Cricket 1898

J u l y 28, 1898. CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 311 GOLDSMITHS’ INSTITUTE v. NOBTHBROOK. —Played at New Cross on July 23. G o l d sm it h s *. . M. Wood, c Kennard, b Wood .................16 W .8. Murrell, bFoston 4 J. P. Mollard, b Foston 0 W. B. Leaver, c Ken­ nard, b Foston ... 5 A. Holmes, b Foston... 31 W. H. Manley, run out 5 H. Mayo, c Wood, b Foston .................26 H. Y. Bullock did not bat. *Innings declared closed. N o r t h b r o o k . W. H. Joanes, b Wright ................13 H. Holmes, c Foston, b W right................. 7 S. J. Holmes, not out 10 B 12, lb 5, w 1, nb 1 19 Total (9 wkts.) *136 A. B. Bacon, b 8. Holmes ................. 1 A. Kennard, b Bullock 0 G.A.Wood, c Mollard, b S. Holmes .......... 5 F. J. Buck, run out ... 0 A. H. Woolmer, c Bul­ lock, b 8. Holmes ... 0 W. Harris, c Joanes, b S. Holmes................. 0 B.R. Scully, b Bullock E. R. Wright, c Mayo, b 8. Holmes .......... F. W . Foston, not out G. B. Wright, b 8. Holmes ................. 8. Callow, b Bullock B 2, lb 1, w 1 ... Total .......... GOLD3MITHS’ INSTITUTE (2) v. KENT HOUSE PARK.—Played at Beckenham on July 23. G o ld s m ith s ’ (2). W. Falkner, run out... 2 A. Balwin, c Finch, b Stembridge .......... 1 B. Jenkins, c Stem­ bridge, b Finch .. 18 E. J. Lander, run out 16 W. F. Dray, c Finch, b Stembridge........ 0 J. C. Green, not out... 25 G. Ellis, b Stembridge 0 W . Stanton, c Stem­ bridge, b Finch ... 10 F. Bowler, c McKay, b F in ch ...................... 14 C. L Botten, b Finch 9 Gaite, c Finch, b Blake 0 B 7, lb 4, w 1 ... 12 Total ...107 McKay, c Baldwin ................. Stembridge, b Jenkins Finch, c Dray, b Bald­ win ... ... i.. Gray, b Baldwin........ Hull, b Baldwin......... Ovenden, b Jenkins ... K e n t H o u s e P a r k . Botten, b Calcut, run out ........ 8 8 Malin, b Jenkins 0 0 Blake, run out ......... 7 Matthew, b Baldwin 0 5 Whiting, not out 1 19 B 9, lb 1, nb 1 .. 11 0 — 8 Total ........ 67 CRYSTAL PALACE v. LEATHERHEAD.—Played at the Palace on July 23. L e a t h e r h e a d . Capt. Lowis, c Camp­ bell, b Umney......... 2 E. Whinney, c Moran, b Cosens .................18 W. Hewlins, b Moran 14 H. L. Rogers, c Clarke, b Umney.................15 F. Mairyles, b Moran 10 E. Utterton, c Dillon, b Moran .................18 B. L. Hue-Williams, c Dillon, b Moran .. F. Sturt, c Umney, b Cosens ................. C. Smith, c Campbell, b Cosens ................. H.W.Gordon.bMoran R. V. Alcock, not out Extras................. C r y s t a l P a l a c e . Total ...102 F. A. B. Anderson, b Lowis..................... 61 E. Guy Turner,b Lowis 52 J.M.Campbell,cLowis, b Alcock ................ 16 C. Mitchell, c Hewlins, b A lcock .................87 J. H. Todd, b Lowis . 0 W. E. Moran, c and b L tw i's ........................10 Rev. K. Clarke, cHew- iins, b Sturt ......... 18 H L. Turner, c Whin­ ney, b Alcock........10 Dr. W. F. Umney, b Alcock ................. 9 R. H. Dillon, not out 3 G. Cosens, c atid b A l­ cock ........................ 8 Extras...............12 Total .......286 LOUDON, CHATHAM&DOVER RAILWAY. CANTERBURYJJRICKET WEEK. The quickest route to Canterbury is from V i c t o r i a and H o l b o r n . Cheap Return Ticket* daily by Express Train at 10.5 a m. from Victoria, and 10a m. from Holfcom. R E T U R N F A R E : - First Class, 14s.; Third Class, 8 s. Returning the same or following day. O * A U G U S T B AM K H O L I D A Y Special Excursion at 7 am . from V i c t o r i a and H o l b o r n to Canterbury. Return Fare 5s., Third Class, Returning the same day only by Special Train. u _____ % ^ANITAS E mbrocation . IN BOTTLES, 8 d> 1 / - & 2 / 6 Of a ll Chemists. FOR Aches Pains Sprains Bruises Stiffness Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism A N D Veterinary _ , __ use. « S O L E M A N U F A C T U R E R S : THE SAN ITAS CO., LIMITED, B E T H N A L G R S ^ N . F , O N D O N , E . Try it once, and you w ill never use any other ! It is magnificent 1 Acts like a charm! “ An exceedingly nice preparation.” —A. J. SEWELL, M .R.C.V.S. “ I have little doubt that ‘ Sanitas Em brocation’ will come into prominent favour as a stable requisite, and for various other purposes, human and veterinary.” — (Prof.) WOODROFFE H IL L , F.R .C .V .S. iMASON ’ S ThVornycPuaren'e“ 1 Never known to Fail. K illcorn Sold by all Chemists, Stores, &c., Price 1/- per bottle, or post free from < . the Proprietor, 3 Guildford St., Leeds. 1 Owing to pressure on our space, we are compelled to hold oyer several club scores* THY REVOLUTION IN Cigarette Paper Books EACH LEAF READY TO HAND FOR USE. A T 1 U TOBACCONISTS.