Cricket 1898

318 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. A ug . 4, 1898. WEEKS. S u r b i t o n .— The Cricket Festival of 1898 will be chiefly remembered for the extraordinary number of dr»wn matches therein, and for the bad light in which somehidtobe played Although the home team were not so strong a« usual, and had to meet some powerful combinations, the rate of scoring was cer­ tainly high, for which the excellent wickets prepared by Strachan, and, to a certain extent, the general weakness of “ attack” nny be held answerable. The week opened on Saturday, July 23, with the Marlborough Blues as visitors, who were assisted by W. B. Windeler, an old Marlburian and one of Surbiton’s few bowlers. Against 285 by the Blues, for whom K. Alexander, and A. F. Druce played good cricket for 85 and 62, the home team made 179 for three wickets—all captured by Windeler—J. A. Hickson and P. Castle i,n >t out) with 88 and 71, batting steadily and well. The result of the next m\tch, v. Teddington, was again a draw—S.C.C , 224 —for whom C. A. Trouncer knocked up 101—and Teddington 137 for two wickets. Sc. Bartholomew’s Hospital was another sewing match, the medicos— (H. Buck 10"), H Scoones 43)—knocking up 262, and getting four of the Surbiton wickets down for 145, of which H. B. Richardson made 69 not out. The m e e tiD g with Streatham on the Wednesday proved a very close and well-contested game. The home team made 273, of which H. J. Davenport claimed 135, carrying hi* bat all through the innings, though the the light was verybad—the game had to te stopped for a short time. Streatham, at one time, looked as if they would get the runs, but after H. Leaf (94), N. Miller (64), and H. Barkworth (57) were sent back, the bowling got the upper hand, and, amid much ex­ citement, the last men were in when time was called— 252 for nine wickets. It wa« scarcely expected Wim­ bledon would sc re 311 for nine wickets on Thursday, everyone of the team getling into double figures, D. Forde being top with 70, but with Trouncer and Worsley absent, the club’s bowling was very weak. On going in to bat, however, they gave a very good account of themselves, scoring no less than 169 runs in about an hour and ten minutes. The rain at night just made the wicket suitable for J. Hearne’s bowling next day, the M.C.C. gaining an easy victory by 274 for nine wickets, against 78. Beyond C. H. Benton^’ 115 for the visitors, the individual scoring was not high. The best match of the week was un­ doubtedly ihat with Eiling on Saturday, wh<n a win by 1 run in favour of Surbiton was the result. The home club had a very powerful contingent, including G. W. Ricketts, C. A. Trouacer, R. P. Sewell, S S. Taylor, etc., but the rate of scoring was far lower than was anticipated, though the bowling and fielding of the visitors was distinctly good On August 1, the last match of the week was played with Ewell, when the visitors were victorious by 37 runs, chiefly through the 83 of E. Powley, who carried his bat through the innings, though a chance at the wicket should have caused his retirement much earlier. Clayton’s bowling for the home team was the most successful, as be secured five wickets for 51 runs. Run-getting: Surbiton, 1,472 runs for 62 wickets; average, 2 5. Visitors, 1.861 runs for 69 wickets; average, 26. T e d d in g t o n . SURBITON v. MARLBOROUGH BLUES.—Played at Surbiton on July 23. M a r l b o r o u g h B l u e s . K. B. Alexander, c Hussey, b Hill ... 85 J.C. Sale, c sub ,b Scarf 30 W .B. Windeler, b Hill 42 N. F. Druce, c Barwell, b Kussey.................62 W.H. Lindsay,c Scarf, b Bailey .................15 W . A. F. Rogers, c Bailey, b D ivenport 0 Major Ivatt, b Hussey 16 W . Mortimer, b Hill 9 S. A. P. Kitcat, absent 0 T. Domville, not out 12 B 9, lb 5 ..........14 Total . 285 S u r b i t o n . H .J.Davenport,cDom- ville, b Windeler ... Capt.A.J.Hill,cAlexan­ der, b Wiodeler J. A. E. Hickson, not out ........................ C. R.'Bai'ey, c sub., b Windeler................. 0 P. Castle, not out ... 71 B 8, lb 2, w 6 ... 16 Total ...179 Hussey, E. E. Barwell, Strachan, C. Scarf, Rev. A. E. Beavan and A. H. Haines did not bat. SURBITON v. TEDDINGTON.