Cricket 1899

A p r i l 27, 1899. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 85 JUNE. 3. Charlton, v. Charlton Park 10. Forest H ill, v. Townley Park 17. Catford, v. Private Banks 19. Waostead. v. Wanstead 23. Forest Hill, v. London County Club 24. Forest H ill, v. Croydon JULY. 3. Forest H ill, v. Wanstead 4. Forest Hill, v. Kent Club and Ground 5. Forest Hill, v. M.C.C. and Ground 6. Forest Hill, v. Sideup 7. Forest Hill, v. Spencer 8. Forest Hill, v. Sutton 15. Forest H ill, v. Charlton Park 20 . Crystal Palace, v. London County Club 22. Forest H ill, v. Addiscombe 28, Wandsworth, v. Spencer 29. Norwood, v. Norwood AUGUST. 5. Dulwich, v. Dulwich 7. Lee, v. Northbrook 12. Suiton, v. Sutton 19. Forest Hill, v. London and Westminster Bank 26. Forest Bill, v. Brixton Wanderers SEPTEMBER. 2. Addiscombe, v. Addiscombe S econd E leven .— APRIL. 29. Forest Hill, v. Addiscombe (2) M AY. 6. Dulwich, v. Dulwich (2) 13. W est Norwood, v. Grecian 20. Forest Hill, v. Private Banks (2) 22. Lee, v. Northbrook (2) 27. Forest Hill, v. Blackheath JUNE. 1. Forest Hill, v. London City and Midland Bank* 3. Forest Hill, v. Charlton Park (2) 10. Dulwich, v. Townley Park (*2) 17. Forest Hill, v. Blackheath (2) 24. Catford, v. Private Banks (2) JULY. 1. Forest Hill, v. Ivanhoe (Brixton) 8. Sutton, v. Sutton (2) 15. Charlton Park v. Charlton Park (2) 2 I. Addiscombe, v. Addiscombe (2) 29. Forest Hill, v. Croydon (2) AUGUST. 5. Forest Hill, v. Dulwich (2) 7. Forest Hill, v. Northbrook (2) 12. Forest Hill, v. Sutton (2) 19. Denmark Hill, v. Lond. and Westmins. Bank (2) 26. East Dulwich, v. Brixton Wanderers (2) SEPTEMBER. 2. Forest H ill, v. Grecian 9. Croydon, v. Croydon (2) * Two-day match. The “ h om e” week of the G r a n v il l e which this year will take place in June, includes games with Woolw ich Garrison, Wanderers, Blackheath, M.O.C. and Ground, Richmond, and Bickley Park. The tour, which will be in Lincolnshire in August, comprises four tw o-day matches v. Burleigh Park, Gentlemen of Lincoln­ shire, and Skegness and District (two). A ll told the programme includes seventy- two matches for first, second, and third teams. The first team will also oppose Hampstead, Tonbridge, Beckenham, Cry­ stal Palace, Essex Club and Ground, Lessness Park, Mote Park, Streatham, and R .M .A . The officers are: Hon. Sec., H . W . Gill (36, Wisteria Road, L e e ); Hon. Treasurer, J. J. A llen ; Captain, C. J. M . Godfrey. The captain of A team is W . Edwards. L. J. Turner and L. R. Havers have joined the Committee. APRIL. 29. Lee, Capt.’s X I. v. Capt. “ A ” Team’s X V III. M AY. 3. Croydon, v. Croydon 6. Charlton Park, v. Charlton Park 10. W oolwich, v. Woolwich Garrison 13. Lee, v. Plaistow 17. Leyton, Essex Club and Ground 20. Eltham, v. Eltham 22. Abbey Wood, v. Lessness Park 27. Lee, v. Hampstead 31. Tonbridge, v. Tonbridge JUNE. 3. Lee, v. Mote 7. Lee, v. Croydon 10. Lee, v. Gravesend 14. Richmond, v. Richmond 17. Bickley Park, v. Bickley Park 19. Lee, v. Woolwich Garrison-. 20. Lee, v. Wanderers | 21. Lee, v. Blackt eath v The 22. Lee, v. M.C.C. and Ground j Home Week. 23. Lee, v. Richmond 24. Lee, v. Bickley Park JU LY. 1. Lee, v. Charlton Park 8. Gr-ivesend, v. Gravesend 13. Crystal Palace, v. Crystal Palace 15. Norwood, v. Norwood 22. Hampstead, v. Hampstead 26. Beckenham, v. Beckenham 29. Blackheath, v. Blackheath AUGUST. 2. Lee, v. Tonbridge 5. Lee, v. Eltham 7. Lee, v. Lessness Park 12. Lee, v. Old Citizens 26. Lee, v. Norwood 26. Bromley, v. Bromley SEPTEMBER. 2. W oolwich, v. Royal Military Academy 6. Lee, v. Crystal Palace 9. Lee, v. Streatham 16. Lee, Tourists v. Rest “ A ” T E A M .-M A Y . 6. Lee, v. Charlton Park “ A ” 13. Bexley, v. Bexley 13. Bromley, v. Quemmore School 20. Lee, Whitgift Wanderers 2nd X I. 20. Abbey W ood, v. Lessness Park 2nd X I. 22. Lee, v. Sidcup 27. OrpiDgton, v. Go3dington 27. Manor Way, v. R. Escomte’s X I. 29. Lte, v. Audley House School* JUNE. 3. Beckenham H ill, v. City of London School. 