Cricket 1898

40 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M a r c h 31, 1898. GRASS SEEDS. For Cricket Grounds. THE ONLY SEEDS Used at LORD’S and the OYAL. Price 1 1 3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Tennis Courts. Used at the ALL ENGLAND GROUND. Price 1/3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E For Football Grounds. Used at the CRYSTAL PALACE. Price 1 /- per lb., 2 0 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Golf Links AND Putting Greens. Used on the ROYAL ASCOT LINKS. Price 1/- lb. and 2 0 ,/- Bushel for Golf. 1/3 lb., 2 5 / - Bushel for Putting Greens. C A R R I A G E F R E E . For Racecourses. Used at NEWMARKET and EPSOM. Price 1/3 per lb., 2 5 / - per Bushel. C A R R I A G E F R E E . T H E s tim a te * g iven fo r Q u an titie s . Se c re ta rie s of C lu b s and all interested are invited to app ly fo r our A lb um co n ta in in g P h o to g ra p h s of m an y o f the a bo ve -n am ed Grounds. Gratis and Post Free. CARTERS, The Queen’ s Seedsmen, m , 238, &97, HIGHHOLBORN, LONDON. CRICKETxSGRODNDS ARE PRODUCED FROM JohnK. Kings ROYAL SANDRINGHAM GRASS SEED. 1/- per pound ; 105/- per c*t. C A R R I A G E F R E E . Pull Particulars on Application. JO H N K . K ING ’S G R A S S S E E D S ware sow n in the R o y a l P a rk s In 1897 b y o r d e r o f H .M . F irs t C om ls s io n e rs of W o rk s. 105 Y E A R S in P U B L IC FAVOUR. JOHN K. KING, Seedsman to H.M. The Queen and by Royal Sealed Warrant to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, GOGGESHALL & READING. A L E C W A T S O N (23 years Lancashire X I ), Practical Sports Outfitter CRICKET BATS, Used by many County Playera. A . W . ’ s “ S pring H a n d le.” 16/0. Equal to any patent. CRICKET BALLS. vhlATSOty. A.W.’s “ S p e cia l,” 3/11 each, 44/- doz. A.W.’s “ Superior M a tch .” 4/6 each, 50/-doz. A.W .’s “ S ilk Sew n,” 5/6each, 60/-doz. A.W.’s ‘ C o lo n ia l’ red all through, 5/9 each, 63/-doz. A.W .’s “ S c h o o l” Balls, 34/- and 40/- doz. CRICKET BATS, A.W .’s All Cane Handle Bats. No. 4. 3/6 & 5/6 , 5. 4/- cS c 6/- , 6. 4/6 & 6/6 Full Size 6, 6/6, 7,6 & 9/6 A.W .’s “ C lu b ” Cane and Rubber Handle, 10/6. A.W .’s “ Champion ” ditto, 12/6. A. W. supplies every requisite for Cricket, Tennis, Croquet, Golf, Archery, Badminton, &c., &c. Stumps, Bags, Nets, Gauntlets, Leg Guards, and all Cricket Requisites, at Lowest Prices. 1A NOTABLE ADDITION TO THE LITERATURE OF SPORT.” The Daily Telegraph (nearly a column review ). A.W. supplies every article for Football, Lawn Bowls, Quoits, Racquets, Fives, WaterPolo, &c., &c. J u s t R e a d y . Crown 8vo., Wrapper, 2/6; Cloth Gilt, 3/6. Illustrated by Eighty Photographs. Running and Cycle Racing Costumes. Send for A .W .’s Summer Sports Catalogue. Best quality goods at reasonable prices and all guaranteed A L E C W A T S O N , 35, Oxford Street, Manchester. F OR SALE, Vols. I. to IV. “ Scores and Biogra­ phies” ; Yols. I. to XIV. Cricket , “ Wisden’ s Almanacts.” and “ Li lywhite’s,” ctc., etc. What offers?—W. R. W ., 21, Paternoster Square, E.C. WITHBAT ANDBALL; Or, TWENTY-FIYE YEARS OF AUSTRALIAN AND ENGLISH CRICKET.” WITH HINTS TO YOUNG CRICKETERS ON BATTING, BOWLING, AND FIELDING. By GEORGE GIFFEN. “ A book which we may say we like immensely, and which we unhesitatingly recommend to our readers. It is honestly worth a good deal more than the figure at which it is priced. The illustrations alone are well worth the money.” — Athletic News. “ There is not a dull page from first to last. Indeed, Mr. Giffen is to be congratulated upon having given us a book on Cricket which is worthy to rank beside any that have yet dealt with the game.” — St. James's Gazette. “ AN INTENSELY INTERESTING BOOK.” — Sporting Chronicle. WARD, LOCK & Go., Limited, SALISBURY SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. P R AN K . S U G G (Lancashire County XI.) 32, Lord Street, LIVERPOOL. SEND A POST-CARD FOR NEW CRICKET CATALOGUE, and buy your tackle at the lowest prices from a prac­ tical man, who manufactures his own goods. Rubber Spring Handle Bats, 7/6. 10'-, 12/6, 17/6. Frank Sugg’s “ Pocket Cricket Annual,” postfree, 4d. “ Hints on Batting, Fielding, and Bowl­ ing,” “ The Financial Aspects of Aus­ tralian Cricket,” “ RaDjitsinhji as I First Knew Him,” by F. S. Jackson, &c., &c. E AST GRINSTEAD CRICKET CLUB (28 miles from London) want few home matches during June, July and August. Strong. Private ground. Good wicket.—Apply T. S. W h it fe ld , Esq , Tower House, East Grinstead. A CITY CRICKET CLUB wi*h to share a ground with another Club. Good ground within easy access of London.—Particulars, apply to C. C ooper, 10, Watling Street, E.C. C RICKET PITCH.—“ Lloyds’ Register ” C.C. has a good pitch to let (with practice wicket) on private ground at Honor Oak for alternate Saturdays. —Apply, Hon. Sec., 2, White Lion Court, Cornhill. C RICKET WICKETS.—Entirely new. Original and improved, giving perfect accuracy and avoiding re-settiDg of stumps, 6s. 6d. half set. Send for full particulars to W . W h a r ld a ll, Southgate, Pontefract, Yorks. T ENTS! TENTS !—Suitable for Gardens, Cricket* or Camping-out purposes. Forty feet in circum­ ference ; pegs, poles, mallet,and lines complete (with tf nt bag included). These tents are white, and have only been used a little by Her Majesty’s Government, and originally cost over £6 each. I will send one com­ plete for 25s. Can be sent on approval. N.B.—I have a quantity of tents from 15s. to 20s. each, but the tents which please my oustomers are those I send out at 25s. each. Carriage paid. Price list of marquees (any size) post free.— H en ry John G asson, Govern­ ment Contractor, Rye, Sussex.