Cricket 1898
312 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J il y 28, 1898. P I C K E R I N G S ’ “ B L A N C For Whitening all Articles of Buff or Buckskin Leather, inch aa Leg Guards, Gloves, Military Equipment, White Helmets, Gloves, Hunting Thongs, Whips, Cricket and Tennis ShoeB, Tennis Balls, &c., &c. I t is prepared in a very careful manner, and extra precautions are taken to insure AN EVENNESS OF COLOUR. I t contains nothing that w ill in any w ay injure the article to which it is applied, and if used as di rected a splendid white of a glossy satin- like appearance and soft silky surface is insured, which w ill not readily rub ofi. T he moulds o f ‘ ‘ B lanco ’ ’ are made in one size only, and w ill fit specially made zinc boxes, w hich are non-corrosive. ManufacturersJOSEPH PICKERING & SONS, £gH5, SHEFFIELD. L o n d o n O ffic e : ST . G E O R G E ’S H O U SE , E A S T C H E A P . T H E New Palace Steamers, L IM IT E D . ‘ LA MARGUERITE,’' “ ROYAL SOVEREIGN,” “ KOHINOOR,” “ LA BELGIQUE.” Regular Summer Sailings from Old Swan Pier (London Bridge) and Tilbury (train from Fenchurch Street) to SOUTHEND, MARGATE and RAMSGATE, BOULOGNE and OSTEND. For further particulars and fares, apply to T. E. BARLOW. Director and Manager, 50, King William Street, E.C. The AMERICAN CRICKET ANNUAL AND GOLF GUIDE P or 1 8 9 8 .—N in th Y ea r. C o n t e n t s :— “ Philadelphia^’ Tour in England,” by A. M. Wood ; ‘ Tour of P. F. Warner’s T*am in Ameiica,” by Jerome Flai.nery ; “ G of in 1897,” by H. L. Fitz patrick (golf editor, The Sun, New York); Reviews of the season’s play in the various cricket centres. 1y John B. Ilall, J. G. Davis, Fordham Morgan, Will Roffe, W . Fenwick; “ Cricket for W( men,” by Edith C. Hazen; Go f Records of the Season ; Records and Averages of the Chitf Clubs of the United States and Canada; Secretaries names and addresses i f the Cricket and Go’f Clubs of America, &c., &c “ The A n n u a l is arranged with the carefulness to detail and unvarying accuracy that always mark any thing which Mr. Flannery takes hold of .” — The New York Journal. Sent p .stage free on receipt of P.O.O. for 2s., or 60 cents. J E R O M E F L A N N E R Y , P.O. BOX, 1211, NEW YORK. “ l i AU l j S L T E ^ K I S ^ E C O L i b E C T I O f l S , ” By HERBERT CHIPP. Containing 144 pages, crown 8vo., of interesting reminiscences, with numerous portraits of noted past and present players. B ound in C loth, p rice 2 s .; P o s t fre e ,2 s. 2£d. M E R R IT T & HATCHER , LTD., 168, UPPER T H A M E S STR E E T , E.C. I t . «J. N l C O b l i S , ROBERTSERIDOE, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF THE AUTOMATIC BAT HANDLE T H E S E engravings L show the advantages this handle gives, as each curve forms a key or abutment against the elastic substance. Al though these handles are in two pieces from the shoulder to the blade, it is impossible to get them out of shape. Tlie bats, introduced in 1890, have been used by the best Cricketers of England, Australia, and New Zea land, as well as having been sent to India ana Africa, and the universal testimony is thatnothing has ever been brought into the Cricketingworld to give such advantages to the batsman in cutting and driving powers. N o t i c e in c a s k o f I n f r in g e m e n t . — The Patentee does not bindhim self to any number o f curves. IB, Yictoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. October 6th , 1895. D ear S ir ,—I used one of your bats at Hastings in 1894 and scored 131. I may mention it was perfectly new. I kept it until this year, and have scored over 2,000 runs with it. I used it when I made my 100th century, and scored a 1,000 runs in May with it, so I think I may call it my record bat. This year, at Hastings, I scored 104 with another of your bats, and hope it will turn out as well as the old one. Yours truly, To. Mr. L. J. Nicolls. W . G. GRACE. In ordering Bats give the size o f handle by measuring round handle; and mention weight. These Bats will be sold as Nos. 1,2, and 3, so that Clubs can make an easy purchase. LAWS OF THE GAME. Price, Id. “ Cricket 91 Office , 168, Upper Thames St., E.C. H. GRADIDGE, PATENTEE AND SOLE M AKER OF THE CELEBRATED “IMPERIAL DRIVER BAT. Patent No. 27,336. Patent No. 27,336. Used by Prince Ranjitsinhji, A. C. MacLaren, Esq., N. F. Druce, Esq., F. S. Jackson, Esq., A. J. Webbe, Esq., and all the leading Players in the Kingdom. Fac to ry : ARTILLERY PLACE, WOOLWICH, S .E . nted and Published for the Proprietor by M e r r i t t & H a t c h e r , L t d . , 167, 168, and 169, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C , July 28ih, 1898.
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