tindall, b Sladen ........... ... 42 Q,uaife (W .), c Hat­ field, b Braund ... 47 Charlesworth, c Hat­ field, b Arnold ... 4 Diver, b Arnold........... 0 Whitehead, c Hat- fi-14, b Arnold ... 4 Hargreave, c Parkes, b Sladen ...................13 Field, not out ........... 2 B 14, lb 8 ...........22 Total ...319 Second innings : T. S. Fishwick, lbw, b Murdoch, 5; Devey, not out, 19; Kinneir, not out, 2,—Total (one wicket), 26. Field ... . Hargreave . Whitehead . Charlesworth Kinneir ... . L ondon C o u n ty . First innings. O. M. R. W . 31 5 85 6 ........... 21-5 3 59 3 ......... 10 2 15 0 .......... 5 0 26 0 .......... 5 0 12 0 .......... Second innings. O. M.R. W . 21*2 6 66 5 23 8 48 4 3 20 0 6 8 0 2 6 1 11 3 5 W a r w ic k sh ir e . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W . Grace ........... 14 3 48 0 Sladen ........... 18 2 77 5 B rau n d........... 36*3 15 88 2 Arnold ........... 26 3 61 3 .................. 51130 Sewell ........... 1 0 2 0 Walker ........... 3 0 21 0 Murdoch 44 0 13 1 SUSSEX y. SURREY. TWO SEPARATE HUNDREDS BY MR. C. B. FRY. Played at Brighton on July 19, 20 and 21. Drawn. This was a remarkable match even for these days when hardly a week passes bywithout some sensational cricket. So easily did Mr. Fry and Relf play the Surrey bowling when Sussex went in, that one felt that if it were only Ranjitsinbji’s day as well as M r Fry’s Surrey would have something to remember. The first wicket produced 121 runs, and although Killick was bowled at 154, everything pointed to a big score when Ranjitsinhji joined Fry and two of the finest—perhaps one may say the two finest—batsmen of the day were together. But for onceRanjitsiohji completely failed, and for a time Sussex collapsed. When Mr. Fry had made 125 he was out lbw, and the total was anything but promising. A stand was however made by Butt and Bland, but it was certainly a little surprising to find the total only 300 after such a promising start. The destroying angel was Richardson, who, although he has not quite the same easiness of action which he possessed in his best days, has come to the front in almost a startling manner of late. Surrey had an hour’ s batting before stumps were drawn, and in that time Abel and Brockwell put on 90 without being separated, Abel, according to his latest form, scoring slightly more quickly than his partner. It was now the turn of Surrey to look upon the state of the game with a satisfaction which would have been unalloyed if it had not been tempered by the reflection that however well they might do the game would probably be drawn. This feeling was intensified by the end of the second day, for although the score was then 493 for the loss of seven wickets, it was almost certain that there would not be time to finish the match. Abel, who had been pretty badly missed overnight, increased his score from 50 to 111, having with Brock­ well put on 143 for the first wicket. He was batting for three hours and a-half, and it was not his fault that the Sussex men did not dispose of him long before, for he gave two or three chances. Afterwards there followed a succession of good innings, Mr. Miller, Hayward, Lockwood and Mr. Crawford all being in such fine form that either of them misht have made a couple of hundred without astonishing the bowlers very much. During the partnership of Mr. Crawford and Lockwood 108 runs were put on in an hour and twenty minutes by the most attractive cricket of the day. It did not take very long to finish off the innings on Saturday morning, although Richardson made things exceedingly lively for a few minutes. Sussex were now 2?9 runs behind with most of the day before them in which to play for a draw. As usual they adopted their own methods in going for their