Cricket 1900

M a y 10, 1900. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 125 OXFORD UNIVERSITY.—THE SENIORS’ MATCH. Played at Oxford on May 7, 8, and 9. Abandoned. A very steady innings by Mr. Hollins, who was at the wickets for ninety-five minutes for 44 runs, and a partnership between Mr. Sandford and Mr. Stow which produced 98 runs, were the most noticeable points about the first day’s cricket in this match. At the close of the day Mr. Fisher’s side had scored 265 for the loss of eight wickets. The innings lasted for some time longer on Tuesday, Mr. Sandford and Mr. Mitchell playing fine cricket. The other side collapsed, but Mr. E. C. Lee did well. Following on Mr. Lee’s side had begun well when stumps were drawn, but no play was possible yesterday. M b . F is h e r’s S id e. C.R.Wetherall(Keble), cHumphreys.bWhite 3 C. H. B. Marsham (Christ Church), c Davenport, b Kelly.. 7 F. H. Hollins (Mag­ dalen), c More, b W hite..........................44 C. D. Fisher (Christ Church), c Roberts, b More ...................24 R. Joyce (Brasenose), c Roberts, b White.. 37 R. A. Williams (Uni­ versity'!, b Lee........... 1 J. W . Crawfurd (St. John's), c Medlicott, b White ...................14 T. « . C. Sandford (Keble), c Rowe, b Kelly ....................103 J. L. Stow (Oriel), b M o r e ........................... 44 F.H.Mitchell(Balliol), stDavenport.bWhite 58 C.S.HaLnay (Trinity), c Kelly, b W hite ... 4 G. M. Billings(Jtsus), not out ................... 7 B 20, lb 4, w 4 .. .28 Total . 374 M e . L ee ’ s S id e . W . H. Follet (Uni­ versity),b Crawfurd 0 F. Humphreys (Christ Church),cCrawfurd, b Williams ........... 1 H. Terry (University), b W i liams ........... 0 G. Kelly (Lincoln), c Sandford, b Billings 24 H. V hite (Keble), not out ...........................15 B jes ...................11 W . Medlicott (Mag­ dalen), c Sandford, b Williams .................. 8 P. Rostron (Oriel), b W illia m s................... 0 T. Roberts (Hertford), c Stow, bCrawfurd.. 13 G Rowe (Magdalen), c Mitchell, b Williams 7 J. Davenport (Uni­ versity), c Stow, b Craw furd................... 0 E. C. Lee (University), cCrawfurd ,bHannay 35 R.M oie(l hristChurch), c Mitchell.b'Williams 8 Second in n in gsM ed licott, not out, 16; Rostron, not out, 20; extras, 1. Total (for no wicket;, 37. M r . F isher ’ s S id e . O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W . Kelly ............26 7 72 2 I M ore.................25 8 73 2 W h ite .....35 11 77 6 le e ... Humphreys..23 2 76 0 J Follett M r. L e e ’ s S id e. O. M. r . w . Williams ... 13 2 44 6 I 1 i lings Crawfurd ... 13 2 30 3 1tannay Total ...122 ...13 4 35 1 ... 7 0 13 0 O. M. P. W . .5 1 13 1 . 4 4 0 24 1 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY v. M r . A. J. WEBBE’S XI. Played at Cambridge on May 7 and 8. Abandoned. Although Mr. Webbe did not include him­ self in his team, he had been able to get together an extn mely strong side in bowling as well as in batting. Cambridge did not do very well in their first innings, for with the exception of Mr. Blaker, Mr. Dowson and Mr. Daniell, no one scored more than about a dozen runs. Mr. Blaker’s score of 78, made at a time when runs were very badly wanted, was the feature of the innings; at times he hit very hard indeed, scoring 34 off nine overs from Mr. Bradley, including six fours. Neither Mr. Warner nor Mr. Bumup made a long stay ; but Mr. Townsend and Mr. Mason mastered the bowling, and were both not out when stumps were drawn, the former with 48 and the latter with 38. Both played well on Tuesdav morning, but Mr. Townsend was out soon after completing his fifty. His partner, however, continued to take charge of the bowling, which, when Ranjitsinhji came in, was soon mastered again. The partner­ ship produced 146 runs. Mr. Mason was batting for three