Cricket 1900

1 1 8 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M ay 1 0 , 1 9 0 0 . M.C.C. AND GROUND v. NOTTS (Conti ued ). Played at Lord’s, under the experimental rules of the M.C.C., on May 2 and 3. Notts won by eight wickets. Very little interest was taken in the match on the second day, for overnight the position was that the M.C.C. had only scored 111 for the loss of nine wickets against 249 by Notts. The innings was soon finished off for 125. Thus, as the old law about following on was observed, the M.C.C. went in again, and aided by an opportune shower managed to do somewhat better, thanks chiefly to 53 made in an hour by AlbertTrott and 43 by Relf. WhenNotts went in to knock off the runs Mr. Groves made two fives and a six by the aid of the net in his score of 36 not out. NOTT8. Guttridge, c Somerset, b Trott .................... 0 Gunn (J.) not out ... 53 Jremonger,bJ.Hearne 31 J bnaith. c Car­ penter. b Young ... 21 Wags, b Young.......... 0 Lb 1, nb 1 ........... 2 A.O.Jones, cBrom ley- M aitin, b Iro tt .. 47 G. J. Groves, c and b Young .................. 28 W h. Goodacre, b Young ................. 0 Dench, lbw, b T rott... 29 Carlin, c and b Keif ... 23 Mason,c Russell,b Relf 15 T o ta l......... 249 Second innings : A . O. Jones, c Trott, b J. Hearne, 4 ; G. J. Groves, not out, >6; W . B. Goodacre, c Russell, b J. Hearne, 4 ; Dench, not out, 8 ; B 4, lb 4. —Total (2 wkts) 60 M.C.C. First innings. Second innings. C. W . W right, b Wass ... 0 c Snaith, b Gunn 0 G. Bromley-Martin, b Wass 10 b Gunn ........... 9 Hearne (A.), b Gunn............ 2 b W a ss.. ... 3 Carpenter, b Gunn ............ 6 c Carlin, b Gunn 15 Trott (A. E ), st Carlin, b Gunn ........................... ... 7 st Carlin, b Gunn 53 E. Bromley-Martin,b Wass 32 c and b Gunn ... 7 Relf, b G unn......................... 3 A . F. Somerset, not out .. 29 Russell, c Carlin, b Wass ... 5 Hearne (J. T.) c Groves, b Gunn .................................. 6 Young, c Carlin, b Gunn ... 17 B 2 , lb 6 ................... 8 not out .. b Wass b Wass .. 48 ... 23 ... 15 Total First innings. ......... 125 N o tts . O. Young...........20 2 Iro tt .. 31 Hearne(J.T ) 24 Relf ...........10 Heaine (A.) 4 M . R. W . 7 48 4 . 11 111 3 . 7 65 1 . 5 17 2 2 6 0 M.C.C. First innings. O. M. R. W . ........... 23 5 43 4 . Gunn ........... 27 6 67 6 Dench........... 4 0 7 0 b Wass ......... 0 run out ... 1 B 6, lb1, nb 2 9 Total ...18* Second innings. O. M.R. W . 2 0 10 0 . 8 3 2 29 0 .1 0 5 13 2 Second innings. O. M.R. W . .•19 3 0 84 4 .2 6 6 67 6 7 1 23 0 Wass and Gunn each delivered a no-ball. SURREY v. LONDON COUNTY. Played at the Crystal Palace on May 3,4 and 5. Drawn. A splendid wicket had been prepared on the Crystal Palace ground, and as the bowling cn neither side was strong, runs came very quickly, although, on the first day rain shor­ tened the time available for playing to two hours, during which Surrey made 202 for the loss of three wickets. London County had no bowlers to rely on, except Mr. Townsend and Woodcock, and as Lockwood and Hay­ ward were in great form, the abilities of W.G. as a captain were severely taxed. Either he himself has not yet got the stiffness out of his limbs, or he felt that the Surrey batsmen were too old birds to be caught by him, for he only bowled seven overs in the course of the match. On ihe second morn­ ing, when the wicket had not quite recovered from the rain, the Surrey innings collapsed after Lockwood and Hayward were out, the former having batted for two hours less five minutes, as the French say. The new Surrey captain kept up his