object, th it is to say they made runs as if they were scoring as fast as they could against time. A good beginning was made by Mr. Fry and Mr. Collins, who put on 133 for the first wicket, the former doing so much of the run-getting that he was within a little of making his second hundred in the match when his partner was out. The next ball got rid of Killick, and for a moment there was just a possibility that Sussex might again break down. But Ranjitsinhji is not usually disposed of twice in the same match on a good wicket for a few runs. He soon became settled, and he and Fry gave the finest exhibition of cricket seen in the match during their partnership of an hour and forty minutes, which pro­ duced 196 runs. By the time that Ranjitsinhji went a drawn game was a moral certainty. Fry stayed until he had scored 229, thus beating all previous records for a match—he had scored an innings of a hundred and another of two hundred. He was lucky once in escaping destruction when he stepped on his wicket without removing the bails, but his innings was as near perfection as could b e ; he was at the wickets for four hours and twenty minutes only. S u ssex . First innings. Second innings. C. B. Fry, lbw, b Richardsonl25 c Jephson, b Rich­ ardson ......229 Relf, b Richardson ...........42 b Richardson 6 Eollick, c and b Lockwood 12 c Hayward, b Richardson ... 0 K . S. Ranjitsinhji, c Sted­ man, b Lockwood ........... 8 c Stedman, b Richardson...103 A . Collins, b Richardson ... 16 c Hayward, b Richardson ... 37 Vine, b Richardson ........... 0 b Richardson ... 3 Marlow, b Lookwood........... 6 Butt, not o u t......................... 35 not out...............32 Bland, run out ...................25 Tate, b Jephson ................... 3 Humphreys, b Richardson 9 B 8, lb 9, nb 3 ...........20 B l ,lb l ,n b 5 7 H am pton W ick . A . Rogers, b Jones ... 12 P. Dawes, b Jones ... 25 A.E. Newton, c Jones, b BeDge .................... 0 A. Tugwell, c Humm, b W h y te ...................... 20 T. E. Williams, b Russell ........... .5 6 A . W . Winsloe, H. Lawrence and R. C. Winsloe did not bat. P. Hughes, b Jones ... W . D. Colmer, not out J. Robinson, c Glan- vill, b W h yte........... Extras................... Total (7 wkts) 124 Total........... Abel, b Collins ... . Brockwell, c Butt, T a te ........................ N. Miller, c Collins, Humphreys ... Hayward, c Vine, Tate ................... Lockwood, c Butt, Ranjitsinhji ... V . F. S. Crawford, Butt, b Tate ... ...........300 S u r r e y . Total (6 wkts)417 .110 b .. 64 b . 81 b ... 52 b ... 85 c ... 79 Lees, b Tate ........... D. L. A . Jephson, c Vine, b Ranjitsinhji E. M. Dowson, not out Richardson, c and b Tate ........................... Stedman, 0 and b Tate B 7, lb 4, nb 1, w 1 13 Total S u ssex . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W. Richardson ...1 8 5 2 765 ... ... 26 2 116 6 Brockwell ... 5 0 21 0 ............ 16 5 58 0 Lees......................15 1 43 0 ............ 13 3 48 0 D ow son ............ 16 2 72 0 Lockwood ... 16 3 52 3 ............ 16 3 69 0 Jephson............ 5 0 16 1 ............ 7 2 19 0 Hayward 4 0 29 0 Miller ... 13 0 74 0 Richardson delivered two no-balls, and Lockwood six no-balls. S u r r e y . O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W . Bland ... 28 8 76 0 R’njit’hji 27 H’mphr’ys 11 0 72 1 Fry ... 16 Tate ...48*5 16 132 6 Collins... 19 Killick ... 17 2 75 0 Bland bowled one wide and a no-ball. 7 3 41 3 42 BRIXTON WANDERERS v. BALDOCK.—Played at Baldock on July 12. B rixton W anderers . A. J. Whyte, st Ellingham, b Naime .......................... 31 cPaine,bWilliams 34 H. E. Smith, b Bradley ... 5 notout................ 31 R.J.Harris,cPeck,b Bradley 20 C. F. Jones, b Bradley ... 1 b Paine ......... 