hours and a-half for his splendid innings of 137, which included 14 boundary hits. A partnership of 148 runs followed between Ranjitsinhji and Mr. Leve- son-Gower. The former showed all his old skill in placing, and played an almost perfect innings ; while the latter was in excellent form. Cambridge had very little chance of saving the match, but rain came to their assistance, and no play waspossible yesterday. C ambridge U n iversity . E. R. Wilson, c Fox, b Bradley .................. J. Stanning, c Town- Sfnd, b Bradley S. H. Day, c Fox, b Bradley ................... J. Daniell, c Warner, b Jessop ..................: E. M . Dowson,c Fox, b 25 P.R Johm-on.cLeveson- Gower. b Ainsworth 11 R N. R. Blaker, c Fox, b M a so n ...................78 A.E.Hind.bTownsend 13 A.E.Fem ie, c Beldam, b M ason ................... 1 L.T. Driffield, not out 1 B 15, lb 3 ...........18 Total , ..174 T. L. Taylor, c Jessop, b Mason ................. 0 Second innings: Wilson, run out, 12; Stanning (not out), 16; Day (not out), 1 ; extras, 7.—Total (for one wicket). 36. M b . A . J. W e b b e ’ s X I. P. F.Warner, c Taylor, b Femie ...................... 11 C.J.Burnup,cJohnsoD, b Fernie .......................13 C. L. Townsend, c Tay­ lor, b D owson..............58 J.R.Mason, c Blaker. b Feinie .................... 137 G. L. Jessop, c Wilson, b F e r n ie .................... 0 K . S. Ranjitsinhji, c Blal er, b Dowson 158 C am rbidge U n iv e b sit y . H. D. Leveson-Gower, c Taylor, b Johnson 73 C.W.Beldam, b Fei nie 3 R. W . Fox, c Taylor, b F e rn ie ................. 0 W.M.Bradley, not out 21 J. L. Ainsworth, c Femfe. b Dowstn... 2 B 5 lb l, wb4, n b l 11 Total . 487 Eradley ... Ainsworth Mason ... Jescop ... Townsend Eirst innings. O. M. 19 13 21 5 13 3 R. W . 46 3 . Second innings. O. M. R. W . 6 23 1 .......... 61170 6 50 3 ........... 6 97 2 ........... 0 10 1 ....... M r . A. J. W e b b e ’ s X I. O. M. R. W . O. M. R. W . Fernie ... 35 8 104 6 I Wilson 25 4 69 0 D ovscn <*43 6 138 3 Driffield 1« 2 66 0 Hind ..1 8 4 58 0 1Johnson 8 0 41 1 Fernie towled two wides, and Dowson two widts and one no-ball. LANCASHIRE v. HAMPSHIRE. Played at Manchester on May 7 and 8. Lancashire won by 265 runs. Whatever may happen to the Hampshire team this year, with to many of their men serving their country in South Africa, it is quite certain that if they manage to win some of their matches everybody will be delighted, while if they lose them all not a voice will be raised to suggest that the county ought to be relegated to the rank of second class. They could only put a very weak team in the field against Lancashire, and suffered accordingly; for although they succeeded in getting rid of their opponents for a small score, their own batting broke down badly before Webb and Cuttell. In the Lancashire second innings, when the wicket was more in favour of the batsmen, Mr. MacLaren played a fine innings, and Ward was in great form, while Briggs, Mr. Eccles, Shaipe and Cuttell all made use­ ful additions to tqe score. Hampshire again collapsed before Cuttell and Webb. L a n c a sh ir e . First innings. Second innings. A. C. MacLaren, b Baldwin 4 b Baldw in......44 Ward, b B aldw in......... ... 2 c and b Tate ... 80 Tyldesley, c 8oar, b Gravitt 5 b Oravitt ......15 Bolland, c Redhouse, b G ravitt.................................20 b B a ldw in....... 1 Cuttell, c Steele, b Baldwin 5 run out ...........32 A. Eccles, c Steele, b Gravitt 9 c English, b Tate 34 Briggs, run out . . . . 19 cG ra 'itt.b •‘ teele 29 Sharpe, c Sprott, b Baldwin 17 c Baldwin, b Soar 29 W ebb, c Parton, b Gravitt 1 b Gravitt ........ 1 Hallam,cBaldwin,bGravitt 0 n o to u t......... ... 2 Radcliffe, not out................. 6 c Tate, b Gravitt 0 Byes ........................... 3 Leg-byes ... 2 H am p sh ire. First innings. C. Robson, b W ebb ........... 