Cricket 1897

184 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. J une 3, 1897. [S THE] BEST PICK=ME=UP AFTER EXERTION, AND A SINE QUA NON IN THE KITCHEN. Always look for the BLUE SIGNATURE, there are imitations. H L E C M K T S 0 N (23 years Lancashire XI.) Practical Sports Outfitter CRICKET D flT C A.W.’s “ C o u n t y ,” 18/6. Used by many County Players. Scores of Testimonials received for these Bat8 from all parts of the World. CRICKET BALLS, A.W.’s “ S pe c ia l ,” 3/11each, 44/- doz. A.W.’s “ S uperior M a tc h ,” 4/0 each, 50/- doz. A.W.’s “ S ilk S kw n ,’ 5 6 each, 60/ doz. A.W.’s “ C o lo n ia l,” rrd all through. 5/9 each, 63/- doz. A.W.’s “ S c h o o l” CRICKET BATS, A.W.’s “ S elected S pring H an d le ,” 16/6, is equal to any patent. A.W.’s “ C lub ,” Cane and Rubber Handle, 10/6 A.W.’s A.W. supplies every requisite for Tennis, Croquet, Golf, Archery, Badminton, &c., &c. A.W. supplies every article for Lawn Bowls, Quoits, Stumps, Bags, Nets, Racquets, Gauntlets, Leg Guards, Fives, and all Cricket Requisites, WaterPolo, at Lowest Prices. &c., &c. Running and Cycle Racing Costumes and all Athletes Requirements. Send for A.W.’sSummer Sports Catalogue. Best quality goodsat reasonable prices and all guaranteed 35, O xfo rd S tre e t, M a n c h e ste r. FRANK SUGG [Lancashire County Player, North and All-England Elevens.) The LANCASHIRE WITCH Bat. Unequalled, 17/6. BATS, full size, all cane, 3/11, 5/6, 7/6, 10/-, 12/6, 15'-, 17/6, 21/-. Running Drawers and Vests, 1/- each, in all colours. Match Balls, 3/6, 4/6, b/-. Stumps, from 2/3 to 7/6. Leg-guards, from 3/6to 10/6 perpair. Batting Gloves, from3/6 to 7/6 per pair. Gauntlets, from 2/11 to 8/6. Gauntlets (rubber­ faced), from 6/6 to 10/6. Cricket Bags, from 4/6 to 16/6. Cricket Bags (solid leather), from 20/-to 50/-. Back Nets, from 10/6to22/6. Boots, from 7/11 to 22/6. Shoes, from 2/11to 7/6. Shirts, from 1/6 to 6/6. Trousers, from 4/6, 6/6to 16/-. Sweaters, from £/ll to 7/9. Belts, from43d. to 1/-. Caps, from 6d. to1/6; withmonogram, from 1 /- Send for NewCatalogueof Cricket, Tennis, Croquet, Golf, &c., to the Pioneer o f Low Prices fo r Reliable Goods—Not Rubbish. 32, LORD STR-tT, LIVERPOOL. w i t c h !' City&SouthLondonRailway. T o the O V A L in 10 M inutes. T r a v e l b y t h e E l e c t r i c R ai lw ay— T r a i n s e v e r y f o u r m i n u t e s . F a r e 2 d . THOMAS C. JENKIN, G e n eral M a n a g e r . T ENTS ! Army Bell Tents, 13 feet diameter, with Pole Pegs, .Ropes, etc., 17/6 and 21/-. In good conditioh. W ood & Son, Contractors, Brandon Street, Walworth. SLAZENGER & SONS, L a u r e n c e P o u n t n e GANNONSTREET, LONDON, E.C. T h e “ DEMON ” CR ICK E T BA T . Db. W. G . G race writes :— “ Your Demon Cricket Bats are very good, and I thoroughly approve of them in every way. I intend using them .” Special Quality - - - 217- Ordinary - - - - 15/* T h e “ S L A Z E N G E R ” M ATCH B A L L . Hand-made throughout. Composed of best material only, and warranted to keep its shape longer than any other Price, 5/6 each. To be obtained from all Dealers. Write for Illustrated Sports List. General Steam Navigation Co., 5 5 , G r o a t T o w e r S t r e e t , E . C • Royal Naval Review by Her Majesty the Queen. A t S P I T H E A D , 2 6 t h JU N E The Company will dispatch their Full-Powered Steamships, Hirondelle, 3,500 tons capacity, 2,600 I.H.P., and Peregrine, 3,000 tons capacity, 3,0C0 I.H.P., lighted byelectricity,and havingspaciousand comfortable Saloons and State-rooms, Music and Smoking-rooms, Bath-rooms, and all the latest improvements for the comfort and convenience of Passengers, TO SPITHEAD AND BACK. These Vessels will leave Irongate Wharf (Tower Bridge) at noon, and Gravesend (L.C. and D. Railway Pier) about 3p.m., after thearrival of the trainsfrom Victoria and HolbornViaductStations,onFriday, the day beforethe Review, proceeding to Spithead,where theywill arrivethenextmorning, and,aftertheNaval Review and Illuminations, will proceed (weather per­ mitting) in theearlymorning ofSundayround theIsle ofWight ortheChannelIslands,andreturn toGraves­ end,where theymaybe expected to arrive at aconve­ nienthour on Sunday evening or Monday morning. The number of Passengerswill bestrictlylimitedto the ships’sleeping accommodation. Cabin Plans can be seen and accommodation allotted on application. Fares£7 7s.including provisions (wine bill excepted). 'TEN T8! TENTS!-Suitable for Gardens, Cricket, I or Camping-out purposes. Forty feet incircum­ ference; pegs, poles, mallet, and lines complete (with tent bag included). These tents are white, and have only been used a little by Her Majesty’s Government, and originally cost over £6 each. I will send onecomplete for 25s. Can besent on approval. N.B.— I have a quantity of tents from l£s. to 20s. each, but the tents which please my customers are those I endout at 25s. each. Carriage paid. Price list of marquees (any size) post free.— H e n r y J ohn G asson , Government Contractor, Rye, Sussex. T HE SURREY XI. IN 1896. A Descriptive Record of the Matches played in that Season. With Full Scores, Batting and Bowling Averages, &c., and a Portrait Group of the Team. 75pp. Price4d. net. At all bookstalls; and post free, 5d., fromMerritt and Hatcher, 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C.