- on July 25. S u b b it o n . -Played at Surbiton C. A Trouncer. c Coal- bank, b Wil iams 101 H. J. Davenport, b Crowder .............. 14 H. B. Richardson, b Crowder .................17 Capt. A. J. Hill, c Wrigley, b Crowder 4 W. B. Windeler, b Denham ................. 5 P. Cattle, b Denham .. 1 R. L. Ricketts, not out 38 A. H. Haines, c Crow­ der, b Williams : G. H. Windeler, b Crowder ................. E. H. Newman, b Crowder ................. C. Scarf, c Wrigley, b Williams .......... B 14, lb 2 ............ : Total ...........2: N. E. F. Corbett, b Trouncer................. 0 F. E. Burrows, lbw, b Trouncer................. 4 A. J. Crowder, not out 73 H. B. Denham, W. Williams. P. Wrigley, E. E. Barwell, J. Bailey and M. Coalbank did not bat. E. Beldam, not out ... 50 B 8, w 1, nb 1 ... 10 Total (2 wkts.)137 SURBITON v. ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S HOS­ PITAL.—Played at Surbiton on July 26. S t . B a r t h o l o m e w ’ s H o s p it a l . J. C. Sale, c Richard­ son, b Bailey ..........37 R. Smith, b Trouncer 1 L. Orton, c Bailey, b W . Windeler ... 24 E. F. Rose, b W. W indeler................. 4 H. E. Scoones. c. Davenport, b Troun­ cer .......... ..........43 R. Mason, lbw, b Bailey H. Buck, b TrouncerlOO C. H. Turner, c Davenport, b Castle 3 H. E. Boyle, not out 20 H. W. Pank, b Castle ......... ... 10 Grinstead, st Rich­ ardson, b Trouncer 2 B4,lb 1, wb4, nb4 13 Total ...262 C. A. Trouncer, Rose ........................: P. Castle, c Grinstead, b Pank ................. H. B. Richardson, not out SUBBITON. R. L. Ricketts, b Rose 2 H. J. Davenport, c sub, b Buck ..........31 B 11 .................11 Total ...145 A. J. Hill, W. B. Windeler, G. H. Windeler, E. E. Barwell, Rev. C. R. Bailey and C, Scarf did not bat. SURBITON v. STREATHAM.—Played at Surbiton on July 27. S u b b it o n . E. E. Barwell, Thesiger .................20 H. J. Davenport, not out ........................135 H. B. Richardson, c and b SchwaTz ... 14 C. A. Trouncer, c Bur- lingham, b Thesiger 1 A. J. Hill, c Miller, b Thesiger ................. 7 P. Castle, b Schwarz .. 0 W. B. Windeler, b W est........................ W. F. Forsyth, c Lee, b Moore .................37 E. Andrew, b Lee ... 14 C: Scarf, c Leaf, b Miller ................. 5 Rev. A. E. Beavan, b Miller ................. 4 B 14, lb 1, w 1... 16 Total . 273 N. Miller, c Beavan, b Windeler.............. 64 H. Leaf, b Windeler... 94 R. Schwarz, b Hill ... 4 H. S. Barkworth, c Scarf, b Trouncer ... 57 E. T. Lee, c Beavan, b Trouncer ... ..........10 J. Remmington, b W indeler................. 0 E. R. Thesiger, st R ichardson, b Trouncer................. 4 20 S t r e a t h a m . G. Bur’iingham, lbw, b Windeler .......... J. Moore, not out ... T. O. Kerr, c Daven­ port, b Trouncer ... H. West, not out ... B 5, lb 2 .......... Total ..252 SURBITON v. WIMBLEDON.—Played at Surbiton on July 28. W im b l e d o n . D.R.Dangar, c Daven­ port, b W. Windeler 32 H. Ross, c Forsyth, b Hill ........................50 O. B. Martyn, c Taylor, b Hill........................10 Morgan, c Andrew, b W . Windeler ... 18 D. Forde, st Taylor, b Richardson ..........70 C. H. Sanders, b W. W indeler.................17 W .W .Leuchars,cFor­ syth, b Richardson 15 H.C.Bucknall,notout 32 H. B. Adderley, c Davenport, b Rich­ ardson .................18 A. Bulkeley, not out 5 J. A. Burrell, b W. W indeler............... 12 B 23, lb 4, w 5 ... 32 Total *Innings declared closed. S u r b ito n . ...*311 S. S. Taylor, not out 30 B 16, lb 4, w 1... 21 H. J. Davenport, Forde........................45 P. Castle, b Dangar ... 6 H. B. Richardson, not out ........................67 i W . B. Windeler, Capt. A. J. Hill, W . F. Forsyth, G. H. Windeler, E. E. Barwell, E. Andrew and Rev. A. E. Beavan did not bat. Total ...169 C. H. Benton, c Daven­ port, bW . Windeler 145 M. M. Barker, c sub., b G. Windeler..........34 J A. Peachey, run out 41 Davenport, b Trouncer 2 J. O. Fullerlove, c Tay­ lor, b W. Windeler 2 W . S. Morice, b W. W indeler................. 4 S u r b it o n . A. J. Hill, b Heame... 11 |P. Castle^ st H. J. Davenport, c Davenport, b Heame 0 H. B. Richardson, c Worsley, b Brown... 