1 Barton, b Cuttell................... 0 E. A. English, b Cuttell ... 0 Newton, b W ^bb................... 0 E. M. Sprott, b Cuttell ... 14 Soar, c Tyldesley, b Webb .. 5 Gravitt,cMacLaren,b Webb 4 Redhouse, b Webb .......... 0 D. A. Steele, b W eb b ........... 5 Baldwin, not o u t ................... 2 Tate, b W ebb.......................... 2 Byes Total... Gravitt . Baldw in.. Tate......... Second innings, c Cuttell, b W ebb 11 b Cuttell ........... 2 b Cuttell .......... 3 b W ebb ........... c MacLaren, b Cuttell ........... 2 b W ebb ........... 1 run out ........... 8 b Cuttell ........... 4 b W ebb .......... 6 b Cuttell .......... 8 not out................... 0 ..................... 4 B 3, lb 1 ....................37 L a n c a sh ir e . Total 0 . M. R. W. O . M. 18 4 50 5 ... 21 3 18’2 5 38 5 ........... 31 4 1 1 0 0 ......... 21 4 Redhouse 3 0 Barton ... 18 5 Soar 4 1 Steele ... 1 0 Cuttell W ebb O. 11 H am p sh ire. M . R . W . 3 21 3 ... ... 10-4 3 12 7 . O. 10-2 , 10 M. R. W . 1 25 5 2 29 4 M r . J. C. LOVELL’S XI. v. MALDEN DERERS.—Played at Tulse Bill on April 2 J. C. I o v e l l ’ s X I. C. H. Mountain, Mount ford ........... 0 J. P. Candler, b Smith 11 H. Thompson, b Smith 5 W. J. Parsons, c Shoveller, b Smith 1 H. W est, b Mountford 17 E. D. Lovell, c Atfield, b Smith ................... 0 M a lden W an debebs . G A RiDg.bMountford J. S. Lo\ell, b Smith.. L. Lovell,b Mountford C. Ring, b Smith H. Tidy, not out B 4 ,lb 1 ........... Total .......... H.H.Briggs, c Candler, b Thompson ........... B H. M. Smith, lbw, b Thompson ...........: A.G. Rough,c L.Loveil, b Thompson ........... J. G. Atfield. c West, b J. S. Lovell A. Jennings, c and b Thompson................... C. Mountford, b J. S. Lovell......................... E. B. Young, c J. S. Lovell, b Thompson 1 N. Vickery, st Moun­ tain, b Thompson... 0 J.H. Shoveller,notout 20 C. Carey, b Candler ... 0 A . Davison, st Moun­ tain, b G. A. Eirg... 5 B 5, lb 2 ........... 7 Total 73 B E XL E Y v. GRAN VILLE (Lee) Bexley on May 5. B e x l e y . A .” —Played at Baynes, b Nichol Osborne, b Passmore Tufnail. st Lee, b I 'et enh^m ........... Pickett, c atd b Deb- enham ................... Newton, c Johnston, b D benham ........... Betts, b Burnett Judd, b Passmore ... Turner, c Lee, b Debenham ........... Sweet, b Passmore ... Compton, c Hobscn, b Hullingworth......... Elms, not out ........... B 6 ,lb 2 ........... Total A . L. Ryder, c and b Osborne ...................12 C. E. G. Lee,b Ostorne 1 J.A.Johns’ on.bBaynes 50 J. R. HolliLgworth, b B etts........................ 0 S.C Burnett, b Tufnail 8 E. F. Debenham, b Tufnail ... ... ... 0 G b a n v ille . T. L. Pessmorp, c Newton, b Tufnail H. Wilson, b Baynes W .N ichol,bTufi.ail... F. Hobson, not out .. H. J. Graham, run out B 9, lb 2, w 1, nb 4 16 Total 90 U PPFR TOOTING v. LONDON COUNTY.—Played at Upper Tooting on May 5. L ondon C o u st y . Total.......................... 91 Total ...269 E. H. Lulham, b Parez 11 W . G. Harrison, c Butcher, b Parez ... 18 C. B. Urace, b Paiez... 7 C. Despiez, run out ... 22 Murch, c Christie, b F. Lindsay ... 12 Seymour, st Franks, b Sandilands ........... 1 N. Hammil, c Parez, b Lucas.......................... 28 U pper T o otin g . L. Covil, b Lucas G. Quinnell, c But­ cher, b Lucas......... J. Quinnell, c and b J. Lindsay ........... Lafiin, not o u t ........... B 5, lb 4, w 1 ... Total .......... R. R. Sandilands, b Lulham ................... 3 D. H. Butcher, b Grace 7 A. H. Parez, bLulham 0 W . A. Chriotie, c Sey­ mour, b Grace........... 8 G. W . Tireman, b Lulham ...................35 J. H. Lindsay, run out 16 st F. H. Lindsay, Muich, b Grace C. R. Lucas, b Grace J. F. More, b Grace... J. A. Lyon, c Lul­ ham, b G ra ce......... H. F. Franks, not out B 2, lb 1 ........... Total ...........