3. Manor W ay, v. Blackheath School 10. Manor Way, v. R. Escombe’s X I. 10. Gravesend, v. Gravesend 2nd X I. 17. Lee, v. Lessness Park 2nd X I. 17. Eltham, v. Royal Naval School 24. Croydon, v. Croydon 2 X I. 21. Beckenham Hill, v. City of London School. JU LY. 1. Charlton Park, v. Charlton Park “ A ” 1. Catford, v. St. Dunstan’s College 8. Lee, v. Bexley 8. Manor Way, v. Blackheath School 15 Lee, v. Blackheath “ A ” 15. Dulviich, v. Chartered Company 20. Lee, v. Consolidated Goldfields of South Africa 22. I ee, v. Croydon 2nd X I. 21. Lee, v. Audley House School* 29. Lee, v. K. Escombe’s X l. AUGUST. 5. Chislehurst, v. Chislehurst Wanderers 7. Sidcup, v. Sidcup 19. Lee, v. Sutton 2nd X I. SEPTEMBER. 2. Lee, v. Panther 9. Dulwich, v. Consolidated Goldflelde of S. Africa A nnual T our .—AUGUST. 10. Stamford, v. Burleigh Park* 12. Skegness, v. Massingberd’s X I. 13. Skegness, v. Skegness and District* 14. Skegness, Gentlemen of Lincolnshire* 16. Skegness, v. A. M. Wilson’s X I.* * Two-day matches. W ith cricketers of the class of A. E. Stoddart, G . MacGregor, H . B. Hayman, S. S. Paw ling, and W. S. Hale, all of whom have played for Middlesex, among the managers of the elevens, no wonder that the H a m p s t e a d O.C. ranks in quite the first flight of the metropolitan clubs. This year, to judge b y appearances, Hampstead, too, will have more of A. E. Stoddart’s valuable services. County cricket’s loss will be Hampstead’s gain, at any rate. A.E .S. is down as manager of several of the matches as well as ol the club week, which commences on July 24th. In all, fifty-seven matches have been arranged b y the hon. sec., T. W . Mackintosh, 2, Lethos Road, Finchley Road, N .W . M AY. 6. Teddington, v. Teddington 10. St. Quintin’s Park, v. Kensington Park 13. Surbiton, v. Surbiton 13. Hampstead, v. London Scottish 17. Hampstead, v. Stoics 20. Hornsey, v. Hornsey 20. Hampstead, v. Hornsey. 22. Hampstead, v. Hampstead Hockey Club 24. Uxbridge, v, Uxbridge 27. Hampstead, v. Ealing 27. Lee, v. Granville 31. W atford, v. West Herts Club and Ground JUNE. 3. Richmond, v. Richmond 3. Hampstead, v. Finchley 7. Charlton, v. Charlton Park 10. Crystal Palace, v. Crystal Palace 10. Hampstead, v. Marlborough Blues 14. Hampstead, v. Pallingswick. 17. Malden, v. Malden Wanderers 17. Hampstead, v. St. Mary’s Hospital 21. Arkley, v. Arkley 24. Hampstead, v. Uxbridge 24. Finchley, v. Christ’s College 28. Hampstead, v. Crystal Palace JULY. 1. Hampstaad, v. Arkley 1. W oodford, v. W oodford Wells 5. Acton, v. Pallingswick 8. Winchmore Hill, v. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital 8. Hampstead, v. U.C.S. Old Boys 12, Hampstead, v. Wanderers 15. Hampstead, v. Surbiton 15. Eltham, v. Eltham 19. Hampstead, v. Teddington 22. Ealing, v. Ealing 22. Hampstead, v. Granville 24. Hampstead, v. Rochester 25. „ v. M.C.C. 26. „ v. Richmond I The 27. „ v. Old Westminster* f Week. 28. „ v. Hornsey 29. „ v. Trojans (Southampton) I AUGUST. 2. Hampstead, v. Hampton W ick " 5. Hampstead, v. W oodford Wells 5. Brondesbury, v. London Scottish -7. Hampstead, v. South Hampstead 9. Hampstead, v. Gnats 12. South Acton, v. New Lyric Club 12. Hampstead, v. London and Westminster Bank 16. Hampstead, v. W est Herts Club and Ground 19. Hampstead, v. Eltham 19. Southgate, v. Southgate 23. Hampton W ick, v. Hampton W ick 26. Hampstead, v. Kensington Park 26. Finchley, v. Finchley 30. Hampstead, v. Charlton Park SEPTEMBER. 2. Hampstead, v. Mitcham 9. Hampstead, v. Malden Wanderers 23. Annual Sports H a m p t o n W ic k opened its season successfully on Saturday with a victory over Addiscombe. To complete the card as arranged, some sixty-seven other matches will have to be played. Am ong the principal clubs Hampton W ick will have to meet are the Erratics, M.O.C. and Ground, Stoics, Wimbledon, M it­ cham, Croydon, Hampstead, Thames Ditton, Pallingswick, Brixton Wanderers. R. J. Sivers retains the captaincy, and H. Laurence (Fieldview, Gloucester Road, Kingston H ill), the double post of captain of the “ A ” team and hon. sec. APRIL. 29. Hampton W ick, v. London County Council 29. Kingston, v. Kingston Hill* M AY. I. Hampton W ick, v. Barnes 6. Hampton W ick, v. Fairlawn 6. Hampton, v. Hampton* 9. Hampton Wick, v. Erratics 10. Hampton W ick, v. University College School* 13. Hampton W ick v. Heathfield 13. Addlestone, St. George’s College* 18. Brentford, v. Boston Park 20. Malden, v. Malden Wanderers 20. Hampton W ick, v. St. Margaret’s* 22. Hampton Wick, v. Waldegrave Park