Cricket 1897

176 CRICKET : A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. M ay 27, 1897 T H E M O S T N U T R I T I O U S COCCA. E P P S ’ S G R A T E F U L - C O M F O R T IN G . C O C O A WITH FULL NATURAL FLAVOUR. REPORT SHEETS For Reporting Matches to Newspapers POST FREE, lOd. PERDOZEN. O R D E R -O F -G O IN G -IN CARDS 6d. F E B D O Z E N . “ C R IC K E T ” OFFICE, 168, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C. Li. d. N l C O h h S , ROBERTSBR IDGE, P A T E N T E E A N D M A N U F A C T U R E R O F T H E AUTOMATIC BAT HANDLE T H E S E engravings L showthe advantages < this handle gives, as « each curve forms a key * or abutment against the ! elastic substance. Al­ though thesehandlesare in two pieces from the shoulder to the blade, it f is impossible to getthem out of shape. The bats, introduced in 1890, have been used by the best Cricketers of England, Australia, and New Zea­ land, as well as having been sent to India and Africa,andthe universal testimonyisthatnothing has ever been brought into theCricketingworld to give such advantages to thebatsmanincutting and driving powers. N o t i c e in c a s e of I n fr in g e m e n t . — The Patentee does not bind him­ self to any number o f curves . 15, Victoria Square, Clifton, Bristol. October 6th, 1895. D e a r S ir , — I used one of your bats at Hastings in 1894 and scored 131. I may mention it was perfectly new. I kept it until this year, and have scored over 2,000runs with it. I used it when I made my 100th century, and scoreda 1,000runs in May with it, so I think I may call it my record bat. This year, at Hastings, I scored 104with another of your bats, and hope it will turn out as well astheold one. Yours truly, To. Mr. L. J. Nicolls. W. G. GRACE. In ordering Bats give the size o f handle by measuring round handle; and mention weight. These Bats will be sold as Nos. 1,2, and 3, so that Clubs can make an easy purchase. « T . L Y O N S & S O N ' S , 22 & 23, REDCROSS ST., CRIPPLEGATE, LONDON AND 8, CHURCH ST., MANCHESTER. MANUFACTURERS OF REGISTERED MARYLEBONE & ALL ENGLAND CR ICKETING BAGS, GOLF CADDIES & FOOTBALL BAGS- CYCL 5 8A D D L E 8 & ACCE SSOR IE S. (C R IC K E T ! CAU TIO N ! Messrs. J. LYO NS and SONS, 22 ^ and 23, Red Cross-street, Cripplegate, London, E.C., and 8, Church-street, Manchester, Manufacturers of the ORIGINAL R e g is t e r e d M a r y leb o n e and A l l E n gland C r ic k e t B a g c, regret that they have to caution the public against purchasing bags pirating their designs of inferior quality. None are genuine unless bearing the registered trade mark stamped on the bottom of each, bag, viz., “ T h e M a r y le ­ b o n e ” and “ TH E ALL ENGLAND.’’ To be obtained from all respectable cricketing establishments, or wholesale of the above. Price Lists upon application. P R I C K E T ! C A U T I O N ! “ THE MARYLEBONE” CRICKET b a t b a g (Registered No. 7,351) and “ THE A L L E N G L A N D ” (Registered No. 7,352). Any person making use of these titles without our authority will render themselves liable to legal proceedings.—J. LYONS AND SONS, 22 and 23 , Red Cross-street, Cripplegate, London, E.C., and 8, Church-street, Manchester. A p o l o g y . M essrs J. Lyons and Sons. Gentlemen,— If I have in any way infringed your rights by using the word Marylebone in invoice of cricket bags, I apologise for having done so. I was, however, ignorant that the word was used by you as a Trade Mark, and I will lor the future discontinue the use of it as applied to bags of my manufacture. I am, Gentlemen, yours obediently, (Signed) BENJAMIN ANKRRTT, Kidderminster. W ANTED, at once, two copies of title and index to Cricket , Yol. XII. (1893).—W.M., Cricket Office, 168, Upper Thames Street, E.C. CRICKET & LAWN TENNIS. S E A S O N 1 8 9 7 . M e s s r s . COLLINS beg to direct attention to their SERIES of CRICKET SCORING and LAWN TENNIS BOOK8. They are made of their well- known “ SIGHT-PRESERVING” PAPER, and being printed in dark greenink. the glare of the sun upon the page is materially lessened. Each book contains the amended Laws of the Gameaspassed by the Marylebone Cricket Club. T h e UNRIVALLED C rick et Scoring? B o o k s Retail Price s. d. The “ New Limp” Pocket Scoring Book, size 7in. by 14in., 31innings .................... 0 6 The “ Handy,” a compact littlebookfor pocket sizeSin. by 3fin., with spacefor 29innings, neatly bound ....................................... 0 6 The “ Pocket,” size 7in. by 4in., 55 innings, neatly bound ....................................... 1 0 The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by 10in.f neat fancycovers, 30innings.....................0 6 The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by 10in., bound in cloth, 62innings .....................1 0 The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by 10in., bound in cloth, 100innings.....................1 6 The “ Unrivalled,” quarter bound, cloth sides, flush, turned in .......................................3 The “ Unrivalled,” oblong, size 12in. by 10in., half bound roan, cloth sides, very strong, 200innings ....................................... 4 0 Collins* Sh illing: P a ck et o f “ U n riv a lled ” C rick et Scorin g: S h e e ts. Containing 18sheets of two innings each, size 12by 10inches, with the Laws of the Game. In stiff cover, price Is. C ollins' R e p o rte rs’ M a n ifo ld Scoring: S h e e ts. Perforated, &c. Four copies can bewritten at onoe. Price Is. Post Free, Is. 2d. L aw n T e n n is Scorin g: B ook. The “ Pocket,” size 8in. by 5in., 40matches, strongly bound, 6d. each. LONDON AND GLASGOW. William Collins, Sons & Co., Limited. ^ L I M A N ' S l i m m a t c s p a i n TrepareHonlyJy MBKOCATION v l°g y fi n A I. ^ \ \ ly | ft JE m jjx d RANSOSVUES’ LAWN MOWERS A R E THE B E S T . N ew De signs, New P a tte rn s, N ew Ad ju stm en ts, and N ew P a te n t S p r in g Handles. Pony machines Horse Power do. 26in. and 30in. wide 30in. to 48in. ,, Prices from £14 Also the Best Machines for Hand Power. RANSOMES, SIMS, & JEFFERIES , Ltd., IPSWICH . SPRING BEARING FRAME ENLARCED VIEW OF PATENT SPRING Printed for the Proprietor by M e s s r s . M e r r it t & H a t c h e r , 167, 168, and 169, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C., May 27th, 1897.