wicket, while his men were falling quickly. Surrey men were not very easy in their minds while London County were batting, for their bowlers could make no impression on Mr. Fry, Braund, and Mr. Townsend, who all scored at a great pace. In the partnership between Mr. Fry and Braund 50 runs were made in half an hour, and 146 in an hour and a-half. Like Lock­ wood, Mr. Fry was out at the critical moment when a few more runs were wanted to com­ plete his hundred; he played splendid cricket and was at the wicket for an hour and fifty minutes. For the rest of the day Mr. Town­ send had the bowlers at his mercy, and when stumps were drawn, with the total at 369 for seven wickets, his score was 120 not out. This he increased by 21 runs on Saturday, his entire innings having lasted for about two hours and a half, so that his rate of scoring was much quicker than usual. With 105 runs to knock off before they drew level, and without Abel to help in mastering the bowl­ ing, Surrey set about their task with vigour. Hayward again played a perfect innings, scoring 103 in two hours; Holland distin­ guished himself and was at his best in scoring his 79, and long before play ended it was obvious that the game must end in an even draw. fcURBKY. First innings. Brockwell, c Board, b T ow nsend...........................28 Holland, st Board, b Towns­ end .................................. 17 Hayes, c Fry, b Townsend . 20 Lockwood, c Townsend, b W o o d co ck .......................... 95 Hayward, runout .. .. ...6 5 V. F. S. Crawford, c Braund, b Townsend .................11 Lees,c Beldam, b Townsend 14 D. L. A . Jephson, not o u t .. <0 W ood, lbw, b Townsend ... 16 Nice, c Fry b W oodcock ... 1 Richardson, c & b Townsend 3 B 2, lo 2 ................... 4 Total.. .. 304 Second innings. c Board,b Towns­ end ................. 19 b W oodcock ... 79 b Smith ...........39 b W oodcock ... 68 c Board,b Beldaml08 b Woodcock ... 0 cBeldam,bW ood- c o c k ...................27 c Board, bGamble 39 c Board, b W ood­ cock ...................16 c Fry,b Gamble... 0 not out................... 4 B 6 ,lc3 ,w .*,n b 1 14 Total ...........413 L ondon C o u n ty . D r.W . G. Grace, c Hol­ land. b Hicbardson . 13 C. B. Fry, c Crawford, b Richardson .......97 Braund, c Nic*», b Richardson .......69 C.L.Townsend,cWood. b Lockwood ..141 G .W .» eldam, b B j ock- well ........................ 20 Wrathall, c W ood, b brockw ell................ 11 S M. Tindall, b Lock­ wood ........... ............ 3 Board, run out ... 16 Smith, b Rictardsoa.. 22 Gamble, not ont ... 4 Woodcock, b Lock­ wood .......................... 9 B 2, lb 2 ................... 4 Total .409 W oodc ick Smith ... Townsend Gamble .. Grace ... S u r r e y . First inni g«. O. M. R W . 24 2 118 2 .. ..lo 0 55 0 .. . 22-5 0 99 7 .. Second innings. O. M. R. * . ... 27 5 121 5 ... 12 1 59 1 ... 8 0 65 1 .. 29 2 4 100 2 . 2 17 0 . . . . 7 2 21 0 .. . Braund... 5 0 26 0 Beldam 12 2 88 1 Gam' le bowled five wides, and Woodcock delivered a no-ball. L o n d o n C o u n ty . O. MR. W v Ri. hardson..27 2122 4 I Nice ... . Brockwell ..16 0 81 2 Lees .. Lockwood .. 23 2 3100 3 Hayward. O M. R. W . 7 0 26 0 10 1 46 0 . 7 0 30 0 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY.