Cricket 1899

A p r i l 20, 1899. CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 79 c? The GreatAthletic Outfitters. Cricket Bats. Boys’ Half Cane, No. 4,3/8;No. 5,8/8 ; No. 6 ,1'B Ditto, All Cane........... . No. 6, B/8 ; No. 6, 6 - Ditto, “ Resilient,” Selected .............. No. 6, 8 5 Men’s, All Cane ................................... «... 5/3, 6 - Ditto, ditto, Super.......................................... 8/8 Ditto, ditt<j, Selected ................................... 9 8 Clapshaw’s “ Resilient,” Selected ........... 14 10 Warsop’s “ C onqueror ” ........................... 16/10 Wisden’s “ Crawford’s ” \ .......................... 16/9 “ E xoeller ” ...........( ............................. 20/- Single Bat sent Post free. Immense stock of Cricket Bats by Lillywhite. Clapshaw. Ayres, Cobbett, Dark, Wisden, 3. G. Hearne, Bryan, Gardiner, and Nicolls. Cricket Balls. Duke’s S u p e r ................................................... ... 83 Dark’s C r o w n ......................................... ... ... 8/- G rassh opper ................................................... 4 10 Benetfink’s Practice, 5§ oz..................... ... 3/6 Ditto B. C . B., warranted........... ... 46 Ditto ditto Boys' ................... ... 3/3 Wisden’s Special School. Boys’ ........... ... 3/10 Ditto, Crown Match Ball ........... ... »/- (87/- per doz.) Postfree. “ E clipse ,” Compo., 5$ oz..................... 1/9 Composition, 5| oz.................................... ... lOd. Ditto Boys’ .................................. 8d. Postage , 2d. Cricket Stumps. B< ys\ Men’*. Polished Ash .......................... 1/8, 1/11 2/6 Brass Ferrules .......................... 2/8, 2/10 37- Ditto, Steel Shod ... — 4 - Solid Brass Tops .................. — 3 3, 6 6 Ditto, Revolving Tops — 7 ‘ Postage , Id. Cricket Nets. BACK NETS ONLY, with Poles. Lines and Pegs complete. 18ft. X 6ft. 18ft. X 7ft. 8/3 nett. *9/- nett. 18 ft. x 8ft. 10/-. W ITH SIDE W INGS, with Poles, Lines and Pegs complete. 42ft. x 6ft. 42ft. x 7ft. 17/9 nett. 19/10 nett. 42ft. by 8ft. 22/- nett. c a t a l o g u e s P O S T F R E E . Cricket Bags, 9,6 to 44/-. Cricket Boots, Blazers, Caps, Belts, Ties, &c., &c. CLU COLOURS TO ORDER. Patterns Post Free. SPEC IAL QUOTATIONS FOR QUAN T IT IES . 89, 90, 107 & 108, Cricket Shirts. Boys’ . Men’s. 2/2, 2/4 2/6 2/9, 8/0 8/3 3/6, 4/0 4/6 8/11, 6/11 White Flannelette ................... Ditto Flannel ... ................... Ditto Twill Flannel................... Ditto All W o o l........................... T h e C lub , Coarse Canvas, White, Pink, or B lu e ........... 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 T h e C o u n ty , very Fine White T w ill........................................... 4/6 Umpire’s C o a ts ...........................4/11, 6/6, 8/6,10/6 Postage , 8d. Trousers. Boys*. W hite Flannel, well shrank, 8/0, 8/3, 8/6 Ditto. Super. 6/3, 6/6, 6/11 Best Quality Flannel, heavy milled, twice shrunk .................................. Best Cashmere, thoroughly shrunk, and best make throughout ... ... Plain Grey or Striped F lann el...........8/11, 7 6 9 6 BestWhite Doe Cloth, guaranteed not to shrink ........................................... 13 6 Postage 3d. under 10/* Men’s. 4 11. 311 7 9 9 6 nftt. 10 6 nntt. Leg Guards. Men’ s White Twill ........................................... 3 6 Boys' ditto .................................. ;............... 8/3 Men’s White Buck ............................ 8 3. 6 8. 7 6 Boys’ ditto .................................................. 4 9. 6/3 Men’s Skeleton ....................................7/0, 8 9, 10/- Ditto, Gold C a pe.......... ................................... 6/9 AU Post fret. CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. NAT IVE GUANO - "DEST and Cheapest Manure for Lawns, Cricket and ^ Tennis Grounds and all Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers. Price, £3 10*. per ton in bags; 2 ton lots carriage paid. Lots under 10 cwt., 4/- per cwt. at works. A 1 cwt. bag sent carriage paid to any station in England on receipt of P.O. for 5/-. Extracts from recent reports : **J. P ow ell, Gardener , Quom Lodge , Loughborough. Nov ., 1897. Used for lawns and cricket ground. Result: Very much improved in colour and substance. A good manure.” —“ G. Clinging, Gardener. HaywarcTs Heath. Nov. 3, 1897. Used for lawns and tomatoes. Results : Excellent. Lawns a beautiful dark green colour. Gave every satisfaction.” —“ W . G ill, Cheam Fields , Sutton. Nov. 3, 1897. Used for lawns with very satisfactory results. Grass very thick and velvety aud beautiful dark green.” —“ P. E. Puttock, Blackheath. Nov. 3, 1896. Used on tennis courts and golf links ; found it a most excellent manure; rapidly producing a thick velvety sward on worn patches.” Orders to the Native Guano Co., Limited. 29, New Bridge Street, London, E.C.. where Pamphlets of Testimonials, &c., may be obtained. Agents wanted. TRY REVOLUTION IN Cigarette Paper Books EACH LEAF READY TO HAND FOR USE. A T 1 U TOBACCONISTS. 1 Now Ready. 11- ; p o s t free , 13 . C lo th , 2 j - ; po st fre e, 2 3 . JOHN WISDEN’S CRICKETERS’ ALMANACK FOR 1899. Edited by SYDNEY H. PARDON. Contains Full Scores and Bowling Analysis of all FIRST-CLASS CRICKET p'ayed in 1898. Special Photographs of W. >torer, Albert Trott, C. L. Townsend, W. Lock­ wood, and Rhodes, Mr. Stoddart’s TYam in Australia, etc., and all useful information. 21, Cranbourn Street, LONDON, W.C.________ H. GRADIDGE & SONS, Woolwich. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL ARTICLES FOR CRICKET , RACQUET, LAW N TENNIS , FOOTBALL, AND OTHER BR IT ISH SPORTS. PATENTEES AND SOLE MAKERS OF THE CELEBRATED “ IMPERIAL DRIVER” BATS. s cj *-> d CL JO USED B Y ALL THE LEAD ING BATSMEN OF THE DAY . To be obtained of all First-Class Outfitters or the Makers. Only Address : FACTORY, ARTILLERY PLACE, WOOLWICH, S.E.