Cricket 1898

32 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. F e b . 24, 1898. muck improved form on his return from Merrie England last fall, and lie made a lot of runs over there. When he wasn’t making runs he was keeping other people from it, which is quite as useful. W. W. Noble is setting a pace with Ihe bat that the youngsters cannot keep up with, and his fielding is good, but as a bowler he is not a shining success. His languid air while trundling does not strike the bats­ man with terror, as do the wild gyrations of J. B. K ’s extremities. If wickets were always dry and true, Crawford Coates would have a front feat in this show and F. H. Bohlen would be crowding him. But sticky ground is fatal to both of them and neither of them bowls to any great extent, although Coates in the long field makes up for his lack of skill with the ball and has a little left to the credit of the account. If he could only be allowed to threw 'emdown, Richardson would be a back number. J. B. Thayer must also be numbered among our best bats, along with A. M. Wood, the Scott brothers, the Browns, H. C. Thayer, Newbold E 'tirg, S. Welsh, and so on to the end of the chapter. There were some Newhall brothers once on a time, and as a family this side of the briny can’t beat ’em as yet. And now (of course, you haven’t guessed it) to come to my choice. George Stuart Putterscn is the only champion in sight so far as I am concerned. Others m«y in the future do more, but no one or no two men have in the past done so much for American cricket as he. And he is not a “ has been ” by any means yet. Dare to say so if you think you are a bowler and then go up against him iu the spiirg and have another think. He may not top the averages again, although my guess is that he will if he tries, but even if he should not, neither does W.G. any more, but who is there would dispute his title p Go to Australia and watch Hill, Iredale, Darling and the rest piling up runs, and then go out in the woods and say clearly, “ Who is Australia’s champion cricketer ? ” and the baik of the dog-wood trees will answer gruffly, “ George Giffen.” Our own George is not by nature a gifted bowler, but he has lots of gray matter and is amazing hard to get runs off of, and some of our headless Krupp guns could do a heap more good to their clubs and their precious averages if they would cultivate a similar think tank or bowler’s companion .— Cricket Club Life. CR ICKET IN RANGOON . CIVJL v. MILITARY. Played at Rangoon in January. M ilitary . First innings. Second innings. H. R. Troup, b Curtis ... 8 b Marshall ...132 C. Parry Crooke, b Marshall 28 lbw, b Wilson ...23 Capt. Dewing, b Curtis ... 5 c Halliday, b Cowley .............19 Snrgn.-Capt. Parry, c and b Marshall ........................ 3 c Falliday, b Marshall........... 0 Capt. Shaw, Ibw, b Curtis... 11 c Gwynn, b Marshall ... 11 Capt. Murray, c Curtis, b Halliday ........................ 5 b Curtis .......... 0 Surgn.-Major Pe'erkin, b Marshall ....................... 8 eandbCuitis ... 0 Lieut.-Colonel Stevrns, c and b Marshall................. 8 b Marshall.......... 0 General McLeod, c Newton, b Halliday......................... 2 not out...................10 Surgn.-Capt. Smith, not out IDb C;atis ... ... 31 Capt. Kosher, c Curtis, b i Marshall .......... .,. ... 12 b Cnrtis .......... 8 Extras ............... ... 8 Extras..........41 Total .. ..118 C iv il. Total ...218 J. H. Curtis, c and b Curtis ...................62 G. F. Arnold, c and b Stevens ................... 12 A. P. Gwynn, c Troup, b Cronke ................. 132 W. Halliday,c Stevens, b Troup ................ 37 Rev. H. Cowley, b Troup ........ ‘ .. 4 T. C. Wilson, not out 35 J. Houghton, not out 22 Extras.................22 To*al (5 wkts)306 SECOND YEAR, 1897. Australian Cricket Annual. A complete record of Australian Cricket in 1896-7. Edited by J. C. DAYIS. ON E SHILLING ; o r Is. 2d . p o st free. L ondon : Simpkis. M a rs h a ll & Co., Limited, and “ Cricket” Office, 168, Upper Thames Street. E C. TH E DERBYSHIRE CRICKET GUIDE.-Season 1 1898. Compiled by L. G. Wright and W. J. Piper, Junr. (Thud year.) Contents : Portraits and Biographies of Mr. G. G. Walker and Walter Sugg; an article on Cricket (by “ L.G.W.” ); Derbyshire Cricket Records and Statistics; Fixturrs of the Counties ani Local Clubs; Secretaries’ Names and Addresses; Particulars of the Eerbyshire Challenge Cup; and o'h^r information int renting to cricketers. Pric« T w op en ce; by post, T h ree­ pen ce.— 14, Reginald Street, Derby. h o t e l s F R E Q U E N T E D BY C R IC K E T E R S . Announcements are inserted in this column at a charge of 21s. per annum. Half-inch space , 60 s. per annum . Each Hotel inserting an Advertisement will receive a copy of the paper, by post, free of charge . BIRMBNGHAM. THE GRAND HOTEL. Centrally situated. 300 rooms. All modem luxuries. Equal to best London Hotels. P ress N o tice s.— Best Hotel outside Iiondon. Ranks amongst the best Hotels in the country. Joseph Adam s, Manager. SOUTHAMPTON. DAVIS’S HOTEL Facing Station. F. B e n n e tt, Proprietor. Now Ready. 1/= ; post free, 1/3. Cloth, 2 / = ; post free, 2 /3 . JOHN W I S D E N ’S Cricketer's Almanack FOR 1898. Edited by SYDNEY H. PARDON. Contains Fall Scores anil Bowling Analy­ sis of all FIRST CLASS Cricket played in 1897. Special Photographs of J. R. Mason, N. F. Druce, G. L. Je sop, W. R. Cattell and. F. G. Bull, and all ustful information. 21, Cranbourn Street, LONDON, W .C . W ANTED. Yols. 3and4of ‘ Poores & Biographies.” Write lowest price. G. R<sher, 2, Essex Court, lemple, E C. A LL CRICKETERS should possess a copy of “ Cricket’s Year Book.” Price sixpence. Con­ taining portraits of all the celebrities for the year in addition to a mass of useful information. Copi* s can be had of all the railway bookstalls, newsagents, or (sevenpence by post) from Cricket Office, 1(8, Upper Thames Street, E.C. H. GRADIDGE, PATENTEE AND SOLE MAKER OF THE CELEBRATED •‘ IMPERIAL DRIVER BAT.” Used by Prince Ranjitsinhji, A. C. MacLaren, Esq., N. F. Druce, Esq., F. S. Jackson, Esq., A. J. Webbe, Esq., and all the leading Playevs in the Kingdom. Factory ! ARTILLERY PLACE, WOOLWICH , S .E. Patent No. 27,536. Patent No. 27,538. Printed for the Proprietor by M esses. M ek k itt & H a tch e r, L td ., 167, 168, and 169, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C., Februrary 24th, 18f8.