33 C. A. Trouncer, c Davenport, b Brown 16 S. S. Taylor, c Pochin, b Brown ................. 5 W.B.Windeler,run out 0 Daven­ port, b Hearne C.B.Wor8ley,bHearne G. H.Windeler,c andb Hearne ................. A.H.Haines,c Pochin, b Heame................. C. Scarf, not out B 1, lb 1 .......... Total ... 82 Second Innings:—P. Castle, c Davenport, b Wood, 9; A. H. Haines, not out, 10; C. Scarf, not out, 11.—Total (1 wkt.), 30. SURBITON v. EA.LING—Played at Surbiton on July 30. E a l in g . SURBITON v. M.C.C. AND GROUND.—Played at Surbiton on July 29. M.C.C. Total •Innings declared closed. *274 E. M. Martin, lbw, Trouncer................. 0 C. D. Hamilton, b Trouncer ................. 4 C. S. Littlejohn, c Taylor, b Trouncer... 27 W. G. Allcock, c New­ ton, b Ricketts ... 34 R. Topham, c sub, b Sewell........................ 0 E. H. Stanley,cTroun­ cer, b Sewell .......... 2 S urbit C. A. Trouncer, c Swaby, b Dangar ... 7 H. J. Davenport, c Allcock, b Jowitt ... 39 H. B. Richardson, b Dangar ................. 4 R. P. Sewell, c Cheatle, b Allcock.................. 11 G. W. Ricketts,’ b Cheatle ................. 23 J. A. Hickson, c Little­ john, b Jowitt........ 0 D. R. Dangar, lbw, b Trouncer ..........29 W . G. Cheatle, st Hickson, b Richard­ son ....................... 24 R. M. McQueen, lbw, b G. Windeler ... 7 E. Jowitt, b Trouncer 13 H. L. Swaby, not out 0 B 3, lb 2, wb 1, nb 1 7 Total ...147 Brown, c Scarf, b Trouncer................ 5 Major Pochio, b W. Windeler................. 0 E. F. Wood, not out 17 A. Worsley, lbw, b Trouncer................. 4 Heame, not ou t........ 12 B 7, lb 1 .......... 8 ON. J. F. Newton, c McQueen, b Jowitt 5 S. S. Taylor, c Cheatle b Allcock.................17 P. Castle, b Allcock... 27 W. B. Windeler, b Allcock ................. 0 G. H. Windeler, not out ........................ 1 B 9 ,lb l,w b l,o b 3 14 Total ..148 SURBITON August 1. v. EWELL.—Played at Surbiton on S u r b it o n . P. Castle, b Laurie ... 7 G. Windeler, c Powley, . _ .. J4 17 W. B. Windeler, c 1’Anson, b Smith ... 22 J. F. N ew ton , c Bridges, b Powley... 0 J, A. Hickson, c and b Laurie .................46 C A. Trouncer, c Raw- linson, b Smith ... 9 S. S. Taylor, c Rawlin- son, b Smith .......... 0 R. P. Sewell, c Raw- linson, b Harrowell 27 Second innings:—J. A. Hickson, lbw, b Perks 8 ; S. S. Taylor, b Perks, 26; P. Castle, not out, 9; C. Scarf, c Smith, b Perks, la ; L. J. Clayton, not out, 0 ; b 10, lb 4.—Total (3 wkts), 70. b Harrowell C. Scarf, c Perks, Harrowell H. A. Davenport, Harrowell................. 0 L. J. Clayton, not out 1 B 8, lb 5 ... 13 Total ...156 E w e l l . C. B. Smith, st Hick­ son, b Clayton..........18 E. Powley, not out ... 83 A. H. B rid g e s, b Trouncer................. 0 F. C. Smith, c Newton, b Clayton................. 9 A. J. Laurie, run out 20 A. Perks, c Castle, b Sewell ................. 2 H.Parbury, b Troun­ cer ................. ... 7 E. C. Sm ith,- b G. Windeler.. ......... 9 T. A. Rawlinson, c Newton, b Clayton 13 R. T. I’Anson, c Scarf, b Clayton................. 4 W. L. Harrowell, c Scarf, b Clayton ... 9 Total .. 174 SOUTHGATE v. BROXBOURNE.—Played at Southgate on July 30. B b o x b o u b n e . C. S. Knight, c BevVincent, b. W . T. ington. b Lewis ... G. F. Hamilton, b 37 Ricketts ................. 0 C. S. Simpson, c A. Ricketts .......... 28 Bevington, d W . T. A. Featherstone, b Ricketts................... 4 Lewis........................ 3 H. E. Holford, not H. M. Rogers, b Lewis 35 out ........................ 22 M. S. Rogers, b Lewis 5 H. Waters, b W . T. S. M. Knight, b A. Ricketts ................. 0 Ricketts ............. 1 — E. C. Nicholls, run 148 out ........................ 13 L. D. Smith, c M. S. Rogeis, b H. M. Rogers .................38 F. S. Lewis, lbw, b M. S. Rogers..........17 S. W. Scott, c Feather- stone, b Vincent ... 53 J. C. Bevington, lbw, b Vincent................. 9 H. Buck, b C. S. Knight .................56 G. B. Adams to bat. S o u t h g a t e . A. Ricketts,run out... 11 E. P. Sugden, b C. S, Knight .................42 W. T. Ricketts, b C. S. K n ight..........45 A. W. D. Coventon, not out ................. 7 A. S. Barrif*, not out 0 B17, lb 4, wb 1, nb5 27 305