—THE FRESHMEN’S MATCH. Played at Cambridge on May 3, 4 and 5. Mr. Taylor’s JSide won by three wickets. It was but natural that the chief interest in the match lay in the doings of E. M. Dowson, the old Harrow captain; but although he gave an excellent account of himself, both as a batsman and a bowler, the all-round per­ formance of L. T. Driffield was almost as good as his, while in batting, A. H. Thompson and J. H. Turner were head and shoulders over all the other players. Thompson made his 123 in very taking style, and his innings enabled his side to win with ease instead of losing rather badly, as at one time seemed possible; while Turner, who is a brother of the Essex amateurs, played brilliant cricket in each innings. M r . A . E. H ind ’ s First innings. J. H. Turner (Clare), c Horne, b Sewell ........... 75 H. B. Corry (Caius),c Hay­ man, b Dowson .. ... 2 G. W . Harris (Caius), c Dowson. b Black ........... 10 L. T. Driflield (St. Cather­ ine’s), b Sewell....................... 10 F. YouDg (Trinity), c Ed­ munds. b Dowt-on ............... 23 H. Bird (Emmanuel), c Wadlow, b Dow son... ... 27 M. B. Tasker (Sydney), c Wadlow, b Dowson .. ... 3 H. W iiley (King’s), lbw, b Bodington ... ..1 4 Y . N. Lockett (Trinity), c Gowers, b D o w to n .............. 15 P. F. hmith (Caius), c Tay­ lor, b Black ........... 9 C.I.Boward-Smith(Trinity), run out ............................ 1 A. E. Hind (Trinity Hall), not out...................................... 10 B 6, w 1, nb 1 ... 8 Total . ...‘ 07 i S id e . Second innings. c Drucs, b Black 60 b Dowson ........... 3 run out ...........3) lbw, b Dowson .. 27 c Dowson,b Black 5 b D o w s o n ...........16 not o u t .................31 b H aym an........... 2 cT a j lor, b Black 38 b Dowson ........... 2 st Taylor, b Dow­ son .................... 0 c Black, b Bod­ ington ......... 70 B 8, lb 3, w 2... 13 T o ta l......... 287 M r . T. L. T aylor ’ s S ide . First iDnings. Second innings. W . ET. Edmunds (Sidney), b D riffield......................... 50 c P. F. Smith, b Di iffield ............ 4 C. H. Bodington (Peter- house), b Driffield ......... 34 b D riffield........... 10 F. A. S. Sewell (St. Catha­ rine’s), b Howard Smith... 7 b D riffield.........15 E. M. Lowson (Trinity), b Lockett ......................... 41 c Corry, b....D rif­ field ................38 A. H. Thompson (Trinity), b Lockett r .......................18 not out.................... 123 J. W . Borne (Pembroke), c bind, b Driffield ........... 6 c Tasker, b....Drif­ field ................25 C. H. T. Hayman (St. John’s), c Corry, b Drif­ field .................. ... 3 run out ........... 0 R. M. P. Druce (Clare), b Lockett ... .........10 b Howard-Smith 7 W . D. Black (Trinity), b Lockett ................. 6 cf orry, b Lockett 4 P. N. Wbdlow (Magdalene), c Tasfeer, b Y o u n g .......... 1 not o u t ...................10 E. A. Gowers (Clare), c Howard-Smith b Young 5 T. L. Taylor ('lrinity), not o u t ......................................... 6 B 1, nb 5 ........... 6 B 16, lb 3, w 1, rit 5 25 T o t a l.............193 Total (8 wkts.)...303 M r . H ind ’ s S ide . First innings. Second innings. O. M. R. W . O. M. R .W . D o w s o n ................3o l 5 71 5 ............ 30 7 89 5 Black ................... 20 3 49 2 ............ 32 7 80 3 Sewtll ................... 11 1 43 2 ............ 10 0 68 0 Wadlow ........... 4 1 100 ... ... Bodington ........... 5 u 26 1 ........... 2‘2 0 19 1 Bayman 6 0 28 1 Dowson bowled a wide, and Black two wides and a no-ball. M r . T aylor ’ s S ide . Firet innings. Second innings O. M R. W . O. M. R .W . Driffield ...........29 8 74 4 ............ 26 6 81 6 Howard-Smith . 1 7 2 61 1 .......... 15*1 0 67 1 Tanker................. 3 0 16 U ........... W ille y ................... 1 0 3 0 ............ 3 0 SO 0 Loikett ........... 11 3 26 4 ........... 19 1 88 1 Y o u n g ................... 3-4 0 7 2 ........... 5 0 22 0 Howard-Smith delivered ten no-balls and one wide.