15 C. G. Smith, c Ellingham, b P a in e ..................................27 C. W . Phillips, b Bradley . 4 c Ellingham, b Bradley ........... 0 E. Gilbert, b W illiams ... 12 W . J. Benge, b P aine.........32 E. Preston, not out ............ 5 runout................... 1 C. H. W . Biggs, b Bradley 0 E. Howard, c Peck, b Paine 2 Extras............................ 8 Extras............. 4 Total .....................147 Total (4 wkts) 85 B aldock . C. J. Peck, st H. Smith, b B en ge.................................... 9 c Phillips, b Jones 6 J, A . Tumock, c Jones, b B en g e................................... 0 st H. Smith, b Benge ........10 F. Paine, b Jones......................16 not o u t................33 C. R. Hicks, b Benge..............10 c Preston,b Benge 17 H . Williams, c Whyte, b B en g e..................................... 13 not out.................20 R. Bradley, b B en g e............ 8 b C. Sm ith........... 7 H. Hankin, c H. Smith, b Jones ................................... 8 B. D. Nairne, c H. Smith, b J o n e s ................................... 0 D. Ellingham. b Jones ... 12 H. Hilton, b Benge ........... 8 G. Paine, not o u t................... 0 E xtras........................... 8 Extras ...........12 BRIXTON WANDERERS (2) v. HAMPTON W ICK (2).—Played at East Dulwich on July 13. B rixton W a n d erers . Total ... ...87 Total (4 wkts) 105 BRIXTON WANDERERS (2) v. SPENCER (2).- Played at Wandsworth on July 7. S pen cer . E. Elkington, not out 68 T. S. Barwell, not out 1 Extras.................19 Total (4 wkts)...*228 G. Sturgeon, b Car­ michael ...................12 E. H. Cross, b Russell 6 G. Sykes, c Larkin, b Whyte ...................98 J. S. Gordon, b M ax­ well .......................... 24 C. A. Marshall, A. M. Black, A . J. Lane, G. R. Delves, and D. H. Langridge did not bat. * Innings declared closed. B r ix to n W an d erers . A . J. Whyte, c Lang- A . V. Russell, b Mar- ridge, b 'turgeon ... 1 _ sh a ll.......................... 12 H. E. Smith, b Delves 4) E. A. Brymer, b Mar­ shall ..........................27 C. W . Phillips, not out ......................... 27 P. Carmichael, not out ..........................13 Extras................... 2 Total (4 wkts) ...122 A. Constanduros, J. Maxwell, R. W . Larkin, A. Harbert, and K. Volz did not bat. A.jV. Russell, not out 112 R. J. Harris, not out 31 Extras...................25 A.J.Whyte, st Colmer, b Williams ...........10 H.E. 8mith, b Hughes 50 C. W . PhiUips, b W il­ liams .......................... 8 Total (4 wkts) 238 E. A . Brymer, b Robinson ... ........... P. Carmichael, H. J. Humm, C. F. Jones, W . Benge and B. A . Glanvill did not bat. LONDON & COUNTY BANK v. LLO Y D ’S BANK.—Played at Catford on July 10 and 11. L lo y d ’ s Bank. H. R. Swatman, Goddard, b Ingram 8 C. R. Johnson, c Hel- der, b Ingram ......... 4 J. H. Downward, b Goddard ................. 25 W . Farquhar Smith, b Goddard ........... 1 W . H. Kitson, b Ingram ................... 0 C. E. Melville, b Goddard C. McClellan, b In­ gram ............................ 0 A . S. Taylor, b G oddard................10 J. P. Trousdell, not out ... ............ 4 B 10, lb 3, w2 ... 15 Total (8wkts) 67 A. DeWinton and L. Bennett nbsent. L ondon an d C o u nty B an k . H. L . Hearsum, Swatman, b Johnson 7 H. G Livermore, b Smith .. ................... 1 C. W . Goddard, b Downward ...........51 P. W . Hubbard, b Smith........................... 2 C. R. Trowell, c sub., b Downward ...........15 E. G. Gayfer, c De Winton, b Smith ... 4 H. E. W . Ingram, b Downward ........... — Helder, c sub., b Downward ........... P. F. Allen, b Smith W . H. Siggers, not out ........................... R. J. Cramphorn, b Smith ................... B 1, lb 1 ................. Total... ...106