Cricket 1899

72 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A p r i l 20, 1889. GRASS SEEDS. For Cricket Grounds. THE ONLY SEEDS Used at LORD'S and the OVAL. Price 1 /3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Tennis Courts. Used at the ALL ENGLAND GROUND. Price 1 /3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Football Grounds. Used at ASTON PARK. Price 1 /- per lb., 2 0 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Go lf Links AND Putting Greens. Used at HOYLAKE. Price 1 /- lb. and 2 0 - Bushel for Golf. 1 /3 lb., 2 5 / - Bushel for Putting Greens. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Racecourses. Used at NEWMARKET and EPSOM. Price 1 /3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . E s t i m a t e s g i v e n f o r Q u a n t i t i e s . Secretaries o f Clubs and all interested are invited to apply fo r our Album contain ing Photographs o f many o f the above -nam ed Grounds. Gratis and Post Free. CARTERS, The Queen’s Seedsm en , 237,238, &97,HIGHHOLBORN, LONDON. SPECIALJMOTICE ! SEASON 1899. J. LILLYWHITTFROWD&Co. (The original old-established firm of Lillywhite), Manufacturers and Outfitters OF BVKKY BESCBIPTION OF C R I C K E T I N G A N D L A W N T E N N I S GOODS , F O O T B A L L S & UN IFORM S , B O X IN G G LO V E S , G O L F , C Y C L E S , AND A T H L E T I C G O O D S G E N E R A L L Y . Pun ch ing Ba lls a S p e c ia lity• All Goods correct Pattern, Best Style and thoroughly seasoned. An immense Stock to select from. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free. Liberal Cash D iscounts. Frowd’s Patent Special Driver Bat is unapproached for sterling quality, and still holds the title of the King of Bats. M a n u facto ry and W arehouse :— 2, NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY, 69, 70, 71, 72,73 & 74, BOROUGH RD., S.E. W est E nd B ranch :— 24, HAYMARKET, LONDON, S.W. SHIPPERS AND THE TRADE SUPPLIED. H L E C M H T S O N (23 years Lancashire X I ), Practical Sports Outfitter CRICKET CRICKET BALLS. CRICKET BATS, BATS, / A .W .’s “ C o u n ty ,” 18/6. Used by many County Playere. A .W .’s “ S prin g H a n d le .” 166. Equal to any patent. A..W,’s “ S pe c ia l ,” 3/11 each, 44/- doz. A-.W.’s “ S uperior M a tc h .” 4/6 each, 80/- doz. A .W .’s “ S ilk S e w n ,” 5/6 each, 60/-doz. A.W .’s ‘ C olon ial red all through, 5/9 each, 63/-doz. A .W .’s “ S c h o o l ” Balls, 34/- and 40/- doz. A.W .’s All Cane Handle Bats. No. 4. 3/6 & 5/6 „ 5. 4/- & 6/- „ 6. 4/6 & 6/6 Full Size 5/6, 6 6, 7,6 & 9/6 A .W .’s ‘ C l u b ” Cane and Rubber Handle, 10/6. A .W .’s “ C ham pion ” ditto, 12/6. Stumps, Bags, Nets, Gauntlets, Leg Guards, Badminton, and all Cricket Requisites, &c., &c. i at Lowest Prices. A .W . supplies every article for Football, Lawn Bowls, Quoits, Racquets, Fives, WaterPolo, &c., &c. Running and Cycle Racing Costumes. Send for A .W .’s Summer Sports Catalogue. Best quality goods at reasonable prices and all guaranteed Hundreds of testimonials received. A L E C W A T S O N , 35, Oxford Street, Manchester. T HE Editor of Cricket wishes to purchase Volumes 3 and 4 of “ Scores and Biographies.” “ W isden’s Almanack” for 1875, and “ James Lillywhite’s An­ nual” for 1874. F OR S A L E .-A number of Cricket Books, inclu­ ding complete set of Cricket. “ Scores and Biographies.” “ Wisden’s Almanack,” “ John Lilly­ white’s Companion,” “ Jerks in from Short-Leg,” “ Bolland’s Cricket Notes ” (1851), “ Nyren’s Cricketer’s Tutor,” “ Fred Lillywhite’s Guide for 1865,” and early years, “ Football Annuals” from earliest date.—F.C., care of Cricket , 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C. you can buy . . . . a thoroughly good ALL-CANE HANDLE BAT A T DAVENPORT’S FOR 9 / 8 . 20, ELDON S TREE T , LIVERPOOL ST., LONDON, E.C. PLEASE SEND FOR PRICE LIST. J. D.’s Extra Spring Bat, 13/3. NOTED FOR GOOD CRICKET BALLS. FRANK SUGG, 32, Lord Street, Liverpool. B ats. Every one tested by F rank S ugg before being passed into Stock, ‘ “ lh e Boundarie,” 21/-; “ 1 ancashire W itch,” 17/6; “ Ranji,” Spring Handle, 15/-; “ Suggcess Club.” 12/6; “ Don,” 10/-; “ Klyn- ker,” 7/6; “ Slopger,” 5/9. Rubber Fpring Handles. M atch Balls, 3/4, 4/3, 4/9. Reduced Prices per doz^n. Po3tage paid on a Sample Ball. S tum p s, v/3. 3/-, 3/9, 5/9, 7/6. Brass Tops and Steel Shod. 5/9, 6/9. L e g -G u a r d s , 3/6, 4/6, 6/6, 6/6, 7/6, 8/6, and j O/6 per pair. All full f-ize and strongly sewn. Batting: Gloves, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6 per pair. RiRh‘ -hand Gloves only, half-price. G auntlets, 2/11.4/6, 5/6, 6/6. 7/6, 8/6. The 5'6 quality is real white buck. Rubber faced, 6/6, 7/6, b/6,10/6. Cricket B ags, 4/6, 5/6, 7/6, 8/6,10/6, 12/6,16/6. Solid Leather, 20/-, 25/-, 35/-, 40/-, 50/-. B oots, 7'11,10,6,12/6. White Buck, 12/6,18/6,22/6. Shoes, 2/11, 4/9, 5/6, 7/6. Shirts, Flannelette, 1/6,1/11. Real Flannel, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6. County Cloth Shirt, 4/6. As worn by leading Amateurs and Professionals. T rousers, 6/6, 7/11,10/6, and the “ County,” 15/- per pair. Sw eaters, 2/11, 4/6, 5/11, 7/9. Belts, 4|d , 6|d., 9d., and 1/-. C ap s, 6a., 9d., 1/-, 1/6, with Monogram, from 1/-. Running: D raw ers, 1/-, 1/6, 1/11. V ests, 1/-, 1/9, 2/3. Running: Pum ps, 4/9,6/3. ’Proctor’s Best, 9/6. B at H andle Covers, finest rubber. 9d. and 1/-. Send for New Catalogue of Cricket, Tennis, Croquet, Golf, etc. THE AMERICAN CR ICKET ANNUAL. A complete record of Cricket in the United States and Canada from 1889 to the present time. Edition for 1899 now ready. Price 2/- Every cricketer shouldpossess a complete set. THE BOOKS CONTAIN V alu ab le an d Interesting: A rticles on th e G am e. Among the contributors are Captain John P. Green, Franci* H. Bohlen, A . M. W ood, and J. A. Lester, of Philadelphia ; George W right, Ralph Cracknell and W ill Roffe, o f Poston ; W . Fenwick and W . A . M. G oofe, of New York ; J.G . Davis and Percy William* son, of Chicago ; Arthur Inkeraley, of San Francisco; John E. Hall and B. Van Homrigh, of Toronto; Alfred Shaw and many others. Sent Postage Free on Receipt o f Price. J e r o m e F l a n n e r y , P.O. BOX, 1211, NEW YORK.