Cricket 1899

84 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A p r i l 27, 1899. J. J. KELLY (New South Wales). Born April 30th, 1868, and was a member of the 1896 Australian team. An excellent wicket-keeper with no superior either in England or Australia. A hard hitter and liable at any time to run up a large score. Against. Place. Scores. W kt.-kpg. Tasmania ... Sydney ... 60 ... st 3 and c 1 South Aust.... Adelaide ... 53 and 27*.. st 1 and c 1 Victoria ... Melbourne... 13 and 2 ... st 1 South Aust.... Sydney ... 66 and 9* ... st 1 and c 4 Victoria .. Sydney ... 43* ... st 1 and c 3 In the three representative matches Rest of Aust.. Sydney ... 102* ... c4 „ „ Melbourne... 48 ... c 1 „ „ Adelaide ... 1 F. LAVER (Victoria). Born November 7th, 1869. An excellent batsman who makes the most of his great height. A fair change bowler and, like most Australians, a good and safe field. Against. Place. Scores. Bowling. South Aust. ...A delaide ...3 6 and 36 ... 0 for 86 New S. Wales .. Melbourne... 6 and 22* ... South Aust. ..Melbourne .. 137* ... 0 fo r7 New S. Wales... Sydney ... 17 and 55 ... 1 for 102 New Zealand ... Melbourne... 30 ... 5 for 111 In the three representative matches :— Australia.Sydney ... 30 and 136 ... 2 for 124 Melbourne... 33 and 44 ... 3 for 49 Adelaide ... 5 and 26 ... 4 for 81 C. McLEOD (Victoria). Born October 24th, 1869. A good all-round player. Slow scorer and difficult to dispose of when once set. A very accurate medium- paced bowler. Against. Place. Scores. Bowlirg. New S. Wales... Melbourne... 9 and 18 ...7 for 48 South Aust. ...M elbourne... 0 ...8 for 73 New S. Wales... Sydney ... 1 and 1 ...6 for 202 In the three representative matches Best of Aust. ... Sydney ... 17 ... 5 for 146 „ „ ... Melbourne...32 and 20*... 2 for 40 „ ,, ... Adelaide ... 30* and 9 ... 8 for 94 M. A. NOBLE (New South Wales). Bom January 28th, 1876. A very fine batsman, especially when opposed to fast bowling. An excellent bowler, making the ball curve in the air. Good field. Regarded as the best all-round man in the Colonies. Against. Place. Scores. Bowling. Tasmania... .. Sydney 88 .. 6 for 88 Pouth Aust. .. Adelaide .. 1 and 30 .. 7 for 153 Victoria ... . . Melbourne.. 34* and 0 .. 2 for 84 South Aust. .. Sydney 30 and 101 .. 2 for 122 Victoria ... .. Sydney 100 .. 7 for 205 New Zealand .. Sydney 37 .. 2 for 40 In the three representative matches Rest of Aust. .. Sydney 111 .. 2 for 157 n ** .. Melbourne.. 30 .. 7 for 97 »» tt .. Adelaide .. 39 and 1 .. 3 for 101 H. TRUMBLE (Victoria). Born May 12th, 1867, and has visited England three times—in 1890, 1893 and 1896. A very useful all-round player. Bats ex­ ceedingly well at times, whilst his bowling gets up very awkwardly and has to be care­ fully watched. A very good field in the slips. Against. Place. Scores. BowliDg South Aust. ... Adelaide ... 9 and 26* ... 11 for 165 New S. Wales... Melbourne... 0 and 3 ... 11 for 103 South Aust. ... Melbourne... 70 ... 11 for 96 New S. Wales... Sydney ... 24 and 19 ... 1 for 160 In the three representative matches:— Rest of A u st.... Sydney ...2 4 ... 2 for 107 „ „ ... Melbourne... 28 ... 2 for 50 „ „ ... Adelaide ... 15 and 0* ... 2 for 63 V . TRUMPER (New South Wales). Bom November 2nd, 1877. An exceedingly fine batsman, having a great variety of strokes. His timing of the ball, too, is reported to be excellent. A very good field, and can bowl a little if required. Against. Place. Scores. Bowling. Tasmania ... ... Sydney ... 2 2* ...0 for 12 South Australia .. Adelaide ... 68 and 0 ... 0 for 14 Victoiia ...........M elbourne.. 4 and 19 ... 0 for 11 South Australia... Sydney ... 0 and 15 ... 0 for 6 Victoria ...........Sydney ... 23 .. 0 for 15 New Zealand ... Sydney ... 253 In the three representative matches Australia .....Sydney ... 6 and 46 ... 0 for 9 „ ...... Melbourne... 46 and 26 ... ,, ...........Adelaide ... 75 and 0 ... J. WORRALL (Victoria). Bom May 12th, 1863. A fine batsman on all kinds of wickets, and can bowl well at times. An extremely fine field at mid-off. Visited England with the Australian team of 1888. Against. Place. Scores. Bowling. South Aust. .. Adelaide . 101 and 15 .. 0 for 1 New S. Wales .. Melbourne. . 109 and 23 South Aust. .. Melbourne. . 13 New S. Wales .. Sydney . 9 and 68 .. 0 for 0 New Zealand ... Melbourne. . 36 .. 5 for 83 In the three representative matches :— Rest of Aust. ... Sydney . 32 and 16* n ii ... Melbourne. . f 3 ii ii .. Adelaide . 7 and 29* BATTING AVERAGES. Not Total Highest Inns. out. runs. score. Aver. C. H ill........... ...........14 . ... 1 ... 811 ... 159 ... 64 69 V. Trumper ...........15 , ... 1 ... 873 ... 292*... 6235 J. J. Kelly ... .......... 11 . ... 4 ... 4*24 ... 102*... 6067 J. Darling ... .......... 12 . .. 0 ... 676 ... 210 ... 56 25 F. A. Iredale ...........15 . ... 1 ... 781 ... 196 ... 55-78 F. Laver .......... 14 . .. 2 ... 613 ... 137*... 51*08 M. A . Noble .......... 13 . ... 1 ... 552 ... I ll ... 46-00 J. W orrall ... .......... 13 . .. 2 ... 494 ... 1C9 ... 44T0 S. E. Gregoiy ......... 15 ... 0 ... 418 ... 89 ... 27-86 H. Trumble .......... 11 . .. 2 ... 218 . .. 70 ... 24-22 E. Jones ...........12 , .. 1 ... 2f-2 ... 82 .. 22-90 C. McLeod ... ...........10 , ,.. 2 ... 137 ... S2 ... 1712 W . Howell... ...........12 . ... 4 ... 103 ... 25 ... 12 87 A. E. J».hns ...........11 ... 3 ... 78 ... 24*... 975 * Signifies not out. BOW LING AVERAGES. Matches. Runs. Wickets. Aver. C. McLeod ... ........... 6 603 ... 36 ... 16 75 J. W orra'l ... .......... 3 84 ... 5 ... 1680 H . Trumble ........... 7 744 ... 40 ... 1860 W . Howell ... ........... 9 891 ... 41 ... 2173 E. Jones ........... 8 ... 1215 ... 45 ... 27-00 M. A. Noble .......... 9 ... 1047 ... 38 ... 27-55 F. Laver ... ........... 7 550 ... 15 ... 36 66 V . Trumper ........... 6 67 ... — ... — W ICKET-KEEPING. Mtchs. Cght. Stpd. Total. J. J. Kelly .......................... 8 ... 14 ... 7 ... 21 A . E. Johns... ................... 6 .. 16 ... 2 ... 18 THE METROPOLITAN CLUBS .IN 1899. ( Continued from page 77.) C h a r l t o n P a r k opens its season on Saturday with a couple of matches. Every Saturday afternoon onward to August 26th, as well as the two Bank Holidays, will, barring accidents, find two elevens of the club at work. M.C.C. and Ground and Kent County Club and Ground both appear once on the pro­ gramme. In addition, Granville, North­ brook, Forest H ill, Hampstead, Wan­ derers, Blaekheath, London Scottish, Woolwich Garrison, and Blue Mantles also figure in the list. A South Coast tour has been arranged for the week commencing AuguRt 14th. S. R. Sargent (3, Little Heath Villas, Old Charlton, S.E.) remains Hon. Secretary. J. Murren is the ground bowler. APRIL. 29. Eltham, v. Eltham 29. Charlton Park, v. Linden MAY. 6. Charlton Park, v. Granville 6. Lee, v. Granville 13. Chislehurst, v. Chislehurst 13. Charlton Park, v. Blacfcheath “ A ” 20. Charlton Park, v. Dulwich 20. Dulwich, v. Dulwich 22. Charlton Fark, v. Old Charlton 22. Charlton Park, v. Old Charlton 24. Charlton Park, v. R N. College II. 27. Lee, v. Northbrook 27. Charlton Park, v. Northbrook 31. Charlton Park, v. Charlton House JUNE. 3. Charlton Park, v. Forest Hill 3. Forest Hill, v. Fore t Hill 7. Charlton Park, v. Hampstead 10. Lessness Park, v. Lessaess Park 10. Charlton Park, v. Lessness Park 14. Charlton Park, v. Wanderers 15. Charlton Park, v. Kent County Club and Ground 17. Dulwich, v. Dulwich 17. Charlton Park, v Dulwich 21. Rectory Field, v. Royal Naval College 24. Charlton Park, v. Eltham 24. Manor Way, Blackheath, v. Blackheath School 28 Charlton Park, v. M.C.C. JULY. 1. Lee, v. Granville 1. Charlton Park, y. Granville 5. Charlton Park, v. Black! eatli 8. Charlton Park, v. Old l hailton 8. Charlton Park, v. Old Charlton 15. Forest Hill, v. Forest Hill 15. Charlton Park, v. Forest Hill 19. Charlton Park, v. Merchant Taylors School 22. Brondesbury, v. London Scottish 22. Charlton Park, v. Lo don Scottifh 26. Charlton Park, v. Woolwich Ganison 29. Charlton Park, v. Le^sness Park 29. Lessness Park, v. Lessness Park AUGUST. 2. Gravesend, v. Gravesend 5. Sidcup, v. Sidcup 5. Charlton I ark, v. Sidcup 7. Rect>ry Field, v. Blackhe^th 7. Charlton I ark, Second X I. v. Rest 12. Charlton Park. v. Gravesend 12. Tunbridge Wells, v. Blue Mantles 14. Hastings, v. Hastings 15. Robertsbridge v. Roterstbridge 16. Rye. v. Rye I Tour. 17. St. Leonards, v. Silverhill 18. Lewes, v. Lewes Priory 19. EastVourne, v. Devonshire Park J 19. Charlton Park, v. Northbrook 19. Lee, v. Northbrook 23. Woolwich, v. Woolwich Garrison 26. Charlton Park, v. Sidcup 26. Sidcup. y. Sidcup 30. Hampstead, v. Hampstead SEPTEMBER. 2. Charlton Park, v. Chislehurst The new ground of the F o r e s t H il l C.C., for all teams, is situated in Grafton Road, Perry H ill, Catford. It is ten minutes’ walk from the Catford stations on the S.E. and L.C. and D .R ., or fifteen minutes from Forest H ill on the L .B . and 5.C.R. W. L. Pierce captains the first eleven, and W . R. Williams (Langley, Brockley Grove, S.E.) continues as hon. sec. The principal features of a heavy match list are the matches with M.C.C. and Ground, Kent Club and Ground, and the London County Club, which latter is to be played at the Crystal Palace as well as at Forest Hill. The new pavilion is to be finished by the commencement of the season. This will enable the Forest Hill to provide visiting teams with every comfort in the way of dressing accommo­ dation, including shower baths. APRIL. 29. Denmark Hill, v. London and Westminster Bank M AY. 6. Forest Hill, v. Dulwich 13. Forest Bill, v. Catford 20. Forest Hill, v. Panther 22. Forest Hill, v. Northbrook 27. Forest Hill, v. Private